Alan Watts | The Spiritual Odyssey of Aldous Huxley

Alan Watts | The Spiritual Odyssey of Aldous Huxley

Art of Zentrification

6 месяцев назад

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@MichaelRogers424 - 15.08.2024 17:36


@johnetgar1217 - 15.08.2024 19:05

I felt similarly after reading Eyeless in Gaza, in that it was given to some uncharacteristic exploration of the divine realm. It bothered me I think because I was at the time somewhat of a fundamentalist atheist, but also because it felt like a terrible blemish on his massive talent.

@justinbirkholz - 16.08.2024 20:03

This is awesome. Island is one of my favorite books. It really is something special.

@TheRotnflesh - 17.08.2024 16:13

We live in a Brave New World...and upon that Brave New World was built a 1984, where we commit Fahrenheit 451.

Its time to write a new book.

@johntreat8893 - 17.08.2024 17:08

I absolutely hate reading huxely, his books make me so uncomfortable. That being said his influence on our modern progressive view of drugs seems to be very influenced by him. I dont know if people repeat his argument or he repeats common arguments surrounding drugs but it feels so dull to me. I feel like i heard his argument everywhere.

So i have alot of respect for the dude. It is very interesting to see his view change on drugs as he ages, from bravery new world to doors of perception to island.

@rcnotes - 17.08.2024 18:25

The captions are funny, but somehow I’m not amused.

@MarkRad-g1b - 22.10.2024 19:43

The captions you add are annoying because they are often incorrect. Please leave out the captions and allow us to listen undistracted by incorrect transcriptions. Thanks.
