Parents Explain Gender | Parents Explain | Cut

Parents Explain Gender | Parents Explain | Cut


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@andrew_omara5759 - 05.06.2018 07:03

Title should be changed to "Parents Explain Delusion"

@Lone432345 - 05.06.2018 09:54

I take that everyone who subscribes to this channel is a west coast extreme progressive that are so far left. It make sane normal liberals shake there heads in disappointment.

@TheMagoian - 05.06.2018 15:12

what rubbish is this? whats going on in America?

@katiemoon8008 - 05.06.2018 22:31

Do not tell kids this oh my gosh stop

@katiemoon8008 - 05.06.2018 22:32

This is not ok to tell kids

@eltiocartman8712 - 06.06.2018 03:55

Fucking parents .l.

@certifiedschizophrenic8598 - 06.06.2018 07:40

You guys are insane

@dashjustice1148 - 06.06.2018 19:47

Just sickening - those poor kids....

@blu4able360 - 06.06.2018 21:10

This is genuinely child abuse. Those people should not have the right to talk to children.

@arthurhoglund7968 - 06.06.2018 22:20

I fell bad for the kids... They get brainwashed

@rb6forlife286 - 07.06.2018 00:07

Wow the parents don’t even know

@yelnickmcwawa5858 - 07.06.2018 03:00

Who are you sick bastards? This is really fucked up this is child abuse

@toejaysimpson2290 - 07.06.2018 08:41

Im a girl and I’m not girly, but I identify as a girl the fuck. Just cause I’m not girly doesn’t mean I’m in the middle.
I support everyone and I hope that everyone is happy. But don’t force me.

@fleyx5044 - 07.06.2018 18:48

this chanel would be better if deleted

@omid25nn_ - 07.06.2018 23:05

3 year old calls boys "Strong and fearless!" His mother proceeds to 'prove him wrong' by arm wrestling him. Where has all the logic gone?

@laurastarling2510 - 08.06.2018 05:18

What the hell? First of all as a kid I never had to have a talk from my parents as to who’s a boy or girl. This is ridiculous! Props to that red haired girl for going back with her mom.

@sarahlyev - 08.06.2018 15:53

Wow. Apparently there needs to be a video explaining gender identity to adults in the comment section. I usually try not to read comments on videos that cover these type of topics and this is why. The comment section on this video is heartbreaking... i have found very few positive comments. Therefore, if you have something negative about what I’m going to say: you can skip it because it’s most likely already been said here.
This is a video of parents trying to explain something very complicated and very personal to their children. It is important that children understand they do not have to be put in boxes and that they really have SO many options. For some reason people seem to be really disgusted by these concepts when I know most people don’t fit perfectly snug in the binary, themselves. I’m trying to tell myself that maybe people are just scared of the labels. But please understand this: it is NOT child abuse to explain to a child that they can be anything they want to be. For example: being a child who was assigned female who does not like pink or a child who was assigned male who wants to wear a dress is totally fine... and i really do not see why not. It is, however, child abuse to tell a child they have to be someone they don’t want to be and continuously deprive them of the things they want to wear or want to play with because of the gender they were assigned. Yes, there will be plenty of children who don’t particularly need this allowance but there will also be plenty of children who do. It is also important that the next generation is raised knowing not to bully and knowing how to understand people who are different. If your child was not fitting into gender stereotypes, i’m not sure why you would you really force them to and what the benefits of doing so would be.
But regardless, thank you to CUT for fearlessly and beautifully covering topics like this and showing the parts that are confusing alongside the parts that have clarity. The content on CUT continues to impress me. I found this video honest, raw and absolutely beautiful.

@ayyuh1936 - 08.06.2018 22:06

God why was I born in this generation like fuck me man

@kavustock - 08.06.2018 22:06

Pants. On. The. Head. And downright scary that anyone thinks its okay to do this to children.

@fuzzy4053 - 09.06.2018 18:46

Isnt this funny 14k dis likes and 3k likes, you mustve never passed bio in grade school

@robertfitzmaier6718 - 09.06.2018 20:49

So you guys lost a subscriber because of this bullshit liberal context that you are trying to instill in kids.

@MetroidPurples - 10.06.2018 03:26

The dislikes, thank god people arent buying into this shit.

@dibril6404 - 10.06.2018 14:19

all of these parents are so fucking biased...CUT you fucked up...

@anticringepolice - 11.06.2018 04:44

As a true classic liberal, these fucks are embarrassing. The new left's obsession with equality in identity is terrifying

@milkyhomunculus7371 - 11.06.2018 05:10

I feel bad for these children

@breadsandwich1469 - 11.06.2018 07:15

You disgusting "parents" will burn in hell for the corruption of young minds.

@Silver_925_ - 11.06.2018 09:13

No to all of this

@stinkyassclown4602 - 11.06.2018 16:04

I do 100% agree with teaching your kids about gender identity and how for some people even though their biological sex is one thing, their gender identity could be the opposite, and what being transgender, etc. But tbh I think a lot of these kids are too young mostly. I mean I didn’t even know what it was til I was 12 and still was confused. I just think this talk should be a bit later down the road, because I think at this age all this is, is just confusing to them. In some cases, this talk could be warranted to come earlier but that doesn’t really seem the case here.

@orlvndo - 11.06.2018 17:24

These kids are too fucking young in the first place.why not wait and let them figure shit out for themselves.

@finngotcher1895 - 11.06.2018 19:15


@TheC1O - 11.06.2018 20:27

this is so fucked up

@brotistic3947 - 11.06.2018 20:33

This is child abuse

@karebear78 - 12.06.2018 04:08


@lxrdbeanie1624 - 12.06.2018 08:32

No girl on the planet that we live on has a penis they failed to deliver the message

@erykcourntey-morgan8831 - 12.06.2018 14:36

WTF did I just watch

@jessetomas4083 - 12.06.2018 17:31

You can teach your kids whatever you want to but maybe if you introduce this idea too early it'll impact their decision on whether or not they actually agree with you, or even worse if they truly identify as the opposite gender. It's rad that you are breaking down stereotypes for your kids, but the boy who uses "they/them" pronouns probably did not come to that realization on his own, identity is an incredibly complex philosophical idea and simplifying it at such a young age is a bad call.

@assholus228 - 13.06.2018 04:56

Absolutely disgusting, what happened to classical liberalism.

@emil.4685 - 13.06.2018 10:38

I’m happy to see that parents explains to kids but I mean what about intersex people they mean a gender I just feel like we need to support them as well

@erickhan6349 - 13.06.2018 23:53

Reported as child abuse

@gregh4150 - 14.06.2018 00:12

That was kinda cringy

@jessemurphy6150 - 14.06.2018 10:24

Why the fuck would you arm wrestle a five year old to prove your strong

@sombie9136 - 14.06.2018 19:23

“I cool”

@djvianu - 14.06.2018 22:23

BuzzFeed 2 ?
