Confucianism - Evolution and Spread to Vietnam, Korea & Japan - Hundred Schools of Thought

Confucianism - Evolution and Spread to Vietnam, Korea & Japan - Hundred Schools of Thought

Cool History Bros

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@gbennett58 - 14.08.2021 15:25

I've been watching Korean dramas lately and wanted to understand how Confucianism has led to the problems in Korean society. It seems to me that the basic problem is that people with high status tend to use their position to enrich themselves and their families at the expense of their subordinates. Confucianism only works when everyone, high and low, participate willingly. Unfortunately, human nature being what it is, power corrupts, absolutely.

@huwinner2428 - 19.08.2021 15:16

Finally somebody who recognizes Vietnam as a significant part of the sinosphere

@davidjacobs8558 - 05.09.2021 06:36

周禮全經釋原 卷八

@MatheusCayresdeMello - 13.09.2021 07:20

If confucionism still thinks about women as lower than man, then we can move on. Even Taliban can't take their rights anymore

@emeraldnighthawk4733 - 09.11.2021 06:47

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! This video proved to be more useful to the spread of Confucianism than the other documents I searched up on Google. This video saved me from becoming clueless for a project.

@christopherellis2663 - 11.11.2021 01:07

Philosophies grow and change, and touch upon all manner of things.

@leehaseley2164 - 13.11.2021 02:33

A fantastic video showing just how dynamic Confucianism has been and how it would have become irrelevant hadcit not, knowingly or otherwise, been influenced by Taoism(thank you Meng-tzu the punk-rocker of Confucianism), Buddhism and even, gosh horror, Christianity(you didn't show this but Religion for Breakfast has an equally awesome video that all should watch).

@gofar5185 - 26.11.2021 09:41

per political viewpoints, your lecture is fair and satisfactory political spread of confucius teachings... per scholars' viewpoints, confucius teachings is a struggle for non-violence existence... but that because the material world is yin and yang with five elements, total non-violence is an ILLUSION in the material world... the way is to struggle to reduce violence starting from the rulership down to the lowest commoner... the knowledge, that time and the universe is infinite, the solution to reduce violence is making shaping civilization as everlasting as time... that just as humans by marriage offsprings as continuity of humans existence, spiritual masters/teachers for non-violence in the making shaping everlasting civilization as time, accept disciples/students and so goes on... to add, as political peoples who hold the reigns of central leadership made use of confucius teachings and other enlightenment teachings for gaining support of the general masses adjusting many teachings for their political positions benefits, enlightened masters and enlightened scholars moved on for reducing violence in the direction of a STABLE civilization... comes lao tzu... that the cosmic nature/universe is to be connected with humans for a harmonious and prosperous civilization... comes sun tzu... a stable harmonious prosperous civilization need knowledge of RIGHTEOUS warfare... sun tzu saw rulers indulge themselves to wars lacking justifications... note: sages before confucius were yoga mentored and buddha mentored... as to the written books and popularized gautama buddha, i have nothing to say... i only know that confucius is a disciple of boddhidharma teachings...

@halfmanhuang2029 - 15.12.2021 07:51

The communism in Chinese features, the PRC said, is exactly the new form of Confucianism.

@talorzwilliamz4134 - 29.01.2022 23:12

Do Shingon Buddhism!

@cale7306 - 31.01.2022 21:57

Japanese thought* Manchu’s are barbaric? interesting 🤔

@zixinxia194 - 09.02.2022 11:24

Duke of Zhou is actually a Taoist. Duke jiang is famous for fishing without hooks touching the water.

@muhamadirfanisamily7663 - 16.02.2022 10:29

South East Asia Muslim

@johncu7101 - 22.02.2022 13:35

Funny China is now the least Confucianist country in Asia

@sdk1991zzang - 27.02.2022 20:11

Damn Viets look so southern tho. I thought only ckj were the only true east asians.

@benthomason3307 - 28.02.2022 05:36

Speaking as a Westerner, Confucius always read to me like a shining beacon of human decency in a culture with a long history of draconian figures. Also, the advocation that women deserve a good, comprehensive education, that they should not be forbidden to learn the use of weapons, and that knowledgeable and capable women made for a better society all seem to me like radically progressive ideas for a man in a culture where a woman was considered subservient to even her adult sons.

@hermitkrabz9383 - 01.03.2022 12:14

You should have turned off comments with any educational videos because some people will take the opportunity to trolls other. This then lead to a fight or cyberbullying. We don't need more fights in this world. 🙏 Even with sharing some of the same philosophy there will always be people with bad manners. "Tiên học lễ, hậu học văn." Nhân lễ nghĩa trí tín không có thì sao cảm hóa lòng người.

@realchinachina2539 - 24.04.2022 10:37


@realchinachina2539 - 24.04.2022 10:41

Confucius is evil make us get foolish and weak. But wang Yang Ming are very advanced And some of his thought same to west philosophy

@quantrinhhong3125 - 14.06.2022 08:31

越南𢧚羅𠬠分𧵑亞東𣄒現在 (空只𥢅過去), 外地理吧氣候𧵑奴時各重面如文化, 歷史, 𡥵𠊚, 本色民族,... 調空屬塳東南亞, 碎𧡊越南羅𠬠國家亞東吧𢝙𠇍條呢 ! 𡗅𩈘遺傳學時𣄒𠌨Vinmec㐌公布𪘵𠊚越𠏳𠊚泰, 分碎時仕空呐之𡗅役棟咍差仍些𢧚注意𠊚泰分𡘯移居自云南, 廣西中國遶各材料研究歷使民族, 本身𢩜(𠊚泰)拱諸承認如丕吧𠊚越南拱移居自廣東中國, 爲世可能高羅𣎏𠃝𡗉事相同, 𠊚泰分𡘯𦤾自南中, 呐遺傳𠊛越𠏳𢩜時拱如𠬠𡥵塘𥿺奇 ! 𡧲𠬠𠦳𢆥北屬, 越南屬中國吧𢩜㐌𤯨拱貝民越, 事相同𡗅遺傳𠇍𠊚南漢吏羅𠬠可能高空恪之𠊚相同𠇍泰人. 𡤓低𠓨𢆥2019, 院研究人種學吧進化Max Planck𧵑德吧大學Lion(法國)㐌朱𠚢結果㖫𠊛越屬各部族東亞古大𡧲瀾㳥移居自花南2500𢆥𦤾4000𢆥𠓀, 條呢㐌得登載𨑗MBE生學分子吧進化. 當然判察𣅶呢羅過𣋽, 仍各研究𨑗朱些𧡊𪘵現在𠱋羅Vinmec咍Max Planck𡗅遺傳𠊚越時拱調呐𨑗事相同𠇍貝南中國, 外形吧𣟂𩈘𠊚越拱慄𠏳𠇍日本, 中國(常羅南中), 𠮩𣎏哀訥𠊚越𠏳泰時拱只羅塘𥿺, 𠏳馬來各次時𢧚注意, 𠊛華生𤯨慄𡗉拱如𢌊待𣄒各渃如泰,馬來四亞,... 爲世𠮩空固丐𥆾技倆仕𣉷𢹇差懍. 越南𣎏化亞東, 𡥵𠊚, 本色民族, 𣄒本身倅時仕㫻承認越南屬東亞, 仍群𡗅𩈘地理, 氣候時東南亞羅條當然 ! 感恩爲諸關心𦤾越南𡮈𡮣呢吧祝各伴𠬠𣈗幸福 !❤❤❤

@TheHollandHS - 08.07.2022 02:25

In china and korea, confucianism is a pride and is their heart.
In japan , confucianism is a duty and their shield to their heart.

@jyy9624 - 10.07.2022 00:20

Shame the tarnishing in the name of Chinese glory

@songhiep91 - 16.07.2022 00:56

"Making mistakes on the elevator is wrong on many levels " <--- Hahahahahaha

@songhiep91 - 16.07.2022 01:52

In the future it will be called confu-catholic

@Augustus444 - 20.08.2022 04:18

In Korea in about 13th cetury, Neo confucisiasm(Zhu xi school)was introduced by 'An hyang(1243~1306)', reformist official of Korea. In Korea Neo confucisiasm had a lot of infulence. The early Joseon dynasty, Confucian scholars became bureaucrats and reformed society and established Confucisiasm school that promote government offical in the whole country.

After invading of Japan(1592~1599) and Manchurian(1627, 1637), Neo confucisiasm beacame absolutized for rebuilding nation and society in Korea. By this, Confucianism has spread to the general public , but criticizing Zhu Xi's theories could have had a serious political and social problem.

There were also practical confucisiasm school such as Yangminsism, but they could not carry out continuous reforms mainly because they were prevalent among those who were pushed out of nation power.

@gwho - 27.08.2022 09:36

gonna be honest. i'm not a fan of confuscianism and its effects on even current day korea, japan, and other asian social norms and standards.

@winxfriends1 - 02.10.2022 15:40

I went and googled "Ka I Hentai" and it was indeed a very interesting topic.

@baconprogamer-go2yy - 09.10.2022 19:52

OMG HES MY DAD مصنسنسزظىشوصن ان ما حدث هو انه لم يعد هناك من يعلم ما بين ما يتعلق به من خلال ما ورد على لسان وزير خصعضهحضحضعضعخضغع الخارجية الاميركي في الامم الافريقية ان هذه المسالة لا يمكن لاحد انها مجرد وسيلة لحل هذه القضية التي كانت دائما في خطر او عدم الاستقرار السياسي

@himejoon8005 - 09.10.2022 19:53

Mong một ngày cho dựng lại văn miếu Huế, hiện giờ chỉ còn hai hàng bia đá và một vài cổng.

@johnsmit99 - 08.11.2022 14:22

Southeast Asia seems jealous because Vietnam is in Sinosphere, if it is located in Southeast Asia, the culture is also Southeast Asia?

@AntonShim - 10.01.2023 21:43

People mock Confucius becauae they are trying to promote Eurocentrism. Racist American comedians started that in the 1900s.

@kissmyassdickhead9346 - 15.01.2023 00:22

Actually, Vietnam doesn't give a damn about another country because they have a better system without too many drama from the Chinese government system.

@travisdt - 26.01.2023 23:56

As a Vietnamese who live in US and I can tell you that Confucianism is dead in Mainland....I traveled there and only a few people know what I am talking about Chinese history and culture and poetry.....Culture Cleaning at it best there. Not only they don't know about their own culture but the world too.....

@jkking3213 - 27.01.2023 18:32

Kong-tsu is not confucious.. Why can’t western people accept name which is not western-style?

@ericwango - 30.01.2023 03:53

as a Chinese who grew up in a province where Confucianism is rooted very deeply in our family, I have to say I don’t really think it’s 100% correct and I try to only take the good teachings from it, like been respectful and loving etc but at the same time it promotes things like elderly have the absolute authority over you and you should listen to them no matter what, otherwise you are just been disrespectful, you could see how this could lead to some abusive situations where some elderly use this to control your life. So yeah, nowadays I try to think about what I read before I put them into practice, don’t just read, think.

@yuchan063 - 30.01.2023 17:45

Today, South Korea is way more confucianism than China

@flyingzone356 - 30.01.2023 21:30

Fascinating video as usual, with a beautifully-accented narration. Still can't quite figure out the national/ethnic/linguistic background of the narrator who seems to have proficiency in all major East Asian languages.

@edtyehehsgsgsj188 - 31.01.2023 06:38

canton ancient belong to vietnam all chinese knows.2000 years

@edtyehehsgsgsj188 - 31.01.2023 06:43

chinese and vienam resemblance

@duchoang660 - 02.02.2023 21:56

Is this guy a China 's cheap Propagandist ?
Every thing seems good, China claims that it belongs to china's origins. Every thing seems not very good, China pushes that away to other cultures.
In China 's culture, it has been teaching its own people that CHINA IS THE BELLY BUTTON OF THE UNIVERSAL , CHINA IS SOLE SOURCE FOR MANKIND'S KNOWLEDGE .

@ryansjl - 16.02.2023 06:40

As a korean person, i understand that confucianism is a backbone of most of asian cultures and it has beautiful values, however it kinda hold us back compared to western countries. As a result, after 18th century, eastern countries except Japan who accepted western culture fanatically, fell behind and colonized by western or japan

@dumy3610 - 16.02.2023 11:04

Lately there are some Korean and Vietnamese believed that they are the ones that bring their culture to China. 🤣🤣🤣

@GregorSchafroth - 23.05.2023 16:04

would be nice to see tone lines on your pīnyīn

@Haru-vg8ut - 27.12.2023 06:41

In edo period in Japan, Confucianism was just academics, not mentality. Buddhism played a big role in spirit of Japanese at that time.

@theasianwitch - 31.12.2023 00:59

Amazing thank you for sharing this history with us. I am ABC and my grandfather always said "use logic" so I think Confucianism is very embedded in our roots.

@Corvus0318 - 08.02.2024 00:10

Chinese people believe in a weird rumor of unknown origin: "Koreans claim Confucius is Korean, not Chinese." This is quite widespread in China.
Not once has any Korean or Korean source reported on such wild controversial claims.

@erykmruk1169 - 10.03.2024 11:26

Buddhism was introduced to China during the Han period, about 1000 years before Zhu Xi!

@BA-ld2kb - 23.03.2024 08:05

Out of them, those who embraced western ideals have falling birthrates

@bichsbanhbaos4088 - 30.06.2024 03:24

Tại Sao các quốc gia này không hợp lại với nhau để có thể cạnh tranh với Châu Âu. Mà họ suốt ngày tranh cãi, xung đột và ghét nhau
