PATH of EXILE: How to Craft Endgame Boots for Under 3 Div For Any Build

PATH of EXILE: How to Craft Endgame Boots for Under 3 Div For Any Build

ZiggyD Gaming

7 месяцев назад

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@benjamincarmona3703 - 17.12.2023 04:28

I forgot to add: If you have full suffixes, you can buy a Wild Bristle Matron beast to add a "random" meta craft to the item. The only prefix metacraft is "suffixes cannot be changed" so it is not really random in that case. You sale like one div with that, but includes more trading.

Sorry Ziggy I totally forgot about that on stream :( rip one div

@essdee800 - 15.01.2024 05:28

As a new player, it seems all the creating recipes are locked. I get maybe 1 recipe per map sometimes. Is there a better way

@FeelsGouda - 06.01.2024 03:08

Nice video, thanks!

Even though I got 2 non movementspeed rolls... created a bit of sweating.

@rarr10 - 30.12.2023 22:42

The more I watching such clips, I consider this game isn't for me :(

@andrewlaurie3167 - 24.12.2023 16:48

just did this for some ele avoid boots with the eater of worlds implicit holy shit is this getting nerfed next league if i know GGG. thanks for the vid once again Ziggy this is purely awesome.

@lukasbrauneruv - 20.12.2023 11:05

i wouldnt do veiled mods when you can craft these boots for even less than 100c just use the fractured base you have and essence craft it once or twice for 30% movement speed and if u have open prefix just craft life. If you want good suffixes just use bigger eater currency and lower exarch currency and use eldritch chaos orb and you will have boots with 70life and 30% movement speed and fractured mod guaranteed and you can use that eldritch chaos orb to get decent suffixes.. If you want you can slam for last prefix.

@Diremouse42 - 17.12.2023 18:42

These crafting tips are all well and good...but what if you are on ssf and trying to learn the crafting system?!

@0cellusDS - 17.12.2023 11:32

Before doing this, check your Beasts for the free Metamod craft. If your Suffixes are full, it can only hit Suffixes cannot be changed. Can save you two divines, especially on SSF where the uses for that beast might be otherwise limited.

@ShermSpinner - 17.12.2023 11:23

Its a nice step by step method but anyone trying to follow it, please be warned that the veiled chaos is still a significant point of RNG that can easily explodes the total cost.
Ziggy got super lucky with getting only a clean single veiled prefix but it can just as easily:
a) fill up prefixes completely, so no more benchcrafting to block/finish the item or
b) give you bad life and /or movespeed in adittion to the veiled mod, likely bricking the craft.
Both of these cases end up with either havin to land a yolo annull, but more likely starting over or rerolling prefixes again, both costing another 2 div.

Love ya Ziggy, but calling this "under 3 div unless really unlucky" i find a bit bait-ey because the chances of having to reroll prefixes multiple times to hit something good aren't as small as you're implying.

@kempyboi123 - 17.12.2023 11:12

Well I just made like 50 div boots because I got onslaught and slammed like 69 mana, very pog video thanks zig!

@Dekan - 17.12.2023 10:33

You forgot to vaal it.

@KingDoesRage - 17.12.2023 06:53

tota i got a good chaos fractured helm and boots near perfect under a div for both but this league theyre alot more expensive atleast for when i bought them and it was at most early week 2 most likely late week 1

@nznige - 17.12.2023 06:18

im a bit of a noob to crafting so this is perfect and I was about to craft my boots, before exalting could you not have blocked say mana with a benchcraft and tried to exalt slam life on it

@StarWitchCendrill - 17.12.2023 06:10

I’ve been wanting to upgrade my boots so this will be a nice budget option :D

@Pipnotiq - 17.12.2023 05:03

More poe content by the PoE Father!

@salihninja - 17.12.2023 04:12

I dont craft often myself but isnt there a beast that gives u something like suffixes cannot be changed which is cheaper than 3 div? or is that another craft im confused with.

@veritaseru - 17.12.2023 03:59


@ZiggyDGaming - 17.12.2023 03:49

I love procedural, highly deterministic and customizable crafts like this in PoE, the game definitely benefits from players crafting more of their own gear. Do you have any other solid craft recipes for certain items?
