How Evolution works

How Evolution works

Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

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Ducklikescroissant - 19.09.2023 18:43

Gotta respect the narrator

GalaxyDestroyer - 19.09.2023 17:26

daddy voice😫😫

Scientist Flanders
Scientist Flanders - 19.09.2023 14:55

Eric Dubay, Kent Hovind, Ken Ham and Ray Comfort are the laughing-stock of the web.

walkergarya - 19.09.2023 13:26

The creationist fool Lex_i2023 is spamming the channel with his utter nonsense again. Do not feed the troll just report him for spam.

Lex_i2023🥇🥈 - 19.09.2023 12:04

Fake evolution 🌍 reminds me of Gestapo that brainwashed the innocent people.

Lex_i2023🥇🥈 - 19.09.2023 11:58

Over 4 billion years, apparently the humans went from a pond into a jungle into a "15 min city".
What is a "15 min city"?
It is a15 min smelly pond where the reverse abiogenesis would take place.

Lex_i2023🥇🥈 - 19.09.2023 11:50

Fake evolution 🌍 reminds me of Gestapo that brainwashed the innocent people.

Jesus christ is chinese aka asian
Jesus christ is chinese aka asian - 19.09.2023 11:23

Did u know that studies show indians have smallest pp? Since arabs and spanese and italianese r all india and they all share blackhead image, odds r very likely all their pp tiny. Any volunteers for scientific study? Will pay 1 peso each participants

Jesus christ is chinese aka asian
Jesus christ is chinese aka asian - 19.09.2023 11:21

Tiktok is liberating the huge bottom hijaba from their abisive and tiniest pp abdools

Jesus christ is chinese aka asian
Jesus christ is chinese aka asian - 19.09.2023 11:20

Black hair is not white. Black hair is a trait from middle east or asia. U must take into consideration their hair color, their eye color and eye shape. A change in any one of these three variables results in a different race. Blackheads r not native to europe they invades

Lex_i2023🥇🥈 - 19.09.2023 08:52

Walker Gary wrote: "Darwin was a Great Man of Science." 😂😂😂
What a joke! 🤣🤣🤣
Gary sucks up very hard to Darwin. That's his job! 🤣🤣🤣
Darwin was a sick mental case. He was lying 🤥 🤥 🤥 in a sick bed almost his entire adult life.

Lex_i2023🥇🥈 - 19.09.2023 08:00

A transgender spokesperson spoke: 👄👄👄
“next week, the teeth of the Russian devils will gnash even harder, and their rabid mouths will foam in uncontrollable frenzy ..."
“... we in U u u k r a i n e are led on this mission by faith in God ..."

Lex_i2023🥇🥈 - 19.09.2023 07:59

The debate?
Fuck the debate!
Show me a fly 🦟🦟🦟 turning into a hippo 🦛🦛🦛.

Jesus christ is chinese aka asian
Jesus christ is chinese aka asian - 19.09.2023 05:40

Evilutionists r like the use less leech team member at work that nobody wants to be around. Yet they are still there loud and noisy, contributing absolutely nothing ywt trying to steal all the credit.
Reminds me when babylonian descendents stole math from china off the silk road then cut off the silk road.
Its time we fired these clowns and sent them to circus, or the fields

error machine
error machine - 19.09.2023 05:26

I usually like watching these videos with the kids, but i dont know about that one scene. Im glad i didnt watch this one with the kids. Not qiite ready to explain to my kids what that one animal was doing giving it to the other from behind. Its pretty funjy but my kids are still a little young for that.

REL - 19.09.2023 03:21

This video proves nothing about evolution. They hide behind the concept of 3.5 billion years and adaptation. If humans evolved from a fish during that period of time, then why aren’t we seeing fish develop wings and fly over the last 200000 years. Darwin’s theory is all BS. They cannot prove one single thing about it.

Jesus christ is chinese aka asian
Jesus christ is chinese aka asian - 19.09.2023 02:47

The bible has divine prophesies. For example the one of the statue of nebuchadnezzar, thanks to that from the book of daniel qnd revelations along with the protestant reformation i am now awake and alert to the babylonians and their image. I know what the antichrist is.

Jesus christ is chinese aka asian
Jesus christ is chinese aka asian - 19.09.2023 02:42

The pathetic monkey cult of evilution pretends to be science because its absolutely use less in terms of practicality or experimentation.
Shape shifting monkeys to replace my dr and mechanic

Lex_i2023🥇🥈 - 19.09.2023 01:18

Comparative analysis of humans and elephants:
According to the fake-evolution, 210 million years ago, an "imaginary fake common ancestor" mammal turned into people like us in Africa, and in the process, turned into various coloured and white people.
Compare the above with elephants.
Elephants of that age have not changed their colours in Africa, Russia, Europe, Americas or Australia.
It proves that evolution is FAKE.

Rustam Abdullah
Rustam Abdullah - 18.09.2023 20:26

Actually life could not appear on its own

Johnny lee walker
Johnny lee walker - 18.09.2023 15:45

Evolution is a religion based on conjecture and a whole lot of assumptions!

walkergarya - 18.09.2023 13:53

The creationist fool Lex_i2023 is spamming the channel with his utter nonsense again. Do not feed the troll just report him for spam.

Lex_i2023🥇🥈 - 18.09.2023 10:26

The evolutionists come from a LONG LINE OF ILLITERATE PEOPLE.
PROOF: Until 2 generations ago, their entire line was ILLITERATE. 😂😂😂
The cult of evolution fails to notice how illiterate their ancestors were.

Lex_i2023🥇🥈 - 18.09.2023 07:54

R' R' R' red alert 🟥🟥🟥
@AMC2283 is an agent of PSYOP.
His job is to say "YES SIR, YES SIR, 3 BAGS FULL" to the Darwinian cult.

Lex_i2023🥇🥈 - 18.09.2023 07:41

Eric Dubay : A world-famous leader of flat-earth ! ✔✔👍👍✔✔😃😃
Eric Dubay : A world-famous leader of flat-earth ! ✅✅🟢🟢✅✅🙂🙂
Eric Dubay : A world-famous leader of flat-earth ! 🟥🟥🟨🟨🟦🟦🟪🟪
Eric Dubay : A world-famous leader of flat-earth ! 💨💨🔴🔴✅✅✔✔

The Brain
The Brain - 18.09.2023 06:31

So many of these commentators failed science class

The Dude
The Dude - 18.09.2023 03:53

Sounds legit 😅

Jesus christ is chinese aka asian
Jesus christ is chinese aka asian - 17.09.2023 23:28

Evilution is a religious cult based on fraud, disguised as science and hides behind untestable doctrines. They worship shape shifting monkey gods.

Jesus christ is chinese aka asian
Jesus christ is chinese aka asian - 17.09.2023 23:27

Qfter 5 billion fake years of evilution certain humans evolved to drink camel urine and fail at science. While other humans evolved to make phones and micro chips and advanced technologies and math. One will work for the other. Long time hours

Jesus christ is chinese aka asian
Jesus christ is chinese aka asian - 17.09.2023 23:24

Hijabis evolved to wear a veil because they r sick of tiny pp men back home. Its why they twerk on toktik in order to naturally select more superior men from tbe east

Jesus christ is chinese aka asian
Jesus christ is chinese aka asian - 17.09.2023 23:22

why do babylonians endorse evilution? Tricks their hosts to let guard down for parasites.

Jesus christ is chinese aka asian
Jesus christ is chinese aka asian - 17.09.2023 23:20

Blackhead babylonians never invent anything. They only know how to copy. But the extent of their copying powers ended just short of cars and electronics 😂😂😂

Nguyễn Hoàng
Nguyễn Hoàng - 17.09.2023 19:31

Video not say how cell know they need create DNA, or where DNA come from

Deep Think
Deep Think - 17.09.2023 19:07

best video on this topic

Smokey - 17.09.2023 17:51

"How evolution works"....pretty simple - It DOESN'T

Jesus christ is chinese aka asian
Jesus christ is chinese aka asian - 17.09.2023 12:28

I never belief evilution. Its is bottom iq pseudoscientist trash

Eliaso79 - 17.09.2023 11:43

Thank god everything is random.

Jesus christ is chinese aka asian
Jesus christ is chinese aka asian - 17.09.2023 09:38

Black hair means they qre not white. Only whites have blonde or light hair. Keep this in mind next time something tries to use you unfairly as a host.

Jesus christ is chinese aka asian
Jesus christ is chinese aka asian - 17.09.2023 09:36

It must be extremely uncomfortable for babylonian blCk beard blackheads to go qround parasing themselves as special when their fruits show nothing special. For example through god all things are made in china. The babylonians however, their only invention was propganda, which is Bout to be outclassed very soon as well

caplium - 17.09.2023 08:36

Why are these comments full of people just saying no no your wrong im right my fairy tale says so like stfu and go to back to school because clearly you haven't gone there yet

aces2in2000 - 17.09.2023 06:36

You are defending a thing which even Darwin doubted. No amount of evolution can produce so diverse flora and fauna in such a small amount of time since the big bang. To test even a right sequence of single protein that would work would require trillions and trillions and trillions of years to be assembled randomly to make a reasonable viable protein, and you are thinking evolution created all the diverse life form in a span of just few billions of years. I am saying if you join the time end to end of i million big bangs still wont produce more than a handful of orgasms of its own. You dont even know the basics of genetics.

Lex_i2023🥇🥈 - 17.09.2023 05:24

= Eugenics
= Third Reich
= N A Z I values

Rod Zilla
Rod Zilla - 17.09.2023 04:25

This has to be the dumbest stuff I’ve ever heard! People actually believe this crap? Nothing even lives past 100 years, so how does this evolution stud supposed to work. Ain’t no way in hell a tadpole became a chicken, a dog, a whale and a Eagle! FOH!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Jesus christ is chinese aka asian
Jesus christ is chinese aka asian - 17.09.2023 04:19

Wqrning dissatisfied wives and daughters twerking on toktok by the billions. Thank god for the internet and technology 😂

Jesus christ is chinese aka asian
Jesus christ is chinese aka asian - 17.09.2023 04:13

These people share the image of babylon and are one: Palestinians, jews, egyptian, frenchese, spanese, portugese, italese, romanese, lebanese, turkese, indianese, pakistanese, mexicanese, south americanese, philipinese, australese, much more

Jesus christ is chinese aka asian
Jesus christ is chinese aka asian - 17.09.2023 04:11

Features of a babylonian. 1) black hair 2) mongrel babylonians have dark hair 3) fully grown black beard 4) mongrels have fully grown dark beards

Thus the image of babylon clearly seen in: indians, arabs, spanese, italianese, frenchies, even qs far north qs germany babylonians can be spotted
