Ice Cube -   But What's In It For Us? (2020) | Contract With Black America #ADOS

Ice Cube - But What's In It For Us? (2020) | Contract With Black America #ADOS

Reelblack One

3 года назад

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87 buickracer
87 buickracer - 24.07.2023 18:56

The left wing and right wing is of the same bird. Voting is a waste of time..They pick their leaders and give them a agenda to follow....They have lied to us for 400 years and never going to change..We have to come together as a nation and seperate like Louis Farrakhan stated..This country was build on lies ,murder and slavery..They have a long track record and the behavior stays the same..When the black people of of the world become one,we will be able to accomplish everything we need ..

MrCeora - 01.06.2023 21:31

Ice Cube is popping up again just in time for his BS...
Where ya been buddy?

Allyson Bucek
Allyson Bucek - 26.03.2023 20:49

You'll be okay if you do what you want to.

Caleb Ryan
Caleb Ryan - 20.11.2022 03:51

If this dude really cared about the black community.He would be talking about No Fathers in the black home.The amount of black children aborted.And how many black people are murdered by other black people..
This self righteous dude sitting in his mansion talkin like he cares about black people and shit..


Delores Vickers
Delores Vickers - 26.10.2022 01:02

Thumbs up. I'm with you.

DEI-WAN- GREY - 24.07.2022 02:46

Real Talk Cube

Gorgeous Lady
Gorgeous Lady - 30.06.2022 16:58

Police Reform.
Qualified Immunity will be eliminated. Legislation to reverse Supreme Court case Plumhoff v Rickard 572 U.S. 765 (2014) in which the immunity was upheld. Police lawyers can still argue why they should not be charged because they acted in good faith, but the presumption must be reversed.
Mandatory Malpractice Insurance to be carried by Police officers like lawyers and doctors do. This protects victim’s ability to collect on bona fide claims. Insurance to be paid for by Police Departments. As a result, an officer who creates too many legal actions will be dropped because of financial pressure by rising insurance rates rather than requiring another officer to “cross the blue line.” Insurance companies will also demand de-escalation training to lower rates.
Municipalities Liable for Officer’s Unconstitutional Actions. Overturn with legislation Monell v Department of Social Services Supreme Court case, 436 US 658 (1978) that protected municipalities from unconstitutional actions by Police. This will add skin in the game for cities which have the most direct power to reform policing.
Federal Laws Regarding Police Misconduct to Change Standard From “Willfulness” To “Recklessness.” While “recklessness” still poses a high bar to identify and prosecute police misconduct, it will make it more possible.
Police Unions Can Be Held Liable and Sued for shielding bad cops, suppressing evidence and testimony to that effect, and for knowing and reckless disregard of material evidence that an officer is unfit mentally for the job.
Mandatory Dashboard and Body Cams. In the event they are turned “off” and the incident results in a serious injury or death to any suspect or witness, it will be considered a FELONY punishable by prison unless proof of malfunction. If there is a claim of excessive force or abuse and the cams are “off”, the first incident will result in a warning, the second will be a suspension, and third will require firing.
Cam footage (body and dashboard) to be released within a week for incidents resulting in death, serious injury or that give rise to charges of excessive force.
Elimination of No-Knock Warrants. They are unnecessary as police can secure the scene.
Mandatory Name Tags and Affiliation Requirements. Applies to all police and law enforcement authorities at the local, state, and federal level with non- compliance resulting in disciplinary action. (Undercover assignments not requiring compliance must be approved by a court).
Chokeholds Illegal Nationwide. This will apply to any maneuver resembling a choke hold or designed to cut off airways to affect breathing.
Whistle-Blower Protection Expanded within the active police force or for those enrolled in a Police Academy. Discouraging officers under 5 years on the job to report bad behavior will be grounds for dismissal. It will be a criminal offense to reveal the identity of a whistle-blower.
Tampering with Evidence results in automatic dismissal from force.
Crime to intentionally withhold exculpatory evidence by police or prosecutors.
Newly discovered DNA evidence must be immediately brought forward and considered to reverse wrongful convictions. Not to do so is a crime and applies to police, judges, and prosecutors. (Failure to act will come under the Office of Independent Prosecutors discussed below).
Federal Database open to public scrutiny containing all complaints both internal, from the public, or related to disciplinary actions. Automatic federal DOJ review of any police officer exceeding a predetermined amount of complaints.
Once Fired for Cause, Cannot Be Rehired. A Police Officer fired for use of excessive force, violent or inappropriate actions directed at a citizen, non-use of body cams, or for any felony is not allowed to be hired in any other jurisdiction by police departments or any other law enforcement agency.
Creation of Office of “Independent Prosecutors.” These prosecutors will solely focus on prosecuting police accused of wrongdoing. This will eliminate the conflict of interest of DA’s who must charge police although they have an inherent and unwaivable conflict as they require police testimony to charge other criminals.
Attorney Generals and District Attorneys can no longer accept contributions or endorsements from law enforcement bodies especially police unions.
Loss of pensions if convicted of a Felony or greater while on the job.
Residency Requirements. 90% of Police must live within 25 miles of the jurisdictions they work in. 65% must live within the jurisdiction itself. Police forces should demographically reflect the communities they serve. In the case of partners, at least one lives within the jurisdiction.
Mandating a certain number of police department paid hours of community service for all street police in the communities they police.
Community Policing. Non-armed personnel set up to handle most cases. These include taking reports for crimes already committed, non-active situations, filing of complaints, non-violent crimes or disputes, disputes between neighbors, etc.
Remove permanent placement of Police officers from all grade, middle and high schools.
Domestic Abuse. Create Domestic Abuse Services, analogous to Child Protective Services. Personnel trained to deal with Domestic Abuse will be sent on such calls. Like CPS cases, a Domestic Abuse Service member can ask for police backup if they feel the situation is dangerous and warranted.
De-Escalation Police Training. Require training in de-escalation techniques (similar to Daytona Police training based on Scotland police procedures) and showing cases of police abuse and what is non-acceptable during training. Currently, most Academies only show footage of cop killings and train police in aggressive techniques (a popular saying among police is “I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6”).
Continuation of Training. Training to be updated every three years in use of excessive force and dealing with mentally or disabled ill people. Such training will also include racial sensitivity training and update Police on new laws locally and federally.
Any police officer who discharges his weapon five or more times on the job must go back to police academy for retraining and take mandatory course on Anger Management. This threshold of weapon use can be increased or decreased depending upon jurisdictional averages. The intention is to identify and retrain “outliers” as most police officers rarely utilize their guns more than once if at all.
Civil Rights History will be taught the first month in the Police Academy or other Training. These classes should include history of “Black Codes” and Jim Crow laws.
Reason for Contact: Upon Initial Contact of Any Kind with A Citizen, officers must state reason for contact when an individual is first approached.
No Duty to Speak. Police not allowed to escalate a situation merely because a person refuses to talk to police or answer questions without an attorney.
Misstating the Law by police to suspects not allowed to elicit testimony. Knowingly threatening people with greater charges than the situation dictates gives rise to disciplinary action. When defining “knowingly,” the standard applied will be what a reasonable police officer should have known.
Reduce Contact During Traffic Ticketing. Officer must IMMEDIATELY tell the driver why he/she was pulled over. Cannot search a vehicle without an independent warrant. No need for those cited to “sign” tickets. Efforts made to reduce time and contact between officer and driver which benefits both (i.e., digitally limiting contact as technology allows). Tickets issued and sent by mail where possible. If the officer believes the driver is driving recklessly or suspicion of a DUI, they may pull over the car, but pullovers can be challenged by Dash Cam footage. If the footage does not show cause for concern, the officer can be disciplined.
Stealing. Police officers caught stealing from a person’s house or vehicle will be charged with double the penalty a non-officer would be charged with for the same crime.
Military Grade Weapons. Will not be brandished in public unless gunfire or deadly force required.
Eliminate Civil and Criminal Asset Forfeiture as it gives police departments economic incentive to charge crimes which conflicts with the goals of serving justice. Only exception is if the Assets are related to the crime.
It will be illegal for a police officer to have Sex with A Detainee or Suspect under their charge. It will be considered statutory rape because it is unreasonable to assume consensual sex due to the power dynamic.
Shoot to Wound policy in event of unarmed suspect, fleeing suspect (that poses an imminent danger only) or if deadly force is unnecessary.
End all Quota-based policing.

les bridges
les bridges - 26.03.2022 15:45

Great job out there Don Mega😀

Joseph Wheeler
Joseph Wheeler - 23.02.2022 10:39

The sad part about it Cube is the US Constitution is supposed to be a contract with all Americans, but it has been highjacked from day one. It was adopted when our ancestors were still slaves. 3 amendments were added immediately after the Freedom Proclamation, and politicians in both parties have undermined them. Knowledge of our past must be learned by all of us and our children so we can unite, organize, and push back. Our energies are divided in so many directions, but other groups pull together. No other group went through the things we've been through in this country so we are all not the same. We must chart our course forward based on this knowledge. Just my thoughts. I applaud all of our leaders for staying engaged in the struggle and finding new strategies.

Rising Eagle
Rising Eagle - 09.01.2022 01:54


Great job “Ice Cube” at helping to set up the “Black Contract with America”. I saw the fiasco with Vivica A. Fox & company. They went after you, as typical black women do to decent responsible black men; they disrespect black men in public, get loud and obnoxious and combative. Its sad that this still goes on till this day.

I see in the “Contract with Black America” that you are adding a section for “Black Women” only. Since the black women want their own section; how about do the same for men; add A “Black Men Only” section, as well.

Black men serve a different purpose and essential function in the Black Community, as well. We also have to clarify what that should be and look like. Both “men and women” agendas should “complement” each other in healthy ways; this picture has not been clear for years, actually decades. (Consider the plight of the Black family, and how typically men are vilified and demonized; even the responsible men are treated as deadbeats fathers, husbands and dads.)

Black Men in this society constantly gets pushed of the table or to the side as being expendable, and are under-recognized and under-supported by society; even in the black culture. We are always told to “man-up” throw ourselves under the bus for our family, community and culture.

Its is time for black men to have a clear agenda also, this should be included in “The Contract with Black America”, since a section for women alone is being included.

“I know you stated that the contract was for Black People; clearly Vivica Fox and company lacked understand because of their biased views and “misandrist” attitudes.”

Note: Both Black Men & Women are essential in the Black family, community, culture, and American Society. Until we understand how to truly value one another and respect one another….and learn how to “objectively and cooperatively” work together in healthy ways; the black plight in America and the world will never improve.🤔

The Misandrist and Misogynist in the Black population are a destructive force along with nefarious politicians and other elements with their self-serving agenda for self gain.

Many of older people who have clout today in politics from the “1960’s, 70’s, 80’s & 90’s & 2000 to recent”in the black Civil Rights Movement these day….have unfortunately lost their way and no longer truly serve the good of the Black American Population. (Violence and destructive behavior is not the answer; creates more divide.)

The Black Contract with America is a great stepping stone forward; hopefully we can get blacks to come together finally in America without the violence and double dealing in the background.

We need an agenda that is “clear and sensible”, and can stand the test of time. It should be an agenda that does not get lost in the “diversity and inclusion agenda”, which is a totally different agenda that has nothing to do with “race” and the “Black American” plight; due to the impact of slavery.

Blacks Americans keep being thrown into the “Minority” agenda pot along with all the noise of other groups; this
no clear agenda till this very day.

Our blackness and being black is not a “Choice or Preference”, so it supersedes the sexual gender agendas and so on; not the same issue. Black struggle has been going on since the 1600’s. The other noise by choice and preference keeps getting in the way. We need to astutely and clearly separate from the other agendas to provide clarity for the nation et large.

Still bugs me that most blacks keep voting along party lines; take notice that Biden & Harris & Democratic Party in 2021 & now 2022 have developed amnesia about “The Black American issues on a grand scale about reparations and so on”; as usual and tabling the issue for over 30 years now.

The Democrats have actually strongly considered giving away $100,000’s of dollars to illegal immigrants in 2020. Till this day they still refuse to strongly consider “correcting & improving” the financial condition of many black Americans who contribute to American treasuries to this very day; even at a disadvantage in comparison to the greater population and the income structure. (Not many black families in comparison to white families; are able to transfer generational wealth.)

This is just ridiculous.🤔✌️

Stevenlee71 - 11.10.2021 01:30

These politicians are lying asses!!

FPi - 25.09.2021 20:09

Maybe when you stop making black people seem like a foreign race in America, we can move forward. Blacks are Americans, just like native Americans, Latinos, Asians and others. What do you mean by US? Blacks are like any other type of person, capable of pulling themselves up. The problem is the perception of black cultural that’s rooted in rap or oppression, or being outside the system. As long as you feel like you need handouts and are being “oppressed” you will act like weak helpless people.

Stop acting helpless, america isn’t perfect, no country is, but most people have way more opportunity here than most anywhere else.

Kai - 24.09.2021 04:56

Kids are still in cages. If I had money I'd put that on the back of jacket.

Diontae Daughtry
Diontae Daughtry - 19.08.2021 07:30

We make it too easy for people to dupe our community. Time to stop falling for the tricks.

MrCeora - 17.06.2021 04:23

Half of ya'll probably trolls, the other half probably didn't even vote. Don't worry though. At this very moment, they're fixing it now so that you won't be able to vote if you wanted to.
Ask yourself this: If your vote doesn't matter, then why are they fighting so hard to stop you from voting?

Robert Murillo, Jr.
Robert Murillo, Jr. - 05.06.2021 21:10

Well into 2021, and Ice Cube called it right.

MACK MOST - 24.05.2021 23:56

Gotta wake up people stop letting the media mind twist u we all seen the matrix long time ago an yall still lost in clouds

Anonymous Kitty
Anonymous Kitty - 17.04.2021 12:18

i am a big ice cube fan and have always thought cube is very intelligent and ahead of his time , but thinking about the whole situation there is nothing in it for us . right now as i am typing this four billion has been wasted on funding immigrants to have access to america but their is no funding for african american citizens for very much of anything the current administration only cares about immigrants when the focus should be on the americans especially african american citizens but because they do not want to give us our 40 acres and a mule they give the money to other nationalities that aren't even citizens and black americans do the most complaining but wont get up to change the problems so we need to stop fighting each other meaning black americans and be accountable for each others welfare and for the betterment of our neighborhoods and communities because the government definitely got a trick for you not only do they have little support or asssistance for you but they are going to let immigrants take away your communities and schools and most still will not find that a good enough excuse to stand up ; and my african american brothers and sisters get ready to start hearing more spanish than english in the hood because they are coming straight to the ghetto because the suburbs do not want them stay prayerful for our nation because before anyone else can help us we have to help ourselves first. Black is Beautiful

Turquoise Afro
Turquoise Afro - 16.04.2021 21:03

No matter how wrong he was on other things, he is right about this.

Take things on a issue by issue basis not on the totality personalities, parties, religions, etc.
