How to MAKE BEER at Home | MoreBeer! Premium Homebrew Starter Kit | Beer Brewing Demo for Beginners

How to MAKE BEER at Home | MoreBeer! Premium Homebrew Starter Kit | Beer Brewing Demo for Beginners


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Kristoffa Ninkama
Kristoffa Ninkama - 10.10.2023 11:50

Thank you very much, Vito. I used to make home brew Laga beer using Laga products. After watching your very entertaining and educational video, you have reinforced and improved my understanding and brewing skills to the next level. I just susbcribed as well. 😊

Vaupell - 07.10.2023 01:42

instead of all that damn tinfoil bs.. I took some old stainless steel lids, and drille a hole just for the hose, and i have a bong/plug when not having a hose in there. Simpler, esier, and much cleaner.

Dany Talloen
Dany Talloen - 09.07.2023 21:31

What do you mean "we don't want to make a Belgian beer ?" We make some of the finest and best beers in the world ! And on a side note, it's always a good idea to use real measurements instead of imperial ones.

Dany Talloen
Dany Talloen - 09.07.2023 20:22

Those hops look strange... it's like compressed tablets, I live very near where our Belgian hops are grown, and they certainly don't look like that.

brian gardner
brian gardner - 23.05.2023 02:21

Temperature is my biggest problem. Its warm in Texas summer. Is the only time I need to be concerned with temp in fermentation. How about after bottling. Temps closer to 80 in my house during hot days of summer.

The Ghost of SW627
The Ghost of SW627 - 12.04.2023 04:42

There's literally nothing wrong with using twist off fact I remember when they first came out asking the homebrew shop owner, he said yeah but you need 'twist off" caps. You know what they were? Regular crown caps with "twist off" labeled on Been using standard twist off bottles since the late 80's.

Shane Bombara
Shane Bombara - 20.02.2023 18:23

Vito, quick question. I got my first kit and did my first brew yesterday and it went very well! The steps outlined made it very easy, as well as watching this video about 20x lol.

My question is: When I transferred my cooled wort to my fermenter there's a point where the level of wort drops below the spigot on the kettle. There was a good bit of sediment and what not that in it too. I opted not to transfer most of that liquid into the fermenter. Was that a mistake? Will that greatly impact my beer once fermentation is done? I didn't see this touched on in the video.

Shane Bombara
Shane Bombara - 07.02.2023 00:53

I'm considering buying one of these kits to embark on my first brew. This video was extremely helpful, but I do have one question. I know the importance of cleaning and sanitizing based on your points earlier in the video, but I noticed that the sanitizer was not rinsed out of any of the components it came in contact with including even the bottling stage when taking the beer into the bottles there were still some of that foamy sanitizing solution in there. Is this deemed safe? I guess I am just curious if there is any danger to having any of the solution mixed in with the final product? Was just curious on that.

Jimmbay1 - 30.12.2022 08:58

Another Gr8 Video & content. Have a Gr8 New Year & may it also be Prosperous!...

DMG Records YouTube Channel
DMG Records YouTube Channel - 17.12.2022 02:03

Thanks Vito
Good work

James Moore
James Moore - 08.11.2022 04:51

MoreBeer can't seem to fill orders in the right order. I ordered and paid for a Brewzilla Gen 4 August 4 and have not recieved it yet. 11/7. Orders placed in September have been shipped and recieved. What's wrong MoreBeer?

daniel reiss
daniel reiss - 07.11.2022 05:49

Thanks Vito for making everything clear; great audio and video! Good step by step especially for a beginner such as myself.

Tbird Louise
Tbird Louise - 06.11.2022 04:27

Thank you for this! Just getting into this and all help is appreciated.

David Thibeault
David Thibeault - 06.11.2022 03:32

Awesome video. Thanks Vito
