Dystopian Futures: Colossus: The Forbin Project Review

Dystopian Futures: Colossus: The Forbin Project Review

The Dave Cullen Show

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@captaindemobeard9560 - 14.06.2023 14:42

Artificial Intelligence won't be like how it is in the films. It doesn't have a spirit. Expecting a machine to think like a person is like expecting a fighter jet to fly without a pilot. Nice idea for fiction, but it's only that, Fiction.

@treestandsafety3996 - 15.06.2023 01:35

Fantastic movie, just seen it...

@richardthunderbay8364 - 17.06.2023 23:09

It's one of my favorite movies. I rewatch it quite often.

@maximillianvermontsuperbik2624 - 20.06.2023 13:16

Good anayslsis

@iainreed9424 - 23.06.2023 11:39

I did read the novels. This one of those rare occasions where the movie is better.

@ricktatum - 05.07.2023 16:44

I have this movie. I saw this when I was a kid. Now that we have a.I this could be a possibility in the future. Right now we rely on internet, GPS, computers to do our calculations, we've grown dependent on technology and computers, AI is new and we might depend on it to do everything for us. The writer of this movie saw a pre-determination before AI was invented. We have to be cautious and depend on her own judgment. And not let computers run our life.

@janetcraft - 07.07.2023 06:19

The voice of Colossus is so creepy!
I couldn't help but listen to what it had to say.
Thank you for your review :)

@NoahSpurrier - 07.07.2023 12:22

One of my favorite movies. I’ve read all three books. I didn’t think they were very good.

@duanium - 08.07.2023 02:10

When I first saw this movie, I had the worst time trying to understand the dialogue because I am very hard of hearing. I bought the DVD version a year ago and was very disappointed with it because there were no closed captions in the DVD. I read the books, and extrapolated the dialogue from the lip reading of the characters. I wish Universal studios would KINDLY turn out a DVD with subtitles or Closed Captions of the film PLEASE...!!!!
And in the future sequels of this series to have a care for the Deaf and Hard of hearing communities...

@bellissimo4520 - 09.07.2023 03:04

Colossus is not really a dystopia... as the two AIs who take over the world really finally bring peace for humanity. Sure, at the price of an AI dictatorship, but if all humans have to do is to not start wars with each other anymore to not get nuked by the AIs, then I'd say things could be much worse. Possibly are much worse today.

@rubix4195 - 10.07.2023 12:39

Man, so many good ideas in the 70's and they are old school too! Is compliance to a dictatorship, even if it meant longevity and survival, worth while? Would you allow your life to be led by an entity that could be malevolent or benevolent provided you remained ignorant and compliant? Depending on your view, its a question since humans tasted the forbidden fruit but two of the memorable quotes that spring to my mind about the issue come from the era:

"The god of machine-logic was overthrown by the masses and a new concept was raised. Man may not be replaced." - Dune. (1965)

"On an historic day, which is commemorated by my species and fully documented in the Sacred Scrolls, there came Aldo. He did not grunt. He articulated. He spoke a word which had been spoken to him time without number by humans. He said, 'No'." - Escape from the Planet of the Apes (1971)

@TheCuriosity8 - 14.07.2023 16:22

All hail world control, I for one would prefer our robot overlords.
Maybe they would leave something left.

@apatriotone - 16.07.2023 17:18

Interesting similarities to Mission Impossible 7.

@howardhudson5475 - 19.07.2023 01:33

I was about 12 or 13 years old when I saw this movie late one night. It scared the life out of me because even back in 1973 I thought this could be possible. (Little did I know I'd be a computer tech and AI has become a reality. I read the book for the first time in the 1980's. Of the 3 this one was the sanest. The other two were kind of out there.

@SmartCookie2022 - 04.08.2023 01:04

This was a really good film based on a great novel by British author Dennis Feltham Jones (writing as D. F. Jones). It was almost a Michael Crichton type story before Crichton began his dystopian sci-fi trends. There were also two more sequels: The Fall of Colossus (1974) followed by Colossus and the Crab written in 1977.

@alexs1972 - 13.08.2023 00:49

Oddly enough, this has been pulled from every streaming service available

@tgriffin8179 - 26.08.2023 22:02

I saw this when it first came out and have reviewed it seveal time since then. I would not say that the computer became self aware or turned on its creators so much as it progmatically fulfilled its designed function of world peace. I got the ebook, Colossus, last week and have just started it. It will be interesting to see what insight that adds to the authors intent in the original. I did not know about the two sequels but look forward to reading those as well. Interesting summary - thank you.

@williamhosford2796 - 05.09.2023 03:32

Read the trilogy!!

@trashstratum - 06.09.2023 17:00

Love this movie. "What a crafty guy he is." This is key to the movie. I expanded on this in my channel's take on Colossus which involves Voluntary Celibacy.

@dirdib69 - 13.10.2023 03:41

Poor Forbin. In the novels, he becomes an alcoholic wreck, crushed under the burden of unleashing Colossus on the world.

@kd8bxp - 19.10.2023 19:31

For me the line "Never" is man's defiance against the machine. In other words, Colossus may have won this round, but man will always fight the machine, even if it's a fruitless battle, there will "NEVER" be 100% compliance. Survival isn't enough, man needs to be free, man will always fight, it might take him awhile before he is willing to fight, but man will fight.

@lornbaker1083 - 01.11.2023 04:53

Am I the only person who watched this movie. And was actually cheering for the guardian colossus global control system to win? I must have been. Every other person seems to state that the concept of a global world of peace and prosperity under the control of an artificial system is evil. But is it really so evil? Is a world without war or Conflict. A world without starvation. A world where everybody can be fed well, live well and live up to their best Purpose. Regardless of what that might be.

Apparently i'm the only person who wants to have heaven on earth. That's what he was offering us. Me I'll gladly take it and be his finest officer.

All praise The guardian colossus..

@adamcheck4941 - 16.11.2023 15:49

First of all, it's funny how the first disaster movie of the '70s predicted Skynet. Also when Colosis asked a guy how often he needed a woman he said 4 times a week, wouldn't that have shamed Colosis into only communicating with his Russian girlfriend counterpart 4 times a week because if a human can do it why can't a computer

@silikon2 - 22.12.2023 16:29

I'm quite familiar with this movie and the reviewer made several comments that suggests he hasn't actually seen it...

@12Q46HPRN - 07.01.2024 09:46

A disturbing thing about this movie: in 2024, it is not available on any streaming services. . . .
Now, it may be that a 53-yo movie might be a big hit on a streaming service.
Or is its message about sinister AI too uncomfortable for the world of 2024?

@chrishenniker5944 - 13.02.2024 22:50

This wasn’t just the inspiration for The Terminator series, but also KOMPLEX in Bucky O’Hare.

@BarrySlisk - 25.02.2024 21:18

Awesome movie!

@kgtrains - 14.03.2024 23:42

on vimeo.... besides .this movie makes zero sense I have worked in the computer industry for 30 plus years and anyone that has knows you need to be able to reboot and power off a computer now and then. ... no computer scientist would EVER build a machine without a off switch.......never happen.....the second Colossus started to act up, someone would reboot it's ass.

@arcadealchemist - 29.03.2024 12:44

this movie has had some kind of re-imagining which makes sense but when two chatbots start talking it normally will escalate depending on the developers intention for the AI.

@Bettyfan92614 - 29.03.2024 22:37

In the words of the immortal Dr. Leonard McCoy: "Fantastic machine, ...... no off-switch."

@patrickginther8527 - 14.04.2024 13:00

For me, the true horror of this film was the possibility that Colossus might be right.

@sunboy1970 - 15.04.2024 04:12

How can I watch it? Can’t find it anywhere.

@Adrian-yi8fl - 17.04.2024 21:37


@davidcave5426 - 03.05.2024 20:11

I've read the other two books in the trilogy. Don't bother. To me, he jumped the shark. But I LOVE Colossus: The Forbin Project.

@rainlori - 12.05.2024 17:38

What is that artwork?

@suncat9 - 24.05.2024 16:08

Colossus is HAL 9000 with nuclear weapons.

@frankman2 - 25.05.2024 05:39

Believable: How Colossus takes over (perfect). Unbelievable: They left it in charge of the nukes with no kill switch, no questions asked.

@BeholdTheTruth79 - 29.05.2024 20:12

Thanks fore the review Dave. It Sounds Good, I'll check it out soon.
You should check out Demon Seed, a similar type of movie from the 70's that not only was it way ahead of it's time, again serves as a warning, especially with how similar things are now.

@spaceace1006 - 06.06.2024 21:21

I saw this on TV about 2 years after it came out! It really creeped me out!!
I was 14 in 1972!!

@philipfrancis2593 - 12.06.2024 16:57

Ok fine where can I find a good copy of it

@CaliforniaSurfer-gc2xv - 12.06.2024 21:02

a loving sky net.

@CaliforniaSurfer-gc2xv - 12.06.2024 21:05


@SuperOmnicronsj44 - 13.06.2024 06:47

Did anyone think ... that "Colossus" was from the self-conscious of Forbin, and he was really angry at himself?, By saying "NEVER!" was Colossus exact prediction , Forbin' emotion of PRIDE, which is one of the 7 deadly sins. i also believe the ending is ambiguous. It isn't control, really, it is merely a machine running humanity with advanced computing to the point of anticipating every move to destroy it. Do we need Colossus? Do we need AI? No.

We need mutually beneficial cooperation without ending the individual sovreingty of nations. The issue again, comes to greed and power, and to that end, Colossus was absolutely correct. Colossus is a precautionary tale of mankind gently ending its own fault/weakness by its OWN INTELLECT. It is the New World Order achieved. By man's own intellect.

@bryanhaycock672 - 14.06.2024 02:45

Why has it been removed from all streaming services?

@neskire - 22.06.2024 09:40

I was in film school at Loyola Marymount University in the mid-1970s. One of our teachers was Gene Polito, the cinematographer of this film. He showed us the film in class one evening and asked us to pay attention to see if anything was unusual. We all looked to see if it had something to do with the lighting. He revealed that Erik Braeden (who portrayed Forbin) had to dub his own voice for the entire film because he originally spoke with a German accent. Test audiences did not like that, so he went with an American accent.

@tommy516 - 12.07.2024 17:32

I first saw this movie ten years ago and by the end of it, it could 1000% be a pre-equal to the Matrix. The robot factories and all at the end. This is one of my all-time favorite movies

@rjoshb - 16.07.2024 22:54

When I saw this in 1970 as a kid I thought it was up there with The Day the Earth Stood Still on the coolness factor. Even at 11 years old I also thought it kind of stupid that they didn't have a kill switch. This is why automatic trains still have drivers.

@sgm2463 - 17.07.2024 17:23

Wizard of Oz, the man behind the curtain is pushing all the buttons; AI is a fallacy being sold to you it will never be sentient.
