How To Fix a Dead BO Vape or JUUL Battery

How To Fix a Dead BO Vape or JUUL Battery

Darth Vapor Reviews

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@jakekyzer476 - 20.11.2018 23:00

Do you know how to take apart a sourin. Ishare? Mine blinks when you hit it but won’t produce vapor

@redneckoutlaw2761 - 21.11.2018 12:08

I don’t have one of those but I do have a juul and I did what you did and it work so thanks so much! I really appreciate your video and your intelligence. Thanks bro

@CrishieX - 27.11.2018 21:50

thank you dude it worked on mine! hella juice donw there

@jennanickrocco9341 - 05.12.2018 17:29

How did u push it out so easily .... I’m trying to do anything to get the little friggen light to shut off !!!! Nothing will shut it off it’s been on for 5 days STRAIGHT even overnight !and it’s giving me a ducking migraine !

@vickisavoca4389 - 07.12.2018 02:54

i tried this and it didn't work... AT ALLL!!!! HELPS

@saeedsharif1260 - 22.12.2018 22:00

Love you

@kelseyfisher6593 - 04.01.2019 03:38

What type of battery does it use

@daguardarenelsilenzio7744 - 15.01.2019 23:22

Thank you. All I had to do was take mine apart, put it back together and it was perfect again lol

@TN-qu7rc - 22.01.2019 01:35

One of my connector pins isn’t sticking out...any suggestions?

@erlinhernandez2363 - 27.01.2019 18:34

Wow i thought he was playing and it did work

@sierraholmes1761 - 04.02.2019 06:35

the yellow tape around mine broke, does that matter? tried everything still no life :(

@chasingamurderer - 05.02.2019 03:25

I like the way you did that video ! Good job!

@chasingamurderer - 05.02.2019 05:20

Hey.... mine won't slide out

@M-Corrado331 - 23.02.2019 22:48

I have a Bo+ and this wont work for me. Anything to help me out?

@asjhalabinski1283 - 25.02.2019 01:30

I got this juul and it broke apoersntly from water or sweat from having it on in her shirt I took it out and cleaned the rubber thing and won’t turn on or charge and the rubber black thing is like ripped at the top part but goes back togethor but still like ripped please help me what do I do???

@heratyck - 02.03.2019 09:59

Oh my god! It worked! Thank you so much!

@bryantroles7855 - 18.04.2019 09:37

God bless you saved me from buying a new juul

@tamarv.jeffery4416 - 27.04.2019 01:32

Thank you. This worked on the myblu.

@youngwickrecords8252 - 28.04.2019 03:18

Thank you so much. I thought it wasnt working, but i put the battery in backwards

@marasay8966 - 08.05.2019 19:17

i can’t even get the battery to come out when i push fro maybe inside out nothing happens 😒

@Mewtsy - 18.05.2019 09:21

hey man mine works great now! thanks for the awesome vid

@papameelo2428 - 18.05.2019 20:26

Pretty simple fix for me, the top wasn't placed on correctly, and some of the sides were a bit wet, so I cleaned it out and fixed the top and now it's working how it should. Cheers dude <3

@miguelbonilla8755 - 27.05.2019 00:33

My juul won't charge and won't hit but when i put a pod in it lights up but then i try to hit doesn't hit i took it apart doezens of times still doesn't work

@karinaestradacazzol8574 - 03.06.2019 01:37

I lost the case what do I do now?

@juliakaylor3408 - 20.06.2019 12:11

I just wanted to say thanks
For real
I use a My BLU but pretty much same concept just a bit different looking. I watched several video's but only YOU had a concept I could easily follow since I'm not a big "DIY individual" but more of "I'm a poor as f**K individual" lol I found it was really simple, can now perform it as another way to maintain My BLU to save me from buying yet another apparatus so soon and most of all...IT WORKS!!

@emilypowell3453 - 10.07.2019 03:23

I cant get it out

@user-cv5rf - 20.07.2019 08:57

Can i put it in rice?

@clutchmc4785 - 21.07.2019 03:28

U fudging goat it worked

@roscoe144 - 23.07.2019 21:52

It worked for me too. I had to put my JUUL in a padded vice and tapped lightly with a tapered punch. Came right out, cleaned it as directed, put it back together and it worked. Thanks.

@matthewitkin5601 - 26.07.2019 22:16

Great video. Thanks so much

@1112223333111 - 01.08.2019 06:56

why is there a fucking microphone in here?

@fisher7865 - 18.08.2019 00:52

i can’t get the inside part back in 😵😂

@carolinemcclellan7389 - 18.08.2019 19:13

thx soooo much i worked on my juul for a rly long time and nothing worked this was rly helpful to me!

@finessecompeletion5581 - 07.09.2019 04:50

I was juuling in the shower what to do

@DeriDrums - 26.09.2019 01:01

Why my juul still can’t hitting! when i hit the juul, the LED was blinking. Anyone help me please.

@osamashaun1889 - 10.11.2019 05:57

only way it hits is if it’s on the charger 😹😹😹😹😹

@jenessajaske5621 - 10.11.2019 06:20

I can't get the battery out. Any suggestions?

@carlitos5477 - 19.01.2020 02:00

Can you do it but with a baton v2 please

@TenSeven97 - 26.01.2020 08:50

Thanks! This worked perfectly on my Juul battery. It was blinking green 5 times when I put it on the charger and would not charge. After the cleaning it is charging normally.

@GhostLipss - 08.02.2020 03:06

My inside had juice all over it

@nottara3936 - 13.02.2020 01:32

I never leave comments but oh my god thank you so much🥴

@vanelligarcia1496 - 14.04.2020 10:45

Hlo sir i would like to ask how to fix a dead myohm air sir... Thanks...

@febreze881 - 27.04.2020 06:34

Can you help me? my juul will not charge, my light will not come on or signal the pod.

@jonholt495 - 20.05.2020 20:48

my juul stopped working entirely a couple days ago. it was fully charged, i took a couple hits, then it just stopped. It doesn't light up when I charge it. Took it apart, everything inside seems fine, cleaned out any juice that might've leaked down in the battery. nothing i try seems to work and i can't buy a new one because they raised the age to 21 so idk what to do

@soullessangel4055 - 15.09.2020 17:43

Guys it works. I still have to get more funk out of my Juul battery but it’s starting to charge again. Still stops but it’s starting to take a charge. Keep working at it. I might be able to fix it completely I hope. The more I find to clean, the more it’s trying take a charge. It might blink in and off with the white light A LOT but KEEP TRYING.

Edit: So far its charging. Blinks a few times once in awhile but it’s charging still! I also found out you’re supposed to clean the inside where the pod is held after every pod to prevent, well this, far longer.

Thank you so much!

@heitorsouzafs - 08.10.2020 18:00

seu noia c nn concertou a batreria so limbou o trem]

@melodicmusic8137 - 10.04.2021 23:38

You save my day bro!!! Cheers!!!

@ares4o- - 26.08.2021 20:47

It worked for me. Like thx dude

@keeliefreudenberger9712 - 02.12.2021 14:46

I have a question if someone were to charge it with a cut up wire will it ruin the vuse?

@TSKROSNAC - 06.05.2022 15:56

Where can I buy a battery for my juul brand electronic cigarette?
