The DISGUSTING Crimes Of Rudolf Höss - The Commandant Of Auschwitz

The DISGUSTING Crimes Of Rudolf Höss - The Commandant Of Auschwitz


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@kimkelly5512 - 11.03.2023 12:26

August Dickman, was a faithful Brother and served Jehovah to the end of his life. Jehovah has not forgotten this and will reward Brother Dickman by living forever in paradise after the resurrection.

@larry1824 - 11.03.2023 23:51

In his autobiography he puked for sympathy because the work "overwhelmed" him.

@tunctunc6618 - 28.03.2023 18:01

If there was a third world war, is there any guarantee that such a massacre would not happen again, because history consists of repetition.

@theKeshaWarrior - 04.04.2023 08:42

What is even the point of making this video when you're literally just reading the fucking Wikipedia page lmao?

@ireneroland3070 - 04.04.2023 14:04

So sad .

@genuineimpulse9134 - 04.04.2023 20:01

He got off easy. They often do.

@Albert-xd2zd - 14.04.2023 08:17

Mistr Soros it is geneius

@Albert-xd2zd - 14.04.2023 08:20

17 .November 1989 ne oslavujem oslavujem Rusku pomoc z roku 1968

@zoomonkeydotcom2005 - 17.04.2023 12:12

Is this animal a different animal then Rudolph Hess ? The one who was close to Hitler and flew to Scotland and died in 1987 ?

@bartekbartek8890 - 06.05.2023 13:39


@hamslambo7098 - 15.05.2023 10:01

Not even a titty twister?

@hinaynihorvath3926 - 18.05.2023 02:25

God rest the souls of the victims & the Jewish to his righteous grandson Rainer Hoss

@hinaynihorvath3926 - 18.05.2023 02:28

God rest the soul of his poor victim Eleanor Hodys

@hinaynihorvath3926 - 18.05.2023 02:29

mind bending how this little freak who had the intelligence of a toad was not kept in prison himself!

@Slavs-m2e - 26.05.2023 06:38

How the Commandant of Auschwitz was "Forgiven" for his Sins:

Rudolf Hoss, the Commandant of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Death Camp, was brought up as a Catholic and aspired to become a priest before joining the German army in 1916 and becoming a decorated soldier. In the post war years Hoss joined the Right wing paramilitary Freikorps. Inspired by Hitler, he became one of his earliest Nazi henchmen in 1922 and resorted to political assassinations in an aim to overthrow the post war German government. After being arrested and sentenced to ten years in prison in 1923, Hoss was given amnesty in 1928 as Weimar Germany attempted to appease its Nazi extremists.

In 1933 Hoss joined Hitler's newly formed personal bodyguard and Nazi military wing, the SS. And, with his experience as a former prisoner Hoss was deemed uniquely suited to an administrative appointment at the Dachau concentration camp before being promoted to Adjutant at Sachenhausen in 1938 and Commandant of the new camp at Auschwitz in 1940. During 1941-42 Hoss expanded the camp facilities and streamlined and perfected the process of industrial mass murder while building gas chambers, crematoria and utilizing starvation as a means of realizing the “Final Solution”. In late 1941 he ordered the murder of 850 Soviet POWs, who served as Guinea pigs for testing the newly constructed gas chambers. Subsequently, an additional 1.5 million people, mostly Jews perished in a similar manner while another half million were starved to death before the Camp was liberated by the Red Army in January, 1945.

On one occasion in 1940 Hoss freed a Jesuit Superior, Władysław Lohn, who had been captured by the SS guards after sneaking into the camp in search of imprisoned fellow Jesuits. After the war ended, Hoss was captured, tried and convicted of crimes against humanity. Hoss, a man with a large family, including five children, remained unrepentant during his testimony at the Nuremberg trials where he methodically detailed the mass killings at Auschwitz. But, he supposedly underwent a transformation while in a Polish prison awaiting execution, where he expressed remorse after being treated well by guards who were former prisoners at Auschwitz. After requesting an audience with a Catholic priest, Father Władysław Lohn, whose life Hoss spared earlier in 1940, complied and listened to Hoss’s lengthy confession before giving him absolution and forgiving him for his sins.

But, why would any priest acquiesce to such a demand from a mass murderer responsible for the most heinous of war crimes ? Hoss’s transformation from a callous SS officer to a repentant human being asking “God” for forgiveness has been cited by Catholic theologians as an example of God's divine mercy on all souls, including the likes of Hoss. But, the real truth is most likely clouded by the complicated relationship between the Catholic Church and the Third Reich.

@ruthmaryrose - 29.07.2023 04:01

The greatest horror to glean from studying the atrocities of the past is the knowledge that such people still exist and even worse atrocities are possible.

@thomasdunn1680 - 13.08.2023 18:05

Ok so he admits that 3.5 million died in auswitz but he only gassed 2.5 million
Why is there a sign now on the gates of auswitz stating that 1.3 million died here?
Maybe hoess was told what to say?

@dcore64 - 11.09.2023 03:04

Peculiar how all these beasts who murdered at wholesale level on behalf of the aryan ideology, were almost all dark haired and feeble in stature. Including Hitler. I think they were closeted homosexuals in love with the Swedish men. The fact that they included homosexuals in the gassings only proves my point. Denial.

@jamie123b - 29.09.2023 00:01

It’s scary that there are ordinary people nowadays that would have been brainwashed into being a barbaric evil murderer like this under the same environment and conditions

@janetturner7489 - 09.10.2023 15:55

I have just read through all the comments. Many people confuse Hitler's deputy Hess who was in Spandau prison with Hoess the commandant of Auschwitz, two different people; he has nothing to do with this video.

@mohammedt2956 - 04.01.2024 18:13

Netanyahu too shall be trial

@am2350 - 25.01.2024 13:18

A film called Zone of Interest just came out and it's about his family living next door to Auschwitz. I thought it was a pretty good movie and it really makes you think about how genocide gets ignored by people on a daily basis

@Hi-to-ri - 05.02.2024 16:10

The zone of interest brought me here.

@DonLavos - 10.02.2024 01:27

Just watched The Zone Of Interest.... Chilling

@stephenolson532 - 11.02.2024 07:12

He was just following orders right?

@hansczeschilk2313 - 20.03.2024 05:50

Execution is murder, self defence is legal

@SammyHagar-d4r - 21.03.2024 02:31

I don't even want this man breathing valuable oxygen from the rest of the world..

@skydude426 - 24.03.2024 13:27

A person capable of doing what Hoss did, is a psychopath and incapable of empathy of any kind. This is what makes psychopathy such a dangerous thing. Whether in charge of lives or the income of other humans, they will always have zero care for anyone harmed. It’s too bad there isn’t an easy way to identify psychopaths so they can never be in a position of power.

@TheRubberStudiosASMR - 30.03.2024 05:17

In 100 years they’ll be making videos about Israel’s inhumane treatment of Gaza

@roastnut - 30.03.2024 17:09

People made hell on earth. Hard to process the industrial scale murder that took place. Absolute madness. This kind of Psychotic behaviour can still be seen in every war zone since. Humans are still animals when the chips are down.

@tiffanystarbeck2279 - 18.04.2024 05:26

This is just absolutely heartbreaking. Every video Are just fantastic, I am just so fascinated with World War III. I just cannot believe in 1 million years how this could ever have happened. It still blows my mind. I'm so glad that there is so many videos and pictures and information about what happened so we never forget, ever! It's very sad because there are still living relatives of these awful terrible monsters. Rudolph grandson is still alive and he he no longer speaks to anyone in his family. He has disowned them because he is devastated ashamed, sad, scared upset, and hates when he sees pictures of his parents and his aunts and uncles hanging by the pool and everything looks great in their home and then he knows that his grandpa killed millions of people. he feels a lot of guilt and shame about who he is. he actually went and took a reporter into his house or his grandpa's house and there was a bunker in there and it was very frightening to him. He just said you know it's terrible. I feel so bad him. Same for Joseph Mengle. He feels very guilty too that he has to carry around that name sake. It's just very sad. Thank you so much for your videos. I love them.😢

@-AtomsPhere- - 19.04.2024 00:48

I just watched “the zone of interest” and Hoess is the main character. Not sure the film captured him very well. He was very humanized in the film, which was I’m sure the intention, but was it the reality?

@tinabelcher9037 - 16.05.2024 18:23

My grandparents were Auschwitz survivors. My grandmother broke into his house. They woke up one morning and they could all smell bread. They had been starving for months. Several of them took a chance and left the bunker and they walked for about a mile following the smell of bread and they arrived at the villa of the commandant. They wanted to go back but my grandmother refused. She climbed up the house and into an open window. She said there was a fresh loaf of bread on a big dining room table. She took the bread and was climbing back out the window when she felt a hand on her shoulder. It was this guy. He told her "don't worry, I'm not gonna kill you." Then he told her a bunch of names and told her to tell them that he was coming to kill them. He then let her go and let her have the bread. She climbed back down and shared it with the others

@코스모스Q - 05.06.2024 15:25

<The zone of interest >movie, true story

@ericwilliam59 - 28.06.2024 04:44

All I say to the American people who finances people Bankers of America finance these people the bankers of Europe Finance these people the church finance these people the intelligent agency have you ever understood that the Reverend the Russian Revolution will finance by International Bankers out of the New York branch of the banking system of the world they couldn't have did it without bankers couldn't have been done without government cooperation they're saying that they are their enemies but who gave them the money the resources and everything to do what they did all companies bankers they all are to blame y'all people ain't learned that since 84 years ago 86 years ago and started in 1938 1933 a finance the whole shebang of what happened in World War II are you going right here talking about Hitler in the religious people did the war a part of the banking system in the Vatican and in the governments that we are calling Heroes Finance the whole thing you need to do some really some research and you couldn't have did that without financing that's the bottom line America and Russia will never go to war because they are owned by International Bankers that's it and that's all I hope you all wake up stop going for the propaganda people if anybody if the Jews want to blame anybody for what they went through you need to take your International Bankers of your own your own family they they financed your people getting burnt up in ovens they financed the slave trade they finance all the wars that are going on but y'all don't want to hear that is more deeper Wicked than you think you Christians you should read where Paul says wickedness and high places the Apostle Paul was right❤❤❤❤❤❤

@roxannamorris6431 - 07.08.2024 08:35


@gavinslater3074 - 15.08.2024 21:41

What a lot of bollocks…he was severely tortured into a confession…had his family threatened….absolutely no evidence of mass killings at auschwitz…most of the deaths which the Red Cross reported was 57000 were due to typhus epidemic…The conclusions of the early US Army investigations as to the truth about the wartime German concentration camps have since been corroborated by all subsequent investigators and can be summarized:

1. The harrowing scenes of dead and dying inmates were not the result of a German policy of "extermination," but rather the result of epidemics of typhus and other disease brought about largely by the effects of Allied aerial attacks.
2. Stories of Nazi supercriminals and sadists who turned Jews and others into handbags and lampshades for their private profit or amusement were sick lies or diseased fantasies; indeed, the German authorities punished corruption and cruelty on the part of camp commanders and guards.
3. On the other hand, portrayals of the newly liberated inmates as saints and martyrs of Hitlerism were quite often very far from the truth; indeed, most of the brutalities inflicted on camp detainees were the work of their fellow prisoners, in contravention of German policy and German orders.
4. The alleged homicidal showers and gas chambers were used either for bathing camp inmates or delousing their clothes; the claim that they were used to murder Jews or other human beings is a contemptible fabrication. Orthodox historians and professional "Nazi-hunters" have quietly dropped claims that inmates were gassed at Dachau, Buchenwald and other camps in Germany. They continue, however, to keep silent regarding the lies about Dachau and Buchenwald, as well as to evade an open discussion of the evidence for homicidal gassing at Auschwitz and the other camps captured by the Soviets." [For the full article click here.]

@kylemendoza8860 - 26.08.2024 03:50

Rudolph Hoss probably witness the Armenian genocide on the Eastern front at a 17-year-old German soldier at world war I. He seemed to have no emotions one way or the other.

@sroevukasroevuka - 28.08.2024 05:22

I lost family at an ss death factory in 🇭🇷

@davidsf075 - 31.08.2024 18:19

Doesn't sound like him. He said nothing at the gallows, so, most likely he never said that. Otherwise, he would repeat it on gallows to ensure his repentance.

@813infinityfilms123 - 16.09.2024 07:36

He repented as we all should!✝️❤️🙏

@RandomAbbo - 21.09.2024 19:27

The allies were rotten little liars.

@rubengutierrez-w5s - 21.09.2024 23:09

Never again! But they're working on it!

@stuartaustin7134 - 27.09.2024 09:01

This will all be forgotten soon. Look at the crimes of the government of Israel.

@kimbradley9595 - 28.09.2024 02:58

Look at Putin's grandfather and what is happening again

@John-hx7ur - 14.10.2024 01:29


@CraigHalliday-r8q - 16.10.2024 10:18

He was a Disgusting Sadistic Evil Monster

@CraigHalliday-r8q - 16.10.2024 10:20

Hoess was a Dirty Horrible Low Life Nazi Monster

@CraigHalliday-r8q - 16.10.2024 10:24

The Holocaust was Pure Evil just like the Dirty Sadistic Monster Hoess
