The World's Most Difficult Star Trek Questions Finally Answered

The World's Most Difficult Star Trek Questions Finally Answered


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@jameshaley8162 - 04.08.2022 05:48

...They actually wanted Jeffery Hunter to come back, but his wife, told Gene or Desilu, that "Jeffery Hunter is a movie star and he doesn't do television"
...we'll assume that she answered their request with his fore knowledge and permission....
Talk about regret.

@fivestar5897 - 04.08.2022 09:07

Good video, just a few thoughts to share: "The Cage" was 1965 (not 64), and in Voyager they said they could max out at Warp 9.975 (not 9.9). Other than that, would love to learn more about the Q, definitely the most enjoyable aliens!

@rickcoona - 04.08.2022 09:14

clickbate! show Garric and not one mention?

@untamedwild1 - 04.08.2022 13:47

Of all the Time Travel Rules, Nero from J.J Abrams Star Trek was the Dumbest! His World was destroyed, he gets a Time Machine and goes back to… Well, not to Save Romulus, but to destroy Vulcan?

What a Moron!!! Bad Writing J.J. Abrams.

@2490debrick - 04.08.2022 21:35

Time travel doesn't exist, neither does the multiverse, and best of reality warping is impossible! So no time travel, no mirror universe, and certainly no Q! Boring ey mwahaahahahaha

@namekal6000 - 05.08.2022 03:06

Robert April wasn't an innovation from TAS. He was named as the captain in Roddenberry's original "Wagon Train to the Stars" pitch.

On the other hand, the Holodeck did make its debut on TAS.

@joeschembrie9450 - 05.08.2022 04:11

Giant Spock was physically a clone of the original Spock's body, but his consciousness was the original Spock's consciousness. Then he mind-melded with the original Spock's body to impart consciousness to it. In terms of consciousness, giant Spock is the original Spock, and the original Spock's body contains a clone of Spock's consciousness.

@gwaccola - 05.08.2022 05:29

Actually, Captain Robert April was FIRST mentioned in the book, "The Making of Star Trek" by Gene Roddenberry and Stephen Whitfield.

@odysseusrex5908 - 05.08.2022 06:34

STD and its other misbegotten progeny are not canon and should be ignored.
It is clear that the term warp is used differently between TOS and the Next Gen era. It is probable that Next Gen ships are using what was referred to in Star Trek III as trans warp drive. Somewhere along the line the terminology was changed so that trans warp numbers just began to be called warp such and such. The people using the machines and the terms knew what they meant. Thus, Kirk's ship was capable of warp numbers well beyond ten, because the term was describing a different physical phenomenon from what Picard's ship experiences. If Scotty had not sabotaged it, the Excelsior could have gone far faster than the Enterprise A, no matter what warp number she achieved, but never faster than trans warp number 9.9.

@its_A_me_Njobe - 05.08.2022 14:05

for the movies,the klingons got a "facelift"

@Spamsmoothie1701 - 05.08.2022 23:46

The skeleton of Spock's 20 foot tall clone can be seen in the Lower Deck's Episode. Kayshon, His Eyes Open onboard the Collector's vessel.

@ColinPMcEvoy - 07.08.2022 20:09

Hmm. You guys are missing the part in Star Trek Online where they delved into it.

@Punmaster9001 - 08.08.2022 05:18

Not sure if they are saying the crew of Voyager invented the holo emitter or just the show in general. I know they introduced it in the show so the Doctor could do scenes out of the holodeck and medbay

@jimmyyu2184 - 08.08.2022 07:12

It wasn't until the "discovery of lost archives" of Spinal Tap, that we realize we can achieve 11.

@gwgux - 08.08.2022 20:40

For all the things brought up in this video, I'm really surprised they did not mention that the animated series showed the original 1701 having a holodeck before it became a thing in The Next Generation. For all the nods that have been made to the animated series by episodes in later series, this is the biggest one in my opinion. I think they even mentioned how advanced the technology has become indicating it's already been around.

I know the animated series being canon will likely forever be a matter of debate, but in my mind there's just too many connections to the rest of the Star Trek universe for to not be canon.

@delarrianriley6240 - 10.08.2022 00:00

It was a Klingon bird of prey that slingshotted off the sun to go back in time

@nowthatsjustducky - 12.08.2022 05:09

Has a believable canonical reason for the naming of the Space Shuttle Enterprise in the Star Trek universe been established yet? Actually remember getting to watch her drop landing test live on TV back then.

@scinnyc - 12.08.2022 07:15

What about when the transporter fused Tuvok and Neelix into one person? Then you wonder why McCoy refused to be beamed up😆

@scinnyc - 12.08.2022 07:17

What about TNG episode when the Traveler made the Enterprise go so fast that they went way to another galaxy in mere minutes

@danielsausaman9767 - 13.08.2022 11:21

4.11 , Yes , it reappeared in an Episode of Star Trek Lower Deck ,but as a skeleton with mostly damaged outfit ,,

@LadyGameProfessor - 13.08.2022 13:33

The Original Series, TNG, and the first 7 movies (including Generations) are 100% canon.
DS Nine, Voyager, and movies 8 & 9 can be canon if you prefer it, but they have some canon-breaking inconsistencies.
Enterprise, all animated series, the novels, the rest of the movies, and Picard are not canon; but you can accept stories or ideas as canon.
Discovery is NOT canon. It's not even Star Trek. It's an insult.

@nicholasklangos9704 - 13.08.2022 22:16

Also Robert April as first captain of the enterprise was used in a Star Trek novel and first time expanded as canon. It’s a decent story and would have made a better prequel movie than a lot of recent stuff.

@taitano12 - 15.08.2022 00:53

It would be fun if STtAS, and possibly LD, was a cartoon that aired in-universe. Referencing "real life" places, Federation heroes, and events.

@Youngstown529 - 15.08.2022 14:15

A 2-story tall Spock skeleton appears in ST: Lower Decks.

@bedtimesd.1247 - 15.08.2022 14:32

SLUG?? LIZARD?? How about Amphibian!

@richardpalm3202 - 16.08.2022 23:59

Regarding taking the word of fictional Star Trek scientists that "The transporter doesn't kill you; it transports the real you, body, soul, and all," this is of course appropriate in the fictional reality of Star Trek, since the foundation of all drama is "the willing suspension of disbelief." However, in our reality, it remains an interesting philosophical and scientific thought experiment, because predictions, in order to be scientific, must be testable. If the enormous technical challenges of creating a working transporter were somehow solved, how could you test whether it was really a transporter, or a destroyer-copier? Whatever appeared at the output end of a properly working copier would have all your memories, knowledge, and functionality, and would therefore experience being the real you, regardless of whether it was or not, so there would be no way to answer the question. In the end, I guess we have to admit that if there''s no way to design an experiment or observational method to answer the question, then it's not a scientific question, but a philosophical one. However, if offered the opportunity to step into one, with no scientific way to prove that the real you will surive, it's probably best to just not do it!

@mrsenstitz - 17.08.2022 10:24

Maybe with new scifi novels, Janeway and Paris become axolotls. Seethe Netflix the short series 'Into the night' and the companion movie set on a submarine in the same event. 'The Old Axalotl' is the novela for this. 8 havent finished it yet as it is very weird.

@katakisLives - 17.08.2022 16:58

Not hard light holograms, photons and forcefields, the hardlight drive is red dwarf

@irishhi8333 - 18.08.2022 02:28

T'Pol didn't have emotional difficulties simply because she spent a lot of time with humans; she struggled from Pa'nar Syndrome after an involuntary mind meld.

@PrevailPress - 18.08.2022 22:43

Trelaine IS Q. So there.

@TheManWithManyNames - 19.08.2022 03:32

Indeed. Klingons were just Humans with Black face basically. Canonically the reason why their appearance changed was because of a flu combined with a genetic modified serum that was meant to make them physically and mentally stronger and changed their DNA to give them head ridges and changed their very DNA. This is why they look that way sadly most of Star Trek gets this backwards. Star Trek Enterprise by having Deep Space 9 Era Klingons and The next generation by having the Emperor cloned to look like the modern Klingon instead of the original design of thg e Klingons. It really upset me.

@davidliefrink9818 - 19.08.2022 23:17

Spore drive is Plot drive!

@kamazoza - 20.08.2022 06:27

How did you miss big Spock in Lower Decks?

@GoodVideos4 - 20.08.2022 15:12

In 'Enterprise', on Vulcan there were various groups who each had various different interpretations of Surak's teachings. The one with the suppression of emotions became dominant.

@GoodVideos4 - 20.08.2022 15:15

With those changes of Klingons, oh well in the Klingon Empire can be various races of Klingons on various planets, and even on the same planets.

@GoodVideos4 - 20.08.2022 15:26

I was reading that the holodeck and transporter regularly give issues, to symbolise the frailty of human nature.

@GoodVideos4 - 20.08.2022 15:30

TOS used a different warp scale to TNG and Voyager.

@gachanguyen7154 - 21.08.2022 07:21


@razzle1964 - 21.08.2022 18:53

So, poor old Wesley & the Traveller don't warrant a mention? Thank fuck for space mushrooms!

@CXSGroupie - 22.08.2022 01:12

STD sucks hard.... they destrpyed the canon, not only by intention, they puked and shitted on it literally...

@thearmchairspacemanOG - 22.08.2022 09:24

the Kzinti are stolen straight off Larry Niven, so STA is pish. Plagiarism is out of order, especially when it's done in lazy bloody ignorance.

@supercommie - 03.07.2023 12:53

Vulcans are not emotionless, they claim to be, but they are deluding themselves. If you observe their behaviour they are just like humans only with a superiority complex.

@xzemmyx - 06.03.2024 21:07

Speaking from experience, you name it "computer" you won't get to watch any Star Trek episodes without "computer" interrupting to tell you it can't compute the last request about the warp core. 🤣

@Looper - 28.07.2022 22:43

What would you like to see explored further in Star Trek?
