How I chose psychiatry (Serious)

How I chose psychiatry (Serious)


1 год назад

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R H - 09.10.2023 04:19

Psychiatry and cigarette companies are in the same business: create life-long drug addicts that will squeeze every last dime out of a person until their poison kills them. The brain damage caused by psychiatric drugs is permanent! Psychiatry is evil!

Jacek Deptuła
Jacek Deptuła - 03.10.2023 23:16

Do You know who I am? Kedy popularne szablony 'Cześć jestem maniak, znaczy że nie przestrzegacie, czy też nie przestrzegaliście starożytnej filozofii nauczającej o formie i treści. Zostajecie zaklasyfikowani jako synkreci, agresywni poprzez praktyki takie jak elektrowstrząsy kasujące pamięć (tak tak szmato michalak) by the way zapisuje kozyra witku 'Jak Świat długi i szeroki oraz chrześniak samsari Wojcio A.D. RESZCZEK usunoł krzyż Święty z izby weryfikacyjnej.

Reik Iavik
Reik Iavik - 15.09.2023 21:05

Symptoms of behavioral and cognitive disorders in adults:

- Impulsiveness and hyperactivity, with inability to regulate behavior.
- Poor concentration and short-term memory.
- Constant mood and personality changes.
- Emotional immaturity.
- Inability to be aware and correct their negative traits and mistakes.
- Childish and loud behavior.
- Lack of empathy and understanding the perspective of others.
- Little or no perseverance and discipline.
- Erratic, disorganized and unpredictable behavior.
- Obsessions and compulsions.
- Inability to remain quiet in public spaces.
- Poor spatial skills and clumsy demeanor.
- Outbursts of neurosis.

amalierzutaraجميلةنجريه - 14.09.2023 06:31

I'm on my way to becoming a psychiatrist and I wish you the best. Thankyou I really enjoyed your video

Michael Ten
Michael Ten - 05.09.2023 04:53

Read the book Coercion as Cure by psychiatrist Thomas Szasz.

Seeker296 - 01.09.2023 14:28

"they have to live inside their mind for the rest of their life, and I wanted to make that a better place for them" so poignantly spoken. As a fellow aspiring psychiatrist, I feel that but never expressed it. You brought tears.

HolisticCNM - 26.08.2023 22:48

This was beautiful, Preston. I'm a nurse-midwife and found you on tiktok. It's clear that your emotional intelligence, perceptiveness, and wonderful sense of humor are going to make you a gifted psychiatrist. :)

Yvorn Aswad
Yvorn Aswad - 24.08.2023 23:33

Psych gang here!! It's fun out here. Wild. But fun lol

Omar - 17.08.2023 21:31

I started in IM and left after a year and went into Psychiatry. Best decision of my life.

Brd Pe
Brd Pe - 12.08.2023 08:51

Dude I saw your EM resident video first and didn’t think for one second you were messing around! It just hit me you made a joke about psych residents! You’re awesome brother I wish you a great career!

Saloni - 09.08.2023 09:52

I look up to you. Sending best wishes!

Sammy-O - 09.08.2023 04:18

I have SPMI and I've had the same psychiatrist since 2004. He listens to me, he remembers things that I tell him, he believes in me, and he is the kindest, most wonderful doctor.
Best of luck to you.

Labeeb Ahmad
Labeeb Ahmad - 06.08.2023 13:30

Thanks for making this, you’re a nice genuine guy with good insight

Tali - 03.08.2023 00:36

I have questions…

1. I often hear psychiatrists state at the largest mental institutions are jails, however, psychiatric hospitals are modeled after jails…. Except that in jail you have rights… how do you defend the involuntary indefinite commitment of people in jail like settings when at least in jail, they have a set release date? What about alternatives to psych wards like peer support groups?

2. Why is it that you are allowed to refuse antibiotics, but you are not allowed to refuse psychiatric medication? Also, when you are involuntarily committed, they make you sign paperwork anyways that says that it’s OK to treat…. And then they bill you for unwanted services? Why is that ethical?

3. BIPOC are more likely to be labeled as schizophrenic and are more likely to be given harmful medication’s than other groups of people. why is it OK to discriminate against them?

4. Why is medication considered the default answer to societal problems when a lot of this is due to poverty and inequities?

5. Human rights are routinely, violated, and people stripped of their dignity and autonomy. They are also asked insanely personal questions, and if you try to deny them, then the psychiatrist says you are lying. Why does the psychiatric interview have to be set up like a cop interviewing a criminal? And why dont patients have access to lawyers who can protect them from the doctor?

6. Why aren’t patients given any sort of choices to collaborate on what they are comfortable doing? Because if they don’t, they are routinely threatened with either restraints, or medication or they are denied “privliledges”

7. Why is it OK to abuse people in institutions, and why do you want people institutionalized?

8. ECT- why on earth, would you want someone to be a living vegetable that doesn’t sound so ethical that kind of reminds me of the book one flew over the cuckoo’s nest.

9. Abusive guardianship/conservatorships even Britney Spears is not immune to this unethical treatment.

10. Why does the human experience need to be medicalized. Sometimes people go through traumatic experiences and it’s OK to be sad. There is something that is inherently dehumanizing by using a medical model to reduce human experience to a DSM “criteria”

11. Have you ever taken a peek at Reddit and looked at the psychiatry sub Reddit? You should see how psychiatrists speak about patients it is so dehumanizing. With the often fraught and abusive history of psychiatry, not much has changed. Why is it ok to slap a label on people and abuse them?

12. Psychiatric care is not trauma informed because if you don’t answer personal questions than it is presumed that you lack capacity. Don’t you think it’s wrong to try to force a narrow set of behavioral expectations on everyone and then punish those that don’t fall into that category?

13. Most private psychiatric hospitals routinely make people try to stay longer if they have lucrative insurance? Don’t you think that’s wrong? What about the hierarchical authoritarian structures of psych words don’t you realize that most people are scared of you in the psych ward and will just tell you whatever you want to hear so they can go free?

Psych words don’t stop suicide. In fact, you are more likely to commit suicide right after a psychiatric discharge. Also, don’t you think it’s kind of degrading to try to make a patientS “earn” back their clothing, and make them undergo invasive strip searches? I just don’t understand the point there is nothing that is humane about those places.

14. Different cultures have different opinions on everything whenever it comes to things like abortion, or euthanasia, or suicide why is it that psychiatrists try to make everything into a Solely Americanized/westernized point of view?

15. Conflict of interest and big Pharma routinely, drug reps for lavish psychiatrists with fancy gifts and what not in order to get them to try to prescribe I get that medication they can even track how much medication is prescribed through insurance claims. How is it that psychiatrists are OK pushing these types of pills on people whenever they are literally getting kickbacks from the pharmaceutical companies to do it?

These pills aren’t harmless. For example, the antipsychotics and weight gain and if you have metabolic dysfunction. … thats serious

Capresti - 21.07.2023 03:37

How many minds have you read? .. chemical imbalance?

Daniel Bensen
Daniel Bensen - 18.07.2023 07:22

Its been difficult for me lately (senior year college pre-med) as I've been drastically overthinking what I want to do in medicine and why. I feel like I keep getting caught up in the flashiness of stuff like surgical subspecialties, etc., but what you said really resonated. What I love most is exploring the human psyche, and the human soul. Its why I love art and the humanities so much as well. But my Dad has worked his whole career in mental health (Clinical Psychologist for the VA), and has told me so many times not to pursue it. I feel compromised, because on one hand I value his judgement so much, but I also feel like psychiatry is something I'd have a real gift for.

Anyways, I appreciate your words, and your honesty about your journey and the honest reflections youve done. I know I have a long time before I need to make my decision, but knowing there are other people out there who have struggled in similar ways and found the right choice is reassuring

Rab Raza
Rab Raza - 17.07.2023 16:36

love it, man, I believe you summed it up perfectly, that is exactly how i feel about psychiatry

Jonathan - 13.07.2023 20:37

You are so cute. Diagnose that.

Philippe Beauchemin
Philippe Beauchemin - 25.06.2023 04:34

This sounds like the exact monologue from the House of God main character. Good luck in psych! You'll be great

Sarah Weiss
Sarah Weiss - 14.06.2023 05:41

Do a House of God book review! I'm an attending and I love your videos.

Peter Park
Peter Park - 13.06.2023 05:46

Thank you for posting about this. I am a third year medical student and I was also previously gunning for a subspecialty until I realized I loved talking to patients, hearing their stories, and finding ways support patients back to their definition of returning to normalcy, and ultimately found psych to hit all those marks. Inspired by your content both in funny or serious ways and would love to see more of this reflective-type videos throughout your experience in residency

ds electroshock
ds electroshock - 05.06.2023 03:46

Those nurse preceptors for students during their psychiatric clinical, the below information has been sent out to most student nurse sites I could find. I wanted you to have the information as well so it does not come as a surprise if this issue is raised, as I hope it will be by some of them.

Nursing students, hello. I loved my career in trauma nursing for 25 years. I hope you too, will get much satisfaction in caring for your patients, for advocating for them, even if it is unpopular. It will take courage to stand up for your vulnerable patients when going against an entrenched system at times, where profits outweigh harm to a patient. 

I lost my career after consenting to the mental health procedure ECT/ Electroshock. I sustained repeated acquired traumatic brain injuries that result from this practice. I was too drugged, to the point I settled a psychiatric medical malpractice suit, when I was consented. I could not draw on my expertise given this.

You will be doing a psychiatric clinical. You may witness the procedure called ECT. There has never been any testing by the FDA for safety or effectiveness. Based on my experience around ECT as a patient and a former trauma nurse I created a website called that I hope you will check out. My initial site is still active but is now owned by the firms involved in a suit around ECT.  There is another site called Mad in America and if you plug in electroshock in the search bar it will pull up many great articles.

When you see the truth of this practice my hope is you will have discussions, write papers, question this practice perhaps as a clinical group, because who wants to be singled out when a student? Your care plans may include alternatives to ECT or referrals into traumatic brain injury programs as part of your discharge planning.

Your professors, have been indoctrinated to accept this practice for the most part, and may question your plan of care. You can let your professor have your known resources and point out that the CA courts have at a minimum, proved brain injury outcomes at a minimum in a suit that is ongoing. 

Much success to you all. ADVOCATE. My gratitude.

Sheila Stutz
Sheila Stutz - 29.05.2023 17:24

The danger of psychiatry is that a diagnosis is, too often, based on what a desired behavior must be! When you have an actual imbalance, the whole body is off balance! Please do a scientific check before you diagnose someone, AND skin diseases are REAL and are most LIKELY to happen to someone who is already unfortunate and has been diagnosed schizophrenic.

pepsi taylor
pepsi taylor - 25.05.2023 05:44

Thank you so much for this :') as a 4th year also interested in psych, a lot of these points hit home for me; when residents/attendings in other specialties scoffed and groaned at a new psych case/visit, those were the patients I gravitated towards.

Bedtime Bible Stories
Bedtime Bible Stories - 25.05.2023 04:07

“They have to live in their minds for the rest of their lives and I want to make that a better place for them”… chills. Go Preston!

Alexjff301 - 24.05.2023 00:21

I'm really torn between neuro and psych, but honestly, I think I am going to choose psych too just because of the lifestyle. I will probably hate my life (at least during residency for the first 2-3 years) if I go the neuro route lol.

Idarmis Torres
Idarmis Torres - 20.05.2023 06:08

Excellent choice! I love being a psych resident ☺️

J T - 15.05.2023 10:58

Love your videos, and love your earnestness. Congrats on the decision and godspeed in residency!

dreamingoutloudful - 14.05.2023 22:13

U are so cute

JASON B - 13.05.2023 19:06

Psychiatry is cool and needed but its not real medicine. Not for me. But glad you do it. Not for me tho.

Jack Nickles
Jack Nickles - 12.05.2023 23:59

Just finished reading House of God and this felt incredibly similar

Moon R
Moon R - 09.05.2023 18:24

Thank you for this!! I'm starting medical school as a non trad (28) and I'm planning to go into psychiatry but also want to use my medical knowledge. Do you think if I should do C/L Psych or Med/Psych?

Jordan_ DC
Jordan_ DC - 09.05.2023 15:58

Exact same experience but switched to EM instead of Psych!

Daniel Maggard
Daniel Maggard - 09.05.2023 15:32

Man Preston as a medical chaplain I'd love to work with you

Capresti - 09.05.2023 05:19

psychiatry is a PSEUDOSCIENCE

SaSpursfan - 09.05.2023 05:14

This is not a skit

Nicolas Graham
Nicolas Graham - 08.05.2023 20:04

Psych daddy 👨🏻

Ethan Yang
Ethan Yang - 08.05.2023 18:30

big fan of you!

Daniela - 08.05.2023 18:24

I always say to people that my psychiatrist saved my life ☺️

Crazydude409 - 08.05.2023 10:45

I started making a stupid comment because clearly Preston do be a funny boy but seriously I'm so happy you've found what you love to do. I know you're gonna be incredible and you're really gonna help people. If you need a test subject I would love to help lmfao. Sincerely the loyal sun setters estates folks <3

Addy Guida
Addy Guida - 08.05.2023 09:03

You’re a literal saint for doin psychiatry—after a homeless dude shat on the floor when I was on psych wards as a “defense mechanism”, I knew it was never gonna happen…& this is comin from a young adult 2x cancer survivor…like Idc what brought you here, you just shit on the floor bro.

Lulu_ - 08.05.2023 08:01

I’m a premed looking to do psychiatry, and then specifically training to become a psychoanalyst. Analysis is pretty marginal in psychology and psychiatry atm with the dominance of the neurobio model, but I think it’s really valuable in conjunction with the pharmacological aspects of psychiatry. also, psychoanalysis is really useful for thinking about mental health (subjectivity in analysis speak) in political terms imo. All medicine is political in the sense that it deals with people who themselves and their ailments are shaped by social structures, but in psychiatry you really get up close and person to these realities. At least the type of analysis I’m interested in makes these connections explicit.

Joseph Demello
Joseph Demello - 08.05.2023 06:31

There’s an interesting dynamic between comedy and psych

Ed girl
Ed girl - 08.05.2023 05:48

3rd year subspecialty gunner struggling too. I’m in a rural area with no psychiatrist. My US school essentially abandons us after 2nd year. I worked for nine months to get a psych rotation in a city 1 hour drive away and I didn’t really understand why until I heard your thoughts. I realize that my persistence has boiled down to wanting joy for my patients. I want them to know someone cares about them beyond bleeding out or their lipids. I want my patients to have joy and security and happiness in their own minds

Thanks for sharing, best of luck. If you have any rotation recommendations, please share . Currently have 54 VSLO apps for psych and neurology pending and am feeling lost- but a little less lost after watching your video.

Spongerob Roundpants
Spongerob Roundpants - 08.05.2023 04:36

I've been following your stuff throughout my 4th year and I've found all of it incredibly insightful. I just matched anesthesiology but choosing that over psychiatry was more difficult than I could've imagined. Your ability to grasp and digest a situation has made your content great, but understanding the feelings behind those situations will make you a great shrink. Congratulations and I wish you luck over the next four years!

Tay Daniels
Tay Daniels - 08.05.2023 04:20

This was absolutely beautiful. I’m so glad you’re going into that field with such compassion.
This online auntie is rooting for you! ❤

Alex O'Brien
Alex O'Brien - 08.05.2023 03:21

Great video.

No More Bro Science
No More Bro Science - 08.05.2023 02:20

You definitely pulled off the EM persona so well. Thought for sure with your trauma shear quick draw time you'd be going into EM.

Robert Rowland
Robert Rowland - 08.05.2023 01:54

Love the channel bro, thanks for the reflection

Hamza - 08.05.2023 00:55

Hey Preston, love these little serious videos too in addition to the skits, keep'em coming!
