Blender Tutorial: From Maya to Blender (Character Animation)

Blender Tutorial: From Maya to Blender (Character Animation)

Bloop Animation

10 лет назад

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@lulcy95 - 09.02.2015 23:26

For beginers between Maya and Blender which is the most "userfriendly" ? As far as i know theres no writen document/guides of how to use blender,my question is : should i start learning using other 3D animation softwares first ?

@NORsjkl33 - 10.02.2015 00:04

Why would you go from maya to blender?

@PaulVanGaans - 10.02.2015 15:04

To view your "playblast" in Blender... CTRL+ F11. Much quicker and easier than opening in the video editor. ;)

@moose304 - 10.02.2015 23:03

Having only used Blender this was cool to see how Maya works (and what it looks like).  Also cool to see that at the end of the day, they're both just tools.  Thanks for this!

@sirkobewilliams1346 - 11.02.2015 11:31


@fschutt247 - 01.03.2015 14:27

Excuse me, if I ask, but ... 2.66? Why? Either the video was recorded years ago or there's a weird reason not to upgrade to 2.72 or something...

@Sergio-sl1zh - 20.03.2015 13:44

Guys! what kind of possessor do I need to be comfortable in blender?  is 8GB RAM enough?
Thanks a lot !

@thelemon4418 - 04.06.2015 04:55

The only problem i have is rendering in blender took forever

@KevinMaxMorales - 25.07.2015 00:25

Hey excellent tut and tips, cool.Pd: Playblast = Ctrl + F11, :)

@MalikKlinker - 30.09.2015 03:12

lol I love blender

@aayush8315 - 13.03.2016 23:55

It takes too long in render
IS there any way to make it fast

@ognisty81 - 25.04.2016 19:09

I am switching from Blender to Maya .. but good stuff..! :-))

@Skyliner_369 - 03.11.2016 10:44

I love how you use the 'child of' constraint. This is all well and good, but it's only a constraint. Blender also has what I might call proper children. What you do is select what you whant the children to be and then select the object you want to be the parent and press Ctrl+P and select the relationship you want. This shortcut also works for setting an armature as the deform object for a mesh. But I'm guessing you have discovered this by now.

@mummareddynagalakshmi3342 - 24.03.2017 11:47

if blender is better than maya why most of the people and studios use maya

@lawrencedoliveiro9104 - 16.04.2017 07:49

Seems like you didn’t capture the whole screen, the top and bottom parts are missing.

@CaCriGuz - 17.04.2017 22:52

Great video !!
thank you so much, I was very curious about the comparison between blender with other 3D software, since Blender is the only one I have used so far. I thought I was overlooking some features but It looks like I was not. Blender is such a great program for lots of purposes, but as you said at the begining, the principles of animation are the same throughout every software. :D

cheers mate !! :D

@shantosheikh2668 - 20.12.2017 09:56

nice broo

@smurf932 - 12.02.2018 14:09

Realise blender is more complecated

@InPhenixStudios - 03.03.2018 23:26

Which screen recorder are you using

@fontanillabrothersvlogsz232 - 11.05.2018 23:21

what software do you use in modeling characters and giving them a skeleton

@aleph-tav - 29.11.2018 09:59

Which on is better for Animation? I am starting my animation course soon.

@narindergondal6220 - 19.12.2018 03:04

how do you make a character in blender

@Sevo7ution - 20.03.2019 16:18

Is it possible to scrub through the timeline (as well as graph/dope editors) without updating animation, similar to maya mmb?

@jougal5028 - 06.05.2019 19:07

Thank you for this video. I has really helped break the ice for me going from Maya to Blender.
