See what I got as an Amazon Vine Reviewer in September

See what I got as an Amazon Vine Reviewer in September

Candid Clara

10 месяцев назад

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@CandidClara - 11.10.2023 15:55

Questions about Amazon Vine? Just drop them below and I'll try and answer as many as I can...

@LeonLuo-rs8pu - 12.10.2023 12:32

I'm interested in your unboxing

@K10jak - 14.10.2023 09:20

I laughed in the first couple of mins of your video! I had literally just watched one of those negative videos. 😂 I was then glad to come across yours!

I had never heard of Vine until I got an offer yesterday! I'm looking forward to watching more of your videos! Yes, please, can we have an October unboxing!

@jojojes1352 - 24.10.2023 15:03

Hi Clara, really enjoyed your unboxing video! Would definitely tune in to see more 😊 I'm a newbie to Vine and on requesting my first small product immediately got an error message saying 'There was a problem creating your request, please request another item'... 🤦‍can't find any info on the site as to why that may be, do you have any ideas? 🤷

@OCUBOX - 17.11.2023 17:25

you've been at this since 2010, My goodiness, what a sweet deal. What do you do with ALL that stuff apart from your family, you have to be Santa?

@peteM70 - 20.11.2023 19:58

How much taxes do you have to pay for it?

@Nite-owl - 27.11.2023 15:27

Got my invitation yesterday so I'm looking forward to seeing what I can find to request 😁

@Carlsings - 02.12.2023 10:58

It's not "free" stuff in the US. You're given a tax form and forced to declare all your products as estimated value income. It's income. So buying or actually getting paid in products instead of money, but it's treated like it's money by the IRS you would say away from getting cheap overpriced junk. In other countries it's actually free stuff.

@tamsynsimmonds6027 - 03.12.2023 01:13

So much fun to see what another vine reviewer in uk orders, please keep doing the unboxings. I just joined the program and im loving it! Its great that you have a positive attitude about it too

@philleese5180 - 15.12.2023 04:30

Hi Clara, I'm a new vine user in the uk. One of the very frustrating things is that most of what I request gets an error message and is not available. Why do they show me lists of items I can't review. This can waste hours of time. Is there a way of just listing items that are available to me and list just new items??

@TimmyTimeCooking - 18.12.2023 13:53

i rlly want to be invited to be a vine member

@mac23806 - 07.01.2024 02:07

Hello how do i become a gold member right now i am silver

@gblargg - 07.01.2024 14:28

How are the tax changes in the EU going to affect the volume of future orders? (assuming everything will be taxed from now on, as in the USA)

@gblargg - 07.01.2024 14:37

How many items per month do you order on average? It's fun to watch a veteran reviewer like you and get an idea of how you've managed it over so many years. I'm only a few months in and it's taking its toll.

@kittycato2023 - 08.01.2024 02:28

Hi. I want to be a vine reviewer. I've done alot of reviews and alot of views. Still no invite. How can I get a invite. I'm on disability. So money is tight. Would love to do this but not sure if I'll get taxed on it.

@Nduk123 - 18.01.2024 13:47

Hi Thanks for the video, I have just been accepted on vine however, each time i choose a product I get this error message,
"There was a problem creating your request. Please request another item." I get this for 98% of the items I click leaving maybe 1 or 2 items available that i have no interest in? Do you get this error?

@Aviera18 - 23.01.2024 00:10

You do realize we have a confidentiality agreement with Amz.

@mattpipke5716 - 17.02.2024 00:25

Can you please give me some guidance?
I am filing my taxes after my first year with Vine, (USA)I need to know how to handle this and what I am doing.
I know, I know, I need to talk to a CPA and or accountant near me, and I am going too, but I want to get general info before I do to help me navigate all this.
I thought my tax liability was only the state sales tax of the items I received; am I wrong I haven't sold a single item that I have reviewed.
Can you please speak to you how you have handled taxes in your time as a vine reviewer please?

@Goldylocksss - 28.02.2024 22:18

Hi everyone, I have just received an invitation from Amazon today to join the Vine programme as I had left many lengthy Amazon product reviews over the years.. My only hesitation/question in joining I get to choose what I would like to order and leave a review on or do I just get bombarded with various unwanted products to review please. I need to know in order to make an informed decision as to whether to join. Thanks .....

@urmommabear5monthsago - 03.03.2024 10:49

How to become a Hoarder 101. 😂

@bsnowohsolow2144 - 14.03.2024 07:14

Not free. You really shouldnt keep saying for free. I did that for the first year, until i saw my taxes. Hundreds of items i tested and reviewed and still taxed. Not free.

@kyodizzy - 21.03.2024 02:45

Basically bunch of worthless Chinese junk. And to think Amazon in America forces reviewers to pay taxes on these crap.

@user-ps9op2xl8t - 28.03.2024 12:00

Hi, ice machines & fanlight in the AMZ UK and need vine voice, can you help me?

@sooofunny37 - 01.04.2024 18:01

I have a torch beanie as well

@YourHealingHeart333 - 09.04.2024 07:15

Wait until you are part of them for two years, then they'll stop sending you things or you can't order or they ensure all you can choose from is stuff you will never use, or usb ports.

@cameronstarkey3165 - 04.05.2024 01:22

Would you say being part of the Vine program would make you more likely to give a good review when otherwise you wouldn't because you get it free? I am sometimes sceptical about buying products with alot of Vine reviews for this reason

@Superweapons - 19.05.2024 22:18

do you have to pay them taxes for amazon vine if you review them?

@TechGently - 20.05.2024 07:26

I was just selected. Waiting for the final word and yes the tax. Doing the basics I believe it the value is over $600 it’s reported but will check w my accountant. Amazon did say it’s up to you to report this. But then again we’re taxed to death in California anyway for all Amazon purchases. I’m not sure if there’s a minimum per month you need to order off Vine.

@timetopoint - 08.06.2024 01:28

Looks like list of free products for review are the ones nobody wants, so no gain for reviewer -- just extra taxes owed and house full of trash.

@debramos8485 - 14.06.2024 17:24

i just got a postcard to join Vine but they are asking me to buy gift cards to cover the cost of the product. i thought this was free.

@tubro007 - 16.07.2024 08:20

I really enjoyed your haul video. I have sent it to my wife to encourage her to get back on the Vine wagon. We were so lucky to fall into Vine one day as I noticed the link not knowing if it had always been there or had jut been added that day. I immediately got to work ordering the most expensive items I could find which I may have a liking for From there I had an infatuation with storage ordering the most expensive floating shelves and floor to ceiling shelves on a pole. It was week before I opened the secret lottery to my wife and children. She saw some value to it, but without much interest while the children couldn't make a use for it. So, I ordered items we needed and things I thought they could use quickly becoming the first stop on our shopping trips.

I wrote diligently about the items and the rest of the family having no connection to it despised the bother I had created and the wife became disturbed by the increased boxes as we were already veteran Prime users, I tried to keep it all together until I got sick and fell way behind on the reviews. Shortly later a letter saying I had two weeks to catch-up or I'd get the boot; surprisingly a week later and the dream was over. I am still sitting on shelves and other miscellaneous that needs to find forever homes; though the house was already in a makeover to make it our forever home and being ill has slowed my visions to a crawl bringing me to the point that I sit on the Loo at night devising how they won't die on the Agenda List beside me as the first and foremost project #1 gets buggard off as #6, 9, and 27 need attention today as I talk them up with Hoorah's and when the exciting day meets it's end we are no further along as I walk floating above a conveyer belt.

Unfortunately, I just realized your a Brit so won't have much input for this new #1 on the list. How do you list your Vine items when doing your taxes? After all half of it falls apart, all of it comes from the same Chinese factory, and most has an inflated price tag where you take 50-70% off at the register or they send you another when yours springs a leak within 30 days; then the taxes show that you made $20k on some make believe self employed business Amazon forgot to tell you about after they filled your belly and mouth up with FREE until it was spilling out to the floor. Then tax time rolls around and what is the correct solution to fill in the simple tax form while you hardly made anything last year being on a government death paycheck. And the $20k Amazon says they paid you has lost you time and money repairing the shoddy products you cheerfully tried your hardest to acquire suddenly looks to result in you being thrown out of any subsidies or credits you had received in the past. So, idk, how much in taxes do you pay working for Amazon and do you know the correct way to report it so as it doesn't come out to be self-employed income which it is far from being anything in relation to?

@dishappywithlife2556 - 17.07.2024 21:30

Yeah my house like yours is loaded with boxes 📦 I’m a Canadian viner 🙌🏽🇨🇦🙌🏽

@0palOpal0pal - 19.07.2024 07:00

I just got invited to Amazon Vine today, but the thing is, I barely knew anything about it. I didn't even know that it was an invitation-only program, and so imagine my surprise when I left a review for an item this morning the same way that I do for every item I get, and I got an invitation? I'm so excited!

@JesMarie_W3 - 20.07.2024 22:53

Do viners receive every single item they request (order) or is it more like "get in line" and it's the luck of the draw? Thank you.

@MrShitthead - 30.07.2024 17:12

What’s funny is that is against the vine TOS to tell people that you are an affiliate, yet there are people out here making whole channels about it lol.

Never underestimate the power of attention seeking.

@DianaMassad-Hay - 04.08.2024 05:05

Loved your program and the silly positivity you convey. I was so excited as you unboxed very ordinary but completely usable items. I just joined vine and have struggled some days to find things I genuinely need or want. My recommended items are not quite curated to my taste and have some rather odd things on there, so loved your assortment. I feel inspired and certainly less confused. Please keep up the episodes.

@fy7chris - 04.08.2024 23:17

Is there a minimum amount of reviews that you are expected to carry out. The reason that I ask, and I don’t mean to be disrespectful saying this, is that a lot of the things that I see reviewed on videos such as this are what I would personally see as being clutter, and left lying about the house after the review. I know that you get to pick the items but I would only want to pick things that would be genuinely useful to me and that might mean not carrying out many reviews as a result.

@itz.doubledee2237 - 05.08.2024 22:20

I’m not keen on Amazon, reason being the amount of waste that’s they could at least attempt to try and stop packaging so many boxes and cardboard for a £2 item, plus i literally stay 1 mile from the huge Amazon distribution centre in Scotland and the amounts of apple, windows, laptops I seen being thrown away unopened was disgusting utterly disgusting and revolting, the amount of children from poor backgrounds that would die for one of those unopened boxes is just heartbreaking especially during the pandemic when they desperately needed one when doing remote learning, I’m fortunate enough to of managed to pay for all new items from curry’s and my kids very good conditioned laptops went to underprivileged children and it’s revolting Amazon refused to do the same, the amounts of protests because of that caused non stop violence for the drivers when it wasn’t there fault, if people stopped putting so much money into Jeff bezos back pocket for his space program then Amazon wouldn’t be thrown away so much items, they get insurance or tax write offs for those expensive goods, and how difficult would it of been if they had just given a few thousand laptop MacBook airs to underprivileged children, maybe you should do the same instead of keeping everything, some kids can only dream of having slime and even fun, sorry if you feel I’m being rude but I just don’t believe in handouts for the privileged I have been offered so many stuff from companies like ESR etc but I refuse it’s immoral, as a mother did you do anything during the pandemic for kids who had no internet, no laptops, no lunch or anything? Or were you enjoying the BBQ with the the Rattan outdoor garden furniture while the kids enjoyed super fast broadband

Ban Amazon get rid of cheap vine and free stuff for the privileged persons in society

Sorry just doing an honest review of an honest video I’ve seen it’s all part of YT I’m afraid

@alanibal - 15.08.2024 18:56

Had so much fun watching you! Thanks for making these.
