The "Myth" of Soviet Space Superiority

The "Myth" of Soviet Space Superiority

DKiS Aerospace History

1 год назад

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@DKiSAerospaceHistory - 03.01.2024 23:21

I am well aware of my incorrect use of the word "oblast". Among my circle of friends we now know it as "the oblast incident".

Thank you.

@grahamhufton7715 - 09.06.2024 23:47

This is great

@user-xp8nq5mf9y - 09.06.2024 23:30

I love my favorite source, NASA. I love to read, all of NASA. NASA is my favorite book.
Anyway the video is not bad.

@mikemcgrath5188 - 09.06.2024 01:44

didn't uhmerikah depend on rooskie rockets to get to ISS from 2000 until space-x?

@charliehorton5070 - 07.06.2024 18:49

I'm getting an error message while I'm trying to send a message. Oh well.

@TNTorge - 01.06.2024 01:43

what exact track is the backing music right at the start? i went through the entire subnautica OST and cant find it

@schr75 - 30.05.2024 22:23

Great video, but a small correction. The Jupiter-C/Juno-1 rocket had nothing in common with the PGM-19 Jupiter missile except the name and the chief designer. The Juno-1 was based on the PGM-11 Redstone missile. The name Jupiter-C was purely political to gain funding,

@aaronlong4892 - 29.05.2024 00:11

We need another space race

@andycorbett3052 - 25.05.2024 00:15

America could have beaten the Soviets into space with the first satellite, if they had supported the Von Braun team, who had been lobbying to send up a satellite long before sputnik was on the drawing board.
Instead for political reasons they choose to promote an American only solution (Vanguard), until it failed and then had to allow the Von Braun team to have a go in order to save face with the American public.
If America had thrown their support behind Von Braun from the start, they would have likely led in all aspects of space exploration due to the knowledge that had been amassed by the Von Braun team from developing the V2.
However the thought of an American rocket built by former Nazis was to much for them to contemplate.
It is fair to say that once the space race had started, both sides took unnecessary risks in order to outdo the other, and in all cases these decisions were politically motivated and cost lives on both sides.
At the end of the day, Korolev' s team achieved remarkable results with meager resources, and fully deserve the accolades they received for their achievements.
Likewise the Von Braun / NASA team went on land a man on our moon, an incredible moment in mankind's history which for a brief period, draw all of humanity together.
The saddest element to all of this is that fact that the Soviets and America, effectively put the brakes on once the race to the moon was won.

@qed100 - 23.05.2024 23:23

Leonov bore some considerable facial resemblance to my former father in-law. I once contemplated procuring a Soviet air force officer's cap and gifting it to my in-law.

@kimmoj2570 - 20.05.2024 14:29

Voskhod was only Vostok with 2-3 man crammed inside. United States was wayyyy ahead Russians by 1966. Komarov was murdered by Soviet regime in early 1967 by sending him up in unfinished vehicle. Wish his comms would be released. He apparently cursed Soviet leaders to hell, and for good reason. United States have the tapes.

@anything.with.motors - 20.05.2024 05:48

Space is hard.
Its harder when your stupid

@anything.with.motors - 20.05.2024 05:42

20billion rubles was 12billion usd back in 1985 😂😂😂

Today its worthless yes, but dont miss the facts they wasted billions of usd for 1 flight

@anything.with.motors - 20.05.2024 04:24

Rofl the russians saying it wasnt a race is the largest child throwing a tantrum of


@someguy325es - 10.05.2024 05:08

Should be mentioned that the Soviet space program lived on in the Soyuz and RD180

@jberlioz - 02.05.2024 21:37

I have a picture that I shot at Bourget 1991’s air show of буран on top of Мрія, I was 20 and ecstatic to witness that !
Long are gone dreams of such a fierce struggle to fly us to the moon and beyond, nowadays are just commercial plans for suborbital flights for the richest…

@chrislong3938 - 02.05.2024 02:34

The Soviet Venus missions were nothing short of stunning!

@Clorthax - 01.05.2024 06:32

Great video, but it would've been helpful if you included direct sources to the material in the description, also I wasn't really able to find the "We have lost our leadership in space" quote from the diary in that meme anywhere, saw a website that hosted that guy's diary but nothing else. Very insightful video though, I didn't know most of this shit lol

@Rjsjrjsjrjsj - 27.04.2024 13:29

The modern day USSR is the PRC. Same M O O. Steal, copy, rush, claim superiority via overt propaganda. House of cards. It eventually, inevitably falls over. The nice thing is it happens rather quickly. In decades at most. Entire generations get to witness it. 🤣

@IanValentine147 - 25.04.2024 15:11

166 hours of flight time for Yuri? Bearly a qualified pilot, rather than a 'veteran' :-)

@discover3024 - 24.04.2024 18:32

I believe you are overlooking some soviet achievements most importantly during and after the unofficial end of the Space Race.
Perhaps the most important scientific leap in space exploration was taken by the USSR with the aforementioned Soyuz program and its success as a platform, (you only mentioned the soyuz 1?) and the first ever modular space station "Mir" in orbit from 1986 to 2001- the father of all modern space stations and the ISS.
The soviets also had the "Interkosmos" program where many countries both from the eastern block and the west had the chance to send on of their own in space (either to the soyuz or mir). Wikipedia has a long list which truly displays how many nationalities gained an opportunity to 'travel to space', including the first british woman, middle eastern and asian (all were a part of Interkosmos)

@MusikCassette - 24.04.2024 17:25

debunking US Propaganda from the 60tys and 70tys does not make you a tanky. I do not think, that you are unbiased.

@kabedonovan5555 - 21.04.2024 23:08

The use of animals in space flight testing is very disturbing to me

@ShihammeDarc - 19.04.2024 21:40

Oh look at all the angry commies! So cute!

@jackpiggott6594 - 16.04.2024 13:23

wasn't the first thing in space a manhole cover from a nuclear weapons test?

@ironiczombie2530 - 09.04.2024 05:04

I love the music you use in your chapter title cards

@daveweir6940 - 05.04.2024 18:23

The USA had far better German rocket scientists than the Soviets

@asianinvasian9022 - 04.04.2024 22:44

Incredibly based

@topphatt1312 - 04.04.2024 02:48

Tankie isn't a real term. There is no one who genuinely defends every single action the Soviet Union ever took.

@ieuanhunt552 - 03.04.2024 02:57

I thought the first man made object in space were the projectiles from those massive Railway Guns. Like the Gustav gun and the Paris Gun.

@jeice13 - 02.04.2024 14:18

"First woman in space" is a particularly mundane achievement when they arent even piloting the craft in some way. If anything its easier than first man in space because of being lighter on average with a lower metabolism

@kargaroc386 - 01.04.2024 11:23

How to become a world dictator at records:
1: make up some stupid requirements yourself with no prior knowledge needed
2: get someone to claim that your organization is "the" record keeping organization for <whatever it is you're tracking>. Not "a", THE.
there is no step 3.

@lewismassie - 27.03.2024 23:27

So after like 6 months I've finally gotten around to watching this.

It's very well put together and covers everything thoroughly.

@ajpbrunet - 26.03.2024 17:51

This is fantastic, I've learned so much from this video. I didn't know how much interesting history was hidden behind a surface-level debate about "supremacy". You really show how reductive it is to think of it in such terms. Also: I gotta confess that...I don't think I even knew a spacecraft ever landed on Venus? Let alone transmitted visual & audio data? I'm having a bit of an existential moment after hearing *wind on another planet*, where the atmosphere would crush & cook me in a few seconds. Urgh, the future is now and it could be so much brighter than we've let it become.

@erickr6400 - 25.03.2024 23:22

Bolivia did it all 👍

@Mortebianca - 25.03.2024 15:13

Title: "The Myth of Soviet Space Superiority"

The arguments: "Ok ok the memes are true but lots of accidents so it doesn't count >:C"

@Xtariz - 25.03.2024 13:16

Meanwhile Russians: Because man is not a dog... we bring him back

@EricLen4567 - 24.03.2024 08:36

The fact that America still rely on Russian rockets to go to ISS says something

@thedrunkmonkey2609 - 20.03.2024 22:32

Oi oi bro! 🍺🥃🐒

@generaljackripper666 - 16.03.2024 20:49

As a guy whose been reading the history of the space program for the last 20 years, these "tankies" are just downright hilarious.

@firefly4f4 - 13.03.2024 20:19

A correction:
The RD-170 engines were on the Energia's boosters. They ran on kerosene and were the most powerful rocket liquid engines, beating out the F1 although they did use 4 combustion chambers.

The core stage of Energia used 4 RD-0120 hydrogen engines which each had a single chamber.

@eaglewing2319 - 13.03.2024 18:45

This video is incredibly well done. The thought, research, and effort put in shows. I learned quite a bit of new info despite being a space nerd myself. Side note, Subnautica music makes everything better 👏

@SteveRoman66 - 13.03.2024 12:15

Google "first pictures of earth from space" - 1946 US Army. So next 11 yrs, Army just stopped, no need to take pictures from a spy satellite, really? Why 50's satellite files still confidential and why USSR make their great Sputnik spy technology public? Also Why did Eisenhower react so cavalier, not caring about Sputnik? Sorry, I believe USA had 10 spy satellites by 1957.
