94% of Players Are Abusing This 'META' Set... Here's Why It's a Huge Problem & How to Fix It

94% of Players Are Abusing This 'META' Set... Here's Why It's a Huge Problem & How to Fix It

The Real Godzilla

1 год назад

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BBRocker75 - 01.09.2023 01:30

My gosh just 5 minutes of this video and i understand now why TESO pvp is so dead like a fish on shore. I don't expect pvp will be easy, but i got a headache trying to understand all tongue twisters, riddles and astrophysical calculations to understand just one set up aspect. The only sure from now is i will RESPECT MORE my big pvp alliance moguls. Damn they are like Nobel winners.

A So
A So - 18.08.2023 16:40

Yeah, ask for nerf.
And zos will nerf set to uslees.
This video explain why eso drop population and will die in future, nothing more.

S8Ntheone - 17.08.2023 14:15

It’s not that good

Metzy - 07.06.2023 22:44

You are not so good in math Bro. Mara‘s is overall better in pure def. Coz the effect from every Atk. Also dot, light, heavy or any other effects from Players. Just on one effect Mara’s dosent work… deadra dmg. This set is not really broken. I gank every day alot ppl with this set 😂😂😂 Also i played this Set for very long time. I‘m doing much better with Mara‘s. For light Armor User Mara‘s work very well.

SPlDER5 - 04.05.2023 19:03

Don’t think it’s stronger than maras balm even after the nerf.

Gerald - 14.04.2023 10:08

"broken" then night blade hit me with 15k heavy attack, yeah man crit resist is broken..

AsmodianLeader - 10.04.2023 01:57

so not that im a meta player or naything but...as a new-ish player can i get that DK tank pvp build you were talkin about? :) I do prefer playing DK but idk what to use in PvP.

SKetti Neal
SKetti Neal - 27.03.2023 02:43

Bikutta here.. I used to sell rallying cry when it first came out and made a lot of gold off of it personally I’ll never use it because I love playing a glass cannon. It’s where I fit best at. But this set is definitely broken. It has never been an issue for me Going against somebody with the set because I’m just that damn good lol

JP F - 11.03.2023 05:14

Never had a problem with Rallying Cry if I'm being honest. Sorc pet builds where all they do is heavy attack and let their zoo do the work is a problem. Especially in BGs and that's before they're hitting you for 8k+ light attacks in overload while you're wearing Rallying Cry.

Smug The Clown
Smug The Clown - 02.03.2023 11:07

Ik a better solution 😏 we all play dk and get it nerfed. Never in any have I heard when the tank could out dps the dps either make them tanks or dps don't give them bost and stupid froden needed a Nerf not a buff bc no one used ice boo hoo

Waikura - 27.02.2023 07:57

Anyone know if you can buy this at pvp vendor?

Stickynuts 8•••D
Stickynuts 8•••D - 16.02.2023 08:27

I don’t get this type of players complaining about op gear why not use it yourself and kick some ass? Just don’t forget that others are probably going to use it as well soo who ever survives is the dude with more skill and put an end to this bullshit crying🤷🏻‍♂️

alastor momochi
alastor momochi - 08.02.2023 19:08

Wreched vitality, rally cry Op

D R - 08.02.2023 03:16

problem with dropping burst heal is that it going to have a negative effect in pve

David Spellman
David Spellman - 05.02.2023 22:28

When 90% or more of players use an item, it is broken. Good analysis and suggestions on how to fix this. Until then, I will meld with the Borg.

Ezorus - 03.02.2023 03:49

Hybridisation and scaling healing with damage instead of max stats was the most boring change to PvP.. I'd rather die in two seconds but be able to kill others in 5 than what we have now

Qu1kzftw - 01.02.2023 07:03

I mean, my personal opinion (unpopular trigger warning for some people lmao) the game went way downhill when Balorgh and Mythics were added, like i have never seen items like those alter the overall playstyle of pvp in an MMO in my life, like the second Balorgh dropped, you gave people access to massive damage and pen, while still running a tank set or even 2 more, becoming immortal but with a fat ulti burst. You didnt need to decide "hmm do i need to be tankier or deal more damage? Maybe i need some recov??" Nah you could get it all, and Mythics only worsened that mindset of having everything in a build at once, rallying cry is just another addition to it.

SoulGamer2344 - 31.01.2023 07:35

Nah they need to nerf the vampire nightblade broken damage with bow builds that shit is prolly the most broken build set up in the game 😂😂😂

iDIRTY POCK3TS - 30.01.2023 23:54

RC is fine don’t see anything wrong

Rogelio Quiroz
Rogelio Quiroz - 29.01.2023 18:05

I rarely see people use that set tbh not sure how 94% of people maybe keep running into the same people nonstop but also it’s not broken or need a nerf lot other sets that’s way broken then that
