The Halo Movie You NEED To Watch

The Halo Movie You NEED To Watch

Laper Larden

9 месяцев назад

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@LaperLarden - 20.10.2023 00:07

Speak of the devil... The copyright bots have indeed hit this video, which will likely choke it in the algorithm. So please share the video around if you enjoyed it!

A video on Season 5 will be coming soon. I'm just debating if it's worth waiting for the rest of the season's content to drop or to do something now.

@OoryungMichael - 06.02.2024 19:16

FUD means fanny in scotland btw hahahah

@TheAngryHumster - 06.02.2024 18:11

"be more like chief from FOD"
Me: switching empty energy sword to that sweet battle rifle this marine has.
At least he is still alive :D With nothing to fight back, tho...

@acev822orlilcaahidrc3 - 06.02.2024 17:22

Loved this movie glad someone made a video bout it

@acetrigger1337 - 06.02.2024 02:19

All we need to know is that THEY CARED.

unlike 343 and whoever the fuck is in charge of that modern bastardization of a halo series.

@Insomniac_Hart - 06.02.2024 00:49

This isbetter than the show cause he don't take off his helmet

@mrbonjangle - 05.02.2024 17:10

This movie was not great. I watched it when it came out. But I am sure now after the terrible show that is the halo tv series, this movie will seem a lot better.

@richardjbarlow - 05.02.2024 16:49

The zealots arrival could be justified by the bungie book lore, since the Covenant were looking for forerunner artefacts on human worlds. Finding human desecration on their holy sites was the reason for the genocide against humanity. In the Bungie universe, it was also strongly hinted that the Humans were once the Forerunner civilisation but had activated the halo rings to stop the flood. This is why the Forerunner artefacts are located on the human colony worlds near to Earth.

I also liked how they kept to the book lore i.e. no shields and no AI cortana at this early point in the conflict. It actually entrenched the Halo lore, rather than trying to retcon the universe. The current TV series comes across more as a bad fan fiction, and so I just ignore it. I think that others should as well.

@BCrudeless - 05.02.2024 06:28

truly underrated movie, not perfect by any means but it might as well be next to Halo Paramount

@levipeloza9558 - 05.02.2024 05:53

forwards unto dawn is wayyyy better than this paramount halo bullshit

@levipeloza9558 - 05.02.2024 05:47

Halo reach was such a good game

@clarksonoceallachain8536 - 04.02.2024 20:25

The only halo movie i watched

@azzolith - 04.02.2024 13:41

The fact that chief is 15 in this is unsurprisingly mental to me

@maze4184 - 04.02.2024 11:25

i also rewatched it recently and despite being a teen drama for half the fucking runtime i found myself skipping less than the tv show xD

@falconerpunch4555 - 04.02.2024 04:49

Did my man just mention winnie blues 😂

@RuzzyID - 04.02.2024 03:25

So how was the halo tv show unable to match the energy of forward unto dawn?
Forward Unto Dawn was amazing asf imo

@kablaaamations2167 - 03.02.2024 12:27


@jonahrotondo5817 - 03.02.2024 11:50

The sad part is back then, the halo community spread rumors about a halo movie. And this is probably the forgettable movie in the community because I don't hear them talk about. Not in a bad way but in a sad way 😢

@stormbreaker7373 - 03.02.2024 01:53

So funny that I remember everyone hating this when it came out now everyone loves it huh weird

@Mob1leN1nja - 01.02.2024 16:48

You sound like rattle snake tv

@callumr4245 - 01.02.2024 02:23

When I was younger I got the chance to go to WETA and when I was there they had the Warthog used in the movie on display, it was only when I watched FUD like a few months later that I realised why they had a warthog and several suits of marine armour.

@Danol123 - 30.01.2024 12:54

Would have been cool to see Noble 6 on his armada decimation spree prior to the events on Reach. But in all fairness i think Halo 3 ODST would have been a good place to start with a Halo series. It could have followed Bucks journey from the events of New Mombasa and to how he became a Spartan. Nathan Fillion would have been perfect for the role considering he is the basis for the character. I genuinly think it would have been a better starting point. And then having rare spinoff events perhaps to ensure we get see other Spartans as well, but still try to keep them a bit scarce for the beginning and then meeting once or twice in later episodes as the pieces of the puzzle (stories) start to fit together (converge) where we see many spartans on a final operation following all or many of the introduced spartans through that season. And better yet make all those converging stories from season 1 also have some relevancy in season 2 as well as the finale of the season 1. and then do more season that carries some relevancy to previous seasons for smaller plots and plot lines converging to a medium plotline where the final season cenverges everything into a massive plot. That is how i picture a good series in any genre, and Halo definitely would benefit from such plotline. It would turn Halo more popular than it ever has been and would be a better foundation for potential spinoffs carrying new stories. How cool would it be to have even more series converging as well with various Spartan teams, ODST’s and Marines where a later series converge some of them into further plotlines carrying many stories as one big story?

@thedarkknight6969 - 28.01.2024 19:44

the way they showed the covenant was like a horror movie and i love it

@zionleach3001 - 28.01.2024 03:54

I don't see how people didn't like it. Yeah it was low budget, so what. It actually respected the prestablished lore. Paramount intentionally ignored the mountains of history and lore. Just like Resident Evil, gaslighting won't work.

@adamt8193 - 25.01.2024 00:44

Pretty good film, definitely think Chief is better in FUD than how he’s portrayed in the TV show. My all time favourite scene is Chief putting a grenade in the Hunter XD

@davidplante8802 - 24.01.2024 20:49

Not gonna lie. I really love this depiction of Master Chief. By the way he is moving and carrying himself you know he's still a young Spartan. Yet he's fearless. Really loved that movie overall. Just wish we'd see more of that Master Chief and Blue team

@brickgamer2269 - 24.01.2024 14:01

I also really think the choice of the Legends-style MK IV really suits a live-action Master Chief significantly more than the Halo-3 esque MK VI used in P+ Show, and arguably even in the games as well. While there’s merit to the sleeker Mjolnir design of H2/3, I really like the bulkier look of the Legends/Halo Wars MK IV a lot better. Specifically, the oversized shoulder and chest plating really gives the Spartans the “walking tank” feel that the Marines must have felt when seeing them, and FUD/Halo 4 enhances this even further with the heavy metallic sounds of Chief’s footsteps. There’s a good reason why Infinite’s MK VI took after the Legends design, and I think it would’ve really helped the P+ show as well.

@heathmorris6100 - 23.01.2024 22:27

How tf did 343 go from forward unto dawn to the Hali TV show? Not to mention this movie proves 343 knew it was better to keep the old art style instead of the bullshit they made up for halo 4 and 5

@binbhrf - 23.01.2024 18:00

Unto Dawn, at least imo, has always been the definition of mid. The fact that we can look back on it fondly definitly shows the glaring shortcomings of modern halo.

@theonewhoshitposts9727 - 22.01.2024 10:06

It’s sad that this is probably going to be the only somewhat good halo adaptation but I really loved this movie personally I watched it when it first came out with all the hype around halo 4 I was genuinely on a halo high at this point and I loved the movie although in retrospect rewatching the cadet segments were kind of meh like I usually just skip to when the invasion happens but it’s great build up and genuinely makes the covident feel scary which the games rarely replicate outside of maybe odst and it really just makes me want another spin off in the same vein as odst where you play as a marine probably a fever dream tho because I know 343 probably are not interested in making any more spin offs outside of halo wars but that would dope

@josephboland5440 - 20.01.2024 21:59

Probably the best halo live action film we have gotten.

@ShadowWallace - 20.01.2024 21:51

This movie reminded me on how I felt watching the BAYformers and the American Godzilla movies. I'll I wanted to see was the main attraction cause the films didn't do a good job in making me care about the annoying human plots.

It definitely didn't help when the cast were all annoying little snot nosed Unrelatable teens. I basically fast forwarded to when the chief shows up. All that crap in the beginning just felt like that 'Kuawm Ha' story arc in the Paramount series. I don't give a Fck! All this cringy melodrama is not Halo. It honestly feel like Ender's Game but titled Halo forward on to Dawn.

@redlinrangerstudio5331 - 17.01.2024 08:25

Also fun fact, from what i can get and mention by halo canon, the storm rank was confirmed to exist prior to halo 4.

@redlinrangerstudio5331 - 17.01.2024 07:38

This movie madter chief is more then what Paramount did.

@BaggyFTJ - 14.01.2024 10:17

Goes to show that being a 200 million production doesn't mean a goddamn thing.

Forward Unto Dawn was done at a lower cost but feels more genuine and full of soul then the corporate husk of a show we got by people who never studied the games.

I used to hate this movie as a kid but with studying film and Screen-writing I've grown to love it and not because the paramount show was bad...because it was a fun piece of entertainment on it's own that also respected the universe it was adapting.

@matt-ju7rk - 13.01.2024 21:53

where do i watch this it looks great

@macho_mayo - 09.01.2024 20:25

5.2 thousand prayurs for vckrs what a lad

@jacobgirouz9127 - 08.01.2024 23:10

I really liked that movie back then but I think it would have been even better if they had given elites they're old armor of like halo reach it would have been awesome

@TheFriendshipTunnel - 08.01.2024 20:56

I say this as a kid and knew it existed and never knew the name, thank you

@GeneralShermansMarch - 04.01.2024 08:21

The militarism in this movie is spot on as well. The run cadences, the banter, ect. feels authentic. Underrated flick

@vergil726 - 31.12.2023 20:53

I prefer this over the tv show master chief actually keeps his helmet on

@vinnypetti648 - 29.12.2023 10:56

You’re forgetting something they are getting orders and rescued by a 15 year old

@cinamick2114 - 23.12.2023 19:05

Master chief really feeling like giving that hunter his mastered beef

@codybrown9424 - 17.12.2023 21:22

I loved the scene of vickers desperately trying to bash open the weapons locker with no success only for master chief to just punch it once and it opens. Just shows how much stronger and more formidable spartans are compared to normal humans

@gr33nd3mon3 - 15.12.2023 07:16

Best Halo Movie/Series we’ve ever gotten. I kinda wish we got Fred and Kelly’s Halo Legends armor and an appearance of Linda but overall, I love it.
