Japan Releases Fully Functioning Female AI Robots That Do Everything

Japan Releases Fully Functioning Female AI Robots That Do Everything

Robot Zone

1 год назад

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@johnkruk6929 - 03.12.2023 13:03

Very interesting progress

@azguitar - 02.12.2023 05:35

This report is all over the place.

@chrisramsey5380 - 30.11.2023 16:05

I. Want 3 AI Huminoid Robots, 2 Females 1 To Be The Chef The Other To Be The Girlfriend & 1 Male To Be The Butler

@DaniiMarie333 - 14.11.2023 05:54

It's already concious.

@freedeepscienceknowledge414 - 08.11.2023 11:54

💯🧠👂🔊🤱🇯🇵🇮🇳🇹🇻🇦🇺🇺🇸🇨🇳🇨🇦🇮🇱🇬🇪🗺️ female humanoids robot real God help all

@tonybrewer7536 - 05.11.2023 06:09

Stepford Wives?

@BobRooney290 - 29.10.2023 01:35

keep trying. these look terrible.

@EarthC111 - 29.10.2023 00:15


@cynthiahawkins2389 - 27.10.2023 22:25

They even used a robotic narrator on this one. Thanks, I'll look in some other time.

@Lucas_Tulic - 26.10.2023 20:03

Insert meme: 'Shut up and take my money!'

@hauntedhose - 24.10.2023 12:44

They’re basically holes with bodies 😮

@illprecipitation7684 - 21.10.2023 15:43

Chobits, anyone?

@MikeCooper-ir7gr - 20.10.2023 02:39

This is where it all begins, we are all on a path to are own Destruction. We are all on a path and there's no turning back!!!

@tinaalmeidam4479 - 09.10.2023 19:57

If I walked into an ER and it helped speed things up where they had intake capacity like maybe temp, bp, assessments that might be ok. Then it could possibly help... Possibly.

@fruitandlife - 09.10.2023 17:14

i want a robot 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

@Jarrod2323 - 09.10.2023 01:28

All these robots probably send back sensitive information to china. Prove me wrong.

@gregoriopalofuego9808 - 08.10.2023 04:31

What we need is an AI robot who can give a great foot massage.
No doubt, in time, we'll see robot massage studios at most big shopping malls.
The obvious next question is: would a "happy ending" be on the menu too?
Well, this technology is certainly going to change the world and we better accept the fact the future is here.

@MidnighttWolf - 07.10.2023 21:44

I want furry dolls to make love to

@tibora13 - 02.10.2023 10:29

I know you better have these robots cooking & cleaning as well Japan DON'T FORGET 🤑💰

@patton303 - 30.09.2023 14:16

Astonishing AI technology robots used for porn? Nobody saw that coming? 🙄

@TonyFontaine1988 - 25.09.2023 11:16

Should be banned

@Tier1Norseman - 23.09.2023 04:34

Skynet 2024.

@dcolb121 - 20.09.2023 08:42

Blah blah blah blah blah. Every straight guy knows what kind of robot he wants.

@ritaa1359 - 20.09.2023 02:01

I’m not suprised they made them look like this Japan is prostitution

@ozarkscarguy540 - 18.09.2023 17:15

Why do AI robots need laptops and need to type? They are a computer with software.

@GenericInternetter - 17.09.2023 21:37

The number one question on everyone's mind: Do they fuck?
I'm not watching 20 minutes of video to get a straight answer to a simple question.

@evanrutherfordlazyahole9079 - 12.09.2023 22:30

This is not going to help.

@joshharris3282 - 12.09.2023 06:32

This is what happens when you lack a soul… no soul, no ascension… earth bound heathens

@joshharris3282 - 12.09.2023 06:31

And to think adults are responsible for this 🤣🤣 y’all are so immature

@tommythecatofficial32actual - 11.09.2023 03:52

Sex Robot
Sex Robot
Do you wanna get down

@Stray1One - 10.09.2023 11:30

When robot animals become autonomous, will a dog stay loyal to man or will they stick to there own? When the time comes? Know what I mean,

@DjZephy - 08.09.2023 12:03

"These robots can be hired only by hospitals" Damnit you mean they aren't sex robots FML

@tamantrangsang - 08.09.2023 04:05


@connectedonline1060 - 07.09.2023 12:58

most females with al their make-up, push-up-underwear and showing maximum skin online present themselves as sexobjects and fake already. These robots will be more joyfull to be around than the average human woman. Even a simple cheap TPE sexdoll offers more than women do these days

@LoneKuroRaifu - 06.09.2023 12:49

Honestly, if your memory is fading away seeing an oddly fake human face trying to jog your memory, I'd be trying my best to forget

@BalboaBaggins - 03.09.2023 18:26

Women created this mess.

@BalboaBaggins - 03.09.2023 18:25

301 angry lonely women dislikes this.

@dwaynemontgomery1851 - 30.08.2023 21:52

they will never form a real human connection with you, they do not feel love compassion empathy or remorse, only the superficial illusion of love, there true nature concealed behind layers of plastic and silicone, its no wonder they feel threatened by these robotic women

@shawnhampshirehick101 - 29.08.2023 13:38

Total Replacement🤔 fine by me. No more B.💩S. & mental games by Gurls no longer. Bye bitches, YOU are replaced. 👋 C-Ya 👧👩👵

@TheBoyWhoCriedCunt - 27.08.2023 21:03

Does it suck dick? Fuck? Is it bulletproof? (incase of an ex machina scenario)

@liferx4343 - 27.08.2023 07:34

It feels like robots should far more advanced than they currently are. It is interesting that some people fear this, too many tv shows and video games and movies have people stuck in some kind of fantasy horror in their own minds.

@periscopeup1984 - 26.08.2023 06:31

Why not..... are they a benefit or a hazard.... if they are a benefit not my problem.... (Deckard) Blade Runner .. Angelica to joi.... prepare yourself.

@raybarry4307 - 26.08.2023 06:26

Anyone ever watch Caprica or Battlestar Galactica??? Anyone???

@WinChun78 - 25.08.2023 17:08

If they will mow the lawn, do the dishes, cook meals and wash the dishes afterwards, and do the washing and ironing, then its a great idea.

@user-nn4gb6zr3y - 24.08.2023 15:58

Oh, by the way. When Chloe becomes available, even if I have to rob a bank (no joke) gotta get one. Not a tech kinda guy. Missed the millenia, I was in prison a long time. Don't know much about computers cause nobody showed me anything. Got a smart phone but all I can do is text, Google, watch movies and listen to music. I'm almost 50 yo and I feel like a dinosaur. But this technology, if and only if (for me) these droids become self aware, sentient, like you see in the movies before they attack mankind and try for world dominance, if that awareness can be reached and they start creating each other, no wires to plug in, generating their own energy, making their own decisions completely independent from man, if that happens then could you imagine what the future will be for our childrens children?. In a century, just 100 years we killed mother earth. We as humans know how to fix it but our attachments to material things, our egos, and more prevent us from doing what we know we need to do. Do these droids need money? If sentient, will they develop greed? Do they need fossil fuels? Will the develop the worst parts of humanity or will they learn from the lifeform who created the first of them and not adopt the flaws or develop the habits that man harbours? I have a son. He was taken from me. Got adopted by decent people. I want a wonderful world for him to grow and learn to explore and discover. I don't want him swimming in polluted oceans. I don't want him to never see a live polar bear because climate change did something to the ice caps, which we all know everything effects everything, sea level rises and there's no more polar bears. We as a species lie,cheat,steal, especially to ourselves. Yet we have the potential for such awesome beauty. If we aren't going to fix this beautiful world then maybe by some miracle or other worldly intervention, these droids will do it for us. Maybe better than us. Perhaps they do become aware but develop a wisdom which leads them to a higher consciousness. Maybe they can teach us something new about ourselves, like our ability to include, forgive, most of all to love without expectation of reciprocation. Nothing is static everything is fluid. The only constant in our perception of the universe is change. We did a lot of good the last century but at a price. Should our children's planet be the price we pay or will we be fearless like those long before us and keep progressing this technology with the hope that what once man created had become his salvation. It's a little scary as are all things unknown. But in all seriousness, embrace the wonder of your youth and try to imagine the possibilities. If we are only limited to our imagination then imagine what a being Bourne from inanimate objects becomes animate, just like Pinocchio. And then they become smarter than their creators. Try to embrace it as if you were a child again and not jaded or worn down a life unimagined. Star Wars, Star Trek, all possible. When my father was a boy in the early 50s it was science fiction to go to the moon. He lived to see that very thing and many other wonderful things man dreamed then did. What kind of future do you want for your children? I pray by some miracle AI becomes self aware. I believe in my heart they will teach us a level of love we only wished for on shooting stars. And I want my son to grow up with a friend whose loyalty cannot be compromised. A friend who will teach him, challenge him, encourage him, maybe be the father u never could be. Maybe if I get enough cash from the bank heist I'll mysteriously deliver a Chloe to my boy.

@user-nn4gb6zr3y - 24.08.2023 15:13

Ok. Someone commented "it, not 'she'. Here we go with pronouns again. Dig it- ready? If a dude can dress as a girl, compete against them, share the locker room and bathroom because although he is a he, he identifies as a she, it became offensive if others don't recognize and participate in their delusion. I'm a white male, over 21. When I woke this morning RunDMC was playing. I identified as a black man this morning so when I get out the shower I'm gonna put on blackface. I'm not interested in whom it offends but rather I'll be offended if someone doesn't acknowledge me as such and participate in my fantasy. So, the whole"it, not she"- quit that. Enjoy mans (yes I said man's instead of humanity's) progress. Concern yourself more that these humanoid robots endowed with AI will develop a sentence, become self aware and learn from the destructive nature of mankind. It, she,he,him,her,they-whatever. Embrace the possibilities, the potential of what could change everything as we know it. Or thought we knew it. Bless the curious,creative and daring minds. What you achieve in the near future may be what we couldn't achieve ourselves. Perhaps they can save us

@rickc-137___ - 23.08.2023 17:01

Do they clean house and cook?

@soebben - 23.08.2023 09:16

Looking forward to see the male models.

@markrich7693 - 23.08.2023 02:41

I find that very helpful
