The BEST Linux distributions for switching from Windows to Linux

The BEST Linux distributions for switching from Windows to Linux

The Linux Experiment

3 года назад

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James Stone
James Stone - 20.09.2023 16:36

If you miss paying a fee each year, just charge it to family and friends, then use the money to buy accessories for your computers!!!!!

Verbal Ästhet
Verbal Ästhet - 19.09.2023 19:06

Mint convinces me the most from what I've seen. I will go for that.

Crystalgtag - 03.09.2023 18:37

What abt regata os

Peter Norwood
Peter Norwood - 17.08.2023 12:57

Anyone else here becaue edge started just fucking stealing sensitive information like passwords from your main browser?

jchoneandonly - 29.07.2023 23:23

My favorite distro so far is pop.

pcc404 marfag
pcc404 marfag - 11.06.2023 15:49

what is a distro you can use on an originally windows XP 64bit laptop?

daniel halachev
daniel halachev - 29.05.2023 08:58

The clone distro should have been named Michaelsoft Bimbos

Dipti Das
Dipti Das - 29.05.2023 06:59

I need one thing: refresh option. This is my pleasure

Jeff Seely
Jeff Seely - 25.04.2023 08:35

Yup.I think KDE and Cinnamon window managers are probably the closer desktops to windows but both are better, of course. KDE's features are daunting I did a lot of bedtime reading to acclimate to it while I wasn't on my system. Reading is your friend! But I have had Garuda Dr460nized as a daily driver for about 2 years now and I think it is beautiful (some don't). It is also almost indestructible due to Timeshift and system updates backups. I have broken the install and had it running countless times. And it's also fast and free. I made a Windows 10 virtual machine for when I need it. Right where that piece of crap belongs....Nice video!

Sector 001
Sector 001 - 06.04.2023 21:08

I really like Win 11. However, when Win 12 is fully released, I’m going fully to some sort of a Linux distribution

Keshav Gupta
Keshav Gupta - 29.03.2023 02:18

Which one are you using

Harry Lowe
Harry Lowe - 26.03.2023 15:57

You had to include a Penguin!

Sophie Edel
Sophie Edel - 18.03.2023 06:43

I found Pop!OS to be more user friendly than Mint. I had a lot of issues with Mint, mouse acceleration issues, desktop scaling not working properly, it was much more laggy than Pop!OS and Zorin too. I even tried Mint Xfce after trying Cinnamon, and it was still laggy.

Michael Bøtefyhr
Michael Bøtefyhr - 03.03.2023 01:11

I have been using Zorin before and it have different skins so it can look like windows... Its a nice system

Dx Dx
Dx Dx - 18.02.2023 15:57

I suppose, the good idea will to use fast classic Windows desktop environment on top of Android..., as for PC alone, as also for Android devices, which we can use as substitute to PC.

gbn condor
gbn condor - 15.02.2023 19:20

there is alot of distros,thay are alot simillary,no different's...i like Linux Mint and TuxedoOS..

Lucas Piano
Lucas Piano - 26.01.2023 07:37

I've installed Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on my machine and the most of drivers dont work anymore. I like Linux but it always had these issues with incompatible or drivers not being recognized...

Lucius Chiaraviglio
Lucius Chiaraviglio - 18.12.2022 14:54

I actually DID the Linux From Scratch thing in the early-mid 2000s. Took a LONG time to put together, but once I did all that, and then found out how to fix a few weird glitches (the longest of which was getting GPU graphical acceleration to work), everything just worked and stayed working until I had a hard drive crash. And with pre-Plasma KDE, it even did a pretty good job of being a Windows XP user interface substitute. Admittedly, having to manually update stuff was a pain, so after a few years, I went to Gentoo (in the wake of the above-mentioned hard drive crash), which did a pretty good job of this until something weird happened on their update server (I think it was in the early 2010s). Again, with pre-Plasma KDE, it did a pretty good job of being a Windows XP user interface substitute. I have since tried out Ubuntu with a side-grade to Kubuntu at work, but KDE Plasma actually seems worse than pre-Plasma KDE at emulating a Windows XP user interface, while GNOME (before the side-grade) felt like a dumbed-down iPhone interface, and I haven't been very impressed with the stability of Ubuntu/Kubuntu (unfortunately, Ubuntu s the only Linux that Oxford Nanopore officially supports for their long-read sequencing instruments).

Jason Larson
Jason Larson - 07.12.2022 21:38

linuxfx should not be on here because they want you to pay for it, although it is cheap.

Ghjaf6c4v5v - 23.11.2022 17:55

Fedora is missing the gnome version in particular.

Himankan Kashyap
Himankan Kashyap - 20.11.2022 13:57

Just because it looks similar to windows doesn’t mean it’s the best distro for windows users. There is no “best distro” for windows users. Any distro with good community support should be fine.

Andrew Sarley
Andrew Sarley - 08.09.2022 02:42

Take what I'm saying with a grain of salt, but I'm a little reticent about Windowsfx. I heard things about its security that raised red flags. I'm planning to start a Freegeek-style NFP and I have to make sure that what I use in my systems is safe for the user.

Ola Ole
Ola Ole - 06.08.2022 13:32

Linux Mint for me, even as a long time user and server manager.
I used CentOS, Rocky and Alma for server.
But when it comes to desktop i just want it to work!
And Linux Mint does just that.

MR_ MASHUP - 01.08.2022 10:54

you mean that windows 10fx is sweet to learn linux becouse i want to ?

Dale Holden
Dale Holden - 03.07.2022 20:00

Why not mention Zorin

Agent OOE
Agent OOE - 26.06.2022 17:53

Installed Mint for my grandfather who is 85 years old, and he was able to navigate around to do basic things (which is all he does). Definitely can recommend Mint for people who just want a windows like environment to do basic things (internet, email, solitaire, office, etc.). I personally use Ubuntu with the Plasma desktop. Ubuntu allows me to run the programs I want without trouble, unlike other distros (Plex wouldn't run on any other distro I tried except Ubuntu). But I didn't like the desktop of Ubuntu, so I switched to Plasma, and now I love it!

Adam Adrian
Adam Adrian - 20.06.2022 05:45

Even my Plasma setup is more similar to Windows than linuxfx

corbett coburn
corbett coburn - 07.06.2022 23:50

I've been using Linux since before Redhat and Fedora split. I use Linux Mint because it works. I DON'T want to screw around with lots of settings. Sure, if you'd rather spend more time messing with the look and feel of an operating system than in actual work, then Plasma and all the Ubuntu stuff may be for you. But if you just want a system that works right out of the box without screwing around trying to tweak things to get them to work, just get Linux Mint Cinnamon.

Rochester Swift
Rochester Swift - 26.05.2022 05:14

MX Linux is dead easy to set up via GUI and make work however you need it to behave.

LaGG - 25.05.2022 20:44

Me already decided on a distro and have being using it for months: mmmmmm interesting

foji-video - 19.05.2022 15:12

Gentoo > Arch if you are going for Souls-like experience

Dowlphwin - 17.05.2022 13:35

"Windows FX"? Yeah, I can't imagine Microsoft not objecting to that. - But this is frustrating: They actually do a closest-possible imitation but for Windows 10. I am yearning for an imitated pre-Aero interface, Windows 2000 style, like Classic Shell can do it. But maybe Windows FX can only do looks that well and usability is simply not that flexible, especially file manager behavior.
And if you run Microsoft Edge on a Linux distro, one has to ask what the point of the distro is. OK, maybe just saving money, or maybe as a first step into Linux. But a user who would want Linux with total Windows 10 GUI might also be the type to need a system admin to make it happen. (Well, the privacy thing is not a popular Linux aspect anymore, or they wouldn't ship Firefox with so many distros. Firefox is a datagatherer/telemetry browser.)

GeneralChangOfDanang - 16.05.2022 19:12

I tried Mint and found it a bit clunky and unresponsive. Switched to Zorin OS and it feels pretty solid.

Adam Rassi
Adam Rassi - 04.05.2022 23:54

I'm in the process of switch and finding that the Gnome desktop (Fedora distro) is easiest for me. The look and feel is much different than windows so I feel like I'm not bringing fewer bad habits along my path of learning. I feel like I'm learning something completely new. Not sure if I'll stick with Red Hat distros but I think I will stick with Gnome desktop distros.


Me: seeing Linux from scratch in flashback and immediately start sweating lol

Sweet Honeycode
Sweet Honeycode - 28.04.2022 07:18

What about ReactOS. It's not ready for beginners but it is literally aiming to run Windows apps and drivers natively.

Samuel Burgos
Samuel Burgos - 28.04.2022 06:41

I use Arch btw, the installation was a constant path of pain, blood and suffering, but at the same time was the most funny experience I have changing from windows to Linux

Joseph Kurdziolek
Joseph Kurdziolek - 25.04.2022 00:19

Kde neon is buggy stay away from it

Sparco Music
Sparco Music - 21.04.2022 12:07

Is it easy to install and download games and apps there?

Filip Komárek
Filip Komárek - 09.04.2022 13:04

I think Windows fx is for users, which want Windows and if someone buys them a windows license, they will immediately abandon linux.

Kindanyume .Kindanyume
Kindanyume .Kindanyume - 09.04.2022 01:12

a banana as a controller.. lmfao thats a good one

whats worse is when the banana is one you swiped from your moms and midway in its use it starts vibrating......

oh an as for clone of win10.. hey would be far better off with w7 clone its the last thing from M$ that was an actual OS and w10 is an unmitigated disaster in so many ways its not worth even thinking of counting.

Shahroz Mirza
Shahroz Mirza - 08.04.2022 11:35

Developers should make it code less ... If they really want people to shift ... One More thing they should do is to make it better for gaming ...

Anders Hass
Anders Hass - 07.04.2022 10:15

Having to open a different settings app within the settings app is also very much like the Windows experience since 8, lol

Gaurav Deb
Gaurav Deb - 02.04.2022 20:42

I was basically looking for a rolling release distro. I settled for Manjaro XFCE. Quite neat i must say. However Solus and Zorin also caught my attention.
Linux mint looks quite dated and I just cant stand the Gnome desktop on Ubuntu.

B H S - 29.03.2022 21:13

I always back to Ubuntu, so I like to belive it's best place to start... but Distros are all induvidual.

WindowsOS-exe stopped working
WindowsOS-exe stopped working - 27.03.2022 13:24

You forgot to mention ubuntu christian edition! Jesus would not be proud of you >:(

Cătălin Morar
Cătălin Morar - 25.03.2022 23:17

Zorin os is the Best.
