Jenkins Tutorial For Beginners - 1 | Continuous Integration with Jenkins | DevOps Tools | Edureka

Jenkins Tutorial For Beginners - 1 | Continuous Integration with Jenkins | DevOps Tools | Edureka


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@saptajibasuki6333 - 30.05.2016 16:49

A nice introduction to Jenkins. It's quite useful. Just what I need. Thank you.

@KAZAMAGIRI - 30.06.2016 13:30

Thanks for the webnair.

While securing the jenkins we need not leave the option of Sign up. Even if we don't check it , jenkins will allow us to signup for the first time.

@dircerichards8959 - 12.07.2016 21:34

Thank you for the free presentation. The instructor could have installed everything before hand (git, java, maven), but on the other hand, some inexperienced Linux users would not had seen all the details involved in installing and configuring the pre-requisites.

@hemanthbs2649 - 15.07.2016 01:25

can you please help me on how to relax content security policy. I wasn't able to do it even though I followed the documentation.

@kirankumar5665 - 21.07.2016 19:48

what is the difference between master and slave in jenkins ?

@karthikgirraju1728 - 22.07.2016 11:38

nice tutorial, thanks :)

@prerna02 - 23.07.2016 00:21

I tried a similar setup .Git is working fine on my system but Jenkins fails to init and is thus failing st the 1st step only. Can someone please help

@bushwalkernsw - 20.08.2016 01:27

Very helpful video. Really appreciate it to make it public. I did had zero knowledge about jenkins and after watching this video, i am confident to say, i understand the concept and can do basic setup and job creation. you could spend some few more minutes to find the bug in job. but still thanks for sharing knowledge. do you have any more video to see how jobs get triggered after code is checked in repo? would like to see the auto triggering the job ... which i think is main feature of jenkins.

@bushwalkernsw - 20.08.2016 01:31

one more thing to add is, slow down a bit please. you were talking and clicking too fast and i was able to see which like you clicked on interface. i had to replay the video and guess. i guess time can be 2 hours but viewers should get time to consume as some viewers are beginners and their first time to see the jenkins web interface ..

@abura3d2012 - 26.08.2016 14:35

can i use rails project in jenkins >?

@valmach - 28.08.2016 00:54

which tool is used to separate the data from the code in jenkins

@thehedhly - 02.10.2016 01:27

Hi, excellent introductory tutorial, but i would better if you use a better quality mic, Thx !

@manjutengale - 12.10.2016 10:31

hey edureka!!! how to deploy a java war file generated on ec2 server? where should I add the details

@ricky9985 - 23.10.2016 15:59

good explanation, helped a lot.
But can you please help me configure my virtual box to allow both internet and ssh to ubuntu server.
I am able to use only one at a time and hence not able to install plugins.
please help

@saispandana8232 - 08.11.2016 14:01

Hi,I have installed Jenkins avia command prompt using war file but Initially while setting up the configuation i was asked to sign up as administrator I did and logged out after that I tried loggin in again and it says invalid login info and there is no option I can retrieve the password or sign up as a fresh user again
can you please suggest a solution to this problem

Os is Windows

@sidharthakumarmahato6722 - 20.12.2016 15:38

In my jenkins "Execute shell" I am using "gunicorn appname.wsgi:application --bind=serverip:port" to deploy ,and "sudo service nginx restart"to restart the nginx. But because of the "gunicorn bind" command build is taking more than 2days. I have tried "gunicorn appname.wsgi:application --bind=serverip:port --daemon" which is not working in jenkins "execute shell" and "sudo service nginx restart" is also not working .Please help !!

@10jadhavrahul - 14.01.2017 09:46

Hello, could u tell me how i could we run only java files using Jenkins. i.e. i don't want to take check out from any repository . whole code is present on my local host so how could i do this.

@srinivasyadav9150 - 21.02.2017 04:30

Thanks for the video .............Even errors are good to come in the session because we can know how he is solving the problem and executing it.

@jenkinssniknej9005 - 01.03.2017 12:06

thanks for the first video

@bhavikattipraveen3030 - 05.03.2017 13:41

slave is getting installing could you please guide me regarding this

am using the jenkins 6th version

thing is that master is running bt slave is not getting run so whtat to do

@Rockpradeep123 - 11.03.2017 12:23

how to install jenkins in apache tomcat server(ubuntu)

@ravindramore3996 - 16.03.2017 20:14

Jenkins not loading the main page. it is showing only one msg "Please wait while Jenkins is getting ready to work..." Can you please give me any suggestion for this problem.

@satyam70 - 19.03.2017 17:58

Hi Sir , Adding any salve node do we require any plugin

@karasala01 - 21.03.2017 19:40

maven invoking command is the issue.. try with just " clean " instead of " clean package " should work.. This is great video to understand for the beginners

@SaurabhAditya1 - 21.03.2017 23:26

Hi Ashish,

Thanks for video. There was a issue in video related to Maven which was not fully resolved. I guess this comment will help new people.
steps to configure Maven:
1) Save apache-maven Package in '/opt/ directory.
2) In this video, while configuring the Game of life project, you forgot to select the version i.e. 3.0.5.

After completing these 2 steps new guys would be able to build project from Jenkins console also.

I hope it will help someone.

@kaustavdas3807 - 29.03.2017 12:23

Thanks for the wonderful tutorial - being a newbie to Jenkins I learned a lot from this video. Can you please let me know how Jenkins is different from uDeploy (Urban Deploy) ? Are they of same family ?

@lakshmimothukuri4689 - 04.04.2017 12:12

nice questIon is ---- In one slave how many jobs will you create?
How many no of executors u can mention while creating node?

@vengi2k3 - 04.06.2017 21:42

really good one

@jaykumar9439 - 17.06.2017 01:31

Very good presentation. This remembers me of my teacher solving a physics formula on the board and everybody started writing down . Finally he derived it wrong and every student became a fool.Then he told that when I do it correctly , everybody will be writing down and forgetting it forever.Second time, when I do it correctly, everybody is trying to find out where tI made the mistake so that they will never ever forget the derivation. So anybody, who listened to this should approach in that attitude and do a Jenkins installation yourself to see where was the mistake and I guarantee that you will be a Jenkins expert.

Thanks for covering in detail . Very nice presentation . Kudos.

@srinivaskorupolu6718 - 05.07.2017 13:08

Very good insturction and hands on! ofcourse messing up with directories is quite common in the intial setup., appriciate Amith for attempting of building it from scratch which is more education than preinstalled demo:)! Appriciate the whole demo and look forward to watch from you!

@dustinroberts6284 - 01.08.2017 01:26

you have to select the maven in the project setting to run it in jenkins , This video is very good and it helped me to understand the jenkins a lot. Thank you for the video.

@divakaramh3047 - 19.11.2017 22:24

Nice presentation covered Jenkins from top perspective. I would appreciate if you could create tutorial on Udeploy with Jenkins

@MohammadSalibi - 15.02.2018 12:28

Nice Tutorial . Thx :)

@kamleshpar9847 - 18.02.2018 21:15

Detailed explanation, in fact errors were a hands on experience.

@kailasmahadik5449 - 19.04.2018 21:20

Nice Tutorial.

@anupriyarastogi435 - 14.05.2018 01:18

Owsum videos....plz post video on Bamboo plan

@Praveenkumar-kk6ge - 17.10.2018 11:52


@Praveenkumar-kk6ge - 17.10.2018 11:53


@vaibhavpokale3884 - 23.10.2018 21:43

gr8 work

@prajwal9610 - 07.11.2018 16:12

Excellent video

The solution to the problem is:
Go the project specific configuration (Configure)
In the maven version : select the newly added Maven 3 instead of default.

Then it will work.

@shafiahamed3697 - 15.11.2018 08:29

Hi Ashis, thanks for sharing this video. could you please let me know whether Jenkins supports HP-UX?

@ericyeung8704 - 22.11.2018 18:50

well done!

@sunnylucky5349 - 04.02.2019 06:18

Thank you So much.Very Informative and helpful Video .It helped me a lot.

@sagarsinghrajpoot3832 - 04.03.2019 01:39

Nice video 🙂

@thamilselvan8066 - 02.04.2019 04:54

Very use full video

@saber96182 - 03.07.2019 16:00

Very good effort taken by Edureka.

@ankitkaplish8723 - 25.08.2019 02:29

very good intro to jenkins Ashish, thanks!!

@vcleanandcaresolution8228 - 30.12.2021 08:16

im not getting deploy war/ear file to container option even i installed deploy to container plugins, actually, i was able to see when I do first job deployment and when I go to next job deployment it is not showing
