Open Popups in a Few Clicks on Form Submit Using Popup Maker and Contact Form 7

Open Popups in a Few Clicks on Form Submit Using Popup Maker and Contact Form 7

Popup Maker for WordPress

7 лет назад

10,591 Просмотров

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H uddleston
H uddleston - 07.04.2020 18:54

this is what happens when 15 year olds build a plugin. Not a clue on how to show people how it works. Gotta be american

FX Pep
FX Pep - 29.12.2018 17:21

are you kidding me? Another stupid video with no talking. WHAT'S WRONG WITH PEOPLE??TALK!!!!

WS.COMPUTER - 19.05.2017 10:31

Popup is not working properly since latest update.
