Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan - Operation Storm-333 DOCUMENTARY

Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan - Operation Storm-333 DOCUMENTARY

Kings and Generals

3 года назад

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@tjaydagreat - 17.04.2024 10:16

This is a very deceptive documentary. They leave out the US educated Hafisizullah Amin who was the organizer of the coup in 1978. A high ranking official my ass. Cleverly left out but I caught you.

@habibullah17 - 30.03.2024 08:02

My grandfather was a minister under the King before the Russians invaded. My dad told me on his way from school one day he was passing the palace and it was surrounded by soldiers laying on the geound with maxhine guns pointed outward. He said someone popped tgeir head out of a tank and was shot, then gunfire went crazy everywhere. He ran home and said he saw dead bodies and lombs everywhere. Now were in America and things are quite nice in comparison lol. We need to keep this country nice, freedom and safety are so precious.

@tylerdebo2467 - 23.02.2024 19:21

They invaded on a road built by US Army Corps of Engineers

@kilikilio5321 - 19.12.2023 12:11

this is proxy war. mujahideen is trained by US in pakistan. soviet eliminate amin because amin overthrown taraki by assasination. amin is US spy

@MultiMrsmurf - 11.11.2023 21:04

“Directorate of illegal intelligence” now that’s a fucking job title 😂😂😂

@eduardovillicana8509 - 28.09.2023 04:05

Literally attmepting another Battle of Riechtag

@zillsburyy1 - 30.07.2023 02:29

is there a movie about this?

@rickywinthrop - 02.06.2023 12:48

Half of 666. Sounds about right for the Russians. Even doing evil on the cheap.

@habibullahrustami4625 - 30.05.2023 16:11

Dear people,
Unfortunately you are watching here a western propaganda video about Afghanistan which changed the role of victims and oppressors!
If you want to understand better what really happened in Afghanistan you should read the,, Washington secrets war in Afghanistan by Philip bonohsky,,
And,, Taliban and Afghanistan by ahmad rashid,,. As like as other videos in this channel you never mentioned the role of western countries like USA to overthrow governments during the cold War.
Why you don't mention that amin was living in USA, has educated in Columbia University where other frauds like khlilzad went work tightly with CIA??? Why you don't mention that USA and Nato supported mujahideen militarily, financially, logistically and with personal?! Shame on you that manipulate history here!

@KornPop96 - 13.05.2023 21:14

Shout out to that one guerilla that showed up!

@brandonstanley9125 - 09.05.2023 18:32

They tried to do this in Ukraine.

@benjaminclement8437 - 11.04.2023 06:06

Russia claim's it lost only 12 men taking a palace guarded by 2500 hahahaha what a load of shit.

@Time2gojoe - 07.04.2023 09:51

Soviets trying to poison a guy.. I swear Russia is one big Mafia

@--GenocidalIsraeli - 18.03.2023 15:56

I live in the UK and after decades of Russian/Soviet propaganda, if you say Afghanistan to someone then you hear "AMERICA BAD! AMERICA BAD!" but nearly everyone I speak to doesn't even know that the USSR invaded Afghanistan and did all this

In fact, most of those virtue signallers couldn't even name three wars that the USSR/Russia has started

The lack of education is embarrassing

@Sneikki - 17.03.2023 08:34

"Babrak Kamal promised 500 of his own guerillas but only one showed up" Well, that was probably a very awkward one man

@atryan1125 - 24.02.2023 11:47

There was like 3 coups before Karmal, but only his installation is "illegal"? lmao

@thehunzz - 17.02.2023 02:23

500 promised. Only 1 showed up. Sounds like an interesting story.

@nemo5335 - 02.02.2023 12:46

love how you refer to some fucking insane stone age feudalist barbarians who think it's cool to enslave women, grow opium and rape little boys as the "conservative rural population" so you can make the side trying to liberate the Afghan people seem like the villains.

@MrAlexkyra - 23.01.2023 04:17

Looking back at the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 (and Czechoslovakia in 1968), Russia's conduct in the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 makes more sense. The Russians invaded Ukraine with 200,000 soldiers, which is insufficient to conquer Ukraine. But the Russians thought that they would only have to conduct a regime change operation, that would leave a Russia-friendly puppet government that would control at least the Eastern half of Ukraine.

Similar to Operation Storm-333, they sent mercenaries into Kyiv to capture or assassinate Zelenskyy and sent approximately half of their forces to capture Kyiv (including sending their elite VDV troops to capture the Antonov Airport at Hostomel). They weren't expecting the Ukrainians to resist, the way that the Czechoslovak army didn't resist in 1968 or the Afghan army in 1979. The possibility that the Ukrainian government wouldn't collapse or that the Ukrainian military would resist or that the Ukrainian people wouldn't welcome the Russians was not foreseen or accounted for in their plans.

@unapologetic906 - 16.01.2023 07:49

So it's the greed of two motherless wh@re country USA/ ussr which destroyed Afghanistan

@sagarnain4229 - 03.12.2022 10:37

US and saudia arabia,pakistan helped in making hardcore islamic regime in afganistan than the socialist secular government

@BBOTech - 21.11.2022 21:07

plz give us a video of usa vs taliban

@ricardo-2022 - 19.11.2022 15:59

War for 3 days
For kill one man
R.i.p hafizullah amin
In palace 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️😒😂🤣😂

@khallfaqiri6482 - 03.11.2022 20:53

I lived near 500 meter away from taj big palace and my uncle was a Soviet general he used to tell me about the palace

@washingtonhidalgo3056 - 27.10.2022 05:05

In this scenario, the Americans didn't even think that they were going to help evil, but they did( Osama Bin Laden and their friends in Afghanistan)

@xandervk2371 - 21.10.2022 22:34

In this operation, the Soviets succeeded in what Russia later failed to accomplish in Ukraine, and they still lost anyway.

@haryoputro7185 - 21.10.2022 12:42

Russia tried to repeat this again by february 2022 to assassinate zelensky but failed

@AUZohaib - 19.10.2022 20:10

excellent explanation for history lover.

@quartercast - 18.10.2022 13:58

The Groo! Oops, sorry.. G.R.U.

@alexheloo - 18.10.2022 13:36

It would be nice too see the USA invasions of Iraq or Vietnam as well!

@waverlh - 12.10.2022 16:40

Great video. I honestly think most Americans don't understand the history of Afghanistan. This video helps fill in the gaps. Thank you.

@redDL89 - 30.09.2022 05:49

Amin. The tankie that simped so hard he thought the Soviet special forces came to give him a big hug.

@turktarihcisi5668 - 28.09.2022 21:02

I want a game about this operation.All we see is games about Americans.

@richardwilson3400 - 23.09.2022 23:18

I know a lot about this in fact the soviets released the prisoners and sent them to kill the Supreme Court judge's of Afghanistan I was told about this year's ago by a work friend of mine who was a security guard in the states and before that one of the Supreme Court judges of Afghanistan I could not pronounce his name but man he hated soviets. I don't know what happened to him as I was released from duty after the company who bought out the company that I was working eliminated my position and out sourced it.

@ex-muslimraj8652 - 11.09.2022 09:57

The Soviets just spread too much at that point!! Its just almost impossible to maintain or even win such a vast territory, with such vast ethnicities!

@muhammedsheriff5351 - 09.09.2022 13:09

The Russians are paying for it now by their own people ! Never seen a country that runs on deception

@bollewillem1 - 08.09.2022 14:25

If there is one thing we can learn from history is that we learn nothing of our own history.

@imantaqwa9957 - 21.08.2022 02:36

The graveyard of empires

@zainmudassir2964 - 20.08.2022 13:24

Wow I'm from Pakistan you made good vid sir

@killer3000ad - 25.07.2022 18:34

The amount of planning that the USSR went through to take out Hafizullah Amin really makes the 2022 Russian charge to Kyiv look like amateur hour.

@judas3952 - 25.07.2022 16:36

Graveyard of Superpowers

@md.adnannabib2066 - 19.07.2022 19:43

how wierd were the soviets that they attacked their own communist allies

@nisarullah2969 - 10.07.2022 13:24

Still the cold war has not ended till this day 10 July 2022. It was started back in 1945.

@mrs3188 - 14.06.2022 08:54

Treachery 101

@elchikito2788 - 09.06.2022 08:48

The shot him then they blew him up via grenade. They really wanted to make sure he was dead.
