I fully agree with this: as long as they are given the opportunity, blacks can achieve the achievements of whites, Asians, etc. I am not surprised if there is an economic and technological power like China in Africa in the future.
ОтветитьMost if these are not inventions, the are modifications of existing actual inventions. This is all a bit sad.
ОтветитьI knew some but the rest are a revelation.Did some research after a student was distressed that he could not find anything on black inventors.He was relieved when I could share some of my findings.Wherever he is I hope he is watching.
ОтветитьAnother valid reason the Dept of education was abolished..
ОтветитьCheck out self propelled machines by maxwell chikumbutso
ОтветитьThis video is AWESOME!!! Thank you
ОтветитьStill none of them was in Africa while inventing it... Its a combination of what they got from the white that they put together. We all need each other, none is greater than the other.
ОтветитьKeep bringing it to an continue to share!!!!
ОтветитьIt's more than sad this videos' created but that It's easily viewable.
ОтветитьI already knew the light bulb was a collaboration of many people. Invention is an amazing thing. Take the invention of our Senate. The ancient Romans invented it as well as the idea of politicians, bath houses, aqueducts and yes even a primitive form of plumbing. Fireworks and gunpowder were the invention of the Chinese long ago. Whomever invents are amazing people.
ОтветитьAnd I knew the traffic light was invented by a Black guy. Oh wow he was from my city of Cleveland? I didn’t know that! That’s so cool! Another point of pride for my city.
ОтветитьThey debunked this racist propaganda several times alreafy
ОтветитьInformative and educational content wow amazing
ОтветитьIve heard that Chips were also invented by a black Guy!❤👍
ОтветитьWhere is part two now I’m deep in
ОтветитьSo very informative! Thank you❤
ОтветитьThe mail box guy is white mixed
ОтветитьThe elevator door guy and the mailbox guy is the same guy and theyre both white as hell, never seen a black beard like that
Ответитьall good
ОтветитьWilliam Potts created the first three color traffic light not Garrett Morgan. Why you all got to lie about it?
ОтветитьJust to speak up black women done the math for the first time we went to the moon landing especially, genius
ОтветитьSlavery was invented by black people too....Wasn't it ?...(TELL THE TRUTH !)
ОтветитьYou can tell a black person "they tried to hide this from you" and they'll literally believe anything
ОтветитьWe need to support each other and also love and respect coms first let’s wee hall 🙏🏽🙏🏽for dat
ОтветитьUniversal quality education could do a lot more to improve the overall thinking and behavior of human beings. The world can become a much better world if people would work harder to bring us all from under the thrall of capitalist thinking and bourgeois mentality.
ОтветитьThank you for the information about black inventors. I was aware of some of them, but was very surprised regarding the fact that there were some many black inventors.
ОтветитьThey folks being stealing and acting like they invented all these things black Americans invented 85 percent of everything and they still stealing from us
ОтветитьThe war in heaven caused this
ОтветитьGod 2-25-2025 Saved 8-3- Zillion
ОтветитьOur inventions helped you out in life...their inventions help detroy it
Ответитьok but white man created school!
And his works has done a lot for all mankind
This is Awesome
ОтветитьThose things are still being made, sold, and used every day. Where is the paper trail
ОтветитьThey are not African American though let’s get that right first they are American Indians the true native Americans indigenous of the Americas wake up my people
ОтветитьWere these people educated in USA only ?
ОтветитьSes sont les noirs les plus grande inventeurs...vive jésus noirs
ОтветитьJust imagine how many inventions the American Slaves made to make their jobs easier that their Slave owners claimed. Everything 🧐⛓️👣
Ответить#1 american
ОтветитьI still have hope we can come together again and turn to our God so that He can heal us and our land and maybe give us more time here on earth to enjoy life
ОтветитьBlack man found out about the lightbulb when he stole it.
ОтветитьLOL.... So many lies here...pathetic embarrassment.
This moron injected racism and slavery... ya...about that... far more whites have been enslaved by blacks than visa versa... and of course in the United States...over 1000 black men owned slaves. Of course slavery and racism are tenets of tge democrat party....and I'll bet this guy votes democrat. Anyway... this presentation is full of misrepresentations and untruths
These are major inventions… Why do some people say that African Americans didn’t do anything for this country?
ОтветитьWhat black people did and white people took away from them. Still the same today.
ОтветитьThat's why when they said black man don't know anything I feel bad to learn history is important
ОтветитьNa elmentek ti a picsába.😂
ОтветитьI'm a native american. Im a senior. I've served my country during the Vietnam War and retired from law enforcement. I don't know, nor have I ever understood why, as a society and country, we don't now or have not given credit where credit is due . We, as a whole, owe a great deal to all those who have contributed to mankind to make us wiser , healthier, happier, and more comfortable in life . Regardless of sex , race, or religion . It's far past time to acknowledge them all .
ОтветитьCan someone explain how people born with albinism in Africa since the 1890s can make an invention as a pure african if no one gives them a chance⁉️
Black livees
are not
a shade
of color
and don't forget
white has many shades to it which means white is a color.
Ask any painter😅
good stuff! thanks