Grand Theft Auto: A Great Yet Concerning Franchise

Grand Theft Auto: A Great Yet Concerning Franchise

Downward Thrust

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@DownwardThrust - 08.08.2017 20:31

Why did DT call Rockstar Games 'Rocksteady' all video long? Comment below to win a shiny prize!

@Handsomechurro - 19.12.2021 07:37


@RespecttheScreenplay - 11.08.2021 21:21

I would like to see a new Grand theft Auto with a female lead that would be interesting

@SirEvilestDeath - 29.06.2021 07:09

Why won’t GTA V die? It’s still going strong to this day.

@joyadeceren - 29.06.2021 00:01

Now we will have ps6' gta v.

@ethanmahon6948 - 09.03.2021 02:58

Gta is a bit overrated ngl

@lacuna3693 - 07.02.2021 17:07

Is it just me or is the rockstar formula pretty flawed. They make massive dynamic open world with so much to do in it but then the missions are linear narrative stories full of cutscenes (pretty big opposites). I think they do do a great job with both but I feel like it should only be one or the other.

In RDR2, I loved the story and the open world but playing the missions was torture for me as I was forced to do everything the way the game wanted me to. Even the part where you drive to horseshoe overlook, I wanted to play without the minimap but every time I took a wrong turn I got mission failed and had to start from the very beginning. Another time I was trying to experiment with sending an escaped prisoner back to jail but I couldn't as if I tried to enter the sheriff's office it just started a mission without my consent.

@tg2112 - 31.01.2021 19:59

2021 and still no clue for the next sequel or any dlc/expansion like the ps3 gen got. Some trends in gaming are truly undesirable !!!...

@BumFluffer1999 - 31.01.2021 19:19

Fam, the stereotypes are based on how people are and act in real life 😂🤣😂 with some exaggerations

@AdachiSimp - 28.12.2020 02:37

GTA Review - SJW Issues that no one cares and just have fun

@DancingPotatoe16 - 09.12.2020 12:43

You roleplay as a criminal. Why is irl morality being shoehorned

@knoblauch3450 - 02.08.2020 02:23

We got a white knight here

@musyrifo - 12.06.2020 11:28

GTA V banned in Malaysia?
Wow, I didn't know that.
I have a complete collection of GTA games and nothing wrong happened

@josuer3670 - 20.01.2020 20:07

I just want them to give equal focus on multiplayer and SINGLE player for the next gta

@joshfuson7944 - 24.12.2019 20:12


@ausetrgb633 - 25.10.2019 02:05

Very onesided...

@scogsy0764 - 19.09.2019 13:29

Why did you say rocksteady

@murdvre - 01.08.2019 00:49

What the hell? "WoMEn aRE sTERotYPed" Nigga this is GTA

@baddreams3850 - 16.06.2019 05:50

Dear God you said "rocksteady" the whole video! Just FYI, it's Rockstar. Rocksteady is the dev team behind the Batman Arkham series.

@DammnDeejay - 20.05.2019 01:02

Lamar should've been a main charcater

@UncleTee99 - 24.04.2019 19:34

Lol he keeps saying rocksteady

@Jaapst - 03.03.2019 08:30

So youre a feminist? My thrust is in downward now in you..

@skmajin2922 - 16.01.2019 17:00

I will never forget that moment I first walked into that strip club.

@MvRxRapidzZx - 06.01.2019 13:58

Quite possibly one of the least imaginative boring and bland stale franchises that fails to change that has ever been released. I never understood the appeal and never will

@ronnoc_ym_aggin4203 - 29.09.2018 16:34

he said rocksteady lol

@thatfonvdude7054 - 22.07.2018 23:11

I first got GTA 5 from that old white dude with a white beard

No I'm serious

@GDDR14 - 12.07.2018 21:01

Garbage franchise.

@augustuscaesar8020 - 02.07.2018 02:10

Wait... WHAT?
GTA is not banned in Malaysia..
Not sure about the others tho...

@erikkr.r.m7380 - 01.06.2018 16:24

Nobody cares if you are ofended people

@troypowers750 - 18.05.2018 07:51

Actually it's take 2 interactive who owns rockstar.

@Zancb - 01.05.2018 21:00

Hey man, FYI "misogynist" means "hatred of women", not "depiction of women that makes some people feel uncomfortable". The reality of sex workers, or the seemingly parody portrayal of women sex workers is not misogynistic.

@TheDrian24 - 24.04.2018 00:05

You know what

@octaafdebolle6755 - 22.04.2018 20:33

One of the best games ever

@mimik6775 - 11.04.2018 14:41

You honestly made some good pints here and there, but your character depiction and stereotype concerns over women in particular is pretty understated. EVERYONE is a walking stereotype in GTA. It’s supposed to take the real world and criminal underworld and shove it down your throat. It was never intended for kids, but if they end up playing, they’re either scarred and influenced incorrectly to the point that they carry these crimes out themselves (which has happened). Or they are more the wiser...

@mr.raslyon6626 - 07.04.2018 22:59

SJW language aside, I've noticed that the FPV on GTAV made me pause before shooting at a cop. I do a lot less mass murder in GTA V overall....and I think that is part of R* brilliance. Humanize the NPCs.

@marvinluther7534 - 27.03.2018 03:55

why do i get the feeling you never played the top down view gta's?

@noahwizzo6487 - 26.03.2018 13:16

I guess I'm not living in Australia because I've seen all the GTA games in store and have even played them at friends houses.

@MrCrazyTart - 26.03.2018 00:33

You should do a video on the Madden series

@mainfighter - 19.03.2018 09:24

I kinda hope the next game is seamless online, enjoy playing the online as it is right now. Would be cool if they integrated proper story and stuff into it for the next game.

@NorthernLaw_ - 17.03.2018 20:17

I really don't sometimes want a GTA 6 because then GTA 5 might become dead like GTA 4 and instead of making a GTA 6 just add more online DLC's that add different concepts than every single one now, more heists, etc. And singleplayer additions and heists in singleplayer. If you could somehow transfer your character to GTA 6 that would be amazing

@the_real_drengr - 07.03.2018 00:21

Bc the company's model is rock steady. And it is paying off big time?

@dahotrod1533 - 04.03.2018 13:04

I personally believe that GTA5 is a good game but I think it is time to progress and write a new page in the GTA History book.

@leftyelomis1824 - 01.03.2018 20:37

Everybody wants a better GTA V online. It is awesome and ultra fun. Why would you ask for a single player GTA VI? If you want plot, get out of the house.

@ryanb1950 - 24.02.2018 15:50

Played gta 5 when I was 13, I was shocked zero times and laughed 100 times. You’re overthinking this
