Using PAST vs FUTURE Loadouts in Warzone Rebirth Island

Using PAST vs FUTURE Loadouts in Warzone Rebirth Island


13 дней назад

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@Logan_Tang - 13.07.2024 05:10

Nice vid!

@beebodes5093 - 13.07.2024 05:23

Those snipes are on point I’m tryna be better at sniping but I don’t think I could be as good as u

Great vid man

@statikriki - 13.07.2024 08:05

love your vids so much kler 🙏

@EthanStaton-ob6mb - 13.07.2024 10:47

Dude uploaded earlier then I get on 😂ur fine but I’ve been practicing movement on the new lockdown mode and bro idk if it’s just me but I’ve been killing with crazy movement I’ve used the ots-9 (HRM-9) and the Milano (wsp-9) Negative recoil striker (stock that gives most recoil control Bruen heavy support underbarrel zemn35 compensator 60 mag and for me the not the stubby or the recon barrel but the other I forget what it’s called but the og build was the recon long barrel) hope that didn’t confuse u but love the vids didn’t expect another vid so soon thx klerify God bless u klerify🫡🦖🦕🐐 oh yeah I hit a crazy shot with the kar it was endgame on rebirth and my squad was down a chopper was flying by I shot them out of the chopper best shot I’ve hit in real game before God bless and see u next timeu also almost made my kar u put a dr 6 handstop instead of the prazision 762 long barrel

@EthanStaton-ob6mb - 13.07.2024 10:47

Hey just wanted to share the Gospel with u Jesus Christ he is the son of God and let me just tell u he performed so many miracles and wonders in his 33 years on earth and after all that Jesus did no wrong never sinned never did nothing wrong yet the Pharisee’s and the scribes arrested him in the garden of Gethsemane and before he was arrested he was praying to his Father in heaven (God) and he said something like this I forgot what he said it says in the Bible but here he said Father if this cup may pass from me let it but nevertheless not my will be done but yours see Jesus never wanted to die but he said nevertheless not my will be done but yours so then He found his disciples asleep because he prayed for a whole hour and he woke them up then he went back prayed the same prayer again another hour he came back and found them asleep again I forget how many times he did it’s written in the Bible then he woke em up the last time and said the son of man’s betrayer is out meaning that is betrayer was out searching for him(btw Jesus foretells his betrayal death and resurrection many times) and Judas Iscariot was who betrayed him he was 1 of his 12 disciples and he came with a crowd and said whoever I kiss take him meaning arrest him and he kissed Jesus and they took him and arrested him and then Jesus appeared in court and Jesus stayed quit then when they asked him a question when he answered they accused him of blasphemy they delivered him to the guards which I think were Roman idk but they took him put a purple robe on him and put out a red carpet and put a crown of thorns on his head and forced it down they were pretty big thorns too and they mocked him and spit on him and after they mocked him they took a cat of 9 tails which has like these metal claw like things and it’s like a mace and it digs into your flesh and rips it and it’s horrible and then Jesus had to bare that cross up mount Calvary and somebody helped him carry it and he was crucified with 2 thieves and one thief was saved because he said Lord remember me when thou enter thy kingdom and Jesus said verily I say unto u today thou shalt be in paradise and JESSUS died on the cross but he said on the cross father forgive them for they know not what they do and he said right before he died he said it is finished he meant our plan for salvation is finished and Jesus loves u and he rose on the 3rd day and he was on earth 40 days I think and he gave the great commission which is to preach the Gospel and the Bible and to baptize people in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and when u give ur life to Christ he gives u the Holy Spirit to live in u and Jesus lives in u too and if u want to give ur life to Christ right now just pray this prayer-Dear God,
I know that I am a sinner and I ask for Your forgiveness.
I believe that Jesus Christ is Your Son and that He died for my sins and rose from the dead.
I turn from my sins and invite Jesus to come into my heart and life.
I want to trust and follow Him as my Lord and Savior.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If u prayed that prayer and really meant it ur saved and u should feel a happiness and joy and peace u have never felt before if so pls reply if u prayed it or not I hope u do so I can see u in heaven when my body dies and if u did pray that prayer and really meant it u should also have a full assurance ur going to heaven and when u get saved Jesus gives u the free gift of eternal life and also go to ur local church and go up and tell them u have given your life to CHRIST AND U NEED TO BE BAPTIZED because baptism is the first sign of obedience to God and u will have to repent and get rid of those dirty sins and obey God and do the will of God and I suggest u go to church every Sunday if u gave ur life to Christ and go anyway maybe u will give ur life to a Christ if u keep hearing the word I really hope u prayed that prayer of salvation giving ur life to Christ I love u and Jesus loves u God bless u.🙏✌️ and also before kar came out I was running the Xrk stalker but mors was great too but kar def 1st for me God bless

@asherholland2592 - 13.07.2024 19:44

Dammmm that was epic!!!!

@timdhuman7288 - 13.07.2024 22:03

Rip Jerry on that angle 😂😂 love the sniper videos cause you're nasty with them kler. I really liked the first setup but the new school guns in your hands killed it the second game. Great content as always. GGs kler

@kp_og200. - 14.07.2024 04:34

Yo the og loadout got nerfed so hard i think if they didn't nerf the kar and akimbo shottys they would have won who agrees

@Money_Bags01 - 14.07.2024 14:24

Yo scope shot did this as well but i liked this vid better
keep it up bro ♥

@Money_Bags01 - 14.07.2024 14:29

Bro this vid made me use the akimbo shottys again
