4 | Jenkins 2023 |  Chaining Jobs and creating Pipeline | Step-by-Step for Beginners

4 | Jenkins 2023 | Chaining Jobs and creating Pipeline | Step-by-Step for Beginners

Automation Step by Step

1 год назад

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@3VAudioVideo - 14.09.2023 19:26

thanks!! can't wait for more Jenkins videos. A kind reminder if you could post a video on how to set it up so multiple machine can simultaneously run different Selenium testcases (PC1 runs test 1-20, PC2 runs test 21-40). Some video I found explain how to have machines run the same test cases but on different browsers. I just want to run them on the same browser but distribute them.

@KamranKhanmba - 15.09.2023 15:16

can you make video on Data analyst covering all tools Thanks

@nandunandyy - 19.09.2023 09:52

Hello Raghav,
I have 3years+ experience in manual testing in further which tool I need to learn to improve my feature jobs and knowledge set improving?

@SineQuaNon1 - 22.10.2023 21:14

Thanks. This series was so useful. Would it be possible to make a new video running in Jenkins some basic test cases written in any IDE, and pushed to Github.
