Well done mate. Everyone's road is different and constantly changing. It's good to hear from you and take your time. It will be interesting to see how the water levels out on this. Can't help but be excited for you and what this brings about. Don't forget to exercise, eat well and sleep well. 💪
Ответить"Patient knows what is wrong with them, so they must be hypochondriac"
Couldn't have put it better myself. Having heard a lot of stories like this, I was personally pretty afraid of going to a neurologist about a migraine that is quite rare, but also hereditary, which my mother has been diagnosed with. Thankfully he was great, and didn't dismiss me outright, but the fact that it happens to a lot of people, like it happened to you, is a huge problem.
I obviously understand the kind of "information problem" that hypochondriacs (potential ones, or actual ones) and self diagnosis presents for doctors, but the solution should never be "Nope, this isn't it" and then getting kicked out...
Really admire your determination to self-test and self-diagnose, even though doctors 'on average' are good, there are tons of less good ones, and plus basic human relationship dynamics play into it as unfair as it is. Glad you've found a better doctor. 🌎🛰🌕🪐☀⭐
ОтветитьGet well soon
ОтветитьUsing the microscope to make digital artwork is a really interesting tool and concept direction to explore. Hope to see some creations and processes of that nature someday. Get better soon.
ОтветитьThanks for sharing - this is the first video of yours that I've seen, so they must be reaching someone outside the usual group. Hope all works out well for you - keep at it, don't give up, and wish you well.
ОтветитьYes, self-diagnoses and treatments are sometimes necessary. My wife's research expertise saved me from surgery and injections. Wishing you every success as you navigate through this.
I hope you feel better soon and continue learning about your condition in an effort to make it better. Ultimately I hope you do make your way to the doctors in America.
As far as animated films you should check out Kubo a tale of two strings and the movie called "9".
Hope you get better soon! ⬜🖌🎨
ОтветитьStay strong, Curtis. Best wishes.
ОтветитьResearch Artemisia Absinthium
ОтветитьYou are absolutely amazing for exploring your medical illness and taking so much action in looking for a solution! This is very motivating and Im very proud of you!
Ответить🖌️ It’s a pretty badass idea to make your own medicine from your own blood if it comes to it. It makes me sad that you say your updates are contaminating your channel, I would not want to miss out on these updates. Everytime you post there is a chance someone sees it who might actually help. What if your next helpful doctor/scientist is learning blender as a hobby…
ОтветитьAs someone who has been dealing with chronic health conditions and dismissive health professionals for years I wish you all the best. I know how awful it can be.
I've also had a lot more success with self treatment. But where that fails I've had the most success with seeing younger doctors and specialists where I can. In my experience they tend to be far less dismissive and much more collaborative. I don't know if that's a uniquely Australian phenomenon, but from what I understand the British and Australian systems are fairly similar on a lot of fronts.
Is there something living in your eye duct?
ОтветитьSorry to hear you're not doing well with your health. I'm sorry but I won't be giving you any money towards that. Why? Because I already pay my taxes that include universal healthcare.
ОтветитьGood luck in healing. Its not easy ( I have it as well plus bonus) but it will be OK. Take your time as you can - rush is the biggest mistake. So dont push. All the best to you.!gab
ОтветитьSorry to hear what you went through and you did great research. I can't wait to see more videos that inspire me and many other people. Thank you for all you work and great videos! ^^)
Ответитьlove u, thx for touching base fam. dont get lost dancing with ai!
ОтветитьIt sounds really awful to be "medically gaslighted" as you were. I've had small amounts of experiencing this, it sucks. But your initiative in research and solving your own problem is really impressive. I hope you solve the problem
ОтветитьHonestly Curtis, thank you for sharing such a candid update. I'm amazed at your perseverance and dedication to understand more about the condition, and wish you all the best on your recovery journey
ОтветитьGet well ❤ best wishes from Ukraine
ОтветитьI suffered from chronic sinus infections and migraines for 16 years before finding a proper diagnosis and improving. Can relate to the frustration of not finding answers, hope you find your answers and solutions ASAP. Thanks for sharing
ОтветитьIts not depressing dude, its important. You dont know who might be struggling with something similar issues that this has helped.
ОтветитьMan, as a multiple sclerosis person, can I relate with your "search for a COMPETENT doctor".
ОтветитьHope you get well. UK, you said it all. Tories is the cancer of the NHS and all the private clinics. Thank god I have 2 passports and I got it resolved in Milan (I am sending you an email)
ОтветитьHope you get better soon. What you did publishing this video will help a lot of people with eye health problems. Everything you share with us goes beyond learning a digital tool. People who criticize you need to learn that you are not a machine. Thanks a lot for share with us your life too. You are a amazing artist and now I cant tell you are a marvelous person too becouse, anyone other than you could just think, I solved my problem, anyone who has something similar should turn around and find out for themselves just like I did. But you didn't do it, quite the opposite, you are sharing with the us what you discovered.
Ответить😺Thanks Curtis for sharing your health journey with us, I find it very insightful. If sharing helps you and as you said can be of any help to someone else following you, so go for it! Best wishes for a very fast recovery ⭐
ОтветитьBritish healthcare is a joke even when it comes to pretty obvious stuff. As Eastern European, every time I have to interact with NHS or dentists here it's like I'm stepping into the 3rd world shithole. Getting refferal to a specialist to sort you out is nearly impossible, a customer of mine had a pre-heart attack and I've had to drive him to an emergency myself and nobody even bothered looking at him for nearly 3 hours! Don't even get me started on getting to GP - I just need a prescription for antibiotic because I always struggle with flu for two full weeks otherwise. So they want me to come to a meeting soonest a week in advance, then they recommend that I stay at home and chug paracetamol... do they issue retroactive sick notes? Of course not. I go to a doctor so he can Google search my symptoms... I didn't need 10 years of studies and a doctorate to figure out what the hell is wrong with me. It's a lost cause... anything remotely serious I just fly abroad and pay out of pocket at this point. My friend's wife's cancer progressed beyond repair and spread waiting over a year for mastectomy... and once they did it, they refused to take out the 2nd breast at the same time "because it's healthy now" despite knowing damn well it would return and return it did... Unless you have no other option but to use NHS, just don't. Go elsewhere, preferably to a place not populated by absolute baboons. I'm glad to hear you've finally managed to get in touch with a specialist that was taking you seriously and knew his stuff well.
ОтветитьYou're not alone Curtis. Such issues with arrogant "wanna-be know-it-alls" are commonplace, both in Europe and the US. I, my friends and family and many others I have met from around the world have horror stories much worse than yours. It's a common problem. However, there are also amazing stories of healing which occur both in and out of "mainstream" medical practice in leading edge integrative health arenas.
I was actually just talking with a couple friends in Europe a few days ago about the general consensus across Europe (according to the one who said this' experiences with others across Europe) that the US is about 100 years ahead of you guys over there. It's interesting how different/contradictory a story I get from a friend who visited but doesn't live there, though she does have relatives in a European country. However, even here in the US, there is a serious lack of up-to-date and accurate scientific information/training. We may be more advanced, but we're also very entrenched in scientific Dogma, which hinders and even sabotages advancement and makes such progress terribly, agonizingly slow, and makes these kinds of stories still common here. However, as I was saying, there are good practitioners and options.
If you would like further input and support from international experts on healing your medical condition, I suggest that you visit The QE Alliance (The Quantum Empowerment Alliance and Institute) web site and use their contact form to reach out. They are a non-profit organization for healing and life transformation, part of an international private non-profit health network, working on the leading edge of Holistic integrative medicine and human potential. They've done amazing things for people that most of your viewers probably wouldn't even believe because they've been wrongly taught that it's not possible, despite the fact that modern science has proven this material world to be an "illusion" and that "reality" can be rewritten by humans. LOL
So, really, as I remember one scientist said years ago (paraphrasing here): nothing is impossible, only mathematically improbable, and even then there are ways of beating the odds. The odds are only based on what we know. We may learn something new which drastically changes those odds, which we have. As Einstein said: "we can not solve a problem by the same level of thinking (Consciousness) which created it." In leading-edge science, new levels of science and consciousness have been reached, and new possibilities have been revealed which boggle the minds of the most advanced scientists on the planet. They have even written books about it.
Anyway, I wish you health, happiness, peace and fulfillment. Take care of yourself. Don't worry about your work. The people who really care about you and not just what you give them will be here when you're ready to resume your wonderful work. Until then, keep updating use. We care about you, and we'll do what we can to support you. There are still good people in the world, despite what those who spread their misery to others might want you to believe because they believe it. Don't let their ignorance hinder your greatness bother. You have a good heart, and those of us with good hearts see and recognize you, and support you. You're only as alone as you let yourself believe you are. Just talk with us when you start doubting that, and we'll remind you. 😉🥰
ОтветитьSorry to hear, you’re valuable member of this community, wishing you good luck and hope you get the support you need ❤
ОтветитьHope you find the help you need! 🚗
ОтветитьI hope you can find some peace in this, but how absolutely metal is making tears out of your own blood \m/
Ответитьbro got a lab to cure himself lmfao
ОтветитьYou've been inspiring long before that medical storm, and you're even more that now, with elegantly and gently sharing what you're going through. There's nothing boring about this vid. You impacted lives before, and you do now in a second way as well. I wish this, or anything, gives you some of the comfort you deserve. 🪐
ОтветитьSorry to hear that your going through these health issues. Praying that your health will improve!
ОтветитьThank you for the update… you’re so right-on… if only one person benefits from your telling of your experience you have obliterated all the naysayers.
Ответить🦨🦨🦨🦨🦨🦨🦨🦨 (One of my passions, these guys)
Ответить🎶 Wish you a fast recovery and all the best. Good thing you found an helpful doctor.
Ответить😴💤and 👨🌾✂🌳