Bro.. Your videos are amazing!.. Thank you very much for what you are doing. Hope I get my boat some day. I´m wondering if you can make a video for tall people.!! haha. All the best.. hope see you sailing some day.
Ответить30 ft 1990 hunter, I'm comfortable
ОтветитьIf you’re interested in a boat made and optimised to perfection for solo-offshore sailing - take a look at my boat. Boat tour is on my profile. It’s an Amel from a tiny production run. 33ft.
ОтветитьRule # 1
We don’t talk about those that failed to follow Rule # 2 when we get back.
NOTHING was mentioned about a very important thing.. KEELS. Look at the Ingrid 38.. what a beast! 26k displacement double-ender, full keel and I do mean FULL. I doubt I'd hardly ever have the main up..just the mizzen and jib. Not a CC though.
ОтветитьAh, the ubiquitous 5 gallon bucket. One bucket could serve as a dish sink, a clothes washer, a shower, a toilet, and a seat.
ОтветитьWhat are your thoughts on solo sailing a westsail 32?
ОтветитьAs a 60 year old Dude from Belgium, I would like to go sailing. What’s the best way to go from scratch? Thanks’ Mate. Perry
ОтветитьEddy needs a slap
ОтветитьI’m glad you included the Morgan. I had a friend who had a Morgan Out Island from the ‘80s and it was sooo spacious! Lots of headroom too. Perfect for the Caribbean islands.
ОтветитьHi great vids as usual the westerly Corsair 36 capable of blue water sailing ???
ОтветитьThe Morgan 38cc all day. A beauty 😍
ОтветитьHi i have been watching your channe for a while now and i was wondering if you do yacht reveiws. If so please do the Oyster 66
ОтветитьI spend a couple summers sailing with a friend. He sailed solo unless I went with him. I think he didn't really need my help most of the time. Other than that I have NO experience sailing. But I would like to try it. I have a couple of friends that did it into their late 70's. The male died onboard and the female sold the boat and never went back out. They sent emails from everywhere about their adventures. They stopped over where I was living in Panama City, Florida and visited for a day while getting some supplies. I don't remember what the boat was per se, but it was 36 foot long and full of Teak wood.. it was beautiful!!!
Ответитьwhere do I get on to crew on a sailboat
ОтветитьMirrors in a small boat can help make it feel larger for those worried about the tight quarters.
ОтветитьHow easy would one of these be to add modern navigation systems? Autopilot?
ОтветитьAnother nice one! My plan is solo as well. Center cockpits look awesome to me! Might have to reach out to you for advice. Thanks.
ОтветитьCommon sense. Drop a line and climb aboard. Stop overthinking ✌️✌️
ОтветитьThis is so dreamy man love you.
ОтветитьDang that Benneteau is CLEAN!
ОтветитьYeah the whole sugar scoop thing you know I really don't like the way they look. I haven't gotten far enough along with my project yet, but I do plan to have a nice teak swim platform that folds down on the stern if possible. Of course it's fighting with space for the wind vane and also perhaps the davits depending on the situation. But I need to put them in an order of importance. One vein first swim platform. Second to have its third. If they all happen to work out great. If they don't they will have to be eliminated in reverse order In terms of importance.
ОтветитьMost valuable sailing channel on YT hands down !!!!!
ОтветитьLove your take on boats and professionalism. Also NOT having music in the background is wonderful.
ОтветитьI can hear Barry White in the background of the Morgan 38 CC 😂😂😂
ОтветитьWhat about the best sailboat for a solo cruiser in the Pacific ocean?
ОтветитьVery good articulate description of the boats. Thank you
ОтветитьHopefully solo sail my cs36T down in the next couple years!
ОтветитьLove that Morgan.
ОтветитьWhat about a ~1987 S2 35c. As a solo sailor, It might be at the top of my list now but lets watch this first. : ) The S2 has a small sugar scoop/swim platform. The main sheet is right aft the center cockpit. An aft cabin and V birth. 3 different panels to gain access to engine from different sides. Electric Windlass. The side decks are slightly narrow...but there is give and take right :)
ОтветитьI love the interior on this 95 Catalina 36.
ОтветитьI feel like you have to be well over 40 to have a CC, or at least have one that looks balanced on the profile. Are people falling out of aft cockpit boats? Great discussion and very well described thoughts. My former boat, a Bristol 38.8 was just about perfect IMO.
ОтветитьYou have a great channel. Your videos are great. Do you have a video on the best sailboat for a solo cross-Atlantic trip, as inexpensive as possible? Thanks. I will check your channel also. update - I did find one such video on your channel. Looking for more.
ОтветитьBought my first a Catalina 22. Can do solo. Your data and inspiration at work.
I’m 80 years young.
Center cockpit can be rather dangerous, because
1) 99% there is no storm but you have to climb in and out all the time and you are likely to fall more than once.
2) if somehow a wave manages to come in despite the height of the cc, you need damn good drains.
Is it worth trading the aft cabin and small cockpit with no good solar option in the cc for that big cockpit with an arch and easy access to the stern? maybe:-)
Where's the trimarans, I don't want to spend extra days/months in the rough if I don't have to, whats wrong with some light breeze speediness? I like your experience, I really haven't a clue about sailing but dream about doing it solo! Thanks for your experienced in-put.
ОтветитьCapsize number on those Catalina's is always above 2. For me, they offer the most comfort and facilities for the price, but it's a hard pass.
ОтветитьWhat about a 40 foot catamaran for solo cruising ?
ОтветитьAnyone can do whatever, it’s a free world, but is solo cruising inherently irresponsible and selfish? I would consider it amenable to surfing alone, but much worse as you are far from shore and the resources needed for rescue are so much greater. Doesn’t solo cruising greatly increase the possibility of calling others for help and therefore putting rescue resources, official or unofficial, in danger?
ОтветитьForget solo sailing. That last boat looks perfect for the two of us with a station for remote work while at anchor or in the slip.
ОтветитьSo.e people just can't face the truth my dad had a small plain and 3 small kids 😢
ОтветитьCan a Gemini 105MC be a solo sailor? Of Seaward 32RK?
Ответить30 - 36 ft, to small!!!!
ОтветитьCan you do a video on how to sleep at sea or what to do at night while trying to sleep and sail
ОтветитьI often find good priced sailboats in the 30-40 foot range in areas far from me. I would like to know the ins and outs of transporting over land to Canada from Southern USA. If you could do a show on that, I would appreciate it. Thanks. Randy
Ответитьthat Morgans interior is super nice
ОтветитьOnly thing you didn't mention, that I find important in my learning curve right now, is the type of keel these boats have