138. Do you know this C1 Level Vocabulary? | Russian language for Advanced Students | Advanced Level

138. Do you know this C1 Level Vocabulary? | Russian language for Advanced Students | Advanced Level

Russian with Nastya

4 года назад

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@zaurmahmudov2886 - 14.05.2020 01:45

I hope this is useful. Thank you Nastya. Спасибо

1. To hope – Надеяться
2. To change – менять
3. To avoid – избегать
4. To stop, to stay at the hotel – остановиться
5. Trust – доверие
6. massive, major - крупный
7. head, chapter - глава
8. to exist – существовать
9. power (social and political), authority – власть
10. happen - случаться
11. Device - устройство
12. an agreement - Соглашение
13. service - обслуживание
14. to take into consideration (consider) - учитывать
15. until - до тех пор, пока
16. to occur, to take place – происходить
17. to fall - падать
18. since - с тех пор
19. to protect, defend - защищать
20. stable - стабильный
21. to complete, finis - заканчивать
22. a trip - поездка
23. to remind - напоминать
24. a debt, duty - долг
25. really, seriously - серьезно
26. cinnamon - корица
27. a proposal - предложение
28. to allow? to let - позволять
29. on schedule, on time - вовремя
30. due to - ввиду
31. as a result of - вследствие
32. Тo cancel, to call of - отменять
33. However - впрочем
34. as long as, since - поскольку - so far as
35. a need, a requirement - потребность
36. traffic, movement - Движение
37. a gesture - жест
38. elections - выборы
39. to give a name to a child,pet, company etc. - назвать
40. to forgive - простить
41. to omit, to miss - упускать
42. to lose inбa game - проигрывать
43. to admit - признавать
44. to linger, to overstay - задервываться
45. intensely - интенсивно
46. to rescue, to save - спасать
47. trade, commerce - торговля
48. communication - общение
49. to supply, to deliver - поставлять
50. endeavor, try - стараться
51. to urge, to assure - убеждать -
52. severe, strict - строгий
53. upsetting, distressing - печальна
54. a will, testament - завещание
55. appropriate, corresponding – соответствующий
56. to develop, to design - разрабатывать
57. heir,successor - наследник
58. to argue, to bet - спорить
59. to knock - стучать
60. to judge - судить
61. to smell - пахнут
62. to turn out, to become - получатся
63. immediately - немедленно
64. impossible - невозможно
65. to oversleep - проспать
66. to forbid - запрещать
67. to touch - трогать
68. raw - сырой
69. а prediction - а предсказание
70. however, but - Однако
71. to own, to posses - владеть
72. rude, badly behaved - невоспитанный
73. to bind - привязывать
74. to bite - укусит
75. to burn - жечь
76. to freeze - замерзать
77. to conceal, to hide - скрывать
78. a hit - удар
79. to lead - вести
80. misunderstand - неправильно понять
81. to steal - украсть
82. to prosper, to thrive - процветать (in bloom)
83. disgusting - отвратительный
84. cancellation, abolition - отмена
85. to limit, to restrict - ограничивать
86. unpredictable - непредсказуемый
87. embarrassed, confused - смущенный - смущенный
88. to release - выпускать
89. ridiculous - нелепый
90. to abuse, to overuse - злоупотреблять
91. offensive, insulting - оскорбительный
92. homeless - бездомный
93. to accept - принимать
94. to affirm - утверждать
95. an access - доступ
96. accommodation - жилье
97. to accompany - сопровождать.

@christopherwalton5445 - 11.12.2023 15:31

Great thank you

@experience5988 - 17.07.2023 19:14

This is B2.

@mertpasa - 14.06.2023 09:24

Dear Nastya even Shazam cannot identify your music ,what is the name of the song of please,it is awesome

@lejongkongbali8524 - 04.06.2023 17:08

Very good

@lejongkongbali8524 - 27.05.2023 22:04

Thank you very much

@orglancs - 27.03.2023 17:57

I think the importance of vocabulary is greatly exaggerated. It is not that difficult to look a word up in a dictionary, surely? It is far more difficult to put together coherent, grammatically accurate sentences, especially when you are trying to conduct a conversation. Someone below tried to say she had 'learnt a lot' from this video. I know the words for 'learn' and 'study', probably knew them after studying Russian for a week, but I am still not sure how a native speaker would express that so English idiom. I now have a degree in Russian and an on-line test has told me I am at level C2! My Oxford Russian Dictionary does not include this phrase under 'learn' and the only way to get a correct version is to ask a native-speaker, isn't it? How would you say that in Russian, Nastya?

@PijanitsaVode - 03.03.2023 14:22

Anyone in here with a formal background in linguistics?

@brittalbach416 - 24.01.2023 02:05

this was very helpful. What would we do without Nastya, our favorite Russian teacher ?🍭

@aceshigh5157 - 15.10.2022 22:09

i'm amused that i can only do it backwards (because i always had to translate from russian to english). i only got a handful of words.

@stefan6458 - 02.10.2022 02:42

Спасибо большое. Это видео очень полезное. Стремлюсь учиться русскому языку свободно, и больше передовых материалов как это действительно помогают.

@cemsotto - 04.09.2022 17:00

Извините Настя, но мне кажется, что ваше причисление многих из упомянутых слов к уровню С1 просто не соответствует лингвистической реальности. Действительно ли вы думаете, что на уровне В1/2 можно обойтись без глаголов "останавливать(ся)", "позволять", "падать" и множества других? Кроме того, какая польза ученику от зачитывания списка, как из словаря, без контекстуальных примеров?
Как бы то ни было, я, как преподаватель немецкого языка, честно говоря, не решился бы публиковать что-либо подобное на своем языке как серьезный учебный материал для продвинутых учеников.

@paramanandchandawarkar2046 - 31.07.2022 18:49

Thanks madam 👍👍

@joseluismatarodriguez5095 - 23.07.2022 15:26

Очень полезный словарь!!!

@Phoenix-ov5gg - 15.01.2022 19:23

Nastiya, I appreciate your effort you put in making this video, but I knew every word since long ago and I don't consider myself c1 level, today I learnt подразумивается, обеспечивать, итд

@user-uo8du3vp2u - 26.11.2021 18:08

главно -чтоб костюмчик сидел

@hinchlnt - 09.11.2021 21:21

This sounds like an opportunity to "play on words", hopefully in a playful way. "She is going because she's an idiot" or "Look at the idiot going!"

@user-bw1jk4hx5t - 13.10.2021 15:16

Я еще и англ учу😂😂😂😂 пс я носитель

@ablay777 - 05.08.2021 12:00

Text: Надеяться
Настя: Надеиться

@Acolytemedia - 26.06.2021 00:09

I knew a large amount of these words. Fairly sure im nowhwre near C1 though. Great video thanks! I had fun guessing which words would appear. I chose some synonyms for some words which also made me happy hehe :)

@dingodong76 - 19.04.2021 22:40

Настя - лучшая Преподавательница. Теперь ждём урок для C2

@davidcirillo709 - 14.04.2021 21:56

Clear, effective, professional, useful and...definitely charming. :-) Compliments Nastya, awaiting for further lessons.

@QuizmasterLaw - 13.03.2021 06:44

You are the only one doing vocabulary lists in Russian with sample sentences.
I hope to find level C2 or at least more of C1.
You are an excellent teacher. Thank you for providing this useful information about your beautiful language. I like Russian poems and short stories best. Your poems are very good.

@yaroslavyakimchuk3852 - 07.03.2021 01:42

are there applications or programs online to learn advanced C1 and C2 vocabulary?

@prince223681 - 24.02.2021 08:53

Спасибо, очень полезное видео
Я думал, что было бы просто 10 фразы 😆

@sertacyener4591 - 01.02.2021 10:06

Nastya, you really are a star. Please open a Patreon account so that your followers can go beyond nice words!

@aseirenstre2793 - 11.01.2021 09:55

First of all: Thank you for the great work you're doing on this channel! I really learn a lot from it :-D If I could make one wish, though, it would be that you also mention whether a verb is "совершенно" or "несовершенно" :-)

@jaileneacevedo7598 - 01.12.2020 10:44

Настя, вопрос--
(33) Впрочем и однако являются точными синонимами? Они взаимозаменяемые слова?

@thepositiontrader8803 - 26.11.2020 07:13

It would help to have both the verb form and the noun form for each word, wherever applicable.

@fufuto - 23.11.2020 12:25

В чем разница между <отпускать> и <упускать> ?

@dingodong76 - 13.11.2020 22:30

Goddess - Богиня, Настя

@letstalkitalian - 04.10.2020 13:22

That's exactly what I needed!

@simonnursaidov3145 - 30.09.2020 21:47

mne kajetsa eti slova ne C1 level . oni ochen lyoxki dlya menya

@ronelronel49 - 24.09.2020 15:16

hi very nice video you will do also c2 level ?

@eddieliusa - 17.08.2020 08:56

Feels a bit more like B1, a lot of these words are essential in conversation like "to finish" or "agreement". C1 vocab would be like "предупредить" or "уточенный" or "накаплывать"

@DunkKkchannel - 27.06.2020 04:09

Спасибо большое, благодаря вашему видео я научился многому

@jamesqiu6715 - 12.06.2020 03:09

where are those C2 ???

@lottaek1202 - 11.06.2020 16:21

Это точно C1? Эти слова кажутся более-менее базовыми.

@frenchimp - 02.06.2020 11:58

Thank you so much, these words are very useful indeed.

@Alfy47 - 19.05.2020 15:59

All these words are important for us to learn them. But I think it is better and easier to learn when you also give a sentence with them. Like you did in the video of may 19.

@predragstankovic6301 - 01.05.2020 08:39

Spasibo. I have counted-calculated. Around 70% words have similarity (common using or synonim) with words in Serbo-Croatian language:). If is easy to learn.

@hinchlnt - 01.05.2020 08:13

Hello Nastya. I am done. This time, Level C1 contained many new words I did not know plus many more that I stored in my database but never studied and did not put them into sentences. I will be busy digesting everything for the rest of May. Thanks again.

@adelhatary7473 - 01.05.2020 03:26

ты знаешь что я люблю тебя

@kokorose6632 - 30.04.2020 23:32

Thanks a lot 🙇

@amarsalem5671 - 30.04.2020 15:46

Spaciba balshoye daragaya Nastya for the lesson

@sunilchoudhary8209 - 30.04.2020 14:42

Are you using Instagram?

@sunilchoudhary8209 - 30.04.2020 14:42

I like your vedio I always listening
