The Third Industrial Revolution: A Radical New Sharing Economy

The Third Industrial Revolution: A Radical New Sharing Economy


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@alanbradwell5835 - 14.01.2024 21:28

I believe the elites are covertly, gradually making the weather more and more chaotic to bring us to our knees so we will have little choice other than accept their world socialist government

Ответить - 24.01.2024 09:42

What a copout

@VideoMagician77 - 30.01.2024 17:15

In the video, Mr. Rifkin made the claim that most economic growth comes from productivity growth, and that most productivity growth comes from increases in aggregate efficiency. If this man is correct, then this means that the rise of A.I is going to coincide with the greatest economic boom that humanity will ever witness.

This is because AF rose from 3% in 1900 to 14% in 1990 where it has remained constant. Since A.I is essentially an optimization machine, it is going to allow for us to theoretically achieve 100% AF. This would be a 614% increase in AF compared to the 350% increase that we witnessed in the Industrial Revolution. In other words, AI is going to be almost twice as impactful as the introduction of machines and fossil fuels to society which is mind boggling to think about.

@alecyounes9757 - 17.02.2024 09:21

impressed! lets all join

@albinoviper2876 - 28.02.2024 07:35

Well we see how well that "shared economy" worked!

@randallanthony1794 - 27.04.2024 10:22

Bull this is a lie and we Americans and the west well be made poor.these communist drag everyone down

@randallanthony1794 - 27.04.2024 10:28

How much is this bozo worth.ahother one world globalist.scum.this guy is a destroyer of tthe world.therevis no climate change bynhuman kind.thisbguy is a liar and global socialist.thevenemy of humanity

@randallanthony1794 - 27.04.2024 10:28

All lies

@moonpye777 - 28.04.2024 08:51

I would love to dig into a transcript of this. Thankful for the video in 2024 via EcoChallenge. 🙏🏼

@UlyaGaniya - 29.04.2024 05:18

That's a WEF sh1t.. You own nothing but you'll be happy.. This guy is paid by WEF

@CulturalOasis - 10.05.2024 02:47

🙄 he is clearly speaking about Gen Z….. and he’s not giving the entire picture.

@justjackman - 12.05.2024 17:48

This is like technology buzzword bingo

@jeremyhula931 - 14.05.2024 17:26

The whole green New deal is fraudulent AF. The school system from pre-k all the way to so-called higher learning is the biggest scam on the Earth. They're teaching us to be slaves that will keep each other in line so that they don't have to do s**.. Global warming has nothing to do with us making too much carbon. Trees use carbon to make oxygen. Our carbon level is at an all-time low, if it goes any lower life will not continue to exist on the Earth. You are carbon. You are the carbon they want to get rid of. America has the absolute cleanest oil, gas, nuclear or any other type of industrial plants there are. We have had massive regulation put upon us while other places like Ghina are always black with smog, black smoke bellowing out of their coal plants & such. America is the one that everyone is expecting to change & to foot the bill. But all these other countries don't have to do s** except Wipeout whole people groups. COViDs vAxCinE has been proven in the beginning of the year of 2024 in the end of 2023 that at the very least they killed over 20 million people with this snake bite & it did not even keep anyone from getting the so-called disease. This is mass murder & so many of you are lining up to take the stab. Every government & giant corporation on the face of the Earth was & are complicit. They mind fuct so many of us so that we will attack one another about the stupid goddamn maskk & the shot and all the bullshite. They tricked us into policing ourselves. They tricked us into policing our own language. Censoring ourselves. Check out the book 1984. It was written about the time we are in now. Please stop listening to the bullshitte from the universities because they are the ones infecting our country & our children with the disease of the green Neww deal, feminismm, robotics. You will own nothing & be happy / you will eat bugs while you're doing it. The wicked psychopathic rulers of this modern world will be eating all the meat they want while you eat bugs that are proven to cause cancer. They're tricking you into thinking that you can download or upload your consciousness into a computer system & then kill your physical body & live forever. They want you to accept the fate of a used to be human who is now a cyborg. What better slaves than some peasants mixed with computers. The only answer we have is to grow food. I mean beef chicken goats sheep ducks fish and so on and so forth along with annuals and perennials through true permaculture design / lifestyle. This dude is a big part of the infection causing the whole economic engine to be devastated on purpose. They create war, & civil war, famine, devastation, sickness, disease, death. They have manipulated you into thinking because I believe different than you that I hate you. This is extremely fraudulent. You & I peasants of the world are not enemies. The wicked, evil, megalomaniacal, false, wannabe elite rulers of this Babylonian world system are our enemies. They rake all the chips off the table into their own bag. As they stuff a tube down the throats of many in hospitals & say that you died from the covadis. They've purposefully destroyed the proper systems that we have had from the beginning of creation. They've destroyed the minds of the people. Totally completely mind fuct so many of the human population with the whole green NNew deal bulshite, feminism, darwinism, & so on. Darwin did not even believe the s*** he wrote. This whole fraudulent b***** that they are teaching is a false religion. They use lies to destroy people. To cause them to be so screwed up in the mind that they will kill others for having a different belief, opinion or anything else even when it can be proven as facts & TRUTH, not opinion. Darwin was paid by the secret societies of the world to create a false religion to confuse you. To cause division & make people hate anyone who believes the Bible is true even though it has been proven through archeology & science.. Darwin was a luciferian / a Mason Something like every 6,000 years there is great devastation on the earth giving it a reset of its own. Pole shift or pole flip is coming probably within the next few years, & it will kill multitudes people. Most likely the majority of humans & animals on Earth at that time will die. We will have to go 200 miles north of the equator or 200 miles south of the equator to be able to grow food. If you want the TRUTH don't go to church & listen to a preacher. Open the Bible to the beginning & start reading. Like the real beginning. Even before Genesis start reading & read the entire thing also utilize audio Bible & ask the God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob. FATHER YEHOVAH, HIS SON YESHUA The Messiah AKA King, HIS HOLY SPIRIT to guide your thinking, actions, & decisions showing you the TRUTH about what the Scriptures actually meant when they were written & what it actually means now. All the prophecies in the Bible either have come true, some even on multiple occasions or they are coming true or about to come true. It's all proven. They have manipulated the minds of the masses to believe the God of the Bible is the evil one & that Lucifer AKA Satan (the enemy) is the good guy, but it's flip-flopped given to you backwards. The people of this Earth who hate the God of the Bible don't actually hate the God of the Bible they hate who they've been taught to believe that He is. They hate a lie or something that He is Not. Causing them to walk / live in opposition to the TRUTH. Living against the laws of nature & the spirit realm. Which causes us to have horrible consequences until the day that we pass from this body. All those who are involved with the wicked BS are involved in satanism, luciferianism, New age, yoga, witchcraft, the occult & the like. The proof of what side they're actually on is the fact that they love gang-rraping or serial rraping children to death. Trafficking these sweet children that have been stolen from their families or even sold by their own families. The fact that so many of you are triggered by the TRUTH that you will actually attack me through comments is absolutely mind boggling. You can't make a proper judgment concerning anything unless you have spent enough time studying the TRUE intricacies of whatever that thing is. Learning the Bible through the ancient Hebrew language & culture is a necessity if you want to actually understand what & why it's saying. I guarantee you if we were face to face you would not attack me as you will through comments. Those who attack people through comments are cowards. Cowards will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Wake the f up before you wake up dead and face the great white throne of judgment. Choose this day whom you will serve. Those who are righteous let them continue to be more righteous and those who are wicked let them continue to be more wicked. You do have the opportunity and ability to Repent. Ask the God of the Bible if He is real to reveal Himself to you & to help you to understand the Real TRUTH of the Bible. Instead of attacking me, how about you go prove me wrong. Pride is what keeps people attacking one another for different beliefs without even taking the time, energy, focus, & care to find out whether what they are saying has validity to it or not. Wake up o sleeper. Remove your head from your rectum, wipe the poop out of your eyes, your nose, your ears, & mouth so that you can actually perceive what's TRULY going down around you.

@CarveYourLegacy - 23.05.2024 05:54

Shoutout Ted Kazcynski man. Gotta be my favorite activist of all time. Big fan of voting by mail because of him.

@mulderbm - 24.05.2024 18:21

Watching in 2024, how is this moving forward? Has it stalled?

@VideoMagician77 - 05.06.2024 18:41

New communication technologies to allow us to more efficiently manage our economic activity. New sources of energy to allow us to power our economic activity more efficiently. New modes of transportation to allow for us to move our economic activity in more efficient ways. Whenever society goes through a technological revolution, revolutions in information and communication happen first followed by energy and then transportation.

First Industrial Revolution - Steam powered printing allowed for us to mass produce information, and the telegraph sped up the transmission of information. Coal was the new source of energy and the train was the new source of transportation.

The second Industrial Revolution - The telephone, radio, and television were the new communication technologies. Oil and electrification of society was the new way energy paradigm. The car, airplane, highway system, and oil-powered transportation was the new source of transportation.

The Third Industrial Revolution - The internet, cell phone, computers, Internet of Things, and AI are the new information and communication technologies. Renewable energy, decentralized energy grids, and batteries are the new energy paradigm. Autonomous EV's and Drones are the new sources of transportation.

@pd178 - 20.06.2024 12:47

"The World of Concrete Contents",

@jasongaines3549 - 25.06.2024 01:54

I like Ike ❤

@rashomonsan - 01.07.2024 22:41

Get your snake oil here.

@thecarpentershow8507 - 19.07.2024 13:44


@NASKAKAT - 30.07.2024 21:09

Now they see it. AI takeoff

@sauceokay - 05.08.2024 07:56

We are finally entering the third industrial revolution with the AI boom

@AncientCrustacean - 06.08.2024 23:58

Need vice to speak on this problem NOW

@lisasievers8059 - 14.08.2024 09:56

Gates buys most farming land to FORCE Americans to stop eating meat...? Kinda sounds like socialism, marxism...? OH, my bad, sounds like ohhh we're one big happy SECTOR here, or there, huh?? You are a number, you don't populate the earth UNLESS you are gene engineered, hmmm....? We will buy into this and find we are living HUNGER GAMES...

@raheelrehm - 17.08.2024 01:38


@jensenovesian2861 - 17.08.2024 09:51

Boomer economic garbage.

@qroadside - 17.08.2024 12:52

We have more cars and phones than people and live in an age of suppressed abundance

@athame57 - 17.08.2024 18:22

Over populated countries account for most of the 'worst off'.

@yvonnehyatt8353 - 19.08.2024 10:23

Please study - Nikola Tesla and Ernesto Sirolli; thanks .

@yvonnehyatt8353 - 19.08.2024 10:59

The Farmers use the animals and soil best. Joel Salatin- Polyface farm.,study, and Kristen Dirksen and Bryce Langston.
Raw materials of all kinds can be used wisely.🌎❤️thanks

@dennys726 - 24.08.2024 14:57

While I agree with the majority of your presentation, several of your data figures are exaggerated for impact effect. One example if the percentage of available water in France used for Nuclear PP cooling. You claim that figure to be 50%.Fanc's own data show that figure closure to 30, reducing annually.

@misscrabsTO - 28.08.2024 17:28

it's digitize not digitalize

@FartoDisto-jm8el - 31.08.2024 02:41


@vandanashaw2548 - 03.09.2024 11:15

Amazing lecture 🙌

@POLDRO - 05.09.2024 09:29


@manuchaildofbramha5117 - 12.09.2024 01:04

Music business is fucked, we're all laterally integrated under centralised vertically integrated giants. This is so delusional.

@thePocketWatch45 - 12.09.2024 11:57

ai will run this new of AI things

@hauptmannbalalaika - 14.09.2024 05:59

If you are concerned about emissions start with the military industrial complex. Producing tanks, fighter planes,. and bombs has emissions. The use also has emissions,. Think of it next time you see a mushroom cloud after a bomb explosion. Then there will be emissions when rebuilding. If this chapter is continually left out, the discussion is out of whack.

@jakkeven - 15.09.2024 21:09

better without the namedropping, jeremy. you can do it.

@carlitoscolonsalva - 16.09.2024 19:19

Did he mentioned something about cobalt? Required for making batteries for electric storage and the process how it is affecting Africa?

@LawrenceBishton - 16.09.2024 19:48


@ciggymarley - 20.09.2024 02:02

In just 6 years, his quick take on robots/AI seems quaint, no?

@racist_007 - 26.09.2024 12:08

Am I listening to communist propaganda? Yup, that's what it sounds like

@Howtofewithlove - 26.09.2024 18:29

Watching this 6 years later and it is so much worse since this speech..

@notme1687 - 30.09.2024 08:49

The economic crisis is 1000% policy driven. Of interest from the introduction that European Union and China have a common thread and not just their central banks.

Studies have shown that the average biomass production of modern C3 plants is reduced by approximately 50% when grown at low (180–220 ppm) CO2, when other conditions are optimal.

We are at 423 ppm tentatively. Ice core samples indicate we have never been below 190ppm (ice age) and the planet has been as high as 1100ppm without human activity.

Should be an interesting video. Bet I can guess the narrative. A problem the 62 wealthiest people are no doubt going to fix for us.

@TheVoluntariast - 01.10.2024 04:53

This is bullshit propaganda, if you believe this I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn... Jeremy wants you to go digital to be a part of the new total surveillance state. Perfect.

@TheLazerdragon - 07.10.2024 19:17

If your attorney looks like this you going to jail.
