Super Squirt Day Guide! Fastest Pet Leveling in WoW

Super Squirt Day Guide! Fastest Pet Leveling in WoW


3 года назад

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@munketgames - 01.09.2022 12:16


@benjaminnielsen2888 - 18.03.2022 17:34

Omg the searh video google gave me when i searched for super squirt....🙈

@SalcN - 19.10.2021 23:32

Isn't it possible to run a combo where both high lvl pets dies?
Wouldn't that give the low lvl pet even more XP? (maybe 1-25 in 1 fight?)

@andrewchooah8335 - 19.10.2021 22:18

ONCE's past 8pm....and I'm only just starting 😢 to my knowlegdge she'll despawn in 3 hours.

@jamesw71 - 19.10.2021 16:41

How can Blizzard little this name stand with the current wokeness of it's developers? So sexist LOLOLOL

@robusmc1713 - 27.08.2021 01:22

you always have the best guides , you also helped me get my Chi -Chi back in Mist my Favorite Pet, thx for ALL your help

@troodon1096 - 13.07.2021 07:02

Honestly on Super Squirt day, the safari hat is really the only xp buff you need; you will still get any pet from 1 to 25 with just that. Add pet treats if it's just a normal Squirt day (and you'll level a pet from 1 to 25 in about 4 pet battles usually) but it's just overkill on a Super Squirt day.

@lostlightdruid - 06.05.2021 22:29

Anyone know what time Squirt is available to battle, and what time they despawn?

@B0xER911 - 31.03.2021 22:03

Hi, when is the next Super Squirt Day on EU servers? I get mixed up information

@Le7emeChat - 13.02.2021 13:46

Super squirt day is a depressing event for me. As I chain-level my low lvl pets, I come too often across mutitude of pets I own for the last 3, 5 10 years now... Heck, I regulary up some vanila pet I bought when I started (at the beginning of Burning Crusade).
Seeing those furries left neglected for soo long remind me how bad of a virtual pet owner I am. I think I should thank my parent for never buying me those tamagotchi, I would had been a soul cruched monster owner.

@gymlife408 - 13.02.2021 10:21

good lord the alliance garrisons are good looking !

@Canathar - 13.02.2021 01:34

Thank you so much. This helped me a whole bunch!

@wowguy3562 - 13.02.2021 00:12

Its Feb 12. Super Squirt day again!!!, thanks for the video its helped a lot, ive leveled around 100 pets today so far

@CowCast - 13.02.2021 00:05

Super huh?

@OThiagoliveira - 12.02.2021 22:38


@deannordlundii5713 - 12.02.2021 22:33

Haha let me know if you need help with that 😆

@kingderf - 12.02.2021 22:20

Don’t forget the add on Ultrasquirt. That does almost everything else for you

@darinkubin2596 - 12.02.2021 22:14

I don't know how many videos of you I have watched.... but somehow I've managed to miss what server you are on.... would u mind telling me? Im an old school forgotten coaster, myself....

@DevelonLP - 23.12.2020 17:58

i found out that pressing pass when boneshard dies is unnecessary, you can ignore that and win all the time too
and really important you dont need the pet experience food i got to level 25 in 2 battles with every pet i leveled without the buff, i used the safari hat though

@humblyhomemade8812 - 15.11.2020 09:52

Question: is the taming the world achievement still available and the safari hat as well?

@BathrobeKeck - 16.10.2020 07:56

If we don't have a broom or bone shard, what can we use?

@DustyWoWvids - 15.10.2020 09:35


@fadedtimes - 15.10.2020 04:38

tomorrow (10/15/2020) is super squirt day in USA/OC

@thefawaz212 - 26.08.2020 18:50

i have a quick question if you don't mind... since we are still being rewarded with Shiny Pet Charms from dailies what can we buy with them? or is there a conversion we can use for Polished Pet Charms?

@rogerarsenault6938 - 22.08.2020 04:42

Sorry if someone gave this comment. During the pet event, I pray for the sir galveston Legion WQ. That repeatable battle takes 65 seconds to complete so you fully level a pet from 1 to 25 in 2 minutes15 (2 battles). I know it requires bandages but thats trivial given the time saved. I sell max level pets for gold on multiple realms ..the pet event is my restock week.

@AshleyElda - 16.08.2020 20:22

Does anyone have a list of the days? I had a graphic that showed everyday in 2019 and tried to never miss it but 2020 happened and I completely forgot lol

@phoulmouth - 14.08.2020 22:36

This title is so pervy! I was let down a bit here Hazel. ;)

@mugglescakesniffer3943 - 13.08.2020 11:36

Are we going to be able to have more than two Demon Hunters per server?

@auryslife - 13.08.2020 02:26

Thanks for talking about this... I had NO IDEA!

@FB-ck8nq - 12.08.2020 22:05


@bluesky4255 - 12.08.2020 18:09

Hi hazel will u be doing any more videos for animal crossing new horizon? I loved the one u did thank u 🙂

@WalkingDream - 12.08.2020 08:25

OMFG I missed this day! :(

@brianlower1 - 12.08.2020 02:09

Just a heads up, Spirit of Eche'ro quest just popped up this morning and will be up for 2 weeks. Hazel has a quick guide if you wanna grab this beautiful mount. Thanks Hazelnutty! :)

@UltimateGamerCC - 12.08.2020 01:53

this guide is super helpful, i will have to keep my eye out for Squirt whenever Pet Battle Week is in effect, i missed this one but i wont miss the next one.

nice Gnome btw Hazelnutty, i have 3 myself, Tinkerin a Gnomish ENG Rogue, Malison a Goblin ENG Warlock and my newest one a ENG Robo Hunter, cant remember her name but i know i made her to collect Robo-Pets exclusively, being from Mechagon and all.

@suiqastgaming1546 - 11.08.2020 22:47

can you pls buy for me 1 month play time plsss

@monsteratemehcookie - 11.08.2020 20:48

I do pet charm mission and WQs on all my 28 alts, mail all the charms to 1 toon to buy stones. It's takes time but it's not tedious. It's something you can do on the side while running your daily routines. I leveled 900+ pet this way.

@jakewright979 - 11.08.2020 18:57

Just farmed this for 10 hours last night, it was crazy got like around 100 pets to lvl 25 never again am I doing this.

@tekamer6566 - 11.08.2020 15:26

As I saw the title The title cursed my eyes and as I tried to comprehend the title my brain got cursed too.

@declanhobbs93 - 11.08.2020 13:19

what a vid title ;O

@TNB1988 - 11.08.2020 11:37

Thank you for reminding me :)

@backtrakk2121 - 11.08.2020 06:10

Super Squirt Day in the title

____hub has entered the chat

Watches the video

____hub still wants to put ads in the video

@Sammonia419 - 11.08.2020 01:19

Omg. How doI have almost every pet achievement and 90% of the pets in the game, and NOT know you could port to the pet dungeons. OOF.

@kyleb4151 - 11.08.2020 00:49

Hazelnutty - Any chance you have SL Beta and can tell us if you can still power level in SL after the level squish?

@CalebSundance - 11.08.2020 00:24

So what you're telling me is that you use the broom to... cough sweep them up?

@DeusVultTKD - 10.08.2020 23:58

Well I click this video and instantly got disappointed 😂🤣😂🤣😂

@stephaniefarmer7777 - 10.08.2020 23:44

Thanks, great video :)

@descoba07 - 10.08.2020 23:29

thank you for all your pet tips

@danielbehrends1 - 10.08.2020 23:20

i expected something else
