Shadow Archetype Explained | Carl Jung

Shadow Archetype Explained | Carl Jung


4 года назад

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shye charis
shye charis - 03.07.2023 08:11

Changing video format was a good choice.

This horror-feel is certainly more interesting but at the same time more artsy anf niche. Your current ones prioritize information over anything else.

Abysrael Sathros
Abysrael Sathros - 23.06.2023 01:24

Sometimes I think my psychology is all backwards or inside out, my shadow seems more like I deny and reject my goodness, kindness, compassion, empathy, etc and I idealize the evil, sinister, the cold, etc. I pedistalize evil and reject good, strange how the human psyche is.

b. Aa
b. Aa - 16.05.2023 02:07


Jose L. Martinez
Jose L. Martinez - 15.02.2023 18:16

Very interesting.
What I consider is that while many individuals put on a “persona”(mask) to express outwardly someone they’re not I do know some to be genuine.
Some people are “ hero” and some are the “shadow”
I reject the idea that there’s a mythological creature called a “demon “ inside of man putting evil thoughts in our heads but simple acknowledge that we all have had bad ideas in our minds.
“Trying” to show the external self to the world by denying you’re true nature only lacks growth and maturity as an individual .

David McLeod
David McLeod - 11.02.2023 23:03

If someone's trying to kill you, kill em' right back. Malcolm Reynolds.

Stefan Nikola
Stefan Nikola - 29.10.2022 17:36

Hussein, Andy, Tomato, David B, David M, Rita, Vince, Keith, Daniel, and on and on and on . . . you all have a lot of shadow work to do.

KootBear - 28.10.2022 09:44

this video deserves much much much more than 20 000 views in 2 years! its so great and extremely useful! should have hundreds of millions of views

JuanHuangWonOneYuanOnce - 03.10.2022 23:53

How does one placate the autonomous shadow and put it away? I feel like the self destructive "autopilot" I go into when I binge drink for months is the doing of the shadow seeking more autonomy by trying to destroy. If that makes sense?

Davlavi - 28.08.2022 17:44

This channel deserves way more likes. Keep up the great videos.

Kaydijdrah Black
Kaydijdrah Black - 02.07.2022 23:10

This channel is dope😎🍿

Sphinx Wojerz
Sphinx Wojerz - 18.06.2022 16:42

I'm curious what others think of that.

Sphinx Wojerz
Sphinx Wojerz - 18.06.2022 16:42

I think that analogy on morality can be confusing. Moral person need to take action even if it means to heart soemone but still being the same as and oppressor makes us one. I like Vids but would love to here how all these is relevant in today's psychology and moral theories. As some viewers would watch it and take for truth not diging any deeper. I think it's catchy but it's not the way you present information. I might be wrong but it's a complicated subject human psychic. And the same complexity need to be seen in the materials that present all of that at least some introduction so it clarifies that this are not truths that won't evolve or haven't evolved since they were formulated.

Olga Mihailovic
Olga Mihailovic - 11.06.2022 19:13

The explanation is very good but the glitch effects could get very distracting at times. Great video, thank you a lot!

ronaldo ferreira
ronaldo ferreira - 09.03.2022 23:10

The content could not be better: great summary. And the reading is perfect for non-natives of the English language.

DJ STOEK - 22.01.2022 13:31


loquaciousjd - 31.12.2021 10:52

The production style suggests that the author doesn’t understand the content he’s talking about

Knight of Faith
Knight of Faith - 18.12.2021 17:10

Thank you for a video. I think it is important to note, that positive elements of one's personality can also be disintegrated into the Shadow. A very important element that is often missed during the explanations. It can be observed, for example, when as an introvert you see a person, who is free in his/hers expression of himself/herself in social situations, and you're feeling deeply hidden envy or even hatred towards that person, because you see in that person a characteristic that you yourself wish to have, but have not integrated. It can also be noticed, when analyzing your childhood personality and comparing it to your current personality - most people lose a lot of their childhood personality qualities during the emergence of their Ego and their self-awareness. I, for example, was way more extraverted as a kid, but became pretty introverted during my adolescence years. I also noticed, that I often felt envy to people that expressed those extraverted qualities. Then I realized, I have those qualities in me, but that they are repressed and disintegrated into my Shadow. That is why it so important to do Shadow work - you don't only become aware of your dark side and negative qualities, but you also become aware of repressed positive ones as well. Best wishes!

Michael Mallal
Michael Mallal - 17.12.2021 03:56

My Shadow is a successful psychoanalyst or barrister.

Michael Mallal
Michael Mallal - 16.12.2021 04:37

Can hypnosis help integrate the shadow?

Eli Chambers
Eli Chambers - 04.12.2021 05:15

Dude you took most of that from jordan peterson

Gen-X-Zeke 8
Gen-X-Zeke 8 - 26.11.2021 08:21

Shadow work isn't just about knowing, but about how to come to terms with the realities of limitations and beliefs; as marvelous instruments. To just make peace with the facts as far as you are willing to trek, and not because you think you know the answers. *There are no answers. Just slightly altered and aged questions.

jbg54 - 08.11.2021 14:48

The shadow must be integrated in a healthy way. The shadow is
negativity. It’s evil. It wants to destroy you. You must be VERY careful
in this integration. Why do you glorify evil ? Why do you minimize
morality ?

Karsim Marcello
Karsim Marcello - 14.05.2021 12:54

Einzelgänger's video thumbnail at the end!

Filip Mihic
Filip Mihic - 19.04.2021 12:23

very good

gale letana
gale letana - 10.04.2021 07:36

truthful.. i am not good but a cowad.

Kamalpreet Singh
Kamalpreet Singh - 28.02.2021 17:49

Your video and voice give expression like i am watching horror film.....

Carlos Doe
Carlos Doe - 30.09.2020 21:35


Jay Abyss
Jay Abyss - 15.09.2020 19:40

the part on psychological projection was on point, thanks for this!

raskolnikov man
raskolnikov man - 15.09.2020 19:33

Thank you for the simple yet concise explanation of the shadow archetype!

Megan Kate
Megan Kate - 08.08.2020 06:49

I was quite impressed by my (genius and articulated) intrusive homicidal thoughts and considered my shadow waxed... Only to realise it's also trying to kill me :') a great explanation and I can recommend it... Just not a fun time

Kortland Maki
Kortland Maki - 23.07.2020 10:00

Absolutely amazing content!! I’ve been on a journey lately, a journey that before watching this video, I had no idea of the name. I’d been feeling discontent with my mental state, and through this discontentment I began to question my life and who I actually am as a person. I realized the reason for this discontentment was not because I disliked my self, but because I was repressing who I really am. I’ve been putting on a persona, and not showing my genuine self in all that I do. I’ve made a vow to myself to be nothing but the genuine me from here on out in order to combat this... sometimes I fail, and find myself conforming or putting on a persona to gain better odds in my social interactions and gain more friends. I know this cannot be done in a day, and this process of eliminating my personas will be a difficult task - I want nothing more than to be my authentic self 25/8, and I will continue to work towards this goal, as I realize that a negative attribute that I have is impatience... there’s some work to be done, but I’m worth it and I’ll do anything to gain a level of self understanding that will allow me to live freely unburdened by what others think of me, and integrated with my own negative emotions so that I can better understand who I am. I wish you all luck on your journey In life, may you find peace, love and happiness in whatever path that you walk. Stay woke & remember - you’re a work in progress, the results will be well worth the work, never give up and always love yourself! ✌️ 👁

Jarrod Sampson
Jarrod Sampson - 24.06.2020 13:54

Great video! Keep the uploads coming and your channel will definitely grow for sure, I'll be watching! Stop by my channel and say hi when you get a minute, I'd appreciate it! 600 subs is coming right around the corner for you!

Sean Lucas
Sean Lucas - 23.06.2020 17:15

Honestly man, great video,,, like really really good. I was suprised how interested I was. Keep these videos coming, because I can see you going far with this style. Well done, Job well done!!

Ruggit Game Zone
Ruggit Game Zone - 22.06.2020 23:56

Love this content awesome man

SW Joy of Life
SW Joy of Life - 22.06.2020 23:13

good pic!

Me 3 H
Me 3 H - 22.06.2020 21:57

Done very interesting btw good editing as well 👍🏼🎉

Demand More FM
Demand More FM - 22.06.2020 20:56

Great video, I've often try to conflict so this is interesting.

Bong Toke Productions
Bong Toke Productions - 22.06.2020 20:27

Really good editing, and thought intriguing. Nice seeing something different. I hope you do well you have my support.

Gabriel Omassi
Gabriel Omassi - 22.06.2020 19:01

So to be great you gotta be evil to some degree. Hmmm

jwwiman - 22.06.2020 18:54

awesome video!

Emilio Valle Acosta
Emilio Valle Acosta - 22.06.2020 18:03

Hm interesting

neo adudummy
neo adudummy - 22.06.2020 18:01

nice one

Roman Unplugged
Roman Unplugged - 22.06.2020 17:58

Really nice content...

Rekha's kitchen and crafts
Rekha's kitchen and crafts - 22.06.2020 17:51

Cool video
