Montauk Project: Time Travel, Mind Control | Documentary Behind The Scenes

Montauk Project: Time Travel, Mind Control | Documentary Behind The Scenes

Erik K Swanson

2 года назад

45,673 Просмотров

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orso the shadow reeuQ
orso the shadow reeuQ - 08.07.2023 02:44

Anybody remember the crocodile pit?

mister sylliboy
mister sylliboy - 28.06.2023 03:58

Time travel can mess a person up in the head!

The Pro 2A'er 0419
The Pro 2A'er 0419 - 27.06.2023 13:07

Well done, thank you for making this documentary.

Anandhu Krishna
Anandhu Krishna - 25.06.2023 08:50

Do they have any powers now

Will Williams
Will Williams - 13.06.2023 13:19

This is just a lot of talking from the director about the director

John Doe
John Doe - 08.06.2023 15:20

I can debunk this theory real quick. They can't beat us on the "surface" but yet they made a deal and potentially took over by sharing far more advanced technology? So they couldn't beat a bunch of people in the Renaissance age or medieval with all their high tier tech? Yeah makes no sense buddy. I have the truth and this isn't it. This is 10% true.

Wally Wombat
Wally Wombat - 07.06.2023 10:25

Hmmm surprised to see this pop back up

larz pric
larz pric - 02.06.2023 03:59

i find it completely bullshit and theres not a single piece of justifiable evidence to support such ridiculous claims! “even the camera your using is alien technology” so you totally just disguard all the REAL inventors of the camera and every other tech that was discovered by MAN?? i find that so disgusting and wrong of anyone to say that we didnt do it ourselves and that it was just given to us by a higher knowledge..

anya asher
anya asher - 30.05.2023 03:25

Dude 💀

yahaira ruiz yanez
yahaira ruiz yanez - 25.05.2023 23:07

I was hoping to like this video but you stated a whole lot of nothing. Love the cinema tho

Chris - 16.05.2023 06:18

I can tell you it's true. I'm proof of it.

lemonlimelukey - 02.05.2023 21:29

swerdlow is the worst kind of fraud

lemonlimelukey - 02.05.2023 21:29


Micheal Williams
Micheal Williams - 14.04.2023 04:03

Jessie and Caul as all sad

Micheal Williams
Micheal Williams - 14.04.2023 04:03

Why not Al-Bielek or Duncan Cameron or me or Peter Moon as it sad they are all gone alone with Phil

A - 02.04.2023 21:41

Belief DOES NOT require Hard Evidence. It is designed to trust yourself in your true human divine energetic form, (intuition, observation, connecting the dots) and out of 50/50 you go with yourself, 100%. 🙏🏽

Edward mulholland
Edward mulholland - 02.04.2023 02:02

This subject has always fascinated me.

Alan Coker
Alan Coker - 20.03.2023 23:48

Anytime you beleive something without hard evidence , its called being stupid.

Montauk is Strange
Montauk is Strange - 18.03.2023 09:52

This was really well done! Hey Eric, I heard a lot about you from Chris, I was lucky enough to meet him during the Dark Files on History, and worked together a few times since. This subject has been a lifelong interest and it was a refreshing video in a sea of videos out there that just scratch the surface details, and are all pretty much the same. Awesome job with the editing, effects and general feel - I definitely enjoyed this, Thanks!

Indrid Cold
Indrid Cold - 10.03.2023 23:45

If thought is put into it, it seems impossible for hundreds of thousands of years, almost no technological progress was made in much else besides primitive metallurgy and some animal husbandry. Then in around 100 years ago humans go from barely getting an internal combustion engine to vacuum tubes to modern technology. That simply does not seem possible. What suddenly changed? Humans are as stupid as ever, maybe more than before. What caused the very sudden technology explosion? It could not have been a sudden human mind awakening. For hundreds of thousands of years there was minimal progress. Then suddenly, without outside influence, humans become a technological race? This seems very suspect to me.

337 337
337 337 - 21.02.2023 04:48

It hurt to see Preston this old. RIP you goofy genius!

337 337
337 337 - 21.02.2023 04:40

I'd like to know WHY I've had dreams about a small chapel building, that made no sense. Then one day, I'm watching a Montauk documentary, and RIGHT THERE is the damn chapel. Less trees around it, and the doors and windows were closed, but I clearly remember walking towards it, on a beautiful summer day, once we'd get close to the chapel, I'd always wake up!
There'd be a group of us, heading towards that chapel...

Gerald Poole
Gerald Poole - 12.02.2023 08:09

More info can be found under ground at the national Agricultural Research Center in Beltsville MD. They also did forced test with LSD on people there. There's tunnels that run all under that whole area. I've been in some when I was a kid. Alot has now been built over with housing developments but they are still there regardless.

Gerald Poole
Gerald Poole - 12.02.2023 08:08

Yes the experiments happened and yes they eventually worked. It's been perfected much more nowadays. They do like so called alliens do .they don't have to abduct individuals they can aim a certain frequency at you in your sleep. They make you think your dreaming when in fact your not. For example you get on a bus. But there's slight differences like that bus goes up. Or over traffic instead of around it. You can train yourself to a waking state and have total recall. As I did. Hint. All abandoned buildings in downtown cities and under graveyards are sometimes not abandoned. The base often talked about is off planet its gloomy and humid and like sunset most the time. Like the high desert. There's a cooldown house where people comming or going are drugged I think. Some come out of it . Most are terrified when they do. They have robotic guards that travel in pairs. They fire on second warning. Outside out the door in the back on the right is a training ground. And immediately east of this and to the left is a huge shipping yard and beyond that a huge midevil looking rought iron jail or housing vecility. I'm nit sure wich but it's damp and dirty and a bit chaotic with those housed in it. To the southeast is a town. They actualy used flip phones still. But there's an underground uprising of those who couldn't or didn't return . That radar at camp Hero isn't just ordinary radar. It directs things to and from. Just so yall know.

AintIt So
AintIt So - 07.02.2023 00:15

That guitar is fantastic for this.

Flux Capacitor
Flux Capacitor - 06.02.2023 05:12

Perhaps the proof is the evil group of people who are trying to rule the world and to control all of humanity? The WEF and the UN to name a few organizations.

Dave Budness
Dave Budness - 02.02.2023 07:58

Man, I'd love to visit this place, Im big into the paranormal, and UFOS. THe story sounds so good of this place, wish I had friends who like this shit

᛫ᚧᛐᛈᛕᚺᛊᚣᚦ᛫ - 26.01.2023 20:07

The evil Antenna from hell^^

P Campbell
P Campbell - 22.01.2023 12:26

So I watched this entire video and learned nothing, you gave no premise or story, other than someone else made a video.

ed0c - 03.01.2023 00:54

lol they got it with social media. government didn’t need to do anything supernatural. they just needed to get rid of propaganda laws. Obama did that with media.
why do you think this video only has 43 comments compared to others.
the alien stuff is the red herring.
just look at the cult mentality of anyone that voted for biden and believes democrats

Wally Wombat
Wally Wombat - 22.12.2022 03:41

Contact me for the real story

Wally Wombat
Wally Wombat - 22.12.2022 03:40

You need to talk to somebody who can tell you more about it. Example there are tunnels that go from Manhattan all the way up to. The hamptons also all the way over to camp hero there were aliens in those tunnels don't believe the murders and tortures I k ow the real story I was a montauk boy contact me. No we were not drugged drugs kill your psychic ability

Tommy Keegan
Tommy Keegan - 12.11.2022 10:46

Eric and Christopher, well done.

Megan Compton
Megan Compton - 02.11.2022 01:17

There is nothing new under the sun DNA is information one prick of blood can hold 700000 gigabits

JackieViolet - 31.10.2022 05:20

Loved your video!,and the subject is true in some ways, when the Gov;t ended this program and tried to get rid of all the files associated with it at the time, well some survived and there are other people who were unwittingly part of this project, one woman lost 10 yrs of her memory, and I believe that the Manchurian candidiate existed,at least as far as testing,as well as remote viewing,there is more info out there, keep up the great work,because in my opinion, I think programs like these are still going on.

jean-francois ouellet
jean-francois ouellet - 06.10.2022 14:15

thats what you have isnt?

Erik Guth
Erik Guth - 27.09.2022 00:00

You can’t call this knowledge, what it is, is suggestive content. Simply the easiest deception is to seed the topic using suggestions of what is hidden either in the dark of night, the depths of forests, as well as just mystery. Any possible topic can be hyped to belief using the powers of suggestion, sprinkled with fear. Bam! You have a carried story. Now get multiple channels poised with the same suggestive content and people want to believe. Once they believe then it becomes a possessed item. Just as the items you refuse to give up and will fight tooth and nail to keep and protect as if you actually own it as owning something. Over the years I got pulled into the great and powerful wizard of oz “Alex Jones” spinning out his 18 month king mystery of iniquity spin doctor stories. Just suggest it, fear inertia and you’re drawn in. So many many topics. AJ was cia all the way. His own admission were family reunions filled with powerful cia members. Even his own harassment of George bush was a farce coercion game. The truth is out there but it’s not using mind control. We are to sift all points of influence for truth. Truth is boring and doesn’t change. You can’t add to the truth and juice it up. But lies and rumors and suggestions well that’s a free for all. I myself have proven beyond the shadows of doubt that many things hidden in plain sight are of vital importance to their end game to this day. Is it any wonder how Americans love revenge all the while cultured by tv & movies on revenge. Seeded to fruition harvest and bam a full prison system. Hollywood does as much mind control through your home “idiot box” TV sets. Turn it off and shut down these topics. Live within the real world for a change. Not the highjacked truth.

Rick3y Rick3y
Rick3y Rick3y - 22.09.2022 01:20

By hearing the people who were experimented on. Were the government just pumping them with drugs. Trying to unlock something, instead it just broke there minds.

Oshea - 18.09.2022 13:56

Do you know why the flood of the Bible happened? It was to wipe out the Giants that were created by fallen angels that procreated with man. There is no aliens, what you guys are thinking of are devils/uncleaned spirits/fallen angels and they all work for Satan.
Genesis 6:4 through 6.
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bear children to them, the same became mighty Men which were of old, men of renown.
And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

God decided that he would drown everything.. so the people were killed but the fallen Angels weren't.
All of the people on this earth right now can be traced back to Noah's sons shem, ham, and japheth.
Answers in Genesis has a lot of good stuff on creation.

rekleif - 12.09.2022 21:24

Demons are real friends. I was privileged to get a very short glimpse into another dimension when Jesus saved me. What I saw changed me forever. I can write about it here if anyone are interested, but it will be very time consuming so please only ask if you are truly interested. After that day absolutely EVERYTHING changed. If you can't see the truth, like I was also not able to, you can if you want the truth deep enough. And to you demons, you know I'll see trough you trolling me, and you know ya'll burn soon enough.

f0ggy - 05.09.2022 01:04

Just broke into the tower recently for the 2nd time. really awesome to look around inside, its amazing.

Louis Y
Louis Y - 27.08.2022 18:04

Then again. So many people believe the earth is flat

Louis Y
Louis Y - 27.08.2022 18:00

Subbed. Liked and will share

Dickie D
Dickie D - 27.08.2022 06:03

Hook nose greys. Lol

Newmexicosun - 24.08.2022 15:59

You have a pretty vast coverage of topics. That alone was enough for me to subscribe. Keep it up.

Ginda _
Ginda _ - 16.08.2022 19:45

i really believe it. it's a pity that there are only 2 witnesses(

Weston Paradigm
Weston Paradigm - 14.01.2022 00:52

Eric you deserve more subscribers brother, sadly the deeper the knowledge the more niche you become. Great content

Ronson Lau
Ronson Lau - 21.12.2021 21:18

I think it's true but i don't think it's true that they were here before human beings , i think they are all belong to the fourth kingdom spoken of in the book of daniel , but i still hope that prophecy can be changed for the better

jc dova
jc dova - 21.12.2021 17:43

Is there really only three living witnesses? That’s pretty sad. The director does look like Baba Buie from Howard Stern.

Daniel Baker
Daniel Baker - 21.12.2021 04:55

He is a very sympathetic and rational person in this promo. I really respect the work you do and regret the way I treated you.
continue the great work, good sir. You have my full support.
