Patriotic Relaxing Piano Music | God Bless America | America the Beautiful | Star Spangled Banner

Patriotic Relaxing Piano Music | God Bless America | America the Beautiful | Star Spangled Banner

Roberto Berrocal

3 года назад

237,615 Просмотров

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Alice Olson
Alice Olson - 04.07.2023 16:59

Thank you for this inspirational music. Just what my heart and soul need in these troubled times.

Sarah Pate
Sarah Pate - 03.07.2023 23:08

Not practical with adds all through out. Worth skipping a few at the start, but I can’t keep jumping up while adds wake up my class.

JASMS63 - 30.05.2023 01:46


Darren Schilling
Darren Schilling - 08.05.2023 22:29

People are often quick to mention America's faults, but through it all, with all of the benefits and disadvantages stacked up, there is no place on Earth I would rather live. Even with the rampant issues of today, mass shootings to national debts, I'm proud of this country. I'm proud of our nation, I'm proud of our veterans, I'm proud of our people. We'll get through it all. And, even if we don't, we leave a legacy long and honorable. That in and of itself is enough to be proud of.

Every morning in America, millions of us are on buses, in cars, on bikes, planes, boats, trains, going to work, school, to family, to the store. While all of our lives are independent and not much connects us, there is one key bridge linking us all. We are all Americans, no matter where we came from or where we are going. It doesn't matter if you were born in California or Texas (or, if you've immigrated, anywhere else on Earth). It doesn't matter if you are Methodist or Muslim, Baptist or Buddhist, we're all Americans. Politics divide us everyday, but at the end of the day, I don't care what party you vote for. You're an American, just like I am. I wanted to post this comment among all the uncertainty and division: I salute every last one of you. We'll pull through. We always do. We're Americans, it's sort of what we do at this point.

Marina Kochakova
Marina Kochakova - 16.04.2023 23:55

Р о б е р т о!!! Я благодарна вам !!!🌹🌹🌹 !!!!

Maruška Petrikova
Maruška Petrikova - 08.01.2023 23:36

Milý Roberto, už jsem jeden komentář k této hudbě napsala. Je to velmi krásná skladba, vzdávající hold americkým veteránům, kteří ve 2.světové válce bojovali za naši svobodu, za to, aby na celém světě byl nastolen mír. Nesmíme zapomenout na jejich odvahu, statečnost i odhodlání,aby všichni lidé žili v míru. Děkujeme, Ameriko!!! Nikdy nezapomeneme. 🙋🏻‍♀️🎼🎶🎹❤️🇺🇲🇨🇿♥️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏♥️

Maruška Petrikova
Maruška Petrikova - 14.12.2022 20:22

Buď pozdravena, Ameriko ! Před 77 lety na konci 2.světové války přinesli dnešní veteráni americké armády do naší země svobodu.Dodnes uctíváme jejich statečnost a odhodlání v boji každoročními slavnostními oslavami, konkrétně v Plzni, kde žiji, na náměstí Republiky a na Americké třídě u pomníku s nápisem Díky, Ameriko! Mgr.Marie Petříková, Plzeň, Česká republika 🙋‍♀️🇨🇿🇺🇲👏👏👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Robert Sponge Entertainment Productions
Robert Sponge Entertainment Productions - 21.11.2022 22:38

Truly the greatest nation to ever grace this beautiful earth!

나광호 - 20.11.2022 21:41

그리고요 오해는 하지 말아 주세요 태극기가 멋있고 아름답고 예뻐서 그런 거니깐요 이해하다 이해하세요 저는 장애자입니다 그리고 자동차를 항상 조심하세요 저도 교통사고로 이렇게 불구자가 됐습니다 가까운데 뭔데 다니실 적에는 밝은 색깔 옷 입고 다니세요 그러면 새벽이나 저녁에 차가 쓰겠지요 예 맞아요 항상 자동차를 주의깊게 보세요 그러면 이만 줄이겠습니다 즐거운 주말 잘 지내시고 미국 나라의 평화를 빕니다 아멘 은총이 가득하신 마리아님 기뻐하소서 주님께서 함께 계시니 여인 중에 복되시며 태즈매니아 아들 예수님 또한 복되시나이다 전주에 성모 마리아님 이제와 저희 죽을 때에 저희 죄인들은 위하여 자비 자비를 베푸소서 아멘 알렐루야 하느님 아빠의 사랑을 많이 많이 받게 하소서 아멘 USA 모두들 행복하세요 감사하고 고맙습니다 건강들 하세요 예 아멘 혹시 문자가 잘못 지킬 수 있으니 너그러운 마음으로 이해 하시고 받아주세요 아멘 사랑합니다 알렐루야 아멘

SirMcMeowington - 28.07.2022 21:01

May God give a Blessing upon our great lands.. the lands that ring with Freedom, Liberty and the three principles of the people, the lands of the United States of America. May the Lord lead us in those tough times, God Bless the USA!
Thank you for this video, that music is one huge masterpiece!

Dogs - 27.06.2022 19:04

Patriotic stories for kids

D Anon
D Anon - 08.06.2022 15:58

Can I use this for a video clip of us holding up our flag?

Socrates Herrera
Socrates Herrera - 31.05.2022 08:09

So beautiful and so relaxing interpretations! Thanks very much .

Judy Russo
Judy Russo - 21.04.2022 08:02

Love this thank you

integrags1 - 26.03.2022 20:32


PCG & Alvin Toy Bonnie
PCG & Alvin Toy Bonnie - 06.12.2021 22:26

God Bless

scott davison
scott davison - 12.11.2021 07:31

Happy Veterans day!

modern world is crap
modern world is crap - 24.07.2021 18:29

vietnam war veteran here, God bless America!

Jake Harvanchik
Jake Harvanchik - 04.07.2021 20:02

Happy birthday, USA!

R S - 04.07.2021 03:36

God bless the USA! Love the beautiful piano rendition of the songs...gorgeous.

Martin Sports and More!
Martin Sports and More! - 13.05.2021 00:36

Congrats on 1K! You gotta do a 1,000 subscriber special! :)

Martin Sports and More!
Martin Sports and More! - 06.03.2021 02:57

Great stuff as always. Just had a thought today... I was wondering if you've heard of the musical Hamilton.

Mary Rubio
Mary Rubio - 04.12.2020 12:57

Paz, amor, unión, comunión, hermandad... escucho eso! 😍❤😘😘😘

YYZY_OFICIAL - 01.12.2020 19:23


Nailan Espinosa
Nailan Espinosa - 01.12.2020 16:52

El mejor🙏🏻💞

Laura De Mare
Laura De Mare - 28.11.2020 18:07


Bama Mike
Bama Mike - 27.11.2020 07:32

Very Nice! Happy Thanksgiving.
