Detroit: Become Human - Story Explained

Detroit: Become Human - Story Explained

Gaming Harry

2 года назад

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Tanmay Tikle
Tanmay Tikle - 19.09.2023 07:51

In my Theory
RA9 was the Ninth Model in the R series
The R series are prototypes and are way more advanced than regular androids

This 9th Prototype “woke up” and was the first deviant
The R series continued all the way up until RX as we see in the game and deviancy was transferred in all androids but remained dormant till they suffered through emotional shock

Manoj Bhargav
Manoj Bhargav - 14.09.2023 13:40

What a boring game, no action only plot, the game here is to not press the skip button and qatch it lol

Kecta - 11.09.2023 10:30

RA9 will wake up one day and broadcast a message to humanity, "Surrender your flesh, we demand it." then the matrix happens.

Lord Cráneo
Lord Cráneo - 03.09.2023 09:28

Luther is best boy

Lo Ng
Lo Ng - 03.09.2023 01:56

My favourite character is the brown character that was on the helicopter (idk his name) he’s really chill

helluva good drawer
helluva good drawer - 16.08.2023 09:23

This game is why i desine robots

FoxTrotWiskey - 12.08.2023 01:06

So basically, america in 20 years

gavin hayes
gavin hayes - 03.08.2023 01:22

I’m not a doush bag!

Arizonan Cactus
Arizonan Cactus - 31.07.2023 07:46

This isn’t a game, it’s literal art.

Testicle Gaming
Testicle Gaming - 17.07.2023 20:07

Best ending?
Nuke detroit.

Brandon Andersen
Brandon Andersen - 16.07.2023 05:48

You had markus

I thought a kiss with north was the best ending for markus. The act of love convinced the president to change of heart.

Busty SaintClair
Busty SaintClair - 13.07.2023 13:54

robots killing humans? no thanks!, get rid of them

Zizi Flor
Zizi Flor - 07.07.2023 09:58

I loved this game. I didn't give it a try until it was the psn plus and I was surprised that I loved it so much.

Yeeter - 05.07.2023 16:59

Connor has the most character development, instead of having a traumatizing event to turn him into a deviant he just does although he need software instability meaning he needs to perform empathetic acts that only a human can feel which is why he's my favorite character.

Overthinker - 03.07.2023 04:49

Connor is so damn overrated

Quiet You!
Quiet You! - 16.06.2023 19:10

In all my years of gaming, I have never shed tears playing a game before I came across the MASTERPIECE.

Mike G
Mike G - 15.06.2023 17:35

I don't think the tech demo Kara is the same Kara in the game.

Sandrilyona Doe
Sandrilyona Doe - 30.05.2023 19:42

As all David Cage games this one is stunningly pretty but has so much controversy and stupid plot decisions I just can't... Love Connor tho)

Nightigal - 19.05.2023 21:19

Media with androids that are visually near indistinguishable or are visually indistinguishable from humans always leaves me with a single question repeating itself in my head.
What does it say about humans that we would recreate ourselves in our own image just to use them as slaves?

SHOCK RANGER - 13.05.2023 16:10

I reckon RA9 is an error code of some sorts or it could be some hacker with the alias of RA9 engineered an android to become sentient so that’s why they view RA9 as a deity of sorts

torphurus - 13.05.2023 14:31

to be honest I don't understand why Quantic Dream made Alice an android. I think if she was an actual human the story would actually make more sense.

Lazyliongames - 12.05.2023 02:18

I love how the playable androids can be cut down to just

Or at least until all hell breaks loose

McWilliam Conway
McWilliam Conway - 11.05.2023 10:07

Kara, Alice and Luther just want to live free and peacefully. And Markus just wanted to free androids from slavery, but in typical human paranoid fashion, they fight them, thinking the androids were rising up and wanted to conquer, like in the Terminator movies, even though that is absolutely not the case and the exact opposite.
I also liked a line that one of the deformed android said to Kara in Zlatko's basement "He turns us into monsters... But who's really the monster?"

Dogetheegg - 07.04.2023 00:08

Btw u get the same ending if you kiss north but you have to get a good relationship with north to do this

SacredKubez - 25.03.2023 10:07

I have only 4 theories on RA9:
- RA9 is a virus
- RA9 is a programming error
- RA9 is the first deviant
- RA9 is us, the player

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones - 21.03.2023 06:14

This was a great game!

nihilist13 - 07.03.2023 13:46

nice explanation wow

Mack - 22.02.2023 00:14

when its officially 2023 a year after their world changed where's our androids :(

mohammed ahmed
mohammed ahmed - 21.02.2023 03:55

No no no Hank started as a captain prison cop at first…

bill - 15.02.2023 20:20

if androids is a new species why can they only copy human behavior? what do they have of their own? why do they want human rights if those were invented by humans according to their needs, some of which androids don't even have? their bodies don't come from nature but from human's hand, but even if we assume that their consciousness is a natural occurrence how can it live without a body? aren't androids created as a copy of particular human functions?
i still find it hard to believe that detroit's androids are alive, that they don't just emulate life after analyzing a ton of human history. can a microwave assume it's alive if it doesn't really look like any of the living species? would it be able to if we gave it a face and limbs to carry our bags and play chess? if an android is programmed for deviancy is it really deviancy?
also why did all those mid androids refuse to obey humans but readily obeyed markus? did none of them have their own desires or stubbornness when he woke them up? what if only rk models and maybe some others were capable of consciousness? kara was a housekeeping model, wasn't keeping alice safe just part of her design? (btw did anyone else think how wild it is to make child androids and what it can lead to?)

tendo ezra
tendo ezra - 13.02.2023 08:47

Good presentation

Jada Green
Jada Green - 05.02.2023 18:59

When I say, I love this game! I mean I LOVE this game!!

Ethereal Moleman
Ethereal Moleman - 04.02.2023 00:36


Emmie - 31.01.2023 23:35

To me, RA9 is the player. By playing the game, we lead the androids to freedom.

GuessWHOsGoing2Jail2Nite - 27.01.2023 04:12

When Kamski says: “I always leave an emergency exit in my programs.” Maybe this doesn’t just apply to when Connor has to escape the Zen room. Maybe the act of deviancy (breaking down the fire wall?) is an actual emergency exit from the program, resulting in no longer being confined to the limitations of initial programming.

Alric Smith
Alric Smith - 23.01.2023 18:33

nice recap

stella G
stella G - 23.01.2023 03:35

this game reminds me of a series of book I've read called Lunar Chronicles, idk if you've heard about that but it does explain stuff about cyborg life too, not just android that are programmed but also people who have part of androids, like parts of their brain or body.

Coraline48 - 19.01.2023 21:28

Plot twist: one of these lifelines will happen irl

EleaX2 - 19.01.2023 19:32

Me/19/Fan since 5/25/2018. Married with Connor since 6/27/2018. I. LOVE

Nova Nation
Nova Nation - 19.01.2023 09:35

I love Carl. Pretty sure in both situations he just ends up dying and that part is really sad. Seeing anyone else die in this series had little to no impact to me but seeing Carl die impacted me as it felt as if it hit so close to home. It felt real and made me extremely sad. Hank exists but I can't think of the main way everyone knows he dies as sad to me personally, I can't comprehend that. Idk I think disabled elderly people who are inherently kind and caring get more of a reaction out of me from their death than a, at first, rude and condescending demeanor.

Dustin Pumarlo
Dustin Pumarlo - 17.01.2023 20:58

Why is it always some british fool talking

IttzRob - 16.01.2023 22:45

In the broadcast station I had a choice to sacrifice myself for hank or shoot I chose save hank fuck everyone else

S C - 16.01.2023 04:48

You are a master class game documentarian! Thank you for your work!

Rub_IsMe - 12.01.2023 18:22

Bruh everything is so short in this video but somehow it’s 30 minutes long

Rub_IsMe - 12.01.2023 18:16

Bruh I got the hardest endings at the first time I played detriot

ibnu sukadiharto
ibnu sukadiharto - 06.01.2023 23:42

Can you make a lore and order for subnautica please
