How to Become an IT Professional

How to Become an IT Professional

Eli the Computer Guy

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@vegetatesta1 - 02.02.2016 02:04

that's rough dude lolololol. I love it

@SupGhostly - 04.03.2016 19:34

thank you for clearing the dilemma between getting certs or getting a bachelor. I feel much better now that I decide to go to college and focus on certs after college.

@AnaLopez-ip8iw - 29.03.2016 02:25

Eli your great: as a 20+ yr Professional, we have seen 100's of persons come in for a job interview
with a certification who know nothing about networks, you need to have a passion for computer/networks
you have to love systems / pc -work/ repair IT security // .... we love you videos keep upi the work.

@jasonyang867 - 01.05.2016 15:26

THANK YOU!!! Eli. You didn't turn to be those kind of people. ( money scammers ). And NOW, you're helping people to understand this computer field.

@DjSoxxOnceAgain - 11.05.2016 10:26

I swear, it sucks seeing people that don't do what they really want to do in life but I want you to know that I'm one of the people still putting this video to work. This is great stuff man. I'm starting a new business that's called SideTech. I drive uber in NYC, so my advertising is practically free. Business cards are already ordered and I've been thinking about a cheap social media commercial. Soon I shall conquer 🤓

P.s. I have an associates degree and I used to work for geek squad for a while. Do you think that is enough to get started, being that it's 2016. "Some companies" are great but they practically reformat everything and include a data backup. I'm good at that. Is that what I should pitch?

Saied M.

@Cognitoman - 13.05.2016 00:24

Dude... You are very intelligent

@jeffreymorgan8442 - 16.05.2016 01:14

Any advice about freelancing?

@amytan6182 - 19.05.2016 12:33

Mark suckerman .....:) he is too famous to misspronounce his name.

@ianhowell4015 - 20.05.2016 06:33

I dropped out of college. I was tired of dealing with the Ivory Tower attitude. College (at least the one I went to) seemed to be a bloated bureaucracy. I was told to sign up for classes I didn't need, teachers and other staff didn't really seem to care. I paid OUT THE @$$ to attend school. I missed opportunities for better grades just because professors never emailed me back to clarify things.

I've spent a lot of my time since dropping out studying for certifications, talking to friends in the IT field and watching tons of tutorials on how trouble shoot computers. I just finished my A+ and I immediately started on my Net+ cert. I am now beginning to apply for jobs in the Chicago area. I understand that I've chosen a difficult path but I know that this is my passion and something will pop up eventually.

I appreciate this video. I've watched most of the videos that are on this channel. Getting a 4 year degree is probably the easiest way to get a job but it doesn't seem to be the only way. Use your network, keep learning, know what your talking about and don't give up so easily. Going to college isn't always an option for everyone!

@T30430 - 10.06.2016 20:54

Hi I'm going to Hinds Community College for computer networking. I want to be able to work in more than just one fill . So with an associate degree and a couple certificates. Can I find a great job that pays really good.

@BuildingImpossibleDreams - 30.06.2016 03:03

How is the field for woman, are their positions out there?

@DrTseringS-126 - 29.07.2016 11:43

I liked some ideas very intriguing, some very useful to my ptofession,
I am a cardiac surgery resident, I was trying to find out some solution to my mundane task which needs mundane repitation with precision, and without getting bored while doing it, and human behavior is such that they can not do such things, one day I was watching bill gate interview and I got my answer, but for this I need to learn coding, so I payed a teacher and asked me to teach basic in 7 days, one hour per day, learned it, then a whole bunch of other things also learned, and I got distracted,

what is the best way to keep my learning going, which language I should learn so that I can devise a app for myself for this mundane task

@g3folk - 02.08.2016 19:33

So you are saying the IT field is basically over saturated and do not recommend going for IT career?

@argent2020 - 02.08.2016 23:48

I remember back in 1996 I had to fix a big issue with one section of the network using Token Ring. Well?!, it was a bad Token Ring card, so I ended up purchasing a card for $200.00 Problem solved. Like a year later, we threw that card away along with everything else which included 2088 PC's, 286, 386 sx hahaha eventually, the Business manager had a great and bright Idea: "Purchasing 75 P1 Compaq refurbished. What pieces of craps!!!". One morning I walked in the company and saw all the managers placing electrical fans to keep some of those PC's cool. I really really have the stories to tell about the amazing most of the bizarre actions some managers did. They may have been good, excellent at what they did, but when it came to anything dealing with pc's (IT that means) they did in deed suck, but when they were talking, hearing them talking to me was either a cause of sadness or entertaining, depending of how you look at it. They talked among them about IT and were so seriously honest as wrong of what they were saying. Many times while hearing them talking my thoughts were: "What a bunch of ass holes!".
At that company I worked as a Support Service Specialist. Man!, I was eventually outsourced by a company they hired and then let go. Honestly, it was the best thing that happened to me. It was a non profit organization and my salary was $close to 18k a year. Not even a month at a IT Trade Show I was hired by a company for $13.00 an hour. It was a cool job. The title was Network Service Technician and I had my own territory. It was fun and lot of work. Unfortunately I didn't believe it and didn't care in getting the A+ certification, one day, out, laid off. That was ok with me but went out there and took the tests and passed them, but no job. This Chinese guy was there all pissed because by just two points did not pass the test for Oracle (A database from before which was hot and never saw even one person passing it). Amazingly many people didn't pass the A+ certification exams and more amazingly; This girl came from another city with her employer's Van (IBM) just to failed both tests for the second time when she had 7 years experience as a technician. My next job came from nowhere, one phone call about my resume on line ( I was hired as a IT Trainer with heavy traveling all over the country. After this job, I just couldn't find a job at all in the IT field. However, I made good money working on my own, mostly fixing and building pc's for friends and referrals. I installed a few networks for a Doctor and his friends with different topologies (I did have training with MCSE). But I find it better working for yourself. It's more fun. I tried to have a friend who worked for Nortel at that time and he knew the company was going down. The company offered him a very good deal if he would of quit on his own, but no, decided to stay anyway and when laid off he got nothing, no vacation, not even the stocks he had worth anything, etc. Nothing. I knew CISCO and he knew Nortel, we could of have done something, but oh well, didn't work. I used to like the old ways, but this is now, different by all means, but I still like when I had to do everything manual ;) Using DOS up until Windows 3.1 came into the picture. Buying a 28.8k MoDem was a big deal back then, a HDD of 320 mgb, the 486SX vs the 486dx and later the overdrive, the Packard Bell (I made some good money fixing these ones). Oh man, installing the ISDN, all those times are gone, hahahaha

I'm actually contemplating in becoming an IT Consultant. A friend of my told me about working where he works at; The Geek Squad but even when I ask him what they actually do he just can't tell me, which is weird. So, just for fun I went to check them out as if I were a client to be. Fuckers!, they tried to fuck up my pc with their software, I was actually fucking with the guy and to my amazed I knew more than him, I said WTF?!. He reminded me of a guy I was met at a site who believed that the Cyrix cpu's were better than the Intel and AMD's. I told him; What ever Dude!.

@argent2020 - 03.08.2016 00:14

I fucked up once, lol. Now I lol, but that day, time and moment certainly didn't. I trip a cable from the outlet to the Battery Backup where the telephone server from a company called Intertel kept all the lines up and running. It was like the end of the World. Hahahahaahawwwwwwwwwwww Hey!, I was new ;) A few days later the Business Manager called me to his Office, told me to closed the door behind me (I thought I was being fired) and the very first thing he said was: "I want to apologize to you for the way I reacted when you tripped on the cable". I couldn't believe it. He was cool and told me that the reason why he did it was for me not to be fired by the Director. Interestingly he told me that he wanted it somewhere else and not where it was because several people had done just that. So, in a way (He said) it was a good thing I did so they could have another reason to move the server else where, which later had the guys from Intertel doing so. I learned that sometimes the solutions lies in a fuckup, lmao

@ink5473 - 06.08.2016 03:38

Fucking GOLD

@brahimlyazami5809 - 07.08.2016 15:35

man you're the Walter white of computers 😂😂😂

@DamianBill - 10.08.2016 05:50

If you have the enthusiasm for IT you're in.

@gamesxotics4712 - 15.08.2016 04:57

did you really meet Steve Jobs and Bill Gates?

@Folopolis - 31.08.2016 06:45

So what you're saying, is that when I'm asked to do something I'm not sure if I can or not I need to break into a Scottish accent?

@irpiggie - 06.09.2016 04:40

Thank you for this video, you explained the difference between university education vs a trade school in a way I actually understood. I have been worrying that I have really "learned" anything while going to college and that employers will look down upon that, but you enlightened me in this video and know I see that I have learned quite a bit of things while going to school. It's just the knowledge I have learned is very general, my classes has exposed me to a wide variety of different technologies so if I do pursue a career in any of those fields I won't be completely lost. It opens up my options after graduating and looking for work, I can choose which IT field to specialize in based on my experiences in school and afterwards receive specific training for whichever IT field I choose and get certifications on those. I know you said that this video may deter people from pursuing a career in IT but you have actually encouraged me and given me more hope that things will be alright after I finish at the end of this year! Thank you!!!

@krushvoltmusic - 09.09.2016 05:13


@ogfaIlen - 06.01.2017 03:57

woah this vid got edgy af

@SimpleDeviceAdvice - 15.03.2017 10:20


@qarsak--7706 - 09.04.2017 06:24

Could you please do some videos on Database like SQL, PL/SQL, and MYSQL

@sidikicamara3669 - 17.05.2017 02:41

great video, Eli

@edwardjaycocks5497 - 07.06.2017 18:20

IT professional lo l you've got to be kidding-Apart from programming, developing, maybe some system administrators, security then I would agree-The rest. Anybody with a good mind can do it, and forget about the basic vendor certifications. There are a waste of time.

And I don't care what anybody says a good bachelor's degree with good technical content and business, management , you will go a long way , providing you get the experience.

No such thing as IT professionals in the name . There's just too many people thinking they are experts when in actual fact there are absolutely useless . That's my experience over the last 10 years and I started in my late 30. So you could argue my eyes were already open to the nonsense. As if IT is some magical place hel no

Secondly , Human Resource Managers expect too much and always understand what they're asking for in terms of skill sets, because in the end, when you do your job. It's nothing that you imagined in some parts at least. , Employers are very much to blame and are often paid very well and expect too much

so my recommendation to people if you're doing a bachelors degree. That's worth something. Stick to that profession. Don't bother with the IT profession-

@edwardjaycocks5497 - 07.06.2017 18:22

I do like the computer guy- because he's better- providing good knowledge to those who wish to go into IT-

@MhmdRdam - 01.07.2017 20:48

Is this video still up to date in 2017?

@eugenepashch5213 - 21.09.2017 19:50

This video and the video called "The Death of the IT Profession were recommended to me". Lol.

@charlessmyth - 21.10.2017 13:52

Windows NT4... as obsolete as the 16-track Studer audio recorder that I used in 1995 :-)

@IlyaAntonovambient - 30.10.2017 11:48

thank you Eli!

@truveo - 03.11.2017 17:11

Computer Guy worst video by far.  The whole video was centered around Him and, His accomplishments and less on giving unbias views pointers on have to become an IT Pro.  For this he deserves a 'donkey of the day' medal.

@truveo - 03.11.2017 17:31

BTW- I am a bS in cE major

@SlashcamStudios - 09.11.2017 07:19

Very Informative, i'm so excited to jump into the field!

@M.e.h.. - 14.01.2018 15:46

Would love your views for 2018.. Thank You..

@whydnot - 16.05.2018 05:48

A lot of employers don't care about bachelors degrees in stupid fields either...

@richardjason6118 - 16.06.2018 18:46


@92mishi - 07.08.2018 13:40

I like your education video. Thank you very much Mr. Eli. From Sri Lanka

@sayedkazimi6008 - 27.01.2019 12:52

Thanks a lot

@brandonfarfan1978 - 21.02.2019 05:10

Real talk lesson.😎
From 2010.😉

@ricardoramirez3689 - 25.02.2020 09:07 don't even have to go to school for IT to make lots of money.

@shiloh4184 - 16.10.2020 22:11

Would you still say this relevant for 2020

@lww8229 - 18.12.2020 15:29

is this video still relevant in 2020?

@MrFooSteven - 22.03.2021 13:16

45mins exactly right

@Random-rt5ec - 13.04.2021 19:55

If you are not an H1-B VISA don't waste your time in IT. You will soon be replaced by an H1-B VISA or outsourced to India.

@Evkayne - 21.08.2021 20:33

becuase of this video i did started my bechelors in 2014

@dikduk - 05.01.2022 18:39

Eli. This is such a throwback to what is happening now with NFTs.
