ОтветитьMark ronson knows good music better than anyone alive
ОтветитьUgh so sad
ОтветитьJunkie trash.
ОтветитьThis small clip just reminds me that ppl in real life don’t truly care.
They only care for what they can consume.
After they’re done, they try and act like they cared.
She was only like 22 here right? Absolutely insane.
ОтветитьGood Lord, Amy could sing ❤
ОтветитьSheesh that voice and acted like nothing right after lmao boss shit like yea I just made a hit I’m get rich off this hehe
Ответить🏁 Blakie 🪶
ОтветитьThis is just outstanding...she just opens her mouth..and THIS voice is coming out of her petite statue
ОтветитьIf Amy Winehouse had been going out with Mark Ronson she would still be alive today she had alot issues the same with Brian Connolly Of Sweet he had alot problems if had met someone who actually loved and cared about him i think he would still be alive today problem people who have drug and alcohol issues they need alot of help and support its a illness people don't relise that instead of walking away from them give them love and support alot of the problems they face because they feel insecure brian connolly was very insecure and amys parents were devorced that didn't help the situation i think it depends on the individual some people are more stronger than others its a shame with both of them brian and amy too both greatly missed
ОтветитьMashallah Amy had an amazing voice she was talented rip
ОтветитьI got to tell you, in the 200x’s at the time, I just thought she was a cheesy Ella Fitzgerald clone and kind of thought. It was funny to make fun of her and her troubles. And of course, when she died, everybody was just kind of like told you so, knew that was gonna happen, no surprise. But here about 15 years later and having these opportunities to see her work and see her healthy the mood is totally different. It’s utterly heartbreaking. When she was sharp, she was really sharp.
ОтветитьPaired with Mark Ronson who wasn't huge at the time, genius move!
ОтветитьWow the pure golden talent ❤️
Ответитьwow! genial!!!!!!!
ОтветитьMy God, I always ask myself over and over again, why she had to die, why she had to be a victim of bad vices and the worst of all, not having the right people around her. Even today I mourn her loss and enjoy her exquisite and unique music (in FLAC format of course). IMHO! 🥹🙏🏻👌🏻🎧🎵🎶🎵
Ответитьi think because she did right all the music everytime she sung it “ she felt that heartbreak “ i think the true greats are super empathetic and they are almost too pure for the world , esp when their sings come from pain ..i’ve loved amy since she was just making name for herself , loved frank , she truly glowed at that point in life . seriously i can feel her hurt in every one of the lyrics .
Ответитьshe died doing what she loved… drugs
ОтветитьI love her she was a true woman with character funny, smart , kind I love her music and her as a human she is my star ❤❤[*]
ОтветитьIt's wild these two very young people producing this level of musical content discreetly in this little room.
ОтветитьLove her
ОтветитьDove Cameron & Mark Ronson
Boyfriend (Imagine Dragons Version)
Ответить🖤RAW TALENT🖤
ОтветитьAssisti ontem o filme Amy e ainda estou processando ele, pesado, poético, difícil. Amy tinha um talento insubstituível, infelizmente foi ofuscado pela mídia.
ОтветитьGlorious.. 🕊️🙏🏽
ОтветитьHermosa! Gracias por tu música, por tu voz. Por tu brillo. ❤️🔥
ОтветитьAmy, wherever you are in whatever form, I hope you found peace. 🕊️
ОтветитьWhat a song
ОтветитьWatch closely how a true masterpiece is born, right from the oven. AMY ❤
ОтветитьHi it's me Amy womehousw
Ответить“What it is” should have been more popular
ОтветитьIs any one in the end of 2024
ОтветитьGod this gives me goosebumps just hearing her without the music. I was too young to appreciate how good she was when this was released but she was excellent.
ОтветитьShe was so pretty
ОтветитьRIP Queen Amy
ОтветитьBack to black shows how talented she was, she wrote an absolute masterpiece
ОтветитьIt’s hard to think about the fact that if she had never met Blake, she would probably still be alive. But if she had never met Blake, this album wouldn’t have existed. we ❤ and miss you Amy. Your work will live on forever
Ответить🥀🥀🥀🥀 Amy I love u 4 ever
ОтветитьWhere did my Amy go?
ОтветитьSo i ❤ with her. Breaks my heart. Also So happy by seen her recording the song