Digimon Tamers | A Retrospective Of The Series

Digimon Tamers | A Retrospective Of The Series


1 год назад

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@raytaku_ - 05.02.2023 05:25

This one took a while to make; I hope you enjoyed the video. What are your overall thoughts on Digimon Tamers?
p.s if you enjoy this sort of content, please SUBSCRIBE to help support the channels growth 💙

@kent_nelson - 03.02.2024 07:57

Watched this with the original OST here in Latin America and it was amazing. Even though it's not my all time favorite season It's still up there and has a special place in my heart to this day.

@YABOIMIKEYBOI - 02.02.2024 23:32

Am i the only one who wishes that Kazus Guardromon digivolved into Andromon and then bio-merged into Hiandromon

@MCPhatman - 21.01.2024 11:43

I know this is totally a me thing but I hate seeing one of the hypest moments in diginon history and then having the sub score play. Now I need to look for wild child bound and play it at least 10 times.

@bendiallo8667 - 19.01.2024 00:06

Regional differentes in digimon are so funny bc in the german dub renamon has a male Voice and orochimon is drinking sake 😂

@chefgreasypaw7816 - 14.01.2024 10:38

“Just think how happy you could be if you didn’t work so hard to make yourself so sad”

-Calumon, somehow dropping one of the most beautiful quotes I’ve ever heard in my life

@jeffreywilliams8499 - 02.01.2024 10:44

Guilmon: Oh, I ate so fast, I forgot to breathe.

He falls back.

Guilmon: I need a bigger tummy Takato, draw me one?

Takato: Okay.

Guilmon: You’re a pal.

Terriermon: Draw him some self control.

Henry: And just how many buns have you had?

Terriermon: Two, three, twelve.

He eats some more.

Terriermon: I lost count.

Mrs. Wong: Henry could learn a thing or two from you Terriermon, he’s handsome but skinny as a mosquito, right?

Henry blushes.

Henry: Right.

@HyperXcube - 01.01.2024 07:25

tamers was peak digimon.

@JennerLibaria - 29.12.2023 12:23

that digivice call D Ark in original japanese dub :)

@Nery_Nery - 29.12.2023 03:22

I really appreciated the two hour long plot overview. I feel like I rewatched the whole show in a short amount of time, which is great. As for the commentary, I was expecting a little more out of it to be honest. Like more of a break down of the themes and of the characters and stuff. But yeah, just a suggestion I guess. Still really loved and watched the whole thing.

@Blinkptx - 28.12.2023 18:11

The only thing I didn't like from this season was that one kid getting Marineangemon as a partner. Idc how tiny it is. That's a got damn mega. It felt like "show's about end, so here you can have one too."

@jonmc6573 - 27.12.2023 06:17

Disorientate is not a word.

@jeffreywilliams8499 - 21.12.2023 06:18

Takato: Hey at least our final moments here are peaceful ones.

Guilmon: I’d rather they be fun ones, can I wake up Calumon now?

All: No!

@LunaciousZ - 19.12.2023 20:47

thanks for taking me back for 2 hours 👍

@jeffreywilliams8499 - 19.12.2023 20:40

Takato: I just wanted to say I love you.

Mrs. Matsuki covers her mouth and cries.

Mr. Matsuki: We wish you didn’t have to fight, but we understand and we’re proud that you’re our son.

Guilmon: Don’t worry, we’ll be back soon, I promise.

Mrs. Matsuki walks over.

Guilmon: Hm?

She pets him.

Mrs. Matsuki: Oh, Guilmon.

She turns to Takato and they look at each other.

Mrs. Matsuki: You’re everything to us Takato, please be careful.

Takato: I will Mom, I promise.

He turns to Guilmon.

Takato: Come on Guilmon, let’s go.

They run.

Kai: Takato!

Takato’s coat lands in Kai’s arms.

Kai: You can do it!

Takato and Guilmon turn and raise their hand and laugh.

@jeffreywilliams8499 - 19.12.2023 20:40

On episode 49 Renamon explains that Digimon "aren't divided into genders." What this means is that Digimon do not usually have a preset gender upon birth. This is made clearer in Data Squad, where the Biyomon that appeared there is male, as opposed to the one in Adventure, who is female.

@kap1618 - 17.12.2023 20:29

Can we appreciate that Tamers had the best female cast out of any Digimon series. Rika and Jerry had some of the most rawest and nuance depictions of childhood trauma I've ever seen.

@melissamurray8307 - 14.12.2023 03:37

Thanks for the recap, I should really go back and rewatch the series. I also love Brave Heart playing in the background during your overall thoughts section.

@melissamurray8307 - 13.12.2023 05:14

One of my biggest qualms of the season was Calumon’s presence needed for digivolutions.

@niivektv - 09.12.2023 08:50

The first 3 season are the highlight of Digimon, the rest was just to sell toys.

@rlghtsldeup7623 - 03.12.2023 06:46

i love tamers so much

@khiclark31 - 01.12.2023 21:52

The games Ryo were in deserve an anime

@khiclark31 - 01.12.2023 21:52

Tamers deserves a mini series or movie

@khiclark31 - 01.12.2023 21:12

Dobermon was a real one.

@MatteoOnorati91 - 01.12.2023 06:39

I love Digimon Tamers and I'm not ashamed to say that I cried in many parts of the series, but every time I watch the preview of the last episode and the final part of the last episode I always burst into tears (just before writing this I watched a reaction to the last episode and I cried a lot) also episode 39 and the final part of episode 50 always move me a lot making me cry sometimes. This series has always held a special place in my heart ever since I first saw it about twenty years ago. I have a very bad memory and I can hardly remember anything (I hardly remember many things in my life especially when I was a child, but in general I hardly remember my whole life), but despite this there are things that I have always remembered, one of the things that I have always remembered (even if I don't remember the reason) is that the mega evolution of Renamon takes place in episode 39 also this episode is It's always been special to me, but unfortunately I don't remember why.

Fun Fact: Two years ago I watched the whole series again and once I finished watching it I went to look for information about the series and that's how I discovered the site created by Konaka where he talked about Tamers, so I started reading the information that was there and when they got to read what was written at the bottom of the paragraph of Alice I cried a lot and for at least a week I felt really bad for what I had read. I know that she is a fictional character and that she does not appear much in the series, but reading those lines written by Nonaka made me feel really bad for Alice. I honestly can't say why reading that Alice had already left this world long before the story of Digimon Tamers had started made me feel really bad.

The end of the paragraph about Alice it says:

The following is my own personal thoughts, not necessarily canonical or correct, but...

There is a scene in which Dolphin looks at a framed picture of his granddaughter, and calls out her name. Although it is unusual in Japan to carry around pictures of loved ones, it was my understanding that it was quite natural for westerners to take photos of family members with them on vacation. I had not imbued that scene with any special meaning. In the framed picture, Alice shows an innocent, child-like smile. But Dolphin (played by Mr. Masami Kikuchi in the Japanese) called out to Alice with great feeling in his voice. As I listened to the recorded dialogue, I got a strange feeling... that perhaps, long before the story of Digimon Tamers had started, Alice had left this world. Mind you, this is just my own imagination.

@DocDoesGamingYT - 29.11.2023 23:56

The English digimon theme and Takato going "Bullseye baby" absolutely sent me hahahaha

@wort3120 - 21.11.2023 11:40

I don't want to offend anyone, but the english dub, wow is that bad O.o, I mean, why is the mega form of guilmon stil sounding like a adult trying to imitate a child/frog? And why is it the same lame theme for digivolution like it was for digimon adventure?

@Dyabolico456 - 19.11.2023 11:45

- Comes to play
- Refuses to elaborate further
- leaves

@AlexTCGProYT - 18.11.2023 16:40

Truly a shame the dub killed the awesome soundtrack this series has

@RogueVisionary - 17.11.2023 02:41

What you meant to say was that Digimon Frontier is the best

@AlexanderTF - 14.11.2023 22:49

While I do love the series, the English voice acting sounds horrible ...

@jeffreywilliams8499 - 14.11.2023 06:28

Terriermon:💚 Buns and beans and sauerkraut, I’m gonna eat till I pass out!

@jeffreywilliams8499 - 14.11.2023 06:27

Kazu and Kenta are singing while taking a bath together

Both: Soakin’ in the bath!

Kazu: Soakin’!

Kenta: Soakin’ in the bath!

Kazu: in the bath!

Kenta: Actin’ loony!

Kazu: Hopin’ you stop singin’ sooney!

Kenta: Hey!

In the living room.

Renamon: Good thing we can’t hear them singing in hear, I thought my ear drums would bleed.

@0Mitzuio - 14.11.2023 00:40

It made absolutely no sense for Ryo's father to be there when the others returned from the Digiworld. It was never established that anyone contacted him to let him know about his son whereabouts. Moreover, who even is this man? Certainly not his biological father. Ryo is from the universe where the first two series took place. A universe that's fictional from the perspective of the Tamers one I might add. That just raises too many questions.

@lavenderflowersfall280 - 13.11.2023 20:30

The people who made Tamers were like.

Hehehe... You want an epic childhood memory? Don't even worry about it.

Parents: are you sure this is okay for my kid-

Don't even worry about it

@sarov7658 - 10.11.2023 14:08

Digimon tamers is my favourite thank you toei

@emperortrevornorton3119 - 09.11.2023 01:57

I loved this one my last digimon show that I have nostalgia did you notice the teacher's voice directly referring to season 1&2

@Reikosamaa - 08.11.2023 03:01

hearing this digivolution ost so often in this video i'm even more happy that this isn't something we got in germany ... or something that's from japan either, probably the worst ost in digimon history just next to the rap that pretty much sounds the same...

@DaelniMajac - 01.11.2023 05:19

I would really like a continuation to tamers, or some kind of closure similar to Tri (criticisms notwithstanding). Great video!

@naiustheyetti - 31.10.2023 10:49

I really like how the end of season battle isn't some single, drawn out fight. It's multiple battles and with actual retreat, regroup and tactics involved.

@jeffreywilliams8499 - 26.10.2023 13:07

Terriermon: I miss the pastries of the Real World.

Henry: Is there anything you miss that can’t be found in a lunchbox.

Terriermon: Well...I guess there’s...Suzie.

(Henry puts his hand on Terriermon’s head.)

Henry: Well if you miss being Princess PwettyPants that much...

(He grabs his ears and shakes them.)

Henry: And being cuddled.

(Terriermon jumps away.)

Terriermon: That’s not funny! Thinking about it still gives me the jeebies.

Henry: Sorry!

Henry and Takato laugh.

Terriermon: Poor Suzie, I hope she’s not lonely.

Henry: Please, she only has a million dolls to play with.

Terriermon: Yeah, but they’re not as cute as me, she said so.

Henry: Oh brother.

@jeffreywilliams8499 - 26.10.2023 05:21

Henry: Rapidmon! Talk to me! Are you okay?!

Rapidmon: Henry, he’s too strong.

Beelzemon: No kidding? Compared to me you guys are the amateur hour, you know that? Pathetic humans and your digi-pets you make me wanna throw up, kick your butts, and then throw up again!

@ZSAesthetics - 24.10.2023 16:39

Used to watch this series when I was way younger. Still being a fan of the series (and the Guilmon evo line), I re-watched this show about two years ago, and loved the more mature themes of it I never noticed. I remember we were almost there with B.W.Greymon's existential questions, but we went full send here and I love it. Digimon is great.

@manoelguidialvares6903 - 24.10.2023 04:48

Heh, the gekomons were certainly NOT making milk shakes... Luckily we had in Brazil a non censored version

@jeanpierreriquelme320 - 22.10.2023 20:28

Digimon as a whole was my childhood and I remember returning from school to be able to watch it in my home country with the original soundtrack that it had. I was so hyped for the better songs and for the feel of excitement when Guilmon evolved to Dukemon, that soundtrack was probably the best, but I am sadly reminded of the terrible soundtrack that the US had for such a good series when I watched this video. I strongly believe that if the US had kept the original soundtrack instead of creating such an abhorrent soundtrack, Digimon might have been even better than Pokemon in the US, sadly it was a huge fail in the US to have an atrocious soundtrack for a great series.

@Gazpolling - 22.10.2023 11:14

I like digimon frontier more!

Oh god someone knocking on my do
