Best start in Elite Dangerous - new player & beginner's guide to money making & more in 2021

Best start in Elite Dangerous - new player & beginner's guide to money making & more in 2021


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@SaschaMTB1 - 19.08.2023 11:16

the first few seconds was my footage, lol. Cheers for your help. Today is my third day of playing Elite Dangerous. I have the Cobra MK III Stock/no upgrades, and 600k credits. I am rich -- EDIT: I am not rich.. You are funny as hell dude

@miked448 - 16.05.2023 03:26


@Unh0lySpirit - 12.11.2022 04:29

One year on, and still relevant. Odyssey still socks. Shame really as I was looking forward to it.

@stephenpadlock1996 - 30.08.2022 19:53

Just finished the tutorial. I realize they replaced my original hard points with two pulse lasers. So I basically can’t mine. For some reason I can’t scan shit either. As soon as I finish the tutorial it decided to just fuck my controls all up.

I haven’t even played for 10 minutes and I’m already considering a refund which PlayStation just doesn’t dp

@batz_benzer - 24.07.2022 20:07

Is odyssey still bad and non-essential for the grind? Like getting engineering stuff?

@Seantrick - 27.06.2022 10:33

What are you talking about?!

@ZeremiasS - 26.06.2022 11:26

"remember to play on your own pace" = like

@bartoszt338 - 25.06.2022 04:13


@Elsinnombre-ez5dn - 29.05.2022 15:22

the controls in this game is some of the worst if not the worst I've encountered, i had to switch to controller but even then i'm still considering going for a refund

@shdhddjji - 15.05.2022 04:14

I'm a complete noob lol. It's bad

@yogiaditya2560 - 02.05.2022 08:36

Let's say my current ship is Keelback
I am staying in Garay Terminal in Deciat system and repeatedly doing single loop trade that net me around 2.5M CR each loop (88t cargo)
Is it worth it to buy Asp Explorer and start doing Robigo?

@Alitlittlehedgehog - 01.05.2022 18:34

I wish i had watched this before i had to figure all this out on my damn own!

@jaydenray1123 - 27.04.2022 13:29

How do you access the universal cartographies

@arseburgers4208 - 26.04.2022 19:49

Sub earned at 48 seconds 🤣

@seiety1244 - 20.04.2022 09:29

Wish this was out when I first started playing maybe I wouldn't have quit lmao but I'm playing now and it's a dope game fs

@akanetakashi6412 - 19.04.2022 11:39

I'm loving the Intro, just like, Fuck it, ram everything to your hearts content. Literally me in every space game ever.

@sprinter571 - 16.04.2022 13:43

is joystick good for elite dangerous?

@FredRated1967 - 01.04.2022 09:21

When I first started, I did the thing of hitting a resource site, wait until the cops nearly kill a target, get my licks in and profit.

Then, at which time I had seen videos of Road to Riches, I upgraded to a Hauler, kitted it out for exploring until I made enough to buy and outfit an Asp X and continued the Road to Riches.

Made a good deal of cash exploring with that around the bubble. Going to play around the core exploring, see if I can't find a virgin system. Might use my Anaconda, don't know yet.

@FredRated1967 - 26.03.2022 23:56

I can attest that Road to Riches works wonders to get your first Python.

I first started in my Sidewinder in resource extraction sites. Let the cops beat down an opponent, then shot them long enough to get a bounty.

Once I had enough for a Hauler with upgrades, I started exploring. Did enough of that to get a Diamondback Explorer for exploring, rinse and repeated to get an Asp Explorer. Earned more from that.

Then reconfigured the aforementioned ship to mine for low temperature diamonds (back when it was profitable) and earned enough for the Python plus gear.

Then reset the Asp X for exploring again to make some more money, as I really do like exploring.

@PastrasDev - 21.03.2022 21:19

This video is dogshit lol.

@semarks - 10.03.2022 17:00

I've had this game from the start (and grew up playing the original on the BBC B and ZX Spectrum!), but never really got into it. I decided to give it another go and loved your guide. Even if I suck at the game, you made me giggle :-)

@Spotcats - 08.03.2022 09:29

Sidewinder, Viper, Cobra 3, Asp X, Krait 2, Anaconda. was my progression. Viper was kinda a letdown on maneuverability and power, the rest are a dream. Save for Sidewinder. xD

@captainmorgan2307 - 02.02.2022 07:05

I can't even figure out how to navigate the menu or find where the tutorials are.

@aloseman - 20.01.2022 17:10

For the algorithm!

@laureven - 13.01.2022 06:24

It is funny that tutorial is for beginners, and you mentioning that we should do something but You not explaining how (few times :) ) ... 5 min to tutorial ....I have to look for another one because this one is not for beginners :) ....for sure this is good video, but I'm not able to appreciate it yet :)

@dagoelius - 08.01.2022 04:46

Yamiks is Archon Delaine.

@peacetohumanity8531 - 04.01.2022 21:08

These tutorials are shit. I've been stuck on tutorials docking and traveling.

@SirDaz - 13.12.2021 18:52

I'm a brand new player as of 1 day ago, this video didn't provide anything helpful at all. Just feels like a long term player just having a laugh rather than actually providing helpful tips to new players. Scanning planets for money?? How do you even do that, I didn't even know it was a thing, and this video explains none of it, just says do it.

@randomtrooper7069 - 13.12.2021 08:52

theres no way people were zooming into ports like that. THERE'S NO WAY.
even I didn't do that when I was new. Maybe I'm abnormal

@mikelongworth5852 - 26.11.2021 12:03

Thanks for the dog squeaky noise. Now my dog is mad that I don't have one for him. Smh.

@EQOAnostalgia - 15.11.2021 16:46

I can't help but feel like this guide needs its own guide lol. I mean how do i know which system has cops in it? How do i know where to go to find specific ore? How can i play in VR and still use that crazy ass chart for exploring you showed me and wtf is that scanner? LOL i suck at this game.

@joeneubauer3185 - 18.10.2021 05:03

Glad Frontier didn't condone your game slandering by releasing a copy for you to review. Good for them. You literally bash the game and turn around and make how to vids on it. Yamik is a good circus show host. Thats about it.

@ricardosilva7879 - 10.10.2021 21:36

I forgot the limpets, should have watched the video first.

@nosatellites7218 - 23.09.2021 20:54

I'm a complete newbie.
I got Elite Dangerous about 2 months ago & I can't even get past the tutorial.
I'm using the standard PS4 controller.
I saw some peeps on YT using a joy stick & foot pedal. Is this the problem?

@WillShackAttack - 19.09.2021 11:32

Yamiks: "Avoid Odyssey!"
Me who has been running around planets sampling alien plants: ༼ つಠ_ಠ༽つ

@JDM12983 - 02.09.2021 18:57

And here, I stupidly thought he was actually making a kind video towards Elite. Nah, still salty about everything HE doesn't like.

@adrianostyle2195 - 02.09.2021 15:58

Then shoot the ******. - It's the best tutorial ever. 5/5.

@markbooth3066 - 26.08.2021 19:45

You appear to have completely missed out one of the most lucrative money making schemes currently available, and one of the easiest ways to get an Elite Rank.

In the time that you can grab half a dozen Robigo passenger missions, jump to Sirius atmospherics and back for around 25m cr, you could have completed a single 50m cr Mining Expansion Support mission, by buying the Bertrandite, Gallite and Indite at a nearby refinery system. These missions can often be found being offered by factions in an Expansion state in systems with Agriculture economies. Plus, these conditions exist all over the bubble, removing the need to fly all the way out to Robigo.

In both cases you need to be allied with the appropriate factions to get the highest paying missions, but most Expansion systems only need you to ally with one faction, whereas you need to ally with three factions out at Robigo. Sure you're initial investment is slightly higher at 101m cr for a Type-9 cargo ship rather than 62m cr for a Python Robigo Runner, but it will be paying higher dividends sooner. Even better, like many Pirate Massacre missions, Mining Expansion Support missions are Wing missions, so if you have three friends all doing them, you can pull in four times as much per hour.

Four people sharing a single stack of 20x missions at 50m cr each would net everyone 4 billion credits, for a few evenings work each and a 101m cr outlay!

Never worry about money again.

@Shinyoguski - 26.08.2021 05:16

"Using bob's office as a stopping barrier" By far the best thing ive ever heard!

@Onio_Saiyan - 20.08.2021 18:05

I got Odyssey and my game hard caps at 5 fps no matter what I do... On windows. On Linux with Protontricks, it runs flawlessly. But it doesn't add much. It adds new missions where you go to a base down on the planet, and do mundane tasks or kill a few people and then leave, only to remember you needed to scan something using your scanner. Oh you pressed the wrong button? Out comes your gun. Then you die and are sent to the penal carrier. 250 credit fines paid and you are free to go.

@TheNiteNinja19 - 17.08.2021 15:48

I went from Sidewinder, to Viper 3, to Viper 4, to Vulture, to Chieftain, to Challenger, to Fer-de-lance, to Krait MK2 to Anaconda, back to Krait MK2.
I feel more at home in the Krait MK2. So much power plant and distributor.

@Ocean5ix - 16.08.2021 11:08

Is it still worth getting into Elite on PS5? I keep hearing that it's dead or about to die.

@floydthedroid5935 - 12.08.2021 15:05

Why the hell would you start this game now.

@ScepticGinger89 - 11.08.2021 18:39

I love how you can't stop making fun of the "Armstrong moment" :D

@barrycompton8972 - 11.08.2021 13:39

Thanks yamicks. Good to see you back in your groove.

@Im-the-greatest - 11.08.2021 12:39

Aside from the hud there's a few things the tutorial neglects to mention so look up a guide
