Why Dragon Quest XI is still a Masterpiece - Honest Review

Why Dragon Quest XI is still a Masterpiece - Honest Review


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@HamZero - 11.10.2023 20:05

Whats your favourite DQ game?

Make sure to like and SUB for more RPG content. 🎉

@Particle_Ghost - 14.02.2024 07:35

I have not played it because I heard it was too easy, and I like my RPG games to be challenging. Does anyone know if this is true?

@thatdats306 - 11.02.2024 10:01

It's far from a masterpiece.. It copies all of FFXVs short comings and failures. Even has the same chapter switch to a darker tone and end of the World-esque scenery with time skips.. It is nothing in comparison to journey of the cursed king.

@TheStiff47 - 10.02.2024 14:08

Love this game, review should be an hour-long!

@SwedePotato314 - 10.02.2024 02:32

Dragon Quest and the spinoffs are my comfort games. DQ treasures, monsters, builders 2, DQ XI… just the chillest most enjoyable games that only help lower my stress levels after a long day. Sure sometimes I love some great real time combat challenges but most days life is hard enough and I just want something comfy u can sink into like a cozy old blanket.

@cheesejkliop - 07.02.2024 10:02

Have you ever played Blue Dragon? If not, I recommend it. Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Blue Dragon are all favorites of mine! Elden Ring is great too.

@Supercecco85 - 04.02.2024 20:24

I am 38 yo, also a big final fantasy fan (just went through ff7 and ff8 again in 2023/24). I played Zelda totk last year and I am now playing the DQ11 demo on Switch. The childish feeling of this game is killing me man. They are baby sitting me for 3 hours right now and it feels so easy. Optional quests are also like "can you find my cat??". For now I can't find a reason to really buy this game, it's like 70€ in my country right now, don't know. I don't think it's bad but not like very good also, I mean it's beautiful and feels like AAA but I expected way more since it has crazy ratings everywhere. Am I wrong or something?

@Noakdok-dl7ij - 03.02.2024 18:58

i just beat it at level 84 today :)

@Momoka7 - 31.01.2024 22:25

To be honest, I love Turn-Based RPGs, my first one was Final Fantasy 4 where you had 5 party members. Sadly there are few games where you have 5 party members, even Final Fantasy scaled down to 4 party members in FF5 and 6. Even worse to 3 in FF7 and onward. The main fun is to have a big party and give orders, not mash buttons!
One thing I dislike Final Fantasy 7 Remake for is that you can't really control all 3 characters and I not like the "switch" mechanic.

@princessjava42 - 31.01.2024 18:08

I haven't played all the DQ games, but I love love love this game! The graphics, characters, story, they are so good. The story and characters got me hooked and I found myself wanting to experience as much of this game as possible! I don't normally try to 100% a game, but this one is so worth the time.

@SomostEwergarten - 31.01.2024 00:27

it was garbage

@skilarbabcock - 30.01.2024 06:09

Honestly the turn based gameplay is the only reason i DON'T play this series

@Scott-M1 - 28.01.2024 16:16

Nothing against FF7R's battle system but having a true turn based option would have been quite cool. And no, classic mode isn't turn based. For my old eyes, sometimes the action was so busy that you see everything, but yet see nothing at the same time.

@davidhill8565 - 28.01.2024 11:26

Dragon Quest XI is my favorite Dragon Quest game.

@HibiTeamQueso - 27.01.2024 10:43

I've been waiting for DQ12 since I played XI a few months before the pandemic.
XI was such a masterpiece.

I played it after Xenoblade DE and these 2 games made me realize how good jrpgs are!
I've been playing a ton of them since 😂

Which DQ do you guys recommend?
I've got 8 in my backlog

@shaunmartinell5825 - 26.01.2024 07:43

DQ should NEVER change. I love the formula.

@BALTDGuitar - 24.01.2024 21:04

Halfway in and I know nothing about the game itself how is this a review?

@GTSN38 - 24.01.2024 05:02

Square ? You mean Enix ! Square makes ff, Enix is the beast behind the best RPG ever. I know they merged, but I would never give square any recognition beyond ff.

@6314680 - 20.01.2024 14:21

If you want tips, please next time skip the 2 minute intro and go straight to the review!!

@jessyruel3006 - 19.01.2024 14:53

I've being gaming since 89' or so and never was a JRPG fan. Im a huuuuge RPG fan in general but I always found JRPG to be childish. I don't like anime and such. BUT, this year I felt like I played everything that was on the shelves and that there was nothing interesting left out there for me. I decided to give those JRPG a try and WoW ! I started right away with chrono trigger and FFVI, loved it ! and then Trails in the sky FC, amazing. Now im 2 hours into DQXI and im loving it so far!

I still find JRPG to be childish but it's fine by me ! it has awaken the inner little boy I was when I started gaming. I just can't stop smiling playing those games. They are so much heart warming and relaxing. What are the next JRPG I should play ? Should I continue the Trails in the Sky franchise ? There are so many JRPGs out there it's stunning ! I feel like im starting a whole new episode of my gaming life !

@majinblackgear5bankaisuper151 - 18.01.2024 09:27

This game is perfect

@yahiko7701 - 15.01.2024 08:38

Dragonquest XI S is my first Dragonquest game ever and OH MY GOD HAS IT BEEN A BLAST SO FAR. I remember downloading the demo on my computer and was first off suprised by how long the demo was in general and was contemplating if steam actually just gave me the whole game lol. Then I got the game via ps plus a while back but never played it and it sat on my ps4 along with persona 5. I then went and played persona 5 after I played through my first rpg world ever (that I can recall) final fantasy 7 and fell in love with RPGs and their long stories and giant open worlds. That’s all I l want in games as I find those enjoyable rather than the gameplay loop of things like COD and battle royales and DQ XI S delivered that while also taking me back to the feelings I had while playing ff7 for the first time (and why I’ve replayed ff7 multiple times lol). I also see a lot of similarities between bothe stories and more and honestly I’m here for it. All in all, this game is quickly becoming one of the games in my top 10 games with how enjoyable it is. Another thing I enjoyed was the feeling I got when I got to the world tree. I thought I was almost done with the game only for mordugan and jasper to sneak attack us all and separate the entire party forcing me to find them all again and then proceed to find another way to defeat him now that he has the world tree’s power. It’s like playing an anime/ interactive movie and I’m excited to see how it all ends

@raulrojas9253 - 14.01.2024 20:31

Nice review but I really hate the struggle to lvel up in DQ, we all end just farming metal slimes. Is the same issue I have with Souls games but I have beaten all of them my fav is Sekiro no grinding require but the point I am trying to make is....just Pump up the exp points each enemy gives dammit, that way people can farm whatever enemy is not difficult to understand.

Metal slime can still give the hightest amount of exp but since the bastards can run away and are difficult to kill until you get guarantee crits or just luck they are still special but not mandatory.

Another thing I am aware and I did like about DQ XI is when you play with draconian options ON you farm for loot instead of EXP and they can make a huge difference in your strategy and setup and that's great. Leveling up is mostly because of the Skill points needed for climb up the skill trees/boards.

I know there are farming seed spots but those aren't reliable until midway thorught the game right up to post game, I like that DQ XI at least have Options.

@lifedeathhappiness - 13.01.2024 12:46

This isnt really a review…

@Zeptrio - 11.01.2024 15:21

After dq 3 and dq12 i so much hope of having a remake for the ninth one despite it Being so unlikely

@void.lawyer - 09.01.2024 23:47

I literally fiend for turn based RPGs

@aggronidas2588 - 09.01.2024 11:45

The best DQ was 8. The problem with DQ11 is that it was far too easy. The fights were boring. I never needed new equipment. In DQ8 i was happy about every new merchant to buy better equipment because DQ8 was challenging. 11 was way too easy. I would like to wipe in a dungeon because the feeling when you finally make it is just so much better

@TheMidnightCrazies - 06.01.2024 15:54

I been playing this for the last few weeks since I finally got my hands on the definitive edition (40% off on Steam wintersale) and it's as much fun as it was back in 2018. Perhaps I enjoy this even more since this really is the best version and they got rid of Crossbow Kid sidequesting.

@VinlandicSoul - 06.01.2024 03:54

Loved your first 60 seconds lost key ripping on Square Enix 🤭🌝

@paulhiggins6433 - 05.01.2024 09:07

I love this game, but I have a major gripe with DQ as a whole. I'm super tired of hearing the same music in every game. If it were just a theme song for the title screen or credits, it would be one thing. But DQ using the same songs over and over in every game, even in the spin off games. I don't get hyped by the music in tense situations or anything, as it's the same music I've been hearing for decades now. Come on Square, make some new fricken music.

DQ11 is an amazing game though. I love the story and the new mechanics in this game. And I still love turn based systems! Jade and Eric are two of my favorite DQ characters of all time!

@orcoferoz - 04.01.2024 16:39

ok i star the game,tx for the spoilers dumb

@denton713 - 04.01.2024 06:35

8 was great

@soulstech414 - 02.01.2024 03:19

Right now im playing atelier ryza 2.. i wanted a good jrpg to play while waiting for ff7 rebirth... i started playing dq11 and i played it for about 15 hours and i just couldn't do it anymore.. its SO BORING... every single time i played the game id start playing and next thing i know i wake up realizing i fell asleep 25 minutes ago... so id start playing again and next thing i know im waking up again... its so boring that i literally could not stay awake while playing it...

@dazta6738 - 01.01.2024 18:15

Even better now. Can confirm that Unreal Engine VR mod works flawlessly with it on my old codger 1080ti with no drops on the highest settings. VR resolution set at 2.5k per eye. Looks and is fking so much better in VR man so do yourself a favour and get urself a headset mate. Unreal engine VR mod is free too 🤙

@1DrWatson1 - 31.12.2023 10:22

There needs to be a Pokémon game like dq11

@jimsface - 29.12.2023 08:07

It truly is a modern version of a 1980’s JRPG, with an attempt at perfecting all the things that made that era of JRPGs so great. It’s a modern game that somehow feels foundational to the genre.

@xNachtmahRx - 24.12.2023 20:41

I think it's a wonder that DQ is still DQ, considering how SquarePenix has been butchering FF since 12, on top of their business decisions and pandering to the west. There are too many DQ spinoffs but at least that's what are, spinoffs, so it's ok for fans who like building stuff or playing Dynasty Warriors with DQ characters

@jordanjackson4840 - 23.12.2023 16:15

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. That statement is as true now as it was when it was first spoken. Franchises like Mega Ten and DQ prove that point: That the Turn-based formula, which is tried and true, still has a place in the modern gaming landscape. Not everything has to be sweaty button mashers.

@SogonD.Zunatsu - 22.12.2023 10:21

Dragon Quest X is better on all fronts, except maybe graphics and even that I would dispute as Toriyama's art style fits better. Sadly the west at large will never experience it.

@poesianasarjeta4139 - 21.12.2023 21:10

you did not talk about the history

@OrphanCrippler69bb - 21.12.2023 09:41

My favorite game as a kid was final fantasy 9 and my favorite show was DBZ so renting dragon quest 8 from blockbuster with the only knowledge of it being an RPG taking it home and playing it was mind-blowing

@tictacquestionmark - 20.12.2023 18:42

I’ve just recently started playing the game all over again and man, I forgot how amazing it is! Plus the fact it’s addicting for me because I just love the character designs and the graphics and I just wanna keep going through the story! It’s my new obsession 😅

@greedo2660 - 19.12.2023 03:26

Also, mindless grinding with an old-school turn based RPG is a relaxing way to unwind after a hard day's work!
Another thing I love about these games is that they're entirely based on statistics and math probability.

@greedo2660 - 19.12.2023 03:22

DQ 11 is outstanding!
But in my opinion, DQ 8 is the perfect masterpiece.

@neil_j - 15.12.2023 16:10

BG3 or DQXI depending on my mood :)

@aether.theories - 15.12.2023 10:54

I love DQ... But this video is less "honest review" and more a biased fan review.

@lulu_TheWitchBoy - 15.12.2023 02:26

I wanna replay the game again with higher difficulty, but mannn, that casino side quest is the death of me

@charliealvarado401 - 12.12.2023 06:04

well said. its very true. a lot of times after a long day of work, sometimesI want to sit down with something that doesn't require a lot of brain power. I miss jrpgs! They seems to be making a comeback thankfully.

@79Dtrain - 12.12.2023 01:23

Is this still locked at 30fps?
