Young Einstein Enrages Physicists | Dark Matters

Young Einstein Enrages Physicists | Dark Matters

Science Channel

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Amara Moon
Amara Moon - 09.09.2023 19:28

what is “ common sense “ in a world of illusion ? ❤❤❤love smiles ❤love

Dave lowinger
Dave lowinger - 31.08.2023 07:34

See it's a good thing when scientists have attitude

Jay Kay
Jay Kay - 24.08.2023 22:59

It all depends on what is bending time,,

William Walker
William Walker - 21.08.2023 18:43

Einstein has taken us down a wrong path, and 100 years later, physics has not recovered from the consequences. We need to look at the clear evidence and go back to working on real physics instead of science fiction! Theory and experiments show Special Relativity and General Relativity are optical illusions. Space and time are absolute as denoted by Galilean Relativity. Hi my name is Dr William Walker and I am a PhD physicist and have been investigating this topic for 30 years. It has been known since the late 1700's by Simone Laplace that nearfield Gravity is instantaneous by analyzing the stability of the orbits of the planets about the sun. This is actually predicted by General Relativity by analyzing the propagating fields generated by an oscillating mass. In addition, General Relativity predicts that in the farfield Gravity propagates at the speed of light. Recently it has been shown that light behaves in the same way by using Maxwell's equations to analalyze the propagating fields generated my an osillating charge. For more information search: William Walker Superluminal. This was experimentally confirmed by measuring radio waves propagating between 2 antennas and separating the antennas from the nearfield to the farfield, which occurs about 1 wavelength from the source. This behavior of gravity and light occurs not only for the phase and group speed, but also the information speed. This instantaneous nature of light and gravity near the source and been kept from the public and is not commonly known. The reason is that it shows that both Special Relativity and General Relativity are wrong! It can be easily shown that Instantaneous nearfield light yields Galilean Relativity and farfield light yields Einstein Relativity. This is because in the nearfield, gamma=1since c= infinity, and in the farfield, gamma= the Relativistic gamma since c= farfield speed of light. Since time and space are real, they can not depend on the frequency of light used. This is because c=wavelength x frequency, and 1 wavelength=c/frequency defines the nearfield from the farfield. Consequently Relativity is an optical illusion. Objects moving near the speed of light appear to contract in length and time appears to slow down, but it is just what you see using farfield light. Using nearfield light you will see that the object has not contracted and time has not changed. For more information: Search William Walker Relativity Since General Relativity is based on Special Relativity, General Relativity must also be an optical illusion. Spacetime is flat and gravity must be a propagating field. Researchers have shown that in the weak field limit, which is what we only observe, General Relativity reduces to Gravitoelectromagnitism, which shows gravity can be modeled as 4 Maxwell equations similar in form to those for electromagnetic fields, yielding Electric and Magnetic components of gravity. This theory explains all gravitational effects as well as the instantaneous nearfield and speed of light farfield propagating fields. So gravity is a propagating field that can finally be quantized enabling the unification of gravity and quantum mechanics.

Victorbrine - 14.08.2023 13:26

Documentaries like this are kinda bs and way too "dogmatic". The way Einstein was portrated imagining special relativity as if he has a voice from God beaming into his head. The way the documentary portrays Lenard as the stereotypical angry German. And even worse, the claim that Einstein destroyed Newtownian Physics, when actually Newtownian Physics is still being used in our every day life, in rocket science and is still accurate in its own right. It's amazing to have these geniuses think of these wonderful concepts about our universe but trying to mystify them to such a degree is just absurd and a red flag. It's not magic, it's science.

Dummy Ali
Dummy Ali - 25.06.2023 14:08

Time doesn’t die. We die . Are we ageing or is time ageing??

sanji - 11.06.2023 06:51

Why he assume time will be slow for his twin

Mohamed zakymohamed Zanaty
Mohamed zakymohamed Zanaty - 07.06.2023 21:36

انا لست انيشتاين
ولكن اين فكرك من بداية معرفتك بالدنيا حتى الان = صفر

Oluwasemilogo Balogun
Oluwasemilogo Balogun - 01.06.2023 04:27

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
"I'm not smart,I'm just curious."

Ashar - 23.05.2023 20:22

Movie name??

sajidha jiffrey
sajidha jiffrey - 21.05.2023 11:51

What's this movie played as clips in between?

Kenneth S. Perlman
Kenneth S. Perlman - 27.04.2023 02:05

Actually as soon as the publisher read Einstein rather short Special theory, he knew that the world was changed.

john B
john B - 27.03.2023 05:30

If anyone looks at the math in the 1905 paper it is wrong. And further, time will not exist in his rod because a TEM wave will not propagate in that space. So his comparison of times is moot since in his model, given the boundary conditions of the rod, time can not exist in his rod. Minor over sight. But the fact he came up with the concept of relativity is fascinating given his bad math and engineering skills. Once we fixed his math with the Sagnac correction factor as per relativity by Dr. Cynthia Whitney while at Draper, (and likely some other math that is still clasified), we refined GPS and the ring laser that landed the Apollo missions.. And his GRT time dilation only requires a scalar correction factor. When you do the math for GPS you can see that it is not time dilation, it is a phase shift. So like every RF engineer knows information takes time to travel, so regardless of the change in frequency, If notification time is permitted, all observers receive the same amount of clock pulses. The ones moving forward receive faster pulses for a short er time, while the trailing clock receives slower pulses but has longer to count them because the clock moving away needs more time to go backward to reach the trailing observer. I think if he would have worked with Dirac and Planck on his TOE, he would have figured it all out.

B2 - 26.03.2023 19:11

Einstein the racist Fraud, plagiarism was his game

Andy Phillips
Andy Phillips - 23.03.2023 16:01

Sorry, but 'two twins' do not separate, just TWINS separate. Twins are already two! 'Two twins' would equal 4 people!

Abhigyan Shukla
Abhigyan Shukla - 14.03.2023 07:44

Why close to speed of light
Why not exactly speed of light

Patrick Davies
Patrick Davies - 06.03.2023 09:44

yeah, his wife did most of the math for the S adn the G theories; when he left her, his maths output dwindled lol

Bear - 13.02.2023 15:12

Einstein didn't replace Newton's theory, he modified it. Huge difference. Newton wasn't wrong and we still need Newton's laws today b/c we still exist on the physical world. When Newton discovered the laws, he did so under a flat universe. Einstein just proved you can't be so linear when thinking about the Earth ot the Universe. This is why most struggle to grasp Einstein's theory's, Western and European academia is very linear, and so, the average person is very linear thinking. This hinders human potential.

Apsis Motion Pictures
Apsis Motion Pictures - 22.01.2023 09:30

These are some garbage virtual sets

Hans Vetter
Hans Vetter - 27.12.2022 17:18

Herein they come again ... physics fair Tales!
Postulating the speed of Light as beinhaltet a constant. Only that Einstein withdraw himself from that claim in his generell relativity paper at the end of Paragraph 2 (last text block).

Arvind kushwaha
Arvind kushwaha - 30.11.2022 13:39

Please upload to hindi language

Mahamud Suufi
Mahamud Suufi - 14.11.2022 11:07

What show is this?

Sapphire - 11.11.2022 07:39

Where can I watch full movie

Amit Dahal
Amit Dahal - 30.09.2022 23:20

And time disappears in the other relm. Only 👁 no sound either.

William 12
William 12 - 21.08.2022 20:36

Well this guy with fabric and balls use gravity to explain gravity. Wtf man

Mr Random
Mr Random - 19.08.2022 10:03

Here in the comments are so many plastic Einstiens who are having thier own rubbish relativity 😂

Mr Random
Mr Random - 19.08.2022 09:59

Einstein to this dude ok come on baby if you have the guts then expose me but if I destroy your career then don't blame me for that 🤣

Hassan Mir
Hassan Mir - 24.07.2022 06:24

Clock work is time and speed mind speed is 1 nano sec

vibovitold - 10.07.2022 22:10

What you presented as the twin paradox is not the actual twin paradox. The travelling brother aging more slowly is not a paradox - it's to be expected by the theory. The real paradox is - if all movement is relative, how does the Universe "know" which brother is traveling, and which one stayed home? After all, it's only a matter of perspective whether the train moves against the platform or vice versa.

Angelcruise - 09.07.2022 21:02

It's also All-Relative to Ones Own-Experience w/ Life as They Live-It!!
I've-Noticed as I Complete My-Tasks thruout a Day: When I'm-Organized, Efficient, & Focused~~~I-Enter into a State of Timelessness, & as I-Accomplish at Some-Point will Check the Time, & It's-Always Earlier than I-Thot which is a Good-Thing!! Also thruout the Week, as I'm-Immersed in Projects, sometimes if Feels like a Friday, but It's-Thursday~~~so I'm-Ahead of My-Perception of Time!!

Vegito - 09.07.2022 07:55

dragon ball super

Science And Generation
Science And Generation - 09.07.2022 05:28

Einstein could have invented new galaxies and stars for us by travelling with the speed of light according to his equation- E=mc2

Jesse Koester
Jesse Koester - 03.07.2022 16:45

The accent work is wild in this video!

Emile Michel Hobo
Emile Michel Hobo - 24.06.2022 21:41

The Lorentz equations only apply to Minkowski spacetime, which is imaginary space: it makes use of the imaginary number the square root of minus one, which we can never measure. Other than that, the intent was to look at reality form the POV of a light particle. So you are looking at the difference between the perception of an event by that light particle and your observer. The mistake is that according to Minkowski spacetime, the absolute speed of light of all light in all directions equals zero.

Milad Miladzade
Milad Miladzade - 22.06.2022 09:48

Science is most excited thing in the world

Yora - 10.06.2022 22:33

Einstein published the idea of relativity just 8 years after Max Planck had published his discovery of quantum mechanics.
Physics got really weird really quickly in those days.

𝗔𝗕𝗛𝗜𝗦𝗛𝗘𝗞 upm 𝗔𝗪𝗔𝗦𝗧𝗛𝗜🕉️🌹 - 26.05.2022 19:15

Truly legend of all-time .

Ricardo Mayandia
Ricardo Mayandia - 12.05.2022 23:25

jepp the problem with science are the paradigms they believe until it becames a lie

Ondřej Vitula
Ondřej Vitula - 17.03.2022 23:01

The Twin paradox is NOT the problem portrayed in the video.

Frank DiMeglio
Frank DiMeglio - 05.03.2022 16:32


GRAVITY is/involves BALANCED interaction. Energy has/involves GRAVITY, AND ENERGY has/involves BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE. The stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. (“Mass”/ENERGY IS GRAVITY.) BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE is fundamental. Carefully consider what is THE EYE ON BALANCE. Consider what is the BALANCED MIDDLE DISTANCE in/of SPACE. This NECESSARILY represents, INVOLVES, AND DESCRIBES what is possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE. E=mc2 IS F=ma. A TWO dimensional surface OR SPACE (ON BALANCE) is fundamental. Consider what is the speed of light (c) ON BALANCE. TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE, as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is (CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY) proven to gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). TIME dilation ULTIMATELY proves (ON BALANCE) that ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is (CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY) proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE), as E=mc2 is CLEARLY F=ma (ON/IN BALANCE). ON BALANCE, consider what is THE EARTH/ground. The sky is blue, AND THE EARTH is ALSO BLUE. Great !!! It is CLEARLY proven.

The planets are not “falling" in what is “curved” “SPACE”. This is nonsense. E=mc2 is taken directly from F=ma. Accordingly, ON BALANCE, the rotation of WHAT IS THE MOON matches it's revolution. “Mass”/ENERGY IS GRAVITY. BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE is fundamental, as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is (CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY) proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). Consider what is the man (AND THE EYE ON BALANCE) who IS standing on what is THE EARTH/ground ON BALANCE. E=mc2 is CLEARLY F=ma in balance. LOOK UP at what is the blue sky ON BALANCE, as the stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky ON BALANCE. TIME dilation ULTIMATELY proves (ON BALANCE) that ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is (CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY) proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE), as E=mc2 is CLEARLY F=ma (ON/IN BALANCE). This NECESSARILY represents, INVOLVES, AND DESCRIBES what is possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE, as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is (CLEARLY !!) gravity (ON/IN BALANCE) !!

It makes perfect sense that THE PLANETS (including WHAT IS THE EARTH and the Moon) move away very, very, very slightly in relation to what is the Sun, as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is (CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY) proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). CLEARLY, gravity AND ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy are linked AND BALANCED opposites (ON BALANCE); as the stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky !!!!! Consider TIME (AND time dilation) ON BALANCE. This NECESSARILY represents, INVOLVES, AND DESCRIBES what is possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE !!! Consider what is the speed of light (c) ON BALANCE !!! This explains the supergiant stars AND the cosmological redshift. Great. Stellar clustering ALSO proves (ON BALANCE) that ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is (CLEARLY) gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). E=mc2 IS F=ma. What is a galaxy is understood in balance with the cosmological redshift. There is no need for any “dark” “matter/ENERGY". In fact, I have mathematically unified physics/physical experience. E=mc2 IS F=ma. I have explained the fourth dimension (AND the term c4) from Einstein's field equations. Consider what is THE EYE (ON BALANCE), AS a two dimensional surface OR SPACE IS then (ON BALANCE) incorporated successfully. Again, consider what is THE SUN ON BALANCE; AND consider that the stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky ON BALANCE !!!!!!! Great !!!! Consider what is the speed of light (c) ON BALANCE !!! Consider what is the BALANCED MIDDLE DISTANCE in/of SPACE ON/IN BALANCE !!!!!!! MAGNIFICENT !!!!

The ultimate mathematical unification AND UNDERSTANDING of physics/physical experience combines, BALANCES, AND INCLUDES opposites, as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY proven to be gravity ON/IN BALANCE; as E=mc2 IS F=ma. Carefully consider what is THE EARTH/ground ON BALANCE. The sky is blue, and THE EARTH is ALSO BLUE. Great. The stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. It ALL CLEARLY makes perfect sense ON BALANCE, as BALANCE AND completeness go hand in hand. Now, ON BALANCE, consider what is a galaxy. GREAT !!!!! TIME dilation ULTIMATELY proves (ON BALANCE) that ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is (CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY) proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE), as E=mc2 is CLEARLY F=ma (ON/IN BALANCE). INDEED, TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE; as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is (CLEARLY !!) gravity (ON/IN BALANCE) !! Gravity/acceleration involves BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE on balance, as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is (CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY) proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). This CLEARLY explains E=mc2 AND F=ma (ON/IN BALANCE). Indeed, inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE is proportional to (or BALANCED with/as) GRAVITATIONAL force/ENERGY; as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is (CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY) proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). “Mass”/ENERGY IS GRAVITY. “Mass"/ENERGY involves BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE consistent with/as what is BALANCED electromagnetic/gravitational force/ENERGY, as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is (CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY) proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). This CLEARLY explains E=mc2 AND F=ma (ON/IN BALANCE). Energy has/involves GRAVITY, AND ENERGY has/involves BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE. (BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE is fundamental.) The stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. TIME dilation ULTIMATELY proves (ON BALANCE) that ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is (CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY) proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE), as E=mc2 is CLEARLY F=ma (ON/IN BALANCE). Consider what is the speed of light (c) ON BALANCE. It ALL CLEARLY makes perfect sense ON BALANCE, as BALANCE AND completeness go hand in hand. GREAT !!!!

By Frank DiMeglio

Frank DiMeglio
Frank DiMeglio - 14.02.2022 03:31

TIME dilation ULTIMATELY proves ON BALANCE that ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). This NECESSARILY represents, INVOLVES, AND DESCRIBES what is possible/potential AND actual IN BALANCE !!! Indeed, TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual IN BALANCE; as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE is fundamental.

Consider what is THE SUN with respect to TIME AND SPACE. THE EYE/man that actually IS IN outer “space” basically experiences no time, as (on balance) the stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. ((Consider what is a TWO dimensional surface OR SPACE (ON BALANCE), as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY gravity (ON/IN BALANCE).) GREAT. Consider what is the speed of light (c) ON BALANCE. Importantly, in FULLY considering what is THE EYE, notice the black “space” AS WELL. Very importantly, outer “space” involves full inertia; AND it is fully invisible AND black. AGAIN, carefully consider what is THE SUN (ON BALANCE). Excellent. NOW, think about what is THE BALANCED essentiality (or the derivative necessity) of TIME !!! Great. Consider F=ma AND E=mc2. E=mc2 is taken DIRECTLY from F=ma !!!

TIME dilation ULTIMATELY proves (ON BALANCE) that ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity (ON/IN BALANCE) !!! NOW, carefully consider what is THE MAN (AND THE EYE ON BALANCE) who IS standing on what is THE EARTH/ground. Fundamentally, there IS the experience of time. Touch AND feeling BLEND, as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity (ON/IN BALANCE); as gravity/acceleration involves BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE; as gravity AND ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy are (CLEARLY) linked AND BALANCED opposites (ON/IN BALANCE) !!! THE EARTH is blue, and the sky is ALSO BLUE !!! I have ALSO CLEARLY explained why the rotation of WHAT IS THE MOON matches it's revolution. The tides are CLEARLY ELECTROMAGNETIC/gravitational in fundamental equilibrium and BALANCE. Think very carefully ON BALANCE about the elemental RELATION that pertains to the fact that the stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. Importantly, gravity is a BALANCED interaction. Indeed, BALANCE AND completeness go hand in hand; as it ALL CLEARLY makes perfect sense. GREAT. It is not a strange and meaningless “coincidence” that the fully illuminated and setting Moon matches up nicely with the orange and setting Sun (AND what is THE EYE) at EYE LEVEL/BODY HEIGHT !!! ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). Great. Think !!! It is CLEARLY and fully proven. The stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky.

It is essential that physics/physical experience makes sense. Simplicity and clarity of expression or description are vital. Common sense is what is relatively lacking today. Indeed, TRUTH, reality, AND nature/natural experience go hand in hand. The INTEGRATED EXTENSIVENESS of thought AND description is improved in the truly superior mind. What follows is true/real QUANTUM GRAVITY.

Gravity is much more than Einstein was capable of determining. Gravity is fundamental. BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE is fundamental. This is consistent WITH F=ma AND E=mc2. The stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky !!! Now, carefully consider what is THE SUN AND what is the speed of light (c) ON BALANCE. Now, carefully consider what is THE EARTH/ground along WITH the fact that the sky is ALSO BLUE. THINK ABOUT WHAT IS TIME ON BALANCE. Gravity AND ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy are (CLEARLY) linked AND BALANCED opposites on balance, as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). Great. It ALL CLEARLY makes perfect sense, as BALANCE and completeness go hand in hand.

The sky is blue, AND THE EARTH is ALSO BLUE. The stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE, as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity ON/IN BALANCE. TIME dilation ultimately proves (ON BALANCE) that ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity (ON BALANCE) !! INSTANTANEITY (or the PRESENT) is thus FUNDAMENTAL to what is the FULL AND proper UNDERSTANDING of what constitutes (and IS) physics/physical experience. E=MC2 AND F=ma are directly, FULLY, AND THEORETICALLY applicable to WHAT IS THE EARTH/ground AND what is the Moon (ON BALANCE), as gravity AND ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy are linked AND BALANCED opposites (ON BALANCE); as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity (ON BALANCE). Gravity/acceleration involves BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE (ON BALANCE), as inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE is proportional to (or BALANCED with/as) GRAVITATIONAL force/ENERGY (ON BALANCE); as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity (ON BALANCE). This explains F=ma AND E=MC2. This NECESSARILY represents, INVOLVES, AND DESCRIBES what is possible/potential AND actual IN BALANCE, as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity ON BALANCE. The stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. Carefully consider what is the speed of light (c) ON BALANCE. NOW, carefully consider what is THE SUN (ON BALANCE). I have explained why the rotation of WHAT IS THE MOON matches it's revolution. The tides are (CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY) proven to be electromagnetic/gravitational (ON/IN BALANCE), as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). BALANCE AND completeness go hand in hand, as it ALL CLEARLY makes perfect sense.

By Frank DiMeglio

Waldcraft - 11.02.2022 18:47

Dark matter is a hopeless attempt of the human mind to explain nothingness....nothingness = infinity. A concept that is hard to understand for the human mind as in our perception and world all has a beginning and an end through our entire life time. However we use time in our daily life and still the existence of something that just is without beginning and end is too big to understand for the human mind...... it's so simply.

Dp Volg
Dp Volg - 08.02.2022 13:01


Vijay patil
Vijay patil - 05.02.2022 20:53

If estine would have travelled faster than light , he would have been still with us
