Não quero isso no meu celular
ОтветитьNão quero isso no meu celular
ОтветитьIf you want to start your journey to having a better body to feel great, here are some tips:👍
Exercise Daily. Exercise daily for at least an hour.
Eat the Right Foods and Portion Each Meal.
Keep Track of Calories and Food Intake Per Day.
Be Sure to Get Sleep.
Stay Motivated.
Unqualified people making healthcare coverage decisions as they go. Do they prescribe faith healing first and if doesn't work it's your fault for not being strong enough spiritually?
ОтветитьI READ ALL THE INFORMATION on the health ministry's I am looking at and it is quite clear what they will help with and what they don't. It is to bad he didn't look into the fine print it is realy important to read.
ОтветитьWe didn't see Keith's actual complaint. We just saw reaction to it. What happened? Assuming he had coverage denied, what was the explanation? What was the company Keith was working with?
ОтветитьSo "doctors", what do you have to say about insurance companies and how the bend people over with "OUTRAGEOUS" HEALTHCARE PREMIUMS people pay?? I am paying $2000.00 A MONTH through my healthcare provider for myself and my spouse. Then, I still have a 80/20% deductible. In order for my insurance to cover 100%, I have to reach my full deductible of $4500.00. So who is screwing who?? I am living to pay a dam healthcare premium monthly!! And guess what?? Come 2022 My premium will go up again another $1500.00 a year. So guess what "doctors", get a reality check and see how normal people are getting screwed over by insurance companies. Your just mad because people join these shared medical cost programs that negotiate healthcare bills with the providers, and you are not getting $3000.00 for a 15 minute procedure by removing a mole off someone's face.
ОтветитьWhat is the name of the company you are talking about ???
ОтветитьWell, major health insurance companies do the SAME thing. All they say is, "this isn't covered."
ОтветитьWhich companies?
ОтветитьJews, Catholics, Muslims, Mormons and the tens of sects of protestant religions, they all worship the same God.
Religions develop different rules, terms and conditions so that the can create a membership to something this is free. God.
Remember we are all headed to the same destination. God will save us all.
US Religions in 2020 made over 100 billion in income and paid $0 in taxes. They are incentivised to make money by growing their membership.
I find it interesting that the company was never mentioned. How iron clad does this person complaining feel his case is if he can't even name the company that has wronged him? I suspect his claim is a bit dubious, and that naming them could then subject him to a defamation lawsuit for a false claim. The lack of detail on the situation is also amazing.
ОтветитьMedi-share has been great!
ОтветитьAll of the health sharing groups are not bad. None are perfect. Let’s focus on the massive cost problem of traditional insurance. That’s a massive problem.
ОтветитьSounds like the Pharisees When they saw That they were losing people.
ОтветитьHear say!
ОтветитьIt states what there are learn to read.
ОтветитьBottom feeders. lol There is fraud in almost every health insurance claim. Will you go after those too?
Ответить#1. Sharing ministries are NOT insurance companies. #2. No doctor is out of network, because there is NO NETWORK. #3. The ministries are under no obligation to pay any portion(s) of your medical bills. If you decide to 'donate' money to one of these ministries (The monthly 'donations' are not insurance premiums, because as pointed out in #1, sharing ministries are NOT insurance companies), may the odds be ever in your favor that your bills get paid, although they probably aren't and probably won't. They'll be sure to pray for you though!
ОтветитьThe "regular" health insurance companies are a scam anyway. I had to get an ultrasound once, they told me if I didn't have insurance it would be $200. So I thought-great I have good insurance so it's probably 100% covered. WRONG. Because I DID HAVE good insurance I had to pay over $700. And that was after the insurance paid a portion. Medical services have they costs so artificially jacked up - because they have these ridiculous agreements with the insurance companies. It's like a store marking everything up 500% then advertising a clearance sale.
ОтветитьWhat's also fraud is a high deductible health plan with a high monthly payment that's basically throwing money in the trash since it doesn't count towards the deductible.
ОтветитьSo much ignorance around that discussion. Anything that is one-sided has credibility issues.
ОтветитьYou mean the Drs want people to pay for conventional insurance so they can inflate their prices and charge the insurance company. Thats like a thief giving a review on a security system and saying "this is total crap".
ОтветитьBig Pharma shill
ОтветитьThis is irresponsible to post this partial clip. My family of six has been well-served with the ministry we are a part of. I was scammed legally by insurance for years and ObamaCare single handedly put my business out of business with a direct excise tax to help pay for everyone else, while at the same time causing my premiums as self-employed to skyrocket 3X in 3 years. I was in a situation where I was paying tens of thousands for other people's health care while I literally had no coverage for my family due to cost. And we are healthy and don't even use insurance for the most part. You keep repeating these are scams or many bottom feeders... but you should have done the due diligence to recommend proven orgs that take care of their people other than to malign the whole industry. I have no faith in mainline media...y'all are bought and paid for by the big boys!
ОтветитьAltrua Health share is one of them..I just was scammed out of $423. When you apply online for affordable health insurance they call you up as a legit insurance broker. If you look up their reviews they have 5 star ratings on their website which is further misleading. You have to check them out on the BBB site and that's when the horror hits many other people have fallen for their deceptive practices..most like me that are desperate for affordable health care and can barely make ends meet. They claim to be a Christian nonprofit which is a complete lie..they absolutely rake in 100% profits with no return for those they prey on. Wolves in sheep's clothing!
ОтветитьA fool and his money are often defrauded. Attorney Generals are dropping the ball regardless off the perception of "statutory allowances" nonsense.
ОтветитьUHSM SUCKS AFTER 4 years! They won’t “share” for sleep apnea treatment and they won’t “share “ for colonoscopies with polyp removal. Strike two— I’m leaving!
ОтветитьThe fine print is short on health share paperwork and the good ones work well. Health insurance is rife with unfair business practices, lies and don't pay for a lot!... with no recourse!!! bunch of dolts
ОтветитьI am thrilled to be leaving traditional healthcare as my bill is now hitting 2K per month. My new bill with health sharing and a direct primary care doctor subscription will drop to about $800. It would have been cheaper if I went with a higher initial cost (deductible). Do your homework
ОтветитьWhat we need is a full government takeover of our healthcare system
ОтветитьMaybe traditional health insurance shouldn't cost so much. Y'all out here scamming people
ОтветитьThis is a very deceptive video. I'm with Samaritan - they post the dollar amount of claims paid each month. For July 2023 there are Member households: 80,530
Bills: $33,623,689
Shares: $31,768,702
So there was a shortfall in July, and that is being addressed in premium increases. It is still a great deal for people who do not engage in behavior that leads to lifestyle diseases and medical procedures not OK with most faith communities. The insurance industrial complex does not want people ethically getting together and taking care of each other. Yes, there may be some scammers, so do your homework. There are scammers everywhere.
A dude from insurance commission is of course very reliable on this topic 😂
ОтветитьIf you have a large legitmate cost share ministry they are great. It is simply what insurance is supposed to be... everyone pools their money.... those who need it reach in grab what they need.... Sadly everyone forgets what insurance is supposed to before all the HMOs medical institutions got their hands in the pot... wake up and use common sense people.
Ответитьa bunch of corp shills in this video...I assume Big Insurance and Big Pharma sponsor these non-Christians. Jab and face diaper promoters
ОтветитьI have been using using one of the top cost sharing ministries for the last 5 years and they have been awesome. It's funny how they are talking to an insurance commissioner. That's like talking to the fox who's guarding the hen house. I have a number of friends who have the major insurance companies, and HMOs, who have been denied services or procedures. I think there is good and bad in both cost sharing programs as well as traditional insurance. If traditional insurance was so upstanding, and perfect, there would be no need for such regulation.
ОтветитьYou've got it all wrong! It's the "regulated" insurance companies that are organized theft. That's why people are flocking by the tens of thousands to Christian sharing plans each year, which are non profit organizations, run by people who actually care. Instead of the Godless insurance criminals.
ОтветитьI like the medishare we have.
ОтветитьI had Medi-Share plans for 2 years. As a christian, it’s upsetting every time I hear their fraudulent ads. It cost me hundreds a mo. They paid absolutely zero for that whole 2 year period. They have a 2 year pre-existing. What a scam! And when they use “bible” in their ad it makes my blood boil.
ОтветитьWhat a biased, inaccurate, agenda-driven misinformation in favor of traditional insurance and lining the pockets of doctors! I'm so disappointed in The Drs!
ОтветитьHealth insurance in USA are lying, stealing and promising one thing and not delivering