Taryn Maria

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@lindseym4917 - 21.05.2024 02:42

I think you just changed my life with the shower trick. Why do the simplest solutions sometimes evade us?! I loathe cleaning the shower!! I love this hack!

@NyraLee - 25.05.2024 21:41

I have to empty my bin every day 😳

@tinadanielsson4373 - 09.06.2024 13:38

We have 3 kids too I just dont understand how two loads of laundry and taking our trash once a week… and dishes every second day, sounds like fiction to me 😂

@EvelynSaungikar - 11.06.2024 06:53

If you squeegee your shower after you use it, you barely have to clean the walls and doors. We also use a slow cooker at least once a week. I prep the ingredients the night before, while watching TV. Beef bourguignon, Caribbean chicken, pulled pork or beef tacos, chili. Just add bagged salad and bread. Last tip, if you have a baby or small kids, put their socks in a lingerie bag, one per kid. Put it in the washer, the dryer then they’re easy to dump in a drawer and you don’t lose them or spend time trying to match them up.

@Notina001 - 21.06.2024 03:54

What about your spouse? Does he do anything at all? It seems she is doing everything.

@Pinklily-r4h - 02.07.2024 23:33

I love this video!! You are spot on👏🏻❤ thank you Taryn 👯‍♀️

@aaronchapman6666 - 03.07.2024 16:21

Just me and the partner and it’s unbearable because of how small everything is.

@emelielarsson3042 - 03.07.2024 17:27

Awsome video 🤩👍

@SaneHeart-jn4gg - 04.07.2024 20:57

I have a lot of respect for your efforts to keep everything clean with 3 kids and a husband. I can’t imagine the work !thanks for sharing and may God help you with everything good you work toward 💕

@jxsulliv - 04.07.2024 22:41

This was very helpful with some good ideas that I will implement! I recently watched a cleaning tips video by KattiesKottage and she too has you do certain cleaning tasks on certain days of the week which has really been a game changer for me. I don’t mind laundry but I also don’t want to do it daily on days that I work. The worst cleaning task for me is dusting (allergic to dust mites and I find it tedious), so I put an air purifier in almost every room and it cuts down the need to dust significantly. It also helps my family’s allergies. Don’t listen to the other comments about what your husband does and doesn’t do. My husband does less around the house cause he works more hours outside of the house! Plus he mows/weed eats and plows us out in the winter. And I don’t want to do any of those tasks! 😂

@SimonNell-v9e - 05.07.2024 21:07

I just Love your videos

@paolasoltero53 - 08.07.2024 23:33

It's too hot over 110 degrees where I live. If I were to leave my wet clothes in washer until I come home at 9pm they would be smelly and probably semi dry and stiff.

@kymcampbellhanson1996 - 09.07.2024 23:54

awesome tips thank you

@userofyoutube123 - 10.07.2024 12:52

My washing machine has some programs to delay. So if i ask be done after 8 hours; it will start after 6 hours so 2 hours program is finished on time. Then you can put the clothes in the dryer.

@td9523 - 11.07.2024 11:30

Loved the tips. Very practical. I practice most of them. Nice video!

@IamTheMom - 11.07.2024 11:42

I am a fulltime working single mom with 4 kids. I do about 6-8 loads of laundry a week and runns the dishwasher every day (2 during summer break) and my three oldest take turns emptying the dishes. I always clean the kitchen before bed and always pick up in the hallway and livingroom at night. I also have some strategically placed laundry baskets where the kids (mostly my youngest tends to drop his socks and hoodie as soon as he gets home) so I placed a small, pretty basket next to the sofa so that he can just drop it there and not on the floor and on the sofa. It is a lot to be alone with 4 kids so thinking outside the box helps. ❤

@nikereebokpuma3406 - 12.07.2024 23:31

If I was your son I'd obey you to the max, You are the one that is in total control. 

Everyday, I'd come home from school and the 1 st thing I do, is give you my phone...don't want any distractions, then I do my homework, then all the chores for that day, which must be done to your satisfaction. Then do whatever you tell me to do with no back talk or arguing. 

On the weekends, I'd do what you want me to do, Before I have my "Free time"

@Khdo-ol4js - 18.07.2024 21:30

Super helpful, thank you!!

@ayoutubeuser25 - 21.07.2024 01:34

I don’t use a tumble dryer/too expensive. I hang washing outside in good weather and inside the other days

@christinat.7264 - 28.07.2024 19:40

A lot of good tips. BUT, things I dont do: have Any appliance running while I am out of the house or sleeping. Too many big disasters can happen which will cost you thousands of dollars and frustration. Ex: leaks and fires. Things I do which help me: rugs/mats before any entry. Traps dirt coming in. Use paper plates for small meals(sandwich, toast, etc). Crock pots: makes large meals. So easy. I vacuum everyday. Takes only 10 minutes and makes a big difference. Clean up after yourself. Nothing piles up. 😊

@RobertalWilliams - 29.07.2024 16:54

What does your husband and kids do in the house?

@susansweat9125 - 30.07.2024 19:27

Most of the tips are good, but laundry? Are you saying you only do 2 loads a week? Just your sheets would be that much or more based on changing them weekly.

@valeried2941 - 02.08.2024 00:57

I love your comment about the wet clothing! Excellent ideas too!

@teribear928 - 02.08.2024 19:25

I use the timers on my washing machines. Yes I have 2. I'm married to a dairy farmer so he does his own

@TheAwiwi1 - 13.08.2024 22:21

This is so stressful. I actually feel bad for her. Is she married? Im horrified

@mskacilove - 23.08.2024 08:01

i just have a washer/dryer combo that dries and washes.

@mskacilove - 23.08.2024 08:02

I don't like rubbish in the house- so prefer to empty daily- 2nd day , which goes into the main bag/bin outside.

@redkei - 30.08.2024 19:33

Actually even if your machine is clean the most you should keep it in is 3 hours. I would just run it before work and put it in dryer before work too. Many dryers have fluff settings that will keep the clothes fluffed and reduce wrinkles.

@TheWesty68 - 01.09.2024 09:04

I love your dog between your legs while you’re cooking. So cute 🥰

@kemosabedriv - 05.09.2024 16:53

The nightly closing shift is something I can definitely relate too 💯👍🆒😎

@JP-zf4rx - 08.09.2024 01:51

This is great content, thank you so much. This is the level of discipline I can work towards.

@leilamohajer2695 - 09.09.2024 09:23

I loved that, thanks :)

@krithigamanickam6667 - 09.09.2024 21:40

Came for learning something new .. ended up revising the things I do everyday. But good to know that I can’t do any better than I am already doing 😊

@SwahiliSpicE - 11.09.2024 15:03

Another tip for the laundry - you can put it on a timer so that the cycle starts and ends as soon as you're ready to hang it. So because I don't have a drier, I put the load on at night on a timer so it begins an hour or two before I wake up and finishes round the time I get up on the morning. Then the first thing I do when I get up is hang the clothes to dry. I will fold and put away later that evening after getting back from work. The kids put their own piles away before they get into bed. And I do this every weekday except for taking a break on Sunday. It has made a huge differnece!

@DorisRecetasyMas - 14.09.2024 17:43

I can't 😮😮no way.. Five people?

@kenyettagould6364 - 16.09.2024 05:39

This is a great idea I use tubs for my clothes

@antonego7950 - 10.10.2024 16:44


@sechale - 14.10.2024 13:59

Can you believe how many men get all that labour for free, while their wife also financially contributes or even earns more.

@ISILENTNINJAI - 16.10.2024 03:55

Dont have pets. I love my dogs but the house gets dirty really quick by having dogs

@OsannaNajimi - 18.10.2024 20:56

Great tips!!!!

@meenal_26 - 28.10.2024 11:41

Thank you...was feeling down due to too many tasks..now after seeing your video...I am feeling better

@megmaxel3477 - 30.10.2024 05:26

Can't say I agree with many of these, but whatever works for you. Also, for those who don't want washing sitting all day, just set the delay start on the machine so the load finishes just before you get home. I delay start so the washing finishes just as I wake up in the morning, then I hang out on the line to dry through the day. I do a load every morning.

@Majda890 - 30.10.2024 14:20

And what housework does Your husband do in the house? 😮 It looks like You do it all.

@elizabethadahl - 31.10.2024 18:38

You must not spend very much time at home! We empty our (large) garbage can every single day! 😅

@MsJacquese99 - 07.12.2024 03:44

We run the dishwasher almost everyday and it is packed to the brim with just two adults!!
We do cook from scratch and always bring lunch containters to work

@holygrounds5882 - 13.01.2025 16:21

How do you do this little loads of dishes and laundry with so many people lol

@andreawilliamson6267 - 15.01.2025 06:49

Thank you for a realistic routine! This is the first time I have found a video that didn’t leave me feeling even more overwhelmed! Bless you!!

@Sarasarah3 - 18.01.2025 09:11

Sounds exhausting

@emacwakeup - 20.01.2025 02:21

We have two loads a day. How can you only have one on your designated day? Is it a huge mashing machine?
