All Discord Permissions Explained!

All Discord Permissions Explained!


2 года назад

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@flyingsodwai1382 - 02.12.2023 22:15

Sweet, this was exactly what I was looking for. this stuff used to be released by programmers in the program docs. What a weird thing that unaffiliated third party entities now provide this kind of info. I complain because I could have read this much information in about 5 minutes instead of having to watch a half hour+ video.

@justdelirious5685 - 17.10.2023 04:39

I'm the owner of a server and when i try to make a event it says missing access i dont know why it says that.

@_____lazie_ - 08.07.2023 12:13

love ❤

@momsanimalcrossing1847 - 04.07.2023 01:08

I have a small channel and am setting up a Discord server due to requests from subscribers. I've barely even used Discord as a reader, let alone anything else. This video was incredibly helpful. Thank you so much! :)

@yo_local_hecu - 23.06.2023 17:21

How do I like enable to add bots in my server using premissions

@chloetabohakanema9459 - 03.06.2023 16:13

I love long videos like this

@MrBenjaminButton - 19.05.2023 14:13

Soz but that bloody background music is annoying

@imnoooby2498 - 18.05.2023 01:49

Great job

@DylonDylonDylon - 28.04.2023 05:31

Good stuff, thank you very much!

@kezh449 - 14.04.2023 00:11

How do i disable the gear icon or the server settings to non admin members? I made an account w/o admin permission and i can still see them. I noticed on other server, the gear icon is disabled and can only see boost, invite and notification menu

@SongRoyal - 09.02.2023 09:56

Is this where to give feedback on your video? Your voice, tone and talking speed are absolutely perfect, obviously a natural, this is my first time to watch your cast, and I see you are well established with a great many subscribers, you have sponsors, you did an incredible job of advertising the sponsor without losing my attention, which is extremely easy to lose. I only give feedback when I see excellence and that's what I see here, all across the board. I will be promoting you on my influencer account, I can already see that, I just wanted to tell you this stuff because a lot of the time people are great at what they do, and everyone can see that, but we tend to assume the person knows how good they are because it seems so obvious to the rest of us, and it's just true that people need to hear it anyway, you nail it Bro, way to go.

@creakinator - 30.01.2023 05:05

Excellent video. Everything was explained very well. Thank you!

@reginaldhobbs6202 - 30.01.2023 03:39

you have no idea how helpful this video was. Thank you bro

@duediligence791 - 17.01.2023 18:43

So if you set category than channels default to category if you don’t adjust them and if you don’t set category they default to roles or do the Chanel’s have to be specifically set no matter what?

Specifically the at neutral set with a check mark and I’ve not been able to figure this out. Left many neutral and roles that didn’t have permission were able to access features they didn’t have .

@Vlambulance - 11.01.2023 14:18

When i add a bot it automaticly adds the ‘admin’ permission to the bot. Do u think i should change that to off or keep it on?

@TheGamingCeratosaurus - 24.12.2022 23:28

On a friends discord, I have all permissions but I cant change one of the rules that has more people and way less permissions

Do you happen to know why?

@fernyhen3741 - 22.12.2022 09:14

Can I know what permission allows you to warn members

@dmnetinho - 20.11.2022 01:02


@ghillyboy350 - 22.10.2022 12:52

How do u earn the ability to send pics or videos do u like ask them for permission

@Huckleberry500 - 21.10.2022 20:02

Question, I'm in a Discord group and I can only post in one channel. All of the others say "you do not have permission to send messages in this channel." The owner of the group cannot figure out why, can you help with this?

@rphntw1n - 05.10.2022 23:11

thank you!

@crackedego - 28.09.2022 05:48

Really appreciate this! Super easy to follow.

@jvenom5729 - 18.09.2022 00:41

so i am the owner of a server and if i give "moderators" the ability to remove members they can't use that to remove the owner correct? I was never sure of this

@Briandacunos - 27.08.2022 10:28

This video is absolutely amazing and I hope you have a great day

@NurseLiz - 10.08.2022 17:40

Thank you so much for this! Gave me a way better idea of who I should assign what to with actually useful descriptions. Do the channel category roles take precendent over the role channels? Thanks!

@noahhhhh - 31.07.2022 18:25

How do i make it so they can't send gifs?

@siddharthgowda4056 - 30.06.2022 22:23

What if i be a mod and turn off view channel to everyone and wanted to bring back that channel

@kingmikethe1st - 28.05.2022 10:58

I would just like to say, that you have done a fantastic job of explaining the settings. You did not just read the description like many others have done, you explained in your own words, what the use case would be for each setting. Awesome job.

@shauny2270 - 15.05.2022 13:41

This was really useful, Garrett, thank you. I'm wrapping my head around Discord for the first time, so this is what I needed.

@ConollyS1111 - 12.04.2022 10:02

how about time out?

@420yamez - 07.04.2022 22:16

Wow. Great Stuff. I can't seem to get my permissions correct. On to the next vid. Your Roles and Permissions Vid. Can't wait to catch you live.

@Heemy23 - 17.03.2022 09:03

Bro you crush it!

@dabears9648 - 12.03.2022 11:32

Loved the time and effort you put into this. There were at least two options I ended up changing after I heard you explain what they did. Appreciate it!

@dhr9v197 - 04.02.2022 18:13

can u tell me how to give gif perms on discord

@TheTrooperX24 - 03.02.2022 01:51

Yo, thank you much for your videos. Alot of the bots and recommendations have saved my discord from all kinds of stuff. thank you for your time!

@siriusux - 02.02.2022 21:23

does anyone know how to fix this issue, I'm a admin in a server with every permission but I cant do anything with admin it says everyone has a higher role then me even though they dont

@theworld2754 - 29.01.2022 14:08

The problem i ve been facing with discord is that how to find the replies when i ask some question on the discord i m a nember. that is active discord and so many text messages .

@lauracjlaw - 21.01.2022 01:36

Huge help

@nyakolvers_4ever - 12.01.2022 21:20

Can someone help me I can't change my nicknames at any server I join it always says "missing permission" I don't know how to fix it pls help

@RauDeLiS21 - 08.01.2022 21:22

these are the best videos where someone takes the time to break down every single thing in detail and explains it. thank you so much for this video! " give a man a fish and feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and feed him for life" is what this video represents. also subscribed

@ThatsMeBlix - 27.11.2021 13:17

Does anyone know how to w/l in discord

@call_me_banning5696 - 25.11.2021 15:43

Hey is there anyway I can make my channels read only for my specific roles that aren’t admin ones because I 57 roles and that’s really time consuming to do permissions for every single role

@hipie306 - 10.11.2021 19:19

How to allowed your member to use commads like playing music

@geefbird - 09.11.2021 20:46

Here for the algorithm, already pretty familiar with all of the permissions but you do a great job of laying them out clearly and in detail. Just happy to watch the whole thing and help the analytics, your videos are very helpful and I appreciate that. Happy streaming :)

@johnnyrl_ - 09.11.2021 20:10

It feels illegal to be this early

@swirlblue4626 - 09.11.2021 19:52

Hi Eagle. I'm not in any discords. I'm concerned about how safe they are. Yes, I know there is risk on any online platform. Discords make me nervous, any thoughts? Thanks

@kanishkupadhyay - 09.11.2021 19:36

best discord mod tutorials ❤️

@abdulpro6662 - 09.11.2021 19:30

I'm very early
