ENTITLEMENT? Karen Expects Co-Workers To Give Up Their Vacation Time For HER KIDS!

ENTITLEMENT? Karen Expects Co-Workers To Give Up Their Vacation Time For HER KIDS!

Aba N Preach

1 год назад

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@anaamore6907 - 02.08.2024 17:13

Men do the manipulation cry too.

@shaquankendrick5351 - 02.08.2024 21:40

I have kids and the point of being a parent is to plan ahead of time and if u miss the chance then u gotta make the hard sacrifices

@teenaseemore3260 - 02.08.2024 22:58

I think bin called Karen in and said hey she is going on vacation so I want to make sure you get this and this done. Karen has been using her kids as an excuse to get out of a lot of stuff and reality hit.

@Rivers198 - 03.08.2024 16:54

if a company pulls this quit

@JamesdeanD - 03.08.2024 17:43

Side note ....a smoke takes 3-5 min ...if you get 2 15 min breaks then no difference in six 5 min breaks ....we ain't standing around for 15 min to smoke

@redpapa859 - 03.08.2024 23:20

Let's keep it real the boss wasn't sympathizing with her because he had kids too he was just sleeping with her and doesn't want his wife or her husband to find out

@VincentX709 - 04.08.2024 02:26

Had a trash co worker like that once, we had a paid lunch at a facility once and after I got some food, one of my peers had a breakdown because she was "going to take food home for her kid" -and i apparently chose the food specifically she set aside. Mind you this is lunch and she had 7 hours left on her shift to figure that out for herself. People expect alot.

@brewup - 04.08.2024 10:55

Sure you can have my week, £1000 per day is my fee.

@richeastjr - 04.08.2024 13:09

I would’ve given her the biggest Fuck no ever

@GeninGeo - 04.08.2024 18:23

She has kids. My parents have kids.

@alexgrace6969 - 04.08.2024 18:41

Started smoking just to take smoke breaks😂

@BasicName02 - 05.08.2024 17:29

As someone who is the boss of people with kids (I have no kids) this hits home. The people that work for me with kids are the worst with time off and needing to take multiple breaks during the day because of their kids. YOUR kids should not force me or others to do YOUR work!! That was YOUR choice to have kids, not mine!

@steveweave1879 - 06.08.2024 01:38

We domt get cig breaks we only get 10 min breaks and a 30min its 12 hours and we get a break every 2 hours and 30 mins so 3 10s and a 30

@carlito19934 - 06.08.2024 10:08

This is why you book the flights and hotels after you get permission for your vacation even if they ask just say nope can't refund it

@BSchoetker - 06.08.2024 15:42

Yeah that’s not a parent thing, I’m a parent, that’s a poor planning untitled thing. Just because she has kids doesn’t mean she can’t plan for her vacations like everyone else did r that she should expect people to sacrifice their time for her. I understands emergencies like if her kids are sick, but that’s on the company not her coworkers. Vacation is totally different

@shamanlee111 - 06.08.2024 15:44

The fact that some ppl cant have kids, arent mentally or financially stable, really just dont want them, etc makes this diabolical. People have no grace and are narrow minded. They are trying to make it so ppl with children have no rights smh

@adamlarussa5243 - 06.08.2024 16:55

"I'm not a helicopter pilot, but if I saw a helicopter in a tree, I know someone fucked up".

@Midnight-ot3oi - 06.08.2024 21:49

I’m guilty of that too. I started smoking for that exact reason as Preach but I still smoke ffs 🤦 these old videos are so golden!

@klahowya32 - 06.08.2024 23:31

Simple solution: ask for $10k cash up front and a 20% raise and she can have my leave

@gringanp0rkins992 - 07.08.2024 14:44


@austinkatz1551 - 07.08.2024 18:49

The boss shoulda said he'll nah but you can go ask around to get your time covered

@Bigrignohio - 07.08.2024 19:19

As a single, middle-aged, white male I get this a LOT.

@jorgeherrera1074 - 07.08.2024 19:20

That manager def having sex with Karen

@Rj_D956 - 07.08.2024 19:26

Terrible management from the boss

@chillcago - 08.08.2024 11:56

As a person with 3 kids I 100% support what she said... I would never use my kids to gain any type of advantage. Poor planning and tears dont do anything.

@matthewlogan3872 - 08.08.2024 17:12

Never gonna happen. Dont even ask.

@robluxipiech4033 - 08.08.2024 21:22

Similar sitch happened to me. I bought tickets to come home, family drove in from all over ahead of me. My boss asked me to skip my pto, i said no, a lady I've never met at the company comes up to me with a john deer letter speech, I was blown away ppl are talking about my pto? Why? Some guy wanted to take a no notice trip and only I could cover his job, nope sry, boss actually insinuated life wud be harder if I didn't..... I told him to put that in writing and left. Not only for vacation I never came back.

@texas.made.the.realist.5313 - 12.08.2024 15:00


@smorris227 - 16.08.2024 22:16

im about to experience my week vacation💥🤌👌😂

@iai2354 - 17.08.2024 12:59

Somone else's kids isn't my problem lol, if I payed for a holiday and had time off I'm going, you deal with ur kids and problems, gtfo here female

@arlesblueman1161 - 20.08.2024 14:36


@Archangel195 - 21.08.2024 15:35

Karen's lack of foresight is the reason she has kids

@matthewmgiesy3425 - 22.08.2024 20:27

The manager is banging Karen, thats why he asked lmfao.

@Dubtred - 24.08.2024 04:41

She didn’t plan out that vacation just like she probably didn’t plan out those kids 😅

@bighawaii - 26.08.2024 06:59

She finished that well lmao

@user-er8eb9cx2d - 28.08.2024 01:33

Pro tip. If you’re rapping with a crying woman. As soon as she starts to speak, just go “no no no no no, finish crying first, then we can talk”

@kevinpalma6303 - 28.08.2024 15:03

In most developed countries you have 22 days paid vacation by law, this wouldn't ever be an issue, USA needs to keep up...

@turbostoner - 28.08.2024 16:32

Yeah she’s out of her mf mind. And I have a kid.
I literally don’t understand the entitlement of thinking you deserve to 1) circumvent the system for taking time off & 2) that you still expect someone else, WHO STILL HAS A FAMILY JUST NOT MINI DEMONS, to sacrifice the time they deserve off.
Only in America, dude…

@BeeAnderson-t4n - 01.09.2024 15:51

I'm just going to say it: Delta staff is just Spirit airlines with a bigger fleet and bigger douchebags

@domonicka.holloway6041 - 02.09.2024 20:39


The smoking break is accepted at my job too. I also sell phones!

Smoke break exceptions are lame. And unfair

@etiennelebard4899 - 03.09.2024 08:53

The whole trope of bosses in the USA treating time-off as a gift so generous it is OK for them to revoke it on a whim is so bizarre to me.
Here in France, there are critical professions such as firefighters or nurses where you might be called in because of lack of personnel, but for mostly everyone else and unless the circumstances are really really dire and exceptional, once your time-off has been approved, it's final : the best your boss can do is ask you to shift or cancel, but he sure can't force you to.
Also, if you don't take all your leave days and it's because your boss/management didn't let you take them all, he has to compensate you ($$$)

@Krazyness - 04.09.2024 18:51

The audacity of Karen and the boss

@mojoloop - 05.09.2024 21:55

If my vacation has been booked for months, the only way I'm canceling it is if it's a literal emergency. Family member is in the hospital kind of emergency. Not only that, I need to see some evidence. If not, I'll see yall when I come back.

@lovis1188 - 06.09.2024 11:33

American laws are just fucked

@MrWaterboi - 07.09.2024 10:44

Cool story

@AbaNPreach - 23.05.2023 22:18

We Saw the issue with the audio &. Its fixed... You just need to watch on a different browser if youre having the audio issue still.
