Teen was in the fight for her life after vaping a cartridge a day I Nightline

Teen was in the fight for her life after vaping a cartridge a day I Nightline

ABC News

4 года назад

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Simah Herman, 18, became an anti-vaping advocate after surviving a severe lung illness that caused her to be placed in a medically induced coma – one of several recent incidents linked to vaping.


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@diogonosabo - 16.12.2023 19:59

nic is nasty regardless, like yall like that buzz ??? stick to zaaaaa

@juuhi1g448 - 08.12.2023 23:10

idc its worth the risk

@forgiveus-eb9vm - 06.12.2023 13:59

The girl blamed the doctors for not telling her vaping was bad. The mother acted like she didnt know and then tells the cousin you go tell the doctor. Who does not know smoking anythong is bad.

@GamblingMonkeh - 01.12.2023 23:15

a pod a day is crazy 😂

@Notpoop906 - 29.11.2023 20:57

hits vape cool story, big tobacco

@monopolybillionaire5027 - 22.11.2023 03:37

Ive switched to vaping in my quitting smoking journey, but ive never been this breathless. Im out of breath, sitting down.

@CIays - 22.11.2023 03:13

She used fake carts and was totally shocked she got sick.. Lmfao. Carts on the street vs buying them from a gas station is totally different, people..

@andy-xz2uk - 21.11.2023 17:23

sponsored by Marlboro

@phantomprism7659 - 17.11.2023 08:06


I'm seeing a lot of comments about how this is due to black market Twice within the past few weeks I've had intense situations similar to what was described in this video. My chest was tight. Head felt tons of pressure and heavy. Hands fight light and shaky. Felt like I could barely breathe. Was a struggle to take in a full breathe. Felt like I could barely stand up and walk at times. Super tired. Felt like I wanted to keep burping and drinking bubbly water to help me burp which seemed to make me feel better for some reason. All i wanted to do was eat hot soup and lay in a hot bath. Struggle was real! The breathing issue was terrifying. The first time it happened I was very concerned and considered calling 911 but i didn't. I toughed it out and woke up the next day feeling slightly better. Symptoms got better each day until I was back to normal but then it happend again 3 weeks later. This time not as bad as the first but still really crappy the first day of it. I'm on day 3 and my chest doesn't feel as tight. My nose is stuffed and i have a sore throat. Still a struggle to breathe. What do you guys think is happening? Symptoms seem like i might just be sick but it's weird to me that i got sick twice within weeks and both times this occurred was after a night of intense drinking and vaping. NOT THC. A Breeze vape. I've been using Breeze for a few months now. Before Breeze I used N-Joy. Prior to that I went through phases of using Juul and Vuze with times of no vaping inbetween. I first tried a Juul maybe 8 years ago. In all this time I never had negative side effects of vaping except for occasional moments of feeling nauseous or headaches if I vaped on an empty stomach. And then sometimes they irritate my throat if I'm doing it too often in a short period of time. Never before did I wake up the next day feeling like I couldn't breath and had exteme pressue in my head and chest. So what is the deal? Did I maybe over do it both those nights? You think the heavy alcohol intake was a factor? You think this is all just coincidence and I'm actually just getting a normal sickness? Btw both nights I did this I didn't think I was sick. I'm not THAT stupid that I willingly get drunk and vape while fighting off colds and sinus infections. I chose to party both those occasions cuz I woke up that day feeling great and completely normal. But the next day having those breathing issues. Both times I got drunk on white claw surges and used a Breeze vape.

@nataliepapolis - 16.11.2023 17:16

What does one think when you inhale carcinogens 60 times a day,

@macstorm3432 - 10.11.2023 21:34

Parents are to blame, pure and simple. Most people who have children aren't fit to be patents these days.

@Insomniac_tv - 10.11.2023 19:46

Don’t buy illegal black market vapes lmao 😂

@TeaSpiracy - 09.11.2023 17:05

This story is misleading and all vapes are NOT the same. Ive been vaping for 6 months on a low nicotine 3mg vape. I've saved tons of money and feel great. I can smell, I can breathe and if I knew this would work for me, i would have made the switch a LONG time ago. There is no "oil" in my vapes. Its basically water vapor with nicotine. Not like in this video with these people. The fact they didnt make the distinction between the different types of vapes, is wrong and a failure in reporting. This is so misleading.

@kimmyros2391 - 09.11.2023 08:26

Vaping is safe don't buy black market cannabis cartridges.

@richardjacob7898 - 08.11.2023 04:03

if your e-juice is free of diacetyl and acetyl propionyl and has no vitamin E then is there then any harm at all from vaping ?

@nirocipriano3662 - 06.11.2023 02:49

The worst part is how she smiles like she’s proud of this knowing she brought this upon herself and her family , at some point you have to hold yourself accountable for your actions , she had to of known vaping everyday the amount she did was going to end badly and was the reason for her health problems

@frogsbutfrogs - 05.11.2023 05:27

bro this was caused by illicit thc carts laced with vitamin e acetate

@thatguy9154 - 05.11.2023 02:42

The failure is also on the parents part for not paying attention to the changes in their. As someone who works with kids and teaches health the failure is on both ends.

@rex9470 - 04.11.2023 18:47

harmless habit? wdym? Its a filty habit its not harmless its dangerous in the first place.

@jamestracz5233 - 03.11.2023 11:22

Been vaping for fourteen years with no ill effects, only thing that worked to stop a three pack a day habit that lasted thirty years, fake carts started all this crap, states losing big money thru the mass settlement act because cigarette sales went in toilet due to people quitting cigarettes, states getting money from the amount of packs sold in each state that dropped drastically due to people quitting smoking, vapor is not smoke, wake up, this girl should have never had access to what she was doing, glad that wasn't my mother.!!!!!!!!!

@moonman6812 - 01.11.2023 04:48

That facts abc decided to not specify that they were illegal thc carts in the title mages me lose hope in the media.

@AttaTayyab - 25.10.2023 13:11

Looks fake

@bradyknowzbest1149 - 25.10.2023 07:15

The keyword here is the thc carts. Those are what were causing the issues

@Tamsuii - 24.10.2023 06:34

I don’t feel bad on bit. Lol

@user-lh1vq5ie8h - 24.10.2023 00:03

all the vapes, oye sister, weird behavior.

@user-lh1vq5ie8h - 24.10.2023 00:00

I think vaping are hybrid computerized humans/species.

@user-es6gq8de4g - 22.10.2023 12:30

I only by the vapes to suck and fornicate with tuff titties nicotine bitch 💀🖤🤢🩸

@akshobramkumar5993 - 16.10.2023 07:22

Problem with the american kids is that these "kids" are so immature to a point that they become more addicted to something like this without moderating. All is fine but one should't over do something just cause it seems "safe"

@thefutureisnow8159 - 13.10.2023 10:53

Again- the boy is also an
Idiot. I’m betting both of these kids turned to their insurance companies to cover these medical costs and that ends up costing all the rest of us in higher medical expenses. I don’t care if a family goes bankrupt- the family should be paying for their kids health issues- if they had controlled what their kids were doing and what they were doing in social media, their kid wouldn’t be in this mess. Not all kids ended up vaping so that means some kids knew it was bad and they probably have more sense and better parents

@thefutureisnow8159 - 13.10.2023 10:47

She’s not a victim- she’s a sheeple- she made a choice- personal accountability, people/ what a loser

@thefutureisnow8159 - 13.10.2023 10:46

This kid is still an idiot for even trying it- come on- you didn’t ask or think that inhaling anything other than air is a bad idea? She got what she deserved

@dalebenton3354 - 12.10.2023 14:26

Ive been reading on the News that Never start vaping, says 12-year-old girl with lung damage,What was she doing smoking age of 12 ??? Any way,Ive been vaping for the last 10 months,I never had any problems,Those who vape,End up with lung damage or any other health issue must be turning the vape up way to high,I have mine on,1.75 to 2,00 watts,Mine goes up to 200 watts,Thats enough to blow ya head of,Tried it on the watts before,Also made me choke,Have to turn to watts down,Or end up in Hospital,I had my last rollup 1st thing this year on the early hours of New years day,Im feeling a lot more healthy,I can breath much better,Never get short of breath no more,Never even get any more smokers cough as well

@rosemaryedwards7239 - 12.10.2023 04:19

I remember when vaping started and they said it was safer?

@aukievahhinds199016 - 11.10.2023 03:27

I heard in a year lost 50 pounds and never ran to the store fast enough🌚😭

@Java_Dude25 - 06.10.2023 23:47

How did she smoke an entire cartridge in one day???
one of those cartridges should last you a little over a month, at least in my case

@Crazycooco - 06.10.2023 18:36

This is what happens when you can’t control yourself 😂

@tesco-gaming - 05.10.2023 18:22

The Elites are clever, People have been smoking cigarettes for 100's of years.. and people smoke while being pregnant, so each generation starts too become more and more immune genetically too smoking cigarettes. Therefore less and less people are dying young from cigarettes but instead they're living long lives.. These vapes have got kids as young as 11yo hooked on them, due too "looking cool" and all the flavors. There's a difference from smoking a cigarette and vaping in terms of satisfaction, for example i personally would smoke a cigarette and be satisfied for 1 hour+ before thinking of lighting another 1 up, vaping on the other hand you're constantly taking hits all day long which causes a dopamine overdose too some degree and god knows what damage too your lungs. I personally feel like crap the day after vaping and always have a sore throat and breathing problems. There's no long term study of these vapes as of yet but if i was too choose between a cigarette and vaping , i choose a cigarette.

@robsanchez5836 - 04.10.2023 12:52


@mayaamis - 04.10.2023 08:11

when you smoke fake carts bought online or in some backstreet with thc/weed and poisonous preservative but you are scared to tell your mom.. so you become advocate against "vaping", which actually made millions of people stop smoking and saved lives. little lying junkie moron.... and of course corrupted media is spreading false narrative since they are bought off by big tobacco. newsflash idiots, NO ONE goes from vaping to smoking, only other way around.

@tweetlebugzz - 01.10.2023 03:45

It should be illegal

@user-yn8gk5mu5h - 29.09.2023 23:38

If you vape you are a loser. Imagine being addicted to a pen. Stop vaping 2023

@xpopentertainment8278 - 29.09.2023 22:29

nobody cares vaping is so cool

@trqster - 28.09.2023 17:46

As always THC and vitamin e acetate are the culprits. Stick to nicotine free vapes and ofc NO THC and you should be fine

@cotymoose5931 - 28.09.2023 00:38

Let's clarify that it's counterfeit the carts NOT Nicotine!!

@shanvant6390 - 26.09.2023 10:37

🤣🤣🤣 Stopped going to school becoz of it

@barelyfree9427 - 26.09.2023 09:05

Uhh...she did one cart in a day? Yeah...don't abuse things ya dingdong.

@jonsallings8000 - 25.09.2023 18:39

The number of commenters here desperately defending vaping is pretty much verifying the fact that it is a national crisis. Like, do it if you want, but why not be honest? It's as bad for you as cigarettes, according to the people whose actual job is to study those things. Why be in denial about that? Pretending it's not true won't make your vape pen suddenly decide to be good for you. It doesn't care what you convince yourself of. We do so many things we know aren't good for us. But just like... admit it's not good. It's weird how desperately people need to make it way more complicated to defend it.

@AlexusLeeannn - 25.09.2023 02:15

Your child also needs to take accountability

@tirelllarose7171 - 25.09.2023 00:28

Try getting some verified information before putting out a bull crap story like this
