The Biggest Transfer BOTTLE Ever?!

The Biggest Transfer BOTTLE Ever?!

Mikey FC

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@ziulcast - 05.01.2025 06:05

Dybala wanted 10m a year when he finally left Juve (that time). Milan wanted De Ketelaere, Inter needed to offload one of the attack players or he wasnt suitable for tactics. Roma took him for a 4m a year, putted 12m clause. In august al qadsiah wanted to pay Roma... 3m euro. Now he is going down as a player, rarely shining in 24/25

@112-q1x1t - 05.01.2025 06:55

I'm glad it didn't don't win anything playing for Tottenham ask son 😂

@trainerzard7 - 05.01.2025 06:59

Dybala was one of the best in the world, his playstyle was very similar to Messi’s.

@MagretMbaira - 05.01.2025 09:22

Dude would have never won a trophy

@breead3063 - 05.01.2025 12:19

I mean I'd love to see Dybala and Son play on the same team. Two absolute ballers leading the attack line, might just be what it takes for Tottenham to win a trophy

@Suqq-dm3ps - 05.01.2025 16:47

I never understood how he „fall down“ like this he is still top top top class for me

@user-pn6wm4eh4n - 05.01.2025 20:27


@Hammer123_ - 06.01.2025 07:47

Dybala can play multiple positions, if son leaves, it will be a good replacement imo

@vaishalinimbalkar5439 - 06.01.2025 10:48

Barca should sign him for replacement of lewa ❤💙

@KNYODeleon-tw4fh - 06.01.2025 13:46

He should join spurs

@zidstarz - 06.01.2025 21:40


@sibo5204 - 07.01.2025 06:38

I genuinely think had spurs signed Dybala they would've went on to win a trophy or 2,spurs were lacking a genuine pure RW and Dybala would've turned Tottenham into a side seriously no one would like to play,and that was still when all they needed was a world class Right sided player,don't forget Spurs were involved into the Title race in 18/19 until they fell short in the final 10 games and only got 11 points in Thier final 10 games,Leaving Liverpool and City going on to be absolutely perfect in their final 10 games,imagine Dybala played in that Champions league final

@sibo5204 - 07.01.2025 06:48

Son,Kane and Dybala the sound of that Front line sounds insane, probably wouldve been the best front line in the league bettering Liverpools Mane,Firmino and Salah

@ju79645 - 07.01.2025 10:03

Dybala joining Spurs?? 😂😂
Goofiest shit I’ve heard, he’s loved at Roma and loves the club

@kevinpahunang6984 - 07.01.2025 11:12

Dybala to Tottenham, yes! 😢 should have happened before harry left

@who.is_tauri7325 - 07.01.2025 11:59

He’s 32

@hahaFunny-d8x - 07.01.2025 12:48

Paulo Dybala doesn't exist

@mehul.9118 - 07.01.2025 15:06

I want to see him in City

@1218mariojr - 07.01.2025 20:12

Also many injuries

@alexsmith6322 - 07.01.2025 20:27

The thing about Dybala and why he’s disappointing in general despite being very good

Is he just… was what he was, at like 20-21 years old. Everyone sees a young talent and projects insane progression+ability for them but sometimes you just are what you are and as fans we have a hard time accepting stagnant development even though all players have different developmental timelines

@chetanlokesh5901 - 07.01.2025 20:39

He at least won the conference league with Roma, had he signed for Spurs he would have won nothing.

@Plagueof7deaths - 09.01.2025 21:30

I would love to see him the Prem, but not with Tottenham.. he is not what they need. He would be better suited for Liverpool or Man U.. and dramatically help both clubs… Liverpool would be is Salah does leave. Then have Chiesa on the right, with Dybala playing the in the center..

@dragon_ale805 - 10.01.2025 13:32

Dybala is good but he is so injury prone that it was not worth for juve to keep sadly thats just how it is

@Leicester_Ansulrua - 11.01.2025 06:20

Imagine son kane and dybala holy

@drakouz - 12.01.2025 09:56

lucky he went roma and won conference league, if it was spurs he can retire without adding any trophies for 10 years

@Victoria11337 - 16.01.2025 10:43

Dybala is an underrated footballer

@pablovilla2567 - 18.01.2025 13:13

If spurs sign him years ago or even now, the attack would me immense especially if spurs extend son’s contract

@rsk47reviews59 - 18.01.2025 20:10

For me, he has reached almost Di Maria status. He is not seen as a star player he once was, but he is as clutch as anybody else for his club and especially for his country.

@timmyfung01 - 19.01.2025 12:03

when Man United wouldn't sign you because your agent fees are too high, then you know you got a vampire as your agent
to be fair, I do prefer Dybala to remain in Serie A.

@centrulcee - 21.01.2025 10:16

to be really honest he's just an okay player at roma. nothing really interesting despite of him being paulo dybala. a move to tottenham wouldve been better

@Godisgayallthetime666 - 21.01.2025 16:51

For me he's one of the greatest "what if" players ever. He's the biggest Argentinian talent since Messi, imo.

@Qayam_08 - 22.01.2025 05:54

Son dyabala kane 🔥

@RVL007Joskos - 24.01.2025 16:11


@aa25101 - 24.01.2025 21:56

Hes still bettet than what spurs have now. Though dont know how well he'll transition into the premiere league

@mctapper3112 - 25.01.2025 07:32

Dybala is joker

@jjs9672 - 28.01.2025 10:46

As a Juve fan it still hurts that he left. The board really screwed the team and us fans over

@TuffTuff-y2f - 01.02.2025 14:54

Thought of GOD for you: why believe in JESUS ​​CHRIST?
1) JESUS ​​is the Only Lamb chosen by GOD not to cover but to take away the sin of man (John 1v29), because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of GOD. (Romans3v23).
2) JESUS ​​is the Only Word of GOD to enlighten man. (John1v9/Psalms119v105).
3) JESUS ​​is the Only Good Shepherd capable of definitively delivering man from lack and leading him into abundance. (John10v10).
4) JESUS ​​is the Only Way leading to GOD with certainty. (John14v6).
5) our fathers and our mothers can abandon us but JESUS ​​CHRIST is always willing to take us in. (Psalms27v10).
6) certainly the heart of man is afraid of death but JESUS ​​CHRIST has conquered death and He holds the keys of death and Hades so in Him Alone, your heart will be rid of the works of death. (Revelation1v18).
7) because of your sterility, your spouse finds the good pleasure of going with your servant instead of waiting, but JESUS ​​CHRIST is the only one willing to raise your dignity by giving you a child. (Genesis21v1-2).
8) so much they have studied the law, they have become doctors of the law and they are ready to condemn you but JESUS ​​CHRIST Alone justifies you before them. (John8v10-11)
9) Adam introduced us into sin without our consent and the wages of sin is death; but the free gift of GOD is eternal life in JESUS ​​CHRIST our Lord. (Romans6v23).
10) In addition to being the Word of GOD, JESUS ​​CHRIST is GOD. (John1v1).
11) Thomas was never taken back by JESUS ​​CHRIST when he called JESUS ​​CHRIST: my Lord and my GOD and JESUS ​​CHRIST confirmed his identity as GOD by saying to him: because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen, and who have believed! (John 20v28-29).
man's salvation is found only in JESUS ​​CHRIST.

@check2000 - 01.02.2025 21:10

Roma was a step back for Dybala, Spurs would have been 10 steps back for his career

@16nobel - 01.02.2025 21:52

Why the hell would he join Tottenham when he is playing for bigger clubs 😂

@DilkenzoGaming - 02.02.2025 10:42

He should play for manchester united cause I'm not manchester united fan but to help them get back on top

@paulgorman3001 - 03.02.2025 18:13

Joining spurs is a step down for him 😂

@LeeW534 - 05.02.2025 11:42

He’s too frail for the prem

@2litresofmercury - 06.02.2025 03:07

"Image rights" easiest way to send any Spurs fan who remembers this into a spiral

@star123_12 - 07.02.2025 00:51

from juve he was meant to go either a big pl club or barca/real instead he ended at roma, what a downfall.

@ruyelbeero9394 - 09.02.2025 21:12

I he had gone to spurs then also spurs had no trophy

@dznutzonfyre4432 - 10.02.2025 16:58

We got titles out of him and refused to deal with his dumb agent. What place is Roma in at the moment?

@RanjanKumar-bu7ws - 10.02.2025 19:39

Playing roma is better than playing for spurs

@EvanGeorgeR - 23.02.2025 00:38

Those fucking image rights man 😭

@arrow7845 - 27.02.2025 08:40

Same for Chiesa , They rejected a 75 mil Offer from liverpool and years later we signed him for less than 20.

@ThebourbonsAreback-kb5go - 31.12.2024 23:11

So yeah Paulo dybala fair play to him
