When to use Vue.js vs Vanilla JavaScript

When to use Vue.js vs Vanilla JavaScript

Stefan Mischook

3 года назад

15,132 Просмотров

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#vue.js #javascript


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@kristiansmurds2067 - 06.05.2023 19:34

So from 10 min video WHOLE ANSWER was "depends from project"? Very nice explanation, thanks for bonuss.

@ofbguppies2325 - 27.09.2022 14:00

Would like to read The Lizard Wizard

@jeepneygang - 11.11.2020 06:05

coding with the sopranos

@anjobihis2052 - 24.10.2020 09:16

I'd get that Lizard Wizard, please. :D

@AdrianGordon1231 - 16.10.2020 19:29

I would personally prefer a written book

@nathandoan3862 - 15.10.2020 16:30

Lizard Wizard would be great DO IT!

@basmahendy5431 - 15.10.2020 02:20

I'm looking forward to your book

@Meinejambalaya - 14.10.2020 13:33

Hey hey
Just want to say thank you for your smooth voice and calm + slightly positive atitude. I am in between jobs and decided to go down IT path and your videos are helping me to keep my spirit high :)
thank you :)

@Air36874 - 14.10.2020 06:14

I would be extremely interested in this book you are working on - I have recently been starting to read a lot by Carl Jung and numerous other Psychologists/Philosophies that are in alignment with what you were describing about how to control oneself. I am definitely interested to learn what you have to share concerning your expertise in that arena, and thank you for your encouragement and your work in sharing these videos, as they definitely provide some good insight that I find to be useful in seeking to establish a healthier foundation software development wise and career wise. Thanks again!

@saadkendaoui8516 - 13.10.2020 01:27

react.js the Best for programming user interface

@Bestodds1 - 12.10.2020 04:24

Yes, I would be VERY interested in a course on how to defeat the Lizard Wizard. And if such a course were offered at a fair original price, I'd pay for it NOW.

@oluwatomisinbabatunde8426 - 11.10.2020 21:05

Vue js is lovely ❤️

@zombiesbyte331 - 11.10.2020 13:16

If you can help the Dunning–Kruger's from picking on the people with the imposter syndrome that would be great.

@lopesjeronimo - 11.10.2020 04:30

I heard a lot that Vue is a "progressive framework", but I see no practical example out there.
How to start using Vue in a legacy MPA project / server side rendered?
Can I use Vue components and libraries the same way of a new SPA Vue project?

@nipple3458 - 11.10.2020 04:07

Its interesting to me.

@theoligarchist1503 - 11.10.2020 02:28

No, do not use ready made frameworks, instead create them yourself , that will make you a great programmer; and also to be able to do that you will have stop working as a Employee , be your own boss, take control of your life.

@dmfoneill - 10.10.2020 21:19

The "Lizard Wizard" was Tooter the Turtle's mentor (Mr. Wizard - he had a Jewish accent.) In each episode, Tooter would request a different career and hijinks followed. The Wizard's "per episode" response to Tooter's need for being saved from his career choice was: "Be what you is, not what you is not, those that do this are the happiest lot!"

@notlessgrossman163 - 10.10.2020 19:27

Yeah, please Steph make that book. Because we have physicists telling me we have no free will.. I'm thinking that lizard brain has a lot to do with it.

@genidoagnelli8409 - 10.10.2020 12:22

The Wizard in Lizard has a Functional or Object oriented Brain/Logic? ... ha ha, just kidding , GREAT idea and so refreshing to hear you as always... I'm fed up of "Cool add sweet / awcard, Pop-Code-U / Tuber-dures” blowing in empty Trupets... Seams simply that, it’s as our age got us at this particular point in existence where, for a long time already, we naturally connect our Mechanical/Visual or/as Functional/Object logic of Code/World... just as it was just a "brush" in a hand of the crazy Painter, not caring about Form/Colour any-more, nor the Meaning of Life, really... He did, however, a long time ago, understood that the Logic of Life is as "Waiting for Godot", as now, he just nonchalantly plays with his brush, and asking himself more or less his only left important question: Did his wise Grandmother/Baba, had a right, repeating him, all the time, out of senciear love, of coarse: "Son, listen to your 'stara Babushka' - 1. Learn the school; 2. Find a good and Stedy Job; 3. Not too beutifull or too smart, if anyhow a Jewish wife and 4. Make some Kids… - only than you'll be Happy, as much is possible… my Son, listen what your, old grandnma says.... for, she knows the most of this World of Ours...." ... “Pihh!” tha kid was repllying while rolling his eyes… The Artist, remembering it so often… and as always, he gets nostalgic feeling of a colour all around him.... as does a northern Russian on a first Winter Snow, when dam flickering cristalls of flakes, point to disseearing stars at the dark blue Siberian sky, and with it his way, oh… to Her... Her, His true Home/Hart, but realising it just now, when it's late.... He collects the the parts of his Pearls of Thoughts/Himself and, with an invisible tear, throws them all around in a sad anger, so did the Artist, a Magician, with his brush.... Our Proleter hits the Votka with an hand and slams the floor with his foot... singing "Ti, si, mala, garava,,, crna moja...." and whrills in danceing, for leting it go, off the Fake Stage was never!… or just simply so, ALL=NOTHING… But, we… Oh no, we still think if ALL is Constant or Variable and what does it means for the Function… ha ha…

@lowercaseguy3578 - 10.10.2020 08:31

ReactJs all teh way!

@markomeje448 - 10.10.2020 03:02

Please sir, is learning a framework actually learning how to code?

@mohamedrefaataboel-fotouh4346 - 10.10.2020 02:58

Lizard Wizard it's really interesting.. even if I think that I'm already apply in my life.. go on

@holcaul22 - 10.10.2020 02:29

Hi Stef! I am extremely interested in the book. Please let us know when it becomes available!!!

@dino_xy - 10.10.2020 01:24

I am currently doing your
Web development course. It s great. I really like the way you approach things. So I think that this psychology thing is a good idea. I'm looking forward to it. :)

@Kats0unam1 - 10.10.2020 00:11

Angular + NestJS + Postgres/Mongo/SQLServer <3

@42jnyl - 09.10.2020 23:23

I stumbled into learning JS writing back-end Node/Express for my first web project a few months ago, and then picked up Vue to recycle HTML snippets and add reactive elements. I still don't know how to use "Vanilla JavaScript" lol

@MatiasGhiglione91 - 09.10.2020 22:26

Of course, we're interested in The Lizard Wizard Stefan, hope you release at least an advance soon!

@dominicthesinner - 09.10.2020 22:15

@AlazTetik - 09.10.2020 20:46

The video-book you mentioned here made me interested in it definitely! I love your experience sharing attitude all the time. Thanks.

@milaziabchenko9997 - 09.10.2020 20:27

I'm looking forward to your version of 'Thinking, Fast and Slow')) I really love the exquisite combination of tech and psychology on your channel))

@Jollyprez - 09.10.2020 20:19

For the past 5 years, all the projects I created used some boilerplate I'd created that uses AngularJS 1.x - and I can throw together websites pretty quickly, using identical structures that I'm familiar with ( as I wrote them ). I'm in the process of doing the same thing in VueJS - as it's quite similar to AngularJS but is "current" and therefore "OK" to use. ( As opposed to "old and therefore automatically obsolete" )

@nevinkuser9892 - 09.10.2020 19:25

I'm interested in the psychology stuff.

@fggamesoft4949 - 09.10.2020 19:03


@nanohedron - 09.10.2020 18:50

Psychology is a great thing to understand if you want to get better at learning new things. It's incredibly relevant. Please do go ahead with the project!

@andymendezwebsolutions3900 - 09.10.2020 17:45

As a student of yours for the past few years, the new project "lizard wizard" sounds excellent. Thank you, keep up the great work.

@AgentZeroNine1 - 09.10.2020 17:18

After having learnt React.js and Web Components (alongside the design patterns for facilitating 1 and 2 way data binding and state management), I'll always reach for Web Components over React.js when given the opportunity. Web components make React.js components feel like jQuery.

@HyperionStudiosDE - 09.10.2020 16:48

Getting Springboot up and running is easy but understanding it takes a long time. There's a lot of black magic under the hood.
But once you figure it out it's a huge help. It does a lot of stuff for you so you can really concentrate on the business logic.

@sergioleite8619 - 09.10.2020 16:43

Yes! Very interesting subject for a book.

@HyperionStudiosDE - 09.10.2020 16:31

Reinventing the wheel is a waste if time and you're going to do it worse than the people who specialize on building wheels.
If your goal is to build a website, build a website. Don't nerd out about the technologies you use. Just use the most efficient way.
You should also use CSS and component frameworks. Don't waste your time on designing buttons and components that already exist.

@actionphotopassion5082 - 09.10.2020 16:17

Thank you Stef,

That's always a pleasure to hear what you say about the technologies out there.
I finally have delivered my SaaS service, and I'm now struggling with all kind of marketing stuff.
My service is using django + django templating + jquery. No nodejs needed for me 😜 except for minifying the js code at delivery of course 😂

@atte3825 - 09.10.2020 16:13

I would absolutely LOVE that! Those are my favorite topics to watch you talk about tbh!

Keep up the great work Stefan!

@cravisbouyin4864 - 09.10.2020 16:05

Trying to master node 3. Follow most of your videos.

@bryandovbergman5654 - 09.10.2020 15:56

I have a question. I know java well, and python okay. I've learned other languages in the past C++, JS, PHP, SQL, etc. I don't have a programming job, and never got one. I've realized that just learning a language doesn't get you a job, you need to know libraries so you can build complex projects. Currently I'm working on tutorials building projects in Java and Python in about 6 different libraries (pygame, libgdx, javaFX, android etc). Is this sound strategy to getting the skills I need? I would also like to work on C++ and unity. But maybe I should work on as many libraries as possible in Java ONLY, since I know Java the best? I hope with my current strategy, I can attain the level of professional programmer within a year.

@kodeDev - 09.10.2020 15:31

Hey Stefan, good info as always. Also I love the title for the book and would totally love to get that ebook!

@eldor5182 - 09.10.2020 15:14


@RobbieAsimov - 09.10.2020 14:47

Lizard Wizard seems to be an interesting project, dive to it!

@patroclus8796 - 09.10.2020 14:42

Can't wait for the book.

@kuoroakihamza1235 - 09.10.2020 14:30

I can't wait for the Lizard wizard Book ... <3

@vitiok78 - 09.10.2020 14:16

Plain JS is new Assembly nowadays )))
