Utata-P ft. 初音ミク - "Most Certainly...Undoubtedly...A Goddess!!" (English Subtitles)

Utata-P ft. 初音ミク - "Most Certainly...Undoubtedly...A Goddess!!" (English Subtitles)

descentsubs @Vocaloid

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@nanairokirakira2848 - 04.09.2016 05:15

I think after performing World is Mine, Miku hit her head and became insane, thus giving birth to this song

@StaticShock234 - 17.09.2016 23:22

and everybody died the end.

@不是我-e6s - 06.10.2016 17:58


@benjaminwilson-ripsom8474 - 10.10.2016 03:21

God is truly f*cked up. But when you look at religious texts, that is god. The girl is so adorable and doesn't seem insane even while she's murdering. What she is saying however, seems like worship me and let me kill everybody to make utopia.

@Thecowdances - 23.10.2016 22:24

seems more like 'most certainly... undoubtedly...a trolless' when you read the lyrics lol. Just wonder if Utata is satiring an outsider's/atheist's perspective on old testament God rather than just the Bible in general. I mean, everyone knows there's some ridiculous stuff in the Bible tbf.

@sinnamonroll6665 - 07.11.2016 00:37

The problem with considering each individual life to have the same worth is that they could all be equally awesome or equal pieces of shit

@zinnia-j9l - 05.12.2016 00:17


@kittenlover6772 - 25.01.2017 07:41

It's so true. X) Really, is he your all benevolent god when he's constantly smiting people? I mean come on, he prevented the first humans from gaining knowledge then blamed them when the devil tricked them into getting it, believing what the devil said (which was actually true) because THEY DIDN'T HAVE PROPER INTELLIGENCE, THE THING THE DEVIL ALLOWED THEM TO ACHIEVE, and punished the whole damn human race far, far, beyond just those two people because of it. How could all that bullshit make him BENEVOLENT and FORGIVING of all things?

@TheEyesofSorrow - 09.02.2017 20:30

Why are so many people making so many "final form" jokes? I don't get it? Is it a new meme? Trend? To say someone is in their final form or someone isn't in their final form and is still kicking ass? Dragon Ball Z?

@mx_walkz4954 - 26.02.2017 00:55

That very quiet guitar at the end, though...

@eirlysie - 27.04.2017 04:18

Does anyone realize at the start of the video, where we see miku for the first time, she is doing the baphomet sign lol. One hand up and one hand down. Search it up for a clear reference.

@memeslut7101 - 30.04.2017 14:42

hi welcome to the cult of the goddess Hatsune miku

@oliverddp - 21.05.2017 05:30

I will show this song to my old Catholic school that corrupted me

@debbiebishop86 - 15.08.2017 19:57

This sounds like a Squid Sisters song.

@trainerlyra2466 - 22.09.2017 02:52

Ok. To all the comments about the statistics at the end.
*Disclaimer* I haven't read the bible in years. So 'scuse me if I don't find/know everything there is. Or if I have small details incorrect. I'm just trying to prove one point, if the incorrect detail has nothing to do with it, then it's not important.

The devil (or a devil, I mean, there is more than one) killed more than 10 people.
One example is when the devil killed all of Job's kids, who were partying at their oldest brothers house. (I can't find the actual amount of the people killed, but who has a party with 2 people? At least it's more than that, since it consists of Job's "sons and daughters")
Another time is when the devil kept killing off the husbands of Tobit's eventual wife. That's already seven dead right there.
Okay, point proven. Utata-P doesn't binge read the bible just for one song. That's just a liiiiittle extra.

Also- why would the devil kill people; the devil wants people to turn away from God, and he can't do that if they're dead. He'd only kill to make someone still living turn away. But God can still do stuff with a dead person, so it's not quite as big deal for Him. Dying is just "Oh hf in your next life." (And in the old testament, heaven wasn't even opened up yet so everyone was just chilling.)

So PSA to all you people who didn't cringe and keep scrolling yet, this song is neither for nor against christianity. It's a funny song, and I like it. Please do not use it to support anti-religious views, because it doesn't.

(Side note: Where are all the Jewish peeps? This song deals with their part of the Bible/ their holy book that isn't the Bible. Maybe the song is making references to that and not the Bible. Sheesh.)

@nero7263 - 08.12.2017 04:18


@craytherlaygaming2852 - 09.02.2018 04:13

i laugh soo hard wen i first saw this saying sooo true and i was raised as a christian and i can appreciate these i feel sorry for those who can't

@craytherlaygaming2852 - 09.02.2018 04:16

yeeah the old testament god is an ass and the new testament does literally nothing so meh.

@kl3321 - 25.05.2018 08:06

10/10 would worship anyway.

@mackmasters325 - 17.07.2018 22:58

I would pledge my entire being to this chick are you kidding me

@ellis4091 - 28.02.2019 11:07

Well god killed more than 2 million but the devils influence killed 5 billion or more(not including wars).Also,Stalin and Mao is much more deadlier for they passed 50 million massacred.2 million for those two was just a size of miku's breast.

@ellis4091 - 02.03.2019 06:35

But i gotta admit,her breast didn't even grow at least an inch

@yourneighborlytrashbirb9525 - 16.05.2019 04:58

kinda late, but just wanted to remind people that faith is good, but blind faith is terrible. think of how old the bible is and how many times it's been translated over the years (all them different versions wowo). apparently the "don't be gay" part may just be misinterpretation of "don't be a pedophile." just like in science, it's good to have a healthy amount of skepticism in religion. have a good day (3ovo)3 ~<3

@djgey69 - 04.06.2019 17:53

Miku is a member of team aqua pass it on. "Perhaps making a new ocean would decrease all war and conflict" if that doesn't speak for itself,,,

@sirwilliamlundy2271 - 08.07.2019 23:05

Friend: so what music genre keeps you motivated
Me: it’s a little hard to explain

@puppetaang27 - 01.11.2019 14:26

Idk why people who are religious don’t find this funny I think it’s hilarious and having a grandma who owns a church I’m kinda born in a heavy Christian family this is just comedy gold. I find this to be amazing irony and satire and this just doesn’t throw blows to Christianity it also goes at other religions such as Greek

@BloomBlanche - 07.11.2019 05:21

Don't you just hate it when you're trying to be a goddess and protect the world but then you end up killing everyone?

@Tsukinotaku - 20.03.2020 02:06

Utata-P's Happiness series is truly the best thing that ever happened to Vocaloid along with Wowaka...

@Tsukinotaku - 20.03.2020 02:08

The bible contains so many cruel story and tales that this would be flagged in many countries in the world as unfit material for children to read...

It really shows how... different those times were.

I'm not even talking about the god's action there, the other stories are plenty terrifying themselves...

@Tsukinotaku - 20.03.2020 22:50

So you'll know that weird halo that appears behind Miku before the second part of the song begins...

Well, in the song "The Path to Eternal Happiness...I Found It", which is an earlier song in the Happiness Series, Miku was transformed into an "immortal zombie", Utata-P was actually inspired by voodoo to turn Miku into a Voodoo Goddess (go check the Wikipedia article: Haitian Vodou), and well, this religion actually has ties with Christianity and also have some interesting halo used during their ceremony...

It's a fun theory I think, after all, the songs of Happiness series are supposed to be tied together.

@Insertsmth - 29.03.2020 02:54

Ngl, first riffs remind me of reggae.

@lizatraler7302 - 25.06.2020 13:05

I don't know why I just noticed the air system status on the lower left corner before Miku starts singing

@perrilewis180 - 06.07.2020 06:21

Yeah yeah religion is weird because it's an answer for anxiety monkey brain to understand what everything is but this art is so good. I want to cosplay this miku

@emyushii6597 - 20.07.2020 01:35

She went straight down to hell...

@juegawomandownunder - 17.08.2020 05:11


@sirlundythetoonbint2247 - 09.11.2020 04:18

A goddess singing about a goddess

U N L I M I T E D. P O W E R

@linkforce6078 - 28.12.2020 04:55

I will basically resume all of the Happiness series in a few words:
Happiness, true happiness doesn't exist at all. Nobody can be happy forever, not even Miku (I read some theories about a depressed Miku in Peace and Committee, and I think Path To Happiness too), not even you, not even me. The only thing that can bring you true happiness, is death.

Like I said, in the first two songs of the Happiness series, is about a depressed Miku who wants to be happy again, and want others to be happy as well, whatever the circonstances.
In PoH, she finds her way to the true happiness...

...And the path results to this song: The first step is to kill herself, like that she can be happy, as a goddess, and the second step is to make other people happy by killing them as well, for them to become gods.

In the other songs it's basically the same thing really, but with different Vocaloid, I can't really say more, I didn't listen enough of these songs for now.

@davidphan7984 - 19.03.2021 09:05


@mischiefthedegenerateratto7464 - 30.06.2021 12:32

Ah now I understand why I felt this was cursed

@s3rlsbiggestfan - 05.08.2021 18:48

I literally read the title and saw the cute thumbnail and was like
Ik vocaloids. Too innocent. This will be kinda fucked up

@MyLittleAppleJack555 - 07.08.2021 17:40

"There is a reason in all of God's action", they say.

Oh yeah? Then what was the purpose of making me go through rape, insest, humiliation, physical, emotionnal and sexual abuse since the fucking age of 3?! What's the fucking reason behind that? Why should a litteral child go through this shit?! Just like Maretu says in his song "White Happy", "If there is a reason, than at least make it clear for me"
I understand some people need to believe those things but you don't have to shove it to the face of the ones you don't believe it. If I don't want to believe that god has a reason, it's because there is no fucking reasons in the world that would make this okay. No child should go through this. It doesn't make you stronger, it just breaks you. I'll rather not believe in god than believing he made me go through this shit just to enjoy seeing me suffer okay.
But no offense if you're religious. Just don't use your god as a way to shut victims up when you just don't want to help them okay?

@masterofthecourt5435 - 22.08.2022 16:32

Guys this song is satire, it’s okay if you are an atheist or whatever but for the love of all good, do not use this song as a basis for you lack of faith 💀.

@0_dearghealach_083 - 28.10.2022 17:04

I suppose when Miku said she was a goddess/angel, she must've been thinking of the Old Testament...

In all seriousness, it's a good song! But not everyone will really get that it's just a song, not a narrative on religion.

@urotaion9879 - 15.11.2022 20:34

Why Abrahamic Religion is Terrifying to me: Episode One: This Shit

@swanlove2002 - 14.10.2023 05:38

I grew up in an environment where my parents made sure I grew up in the church. Because of this and the fact I was also an only child, it was easier for me to be controlled and manipulated by those who claim to be “Christian,” or “hearing God Himself.”
During my adolescent years as an evangelical Christian (who also loved anime, KPOP, and Vocaloid), I came across this song, thinking it was “praising God.” However, when I read the English translation after falling in love with the song, I made the hard decision to no longer listen to it, for the sake of “pleasing God,” when in reality, I was just pleasing the Christian influencers around me.
7-8 years later, at age 21 (as of October 13, 2023), after starting my deconstruction journey in 2021 and now considering myself a Progressive Christian Agnostic, I have found this song after some deep searching. And after listening to this song again, I am so happy such a song exists. Such religious cults, especially the types I grew up in, need to be called out for their ridiculousness.
Anyway, I am happy that I am free to like what I like without guilt! 😊

@mikumiku3897 - 18.11.2023 15:13

shiawase na

hitobito no mainichi wo

atataka na

manazashi de mitsumetai

mezame no chiheisen terashi dasu

yozora no hoshi matataki dasu

kore ga watashita-

chi ga kurasu hoshi

me ni utsuru mono

subete kakegae no nai

hikari tsutsumare

kagayaite iru

korera subete ga

watashi no mamoru beki sekai


oinori shimashou ikoi no MASUKU

IKON ni massugu ikou wa mabayuku

hana sakihokoru

tengoku rakuen

How many miles to Babylon...?

akari wo tomoseba mieru no kashira...

KIREI na KIREI na takai tou

nisshouken ni wa jama kashira...

SUTEKI na SUTEKI na takai tou

oinori shimashou RISUTORAKUCHAA

hikage ni naru tochi TAIHEN desu!

tou wa marude hiraishin

nandakanda de tsumi wa sin

kenchiku kijun

ihan ihan

machi no RISUTORA

hakai hakai

koukyoujigyou mo umaremasu

sorede wa yarimasu!

raiun shoukan!

masa ni... masa ni...

megami SAMA!!

oinori shimasho chikai no hiroba

mirai ni massugu KIBOU wa kagayaku

hito ga orinasu

rengoku tougen

How many miles to Hades?

akuma no shiren ni kateru no kashira...

KIREI na KIREI na ningentachi

soushitsu kan ni mo taereru kashira...

SUTEKI na SUTEKI na ningentachi

oinori shimashou shinjiru KOKORO

KIBOU to shinrai minna no rakuen


seizon genri ni tekigou desu

hitsuyou na no wa shinkoushin

nandakanda de sore wa shin

kyousou hette BURUU OOSHAN

sorede wa yarimasu!


masa ni... masa ni...

megami SAMA!!

inochi no kachi wa subete onaji de

hitorihitori ga mina hitoshiku omotai

kamisama dakara kore de ii hazu

minna no inochi hakarazu ni kanjite itai

@W4s4bi1l - 12.01.2024 23:59

Okay, here is my theories on the happiness serie
It's a representation of how ones life is meant to be lived, what is the purpose of our lives : it's happiness
And each song talk about a way of finding happiness

The happiness and peace of mind committee: Trying to act happy for the society to be accepting, because feeling unwell or sad is not normal
Its basically "you're sad ? STOP. "

The path to eternal happiness, I found it : finding happiness by being « selfish », sometimes to get what you want you have to work for it, and sometime the price is huge

There's supposed to be a cheat code in happiness : Living for other's expectations, basically mindlessly following orders, or trying to be successful in life cause it brings happiness, but we're not even sure there's gonna be happiness so we just.. do it, because.. that's what we have to do

A joyful, fun, happiness carnival : (a continuation of the eternal path of happiness , I found it ) represents living in ignorance and selfishly, doing only things that brings joy but ending up being lonely

Not a dream, not a lie [..] : I honestly have NO IDEA

An earnest unrequited love [...] : living for other / living cause you truly love someone and they're your happiness, but when you're Mayu you Must protect your happiness

Hop ! Step ! Instant death : Living your life " fully ", doing wild things to feel happiness and live your life, even if it's dangerous (I'm not sure for that one)

You're seriously mad ? I'm not mistaken here : living for a loved one again, BUT ! You end up being abandoned by said person, congratulations you lost your happiness (I still don't know )


Certainly... Undoubtedly... A goddess ! : living for religion, (religion have saved many) following what a "divinity" is telling you, finding happiness in purity ?
Idk how to explain it ☠️

Tldr ? Every song is explaining / portraying different ways of living life or finding Happiness
Thanks for reading :)

@ikati-elihle - 03.06.2024 04:15

Love this song still
