Website 301 Redirect with an .htaccess file, how to move web pages

Website 301 Redirect with an .htaccess file, how to move web pages


13 лет назад

19,582 Просмотров

Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


@tasmania027 - 13.02.2013 22:57

Thanks for this video! I'm switching over to a new domain and have a large link list (ecommerce website) to redirect to the new domain. My previous site is huge so after I do the redirects can I just delete the old site completely - will it affect anything? Thanks!

@rajeshreddy4733 - 23.04.2020 15:55

thank you bro

@conallen1103 - 04.04.2018 18:44

do 301 redirects only work when the site is live? or does it work locally too?

@juanlugofitness - 14.10.2015 21:09

Thankssss so much. I really needed this. Extremely easy to do.

@TheJulianventer - 11.10.2013 00:07

newscorn I know very little about web design and development and this video saved me from reading loads of tutorials. Just follow the instruction exactly as explained and pay attention.

@newscorn - 05.05.2013 14:28

video is not so clear... use Zooming While recording

@fractonic - 14.02.2013 00:27

My experience is that you can loose a whole lot when moving to a new domain name. Make sure to look at Google Webmaster tools for the most up-to-date advice on the subject.

@darktiger2016 - 31.10.2012 16:14

That's what i'm looking for! My PR come back to me in recent days! Thanks.

@kennethvonrauch6235 - 30.09.2012 02:33

Thanks for the video. I had no idea that it's so easy to redirect :)

@fractonic - 24.09.2012 19:47

More than 3,400 hits, show that very niche content can build your authority and drive traffic.

@fractonic - 24.09.2012 19:17

Zed, moving hosts generally means you keep the same page names, so in theory, you need to do nothing. Redirect is for deleting pages, changing page names, so that you can better inform Google of your actions.

@ZEE-es3jk - 23.09.2012 13:52

Hi, thank you for posting this video. Will this method work even if I'm actually moving the website to a new host?

@martinopeter - 19.09.2012 06:45

solved my problem brilliantly. Thank you!
